truyền thống văn hóa việt nam tác động đến sự hình thành tư tưởng hồ chí minh


Answer 1


Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh là một hệ thống quan điểm và tư tưởng của Hồ Chí Minh trong sự nghiệp cách mạng của ông được Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam tổng kết, hệ thống hóa. Hệ thống tư tưởng này bao gồm những quan điểm về những vấn đề cơ bản của cách mạng Việt Nam,[1] từ cách mạng dân tộc dân chủ nhân dân đến cách mạng xã hội chủ nghĩa; vận dụng và phát triển Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin vào điều kiện cụ thể của Việt Nam.[2]

Các nội dung trong tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh được hình thành và phát triển gắn với các thời kì hoạt động của Hồ Chí Minh trong phong trào cách mạng Việt Nam và quốc tế[3] vào đầu và giữa thế kỷ 20. Giáo trình tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh nhận định Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh là sự kết tinh của văn hóa dân tộc Việt Nam, tư tưởng cách mạng Pháp, tư tưởng tự do của Hoa Kỳ, lý tưởng cộng sản Marx - Lenin, tư tưởng văn hóa phương Đông, văn hóa phương Tây và phẩm chất cá nhân của Hồ Chí Minh.[4]

Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh đã được xác định là một hệ tư tưởng chính thống của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam bên cạnh chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin, được chính thức đưa ra từ Đại hội VII của Đảng. Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, Nhà nước Việt Nam cùng các quan điểm chính thống ở Việt Nam hiện nay đều thống nhất đánh giá Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh chính là cách vận dụng sáng tạo Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin trong điều kiện cụ thể của Việt Nam và coi tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh đã trở thành một tài sản tinh thần quý báu của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam và của dân tộc Việt Nam.[5] Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam xác định lấy Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin và tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh là kim chỉ nam cho mọi hành động và thắng lợi của cách mạng Việt Nam.[6][7] Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam luôn tăng cường tuyên truyền thúc đẩy việc học tập và làm theo Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh ở tất cả các tầng lớp trong xã hội.

Phần lớn các giáo trình tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh không phân tích các quan điểm của ông theo các thời kỳ lịch sử, không phân tích cụ thể các tác phẩm của ông theo chiều thời gian. Điển hình như năm 1930 khi thành lập Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, ông cho rằng đấu tranh giải phóng dân tộc đi kèm đấu tranh giải phóng giai cấp. Khi thành lập Việt Minh thì gác lại chủ trương đấu tranh giai cấp mà thực hiện đấu tranh đòi các quyền tự do dân chủ và đoàn kết toàn dân chống phát xít theo đường lối Quốc tế Cộng sản (chủ trương này khá trùng lặp với đường lối của Nguyễn Văn Cừ khi làm Tổng bí thư). Đến giai đoạn năm 1945, khi cần tranh thủ sự ủng hộ của Đồng Minh cho nền độc lập của Việt Nam, ông tuyên bố "giải tán Đảng Cộng sản Đông Dương" và tán dương nền dân chủ.

Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh chỉ chính thức đưa vào Cương lĩnh của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam năm 1991, sau khi công cuộc Đổi mới phát động, chấp thuận phân hóa giai cấp, nhiều lý luận của chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin không có tính khả thi trong cơ chế thị trường phải gác lại như đạo đức xã hội chủ nghĩa, xây dựng con người xã hội chủ nghĩa, làm theo năng lực hưởng theo lao động trên toàn xã hội... (chủ nghĩa cộng sản đặt ra mục tiêu cuối cùng là xóa bỏ giai cấp, bóc lột, xóa bỏ giàu - nghèo, làm theo năng lực hưởng theo nhu cầu, công hữu trên nền tảng dân chủ, xóa bỏ giáo điều tôn giáo được xem là mị dân, xóa bỏ nhà nước đi đến dân chủ trực tiếp và bình đẳng, xóa bỏ các đường biên giới quốc gia, đưa các dân tộc đến cùng một lợi ích, xóa bỏ bất bình đẳng giữa các dân tộc trên phạm vi thế giới...). Các giáo trình của Việt Nam thường khai thác tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh theo chiều hướng trên.


