. True or False: The function y = (x2 – 4)/(x2 – 4) is continuous for all values of x


Answer 1
False because y is not shown in the Equation

Related Questions

Write and solve a word problem that can be modeled by addition of two negative integers.



Step-by-step explanation:


Max needs to purchase a car and  withdraws $100 from his bank. In a few days he withdraws another $50 to make same repairs. In total what is the change in his bank balance from theese two costs?


(-100) + (-50) =


Answered by G a u t h m a t h

solue for &
X(3 + X) = 3x + x²




which means x=0

PLSSS HELPPPP AYUDA PLSSS URGENT AS WELL PLSS PSL PSL evaluate this expression “(-7x^3 + 9x^2 - 3) x (-2x^2 - 5x + 6)???


Answer: 14x^5 + 17x^4 - 87x^3 + 60x^2 + 15x - 18

Step-by-step explanation: You would need to simplify the expression by using distributive property.

Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.
the sum of 4 and twice a number is 12



4+2x = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

sum means add an is means equal

4+2x = 12

Answer:4 + 2x = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

the sum of 4 and twice a number is 12:

Have a great day! I hope this helps!! :)

Brody works part-time at a veterinarian's office in addition to going to college, and he is paid twice a month. Which type of budget would likely work best for Brody?


The type of budget that would likely work best for Brody is biweeky budget.

Budget is an economic term that refers to the planning and advance formulation of expenses and income. The budget is a tool to organize expenses depending on the amount of money available.

The type of budget that would be best for Brody is a biweekly budget because he receives his payment every fifteen days (twice a month). So, he  can schedule his expenses each time he receives his payment, in this way he  does not spend all his money before he receives the next payment.

Additionally, weekly, monthly, and dairy are not correct options because they do not fit the time periods in which Brody receives payment for his services.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/141889


This question is incomplete because options are missing, here are the options.

Daily budget

Biweekly budget

Monthly budget

Weekly budget

Solve for X. Geometry




Step-by-step explanation:

6+(2x+28)=x+23=-11 -> Answer can't be negative -> 11

If you have nine over 1 cups of jelly worms in a recipe that calls for one over 2 cups of jelly worms how many batches of the recipe can you make




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the information in the figure. If F=116, find E



Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

m∠F = 116°

We have to find the value of mE.

Here, two sides are equal, thus it is an isosceles triangle. As the two sides are equal, so their angles must be equal. So, E and D will be equal. Let us assume the measures of both ∠E and ∠D as x.

→ Sum of all the interior angles of ∆ = 180°

→ ∠E + ∠D + ∠F = 180°

→ 116° + x + x = 180°

→ 2x = 180° – 116°

→ 2x = 64°

→ x = 64° ÷ 2

→ x = 32°


→ m∠E = x

m∠E = 32°

[tex] \\ [/tex]


How do I do this question it is really hard



Step-by-step explanation:

Write the following expression as a simplified polynomial in standard form.




Step-by-step explanation:

I don't know if this is right or not but there ig?

Does the graph represent a linear expression?

Yes or No

Please answer fast!


Yes it does goes over the c axis

Evaluate: ab for a = 2 and b = 5


a:2 and b:5
ab=5×2ab=10answer is option c

please mark this answer as brainlist




Slope is (1/4)

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope is calculated by (6-5)/(5-1)=1/4

69 POINTS !!!!!!!
Which of the following describes the matrix?

[8 9 4]
[5 2 6]
[3 1 7 ]



Answer:  Choice A)  3x3

The 3x3 refers to the number of rows and the number of columns in that order.

As another example, this matrix

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}1 & 7 & 9\\13 & 41 & 2\\5 & 8 & 7\\92 & 3 & 5\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

is a 4x3 matrix because it has 4 rows and 3 columns.

Help pleaseee, I’ll give brainly!