Related Questions

Elabora tu opinión acerca de los cambios y permanencias que crees que han ocurrido en el Perú tomando en cuenta el himno nacional


the Answer is B


The answer is A and B

How and why did the British North American Colonies (Canada) had a role in the United States Civil War?


Although Canada was part of Britain until 1867 and officially neutral, Canadians fought on both sides. The pressures of the 1861-65 Civil War, and the threat of an American invasion, helped urge Canada to its own confederation and independence.

What was the Catholic Church's reaction against the Protestant Reformation called?


Answer: Counter-Reformation


The Catholic Church's reaction against the Protestant Reformation was referred to as the Counter-Reformation.

During Counter-Reformation, the efforts of the Roman Catholic were directed against the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century and then directed towards the internal renewal.

The Counter Reformation occurred before the act of Martin Luther where Ninety Five theses were mailed to the Castle Church door.

What role did teenagers play during the Holocaust?


When the war in Europe ended in May 1945, more than 1 million and perhaps as many as 1.5 million Jewish children were dead
they played as the bad guys lolololokololololololol

Which of the following countries
surrendered during WWII?
A. Japan & China
B. Germany & France
C. Japan & Germany




Japan & Germany


the United States drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki Japan causing them to surrender.

Germany losing many soldiers and leaders

Islam recognizes Jesus and Moses. Does this mean that Islam respects other religions?





They are not dismissing that there could be Jesus and Moses, this leads me to believe that they do have some level of respect for other religions, if they can "respect" one.

Yes, they’re a very restful religion and feel other religions are just as valid

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He ran out of money; mounting debt


According to the American colonists, a government is only legitimate if it has

direct or pure democracy
consent of the governed
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contracts with citizens



consent of the governed


According to the American colonists, a government is only legitimate if it has consent of the governed

The consists are people who rebelled against British rule of America and declared independence in 1776, going ahead to form the America we all know today.

They were people-oriented and had the interest of the people at heart when deciding on the Constitution

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A. both were devoted to the ideology of fascism.
B. both resisted government control over citizens lives
C. both base their ideologies on religious fundamentalism
D. both sought to overthrow the marxist of their country


D. The reasoning behind this is because Adolfo hitler and Benito Mussolini starting fighting because they both wanted power to take over certain countries .

What was an effect of Jay's Treaty in 1794?



British manufactured goods overwhelmed US markets, while US manufactured goods were delayed by British trade restrictions and taxes.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


which situation best illustrates the influence of islam in arbia?

A. An aspirant joins a monastery to live according to the Bible
B. A serf who works for a lord is bound to the land
C. A trader becomes wealthy by trading goods from Asia
D. An adherent makes a pilgrimage to Mecca

C I believe is the correct answer but please help



D. An adherent makes a pilgrimage to Mecca


The situation that best illustrates the influence of Islam in Arabia is that an adherent makes a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

3) ¿Qué importancia tiene la obra de Cézanne en la obra de los Cubistas?
A ¿Qué toman Picasso y Braque de las investigaciones cezannianas?
B ¿Qué dejan de lado, y por qué, de las investigaciones cezannianas?


I have no clue hahah I am only 12

How did "the loyal
American people”
see the
Reconstruction Act?



The Southerners did not like the Reconstruction Act..and did all they could until they eventually destroyed it


This is all I know....

Other groups have suffered unequal treatment. Choose one group and summarize this groups struggle for civil rights.



The Civil War in the United States began in 1861, after decades of simmering tensions between northern and southern states over slavery, states' rights and westward expansion.


It is estimated that approximately 3,500 Hispanics, mostly Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans (Puerto Rico and Cuba were Spanish colonies) living in the United States joined the war: 2,500 for the Confederacy and 1,000 for the Union. This number increased to 10,000 by the end of the war.


In many cases, women took over the management of shops, farms, and plantations. Black and white mothers struggled to provide shelter, nourishment, and safety for their families, and they faced additional challenges in disciplining their children without a father's assistance.