1) 6r+7=13+7r —> 7r–6r=7–13 —> r = – 6

2) 13–4x=1–x —> 4x–x=13–1 —> 3x=12 —> x=12/3 —> x=4

3)–7x–3x+2=–8x–8 —> –8x+7x+3x=2+8 —> 2x=10 –> x= 10/2 –> x= 5

4)–8–x=x–4x —> –x–x+4x=8 —> 2X=8 —> x= 8/2 —> x= 4

5) –14+6b+7-2b=1+5b —> 5b +2b –6b = –14+7–1 —> b=–8

6) n+2=–14–n —> n+n=–14–2 —> 2n = –16 —> n = – 16/ 2 —> n = – 8

7) n – 3n = 14 –4n —> n –3n + 4n = 14 —> 2n = 14 —> n = 14/ 2 —> n = 7

8) 7a – 3 = 3 + 6a —> 7a – 6a = 3 + 3 —> a = 6

9) 3(1–3x ) =2(–4x+7) —> 3 –9x = –8x+14 —> 9x–8x = 3–14 —> x = –11

10) –10 +x+4–5 =7x –5 —> 7x–x = –10+4–5 +5 —> 6x = –6 —> x= –6/6 —> x = –1

11) –8n +4(1+5n)=–6n–14 —> –8n +4 + 20n = – 6n– 14

20n –8n +6n= –14 –4 —> 18n = – 18 —> n = –18/18 —> n = –1

12) –6n–20=–2n +4(1–3n) —> –6n –20 = – 2n +4 –12n —> 12n +2n –6n = 4 +20 —> 8n =24 —> n = 24/8 —> n =3

I hope I helped you^_^



6r + 7 = 13 +7r

6r - 7r = 13-7

-r = 6

r = 6


13 - 4x = 1-x

-4x +x = 1 -13

-3x = -12

x = -12 / -3

x = 4


-7x - 3x + 2 = -8x -8

-10x +2 = -8x -8

-10x +8x = -8 -2

-2x = -6

x = -6 / -2

x = 3


-8 - x  = x- 4x

-8 - x  = -3x

-x + 3x = -8

2x = -8

x = -8 / 2

x = -4


-14 + 6b + 7 -2b = 1 + 5b

-7 + 4b = 1 + 5b

4b - 5b = 1 + 7

-b = 8

b = -8


n + 2 = -14 -n

n + n = -14 -2

2n = - 16

n = -16 / 2

n = -8


n - 3n = 14 -4n

-2n = 14 - 4n

-2n +4n = 14

2n = 14

n = 14 /2

n = 7


7a - 3 = 3 + 6a

7a - 6a = 3 +3

a = 6


3 ( 1 - 3x ) = 2 (-4x + 7)

3 - 9x = -8x +14

-9x +8x  = 14 - 3

-x = 11

x = -11


-10 + x + 4 - 5 = 7x - 5

-10 +x -1 = 7x - 5

-11 + x = 7x - 5

-11 + 5 = 7x -x

-6 = 6x

x = -6/6

x = -1


-8n + 4 ( 1 + 5n ) = -6n -14

-8n + 4 + 20n = -6n -14

12n +4 = -6n -14

12n  + 6n = -14 -4

18n = -18

n = -18/18

n = -1


-6n - 20 = -2n + 4 ( 1 - 3n)

-6n - 20 = -2n + 4 - 12n

-6n - 20 = -14n +4

-20 -4 = -14n +6n

-24 = 8n

n = -24/8

n = -3

Solve for p.







Step-by-step explanation:

-19p - 2p + 16p + 12 = -18

-5p + 12 = -18

-5p = -30

p = 6


p = 6

Step-by-step explanation:


- 19p - 2p + 16p + 12 = - 18 ( simplify left side )

- 5p + 12 = - 18 ( subtract 12 from both sides )

- 5p = - 30 ( divide both sides by - 5 )

p = 6

in 16 years, Marissa will be five times older than she is today. How old is she?




Step-by-step explanation:

1 5

2 10

3 15

4 20

i wrote it out




Marissa is currently four years old.

What is algebra?

Algebra is a discipline of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules that govern their use.

Equations in mathematics express relationships between variables in the same way that sentences indicate relationships between specific words.

Let's represent Marissa's current age "x".

According to the given question, in 16 years she will be five times older than she is today, which we can express as:

x + 16 = 5x

Solving for x, we can subtract x from both sides:

16 = 4x

Dividing both sides by 4, we get:

x = 4

Therefore, Marissa is currently 4 years old.

To learn more about the Algebra link is given below.



What is | −34 | ?
l l
l l


Step-by-step explanation:


| −34 |

= 34


| | are absolute symbols so it's denote only the neutral number such as, | - 1 | = 1



Step-by-step explanation:


The absolute value bars means taking the non-negative value

|-34| = 34

Please do a explanation:’)



3x-3xy-2xy-5x+6. ( multiply the number that were outside the bracket)

By BODMAS rule...

= 3x-5x-3xy-2xy+6

= -2x-5xy+6

hope you understood...

Answer and Step-by-step explanation:

We are given an expression to simplify. According to PEMDAS

(Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtract [in that order]), we need to start with the parentheses first.

With what we are given, we need to multiply the value outside of the parenthesis to the values inside the parenthesis.

Start with the first set of terms in the expression.

3(x - xy)

We need to multiply 3 to the x and negative xy.

3x - 3xy

Now we go to the next set of terms in the expression.

-x(2y + 5)

Distribute the x (multiply) to the 2y and 5.