Civil war for sure on this one

To what extent was John F. Kennedy's approach to the Cold War different from Harry Truman's? Address both what changed and what stayed the same?


double check the work

5) 5. A cooper was a: (10pts)
O preacher
O school teacher
race car driver
barrel maker
None of the


Barrel Maker
A cooper is a person trained to make wooden barrels.
Barrel Maker

A cooper is what we now refer to as a barrel maker. They would make, supply, and repair barrels for individuals and companies. Now that barrels have become a rarely used commodity, coopers work to repair antique barrels and make barrels in small amounts.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

The government had never intervened in the ways FDR proposed in his first 100 days. Why do you think
this happened? Explain.



they simply didn't have the power to

American history underwent a sea change during FDR's first 100 days. They helped build the groundwork for the modern welfare state by demonstrating that the government might contribute positively to the economy.

The government had never intervened in the ways that FDR suggested in his first 100 days, for a number of reasons.

In American history, the Great Depression was a singular occurrence. Unprecedented levels of economic collapse have occurred, and conventional government intervention strategies were failing. FDR thought that in order to boost the economy and bring relief to the populace, the government needed to play a more active role.Political change was long overdue. Because of the way the Hoover administration handled the Great Depression, it was widely believed that the government needed to act differently. FDR was able to take advantage of this emotion and get support for his New Deal initiatives from the general population.

Hence, While the Great Depression was a singular event in American history, the political environment was favorable for change, and FDR was a compelling and persuasive leader, the government had never engaged in the ways he suggested in his first 100 days.

Learn more about FDR's first 100 days, here:


How did toussaint l'ouverture affect the haitian revolution?


I would say D is the right answer

Which ONE is FALSE regarding the Scientific Testing of the Shroud?


Answer: Shroud believers maintain that the stains are blood marks from the wounds of Jesus but most test results indicate paint has been used in those areas.


The scientists of the Shroud of Turin Research Project who released their findings in 1988, wrote that the blood stains on the shroud were made of hemoglobin and had albumin as well.

This confirms that these were indeed blood stains and not paint as suggested because both hemoglobin and albumin are substances that are present in the human blood.

why did the united states of america became a democratic republic?



I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too.

What role did teenagers play during the Holocaust? Minimum of 5 sentences.



Thousands of Jewish children survived this brutal carnage, however, many because they were hidden. With identities disguised, and often physically concealed from the outside world, these youngsters faced constant fear, dilemmas, and danger. Theirs was a life in shadows, where a careless remark, a denunciation, or the murmurings of inquisitive neighbors could lead to discovery and death. The Nazis advocated killing children of “unwanted” or “dangerous” groups either as part of the “racial struggle” or as a measure of preventative security. The Germans and their collaborators killed children for these ideological reasons and in retaliation for real or alleged partisan attacks.


How did Hitler end the Great Depression in Germany? How does this connect to the
strategy of the United States to combat the depression?



The stock market crash on October 24, 1929, marked the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States. The day became known as "Black Thursday," Many factors had led to that moment. World War I, changing American ideas of debt and consumption, and an unregulated stock market all played pivotal roles in the economic collapse.


World War I transformed the United States from a relatively small player on the international stage into a center of global finance. American industry had supported the Allied war effort, resulting in a massive influx of cash into the US economy. As the war interrupted existing global trade relationships, the United States stepped in as the main supplier of goods, including weapons and ammunition. These purchases left European countries deeply in debt to the United States.

After the war, the United States began a period of diplomatic isolation. It enacted and raised tariffs in 1921 and 1922 to bolster American industry and keep foreign products out.

In the 1920s (the “Roaring Twenties”) many American consumers, assuming economic prosperity would continue indefinitely, took on large amounts of personal debt, sometimes at extremely high interest rates. Factories depended on these consumers continuing to purchase their goods.

Finally, the stock market, based on Wall Street in New York City, was loosely regulated. There were few rules to ensure invested money was safe. Speculators began to deliberately manipulate stock prices, buying and selling in order to increase their returns. Only a small number of Americans purchased stock directly, most believing that the market values would continue to increase. Many investors, comfortable with debt, bought stocks “on the margin,” using a small personal investment to pay a portion of the actual share value while borrowing the rest from a bank or other lender. They assumed the stock price would rise and they would be able to repay the balance of the loan from their investment profits. This system worked well, until the stock decreased in value.

Analyze More’s Utopia as a representation of Humanist literature. Identify the problems in English/European society presented by More. Determine the most serious problem and explain why you chose it.



Explanation is as follows;


In many ways, Thomas More's Utopia is a classic example of Italian renaissance. Utopia, like Copernicus' The Triumph or praise of Folly and Valla's Mostly on Correct and Incorrect Good, shows a humanist fascination in native language and structures, and was obsessed with old philosophical perspectives on ethical ideals.

Which scenario best illustrates the principle of checks and balances?


The correct answer is D. Congress overrides a presidential veto of a law that establishes a new tax.


The principle of checks and balances is a principle of government (constitutional) in which it is established that the branches of the public power (judicial, executive, and legislative) have the right and the duty to act to avoid actions of other branches to power is balanced between the three branches. According to the above, the correct answer is D. Congress overrides a presidential veto of a law that establishes a new tax because it illustrates a situation in which the branch of the legislature (Congress) avoids an action by the branch of the executive branch (president).

How did the Magna Carta change the relationship between the monarch and the people?

It made the monarch first among equals.
It allowed the people to choose the monarch.
It made the monarch accountable to the people.
It placed limits on the monarch’s power.



it placed limits on the monarchs power.


D or number 4, It placed limits on the monarch’s power.


they wanted to be free pf tyranny

consulta otras fuentes con ayuda de tu profesor o profesora y responde las siguientes preguntas :¿en que contexto se habra realizado este tipo de representación ?¿con que finalidad representaban la venado?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, tu pregunta está incompleta. No anexaste el dibujo, fotografía, representación, ejemplo, texto. No anexaste nada. ¿A qué te refieres?

¿Cómo te podemos ayudar si no anexaste nada? No hay ninguna referencia.

Sin embargo, con objeto de ayudarte, hicimos una profunda investigación y podemos comentarte lo siguiente.

La representación es de un dibujo exhibido en el Museo Larco, en Lima, Perú. En este dibujo observamos una representación de algunos indígenas que están cazando un venado. Este dibujo es parte de una vasija o botella pictórica de cerámica.

El contexto en el que se habría realizado este tipo de representación es de una forma de la vida prehispánica de las tribus en el Perú, que tenían la necesidad de salir a cazar sus alimentos para poder alimentar a sus familias y sustituir.

La finalidad de representar el venado era porque este animal tenía una connotación importante por el significado que tenía para los indígenas de la época. El venado, como otros animales, era considerado como un miembro de la familia de las tribus indígenas. Se les honraba porque era una fuente de alimento. Los cazaban para alimentarse, no para destruirlos. Por eso los honraban, así como honraba a Madre Naturaleza por todo lo que les proporcionaba para vivir.

Ese respeto y relación que tenían con los animales lo dejaron plasmado en murales, piedras, pictogramas, esculturas y dibujos en diferentes accesorios como las vasijas y jarrones.

Reformers knew that positive social change needs:
O A. Powerful leaders.
B. Good newspapers.
O C. Fine entertainment.
O D. An educated public.



D. An educated public.


Reformers are religious revolutionists who rejected the authority of religious leaders and principles of Catholicism and one of the greatest and most famous reformer was Martin Luther.

Therefore, reformers knew that positive social change needs an educated public.

This was because, a lot of people at that time were illiterates and easily gullible

Why were people able to invent new things and perfect their crafts after the agricultural revolution?



poor people. is answer ✓

Read the excerpt from the Judge Irving Kaufman’s statement sentencing Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to be executed in 1951.

"No one can say that we do not live in a constant state of tension. We have evidence of your treachery all around us every day—for the civilian defense activities throughout the nation are aimed at preparing us for an atom bomb attack.”