-2xy - 5x

Now, we combine like terms within the entire expression.

Combining like terms is essentially saying to combine the terms that have similar properties/values. We have values that have an x with it, and xy with it, and no variables with it. We can combine only the values with the x variable together, and the values with the xy variable can only be combined together. The values without the variables (if you have more than one), will combine only with each other.

3x - 3xy - 2xy - 5x + 6


-5xy - 2x + 6   <- This is the final answer; the simplified version of the expression.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Daniel buys a new car.

In the first year, the value of the car decreases by 12% of its original value.

The value of the car at the end of the first year is £9680.

(a) Work out the original value of the car.

The value of the car at the end of the first year is £9680.
In each of the second year, the third year, fourth year and the fifth year, the value of the car decreases by
x% of its value at the beginning of each year.
The value of the car at the end of the fifth year is £5000.
(b) Work out the value of x.
Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.



Step-by-step explanation:

Value of the car at the end of the first year = £9680

Depreciation = 12 %

Original price = £ x

If we reduce 12% of original price from x, we will get £9680

x - 12% of x  = £ 9680

[tex]x-\frac{12}{100}x=9680\\\\\\\frac{88}{100}x=9680\\\\x=9680*\frac{100}{88}\\\\x = 11000[/tex]

Original price  = £ 11000

Andrew believes the honor roll students at his school have an unfair advantage in being assigned to the math class they request. He asked 500 students at his school the following questions: "Are you on the honor roll?" and "Did you get the math class you requested?” The results are shown in the table below:

Help Andrew determine if all students at his school have an equal opportunity to get the math class they requested. Show your work and explain your process for determining the fairness of the class assignment process. ​



Honor students have a probability of 43% to non-honor students 25%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Prob of honor student getting math class choice = 215/500 = 43%

Prob of non-honor student getting math class choice = 125/500 = 25%

Explain why they substituted cos(60) with 1/2 ?

(Look at image)


9514 1404 393


  equals can be substituted anytime anywhere

Step-by-step explanation:

cos(60°) = 1/2, so wherever one appears, the other can be substituted. This is allowed by the substitution property of equality.


If you don't substitute at some point, you find the answer to be ...

  x = 10/cos(60°)

Most of us are interested in a numerical value for x, so we prefer that cos(60°) be replaced by a numerical value.

In the town of Rockville, 35 of the students in middle school participate in organized sports after school. If 14 of them play basketball, what fraction of the students play basketball?




Step-by-step explanation:

The fraction that play basketball is the number that play basketball over the total


Divide the top and bottom by 7


To join the tennis club, there is a $10.20
initial fee and a $3.90 yearly fee. What
would be the value of the slope in this
Use this space to write down notes or work through problems
Your teacher will see what you wrate.




Step-by-step explanation:


y = Total fee

Initial fee = $10.20

Yearly fee = $3.90

Number of years = x

The equation:

y = 3.90x + 10.20


y = mx + c


x = slope

c = y - intercept


The y - intercept from y = 3.90x + 10.20 is 10.20

if the ordered pairs (x-2,3y+1) and (y+1,x+3) are equal,find x and y
plz help me ​






find the common ratio 3, 9, 27, 81



Multiplying by 3

Step-by-step explanation

3 to 9 = 3 x 3

9 to 27 = 9 x 3

27 to 81 = 27 x 3

Therefore, the common ratio is multiplying by 3
The answer is 3

81/27 = 3
27/9 = 3
9/3 = 3

Solve the equation |8y+4|=2|y−1|.


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto |8y+4|=2|y-1|[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 8y+4=2y-1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 8y-2y=-1-4[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 6y=-5[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{-5}{6}[/tex]

7t + 6 + 3v + 6v
Hey can someone help ne



7t + 6 + 9v

Step-by-step explanation:

7t + 6 + 3v + 6v (since 3v and 6v are like terms you will add them both.)

7t + 6 + 9v

Hope this helps, thank you :) !!



Step-by-step explanation:


7t has no opponent it is =7t

6 is on it own =6

3v+6v=9v,reason is 3v has an opponent which is 6v so addition of 3v and 6v is =9v

so ur ans. is =7t+6+9v

factor and solve problem in picture pleaseeee


I hope it's right have a great day :)

3. Find the product, using suitable properties :
a) 26 x (-48) + (-48) x (-36)
b) 625 x (-35) + (-625) x 65

please answer fast 10 marks


a) 26 x (-48) + (-48) x (-36) = ( –1248) + ( + 1728) = – 1248+ 1728 = 480

b) 625 x (-35) + (-625) x 65 = ( –21875) + ( –40625) = – 21875 –40625 = –62500

I hope I helped you^_^

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