Based on the excerpt, which is the best reason that the Rosenbergs’ actions required such a severe sentence?

A.There was a need to make citizens fear being called communist.
B.The sentence was needed to ease the tension Americans were feeling.
C.The secrets given to the USSR could leave the US open to atomic attack.
D.The judge wanted to make Americans watch their neighbors for signs of treason.


Answer: The answer is C

Explanation: The secret given to the USSR could leave the US open to atomic attack.


The Correct Answer is C


Took the test

Sry I'm late I hope this could help everyone else,


What problems exist with the Electoral College?
A. Large states are over represented in the electoral college
B. State by state set up of the College, states that are safe to lose
C. Large states get all of the attention
D. its outcome can differ from the outcome of an actual citizen voting (popular vote)



D. its outcome can differ from the outcome of an actual citizen voting (popular vote)


Electoral College consists of a system where each state has a certain amount of electors based on the number of representatives in Congress and this is used sometimes to determine election winners.

Therefore, one of the major problems that exist with the Electoral College is that its outcome can differ from the outcome of an actual citizen voting (popular vote)

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O b) Tell him to apply for a different job within the organization that does not b) require computer usage. 12 Od Tell him that he might want to schedule an eye exam. c) d) Provide access to technology that can magnify or read what is on the computer screen. Question # 1Fill in the BlankComplete the following sentence. Mobility refers to the ability to _____. The density of toluene (C7H8) is 0.867 and that of thiophene (C4H4S) is 1.065 g/ml. A solution is made by dissolving 10.00g thiophene in 250.00ml of toluene. a)Calculate the molarity of the solution b)Assuming the volume are addictive ,calculate the molarity of the solution Two train 75 km apart approach each other on parallel tracks, each moving at15km/h. A bird flies back and forth between the trains at 20km/h until the trains passeach other. How far does the bird fly? The Nepalese have the trend of working in foreign countries for long. What might be the benefits and drawbacks of brain drain? Point out three for each. Hi Jane!I've been meaning to write for ages and finally today I'm actually doing something about it. Not that I'm trying to make excuses for myself, it's been really hard to sit down and write, as I've been moving around so much. Since we last saw each other I've unpacked my bags in four different cities.I went from London to Prague to set up a new regional office there. You know I'd always wanted to go, but maybe I was imagining Prague in spring when I used to talk about that. Winter was really hard, with minus 15 degrees in the mornings and dark really early in the evening. But at least it was blue skies and white snow and not days on end of grey skies and rain, like at home.From there I was on another three-month mission to oversee the set-up of the office in New York. Loved, loved, loved New York! It's like being in one big TV show, as everywhere looks just a little bit familiar. I did every tourist thing you can think of when I wasn't working, and must have spent most of my salary on eating out. It was really hard to leave for the next job, especially as I kind of met someone (!) More about Michael later ...So then I was posted to LA, which felt like a whole other country compared with the East Coast. I could definitely get used to that kind of outdoor, beach lifestyle, but I didn't spend as much time getting to know California as I could have because I was flying back to see Michael every other weekend. He came to see me when he could, but his job means he's often working at weekends, so he couldn't make the flight very often. Those three months flew by and then I was off again, to Frankfurt, which is where I am now. And ... so is Michael! He got a month off work and we're trying to work out how we can be in the same place at the same time for a while. We figure the first step in that direction is getting married, which is also why I wanted to write I can't get married without my oldest friend there! The wedding's going to be at home in London in September and I hope you can come!Anyway, tell me all your news and I promise not to leave it so long this time! Lots of love,Kath Question 1: What was the authors purpose(s) in writing this text?Question 2: How was the text organized?Question 3: How do the type/ topic/ ideas from the text relate to things you have been doing?Question 4: If you were Jane, what would you write to reply Kath? what do most elections for local state and federal offices have in common Lucia quiere repartir 4/5 litros de leche entre sus dos hijos en partes iguales. Cunto le dar a cada hijo? Sofia bought a couch that required a $60 down payment and $60 per month for the next eight months. 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