two people are on a train that is moving at 10 m/s north. they are walking 1 m/s south relative to the train. relative to the ground, their motion is 9 m/s north. why are we able to use these motions to describe the motion relative to the ground?


Answer 1

We are able to use these motions to describe The people are moving much slower than the speed of light so the ground acts as a frame of reference. The correct option is A.

What is motion example?

Motion is the visa free travel of a body in relation to time. For instance, the fan, the carpet's dust blowing off of it, the water running from the faucet, a ball spinning around, sound moving automobile, etc. Even the cosmos is always changing.

Is force in motion?

Motion is only motion that needs an external force to operate upon it. Example of forces that may speed up or slow down a lot include pushing and tugging. At-a-distance forces and contact forces are the two different forms of forces. Additionally, mass and friction are crucial.

To know more about Motion visit:


The complete question is -

Two people are on a train that is moving at 10 m/s north. They are walking 1 m/s south relative to the train. Relative to the ground, their motion is 9 m/s north.

Why are we able to use these motions to describe the motion relative to the ground?

A-The motion of everything in the Universe besides light can be described in this way.

B- The people are moving much slower than the speed of light so the ground acts as a frame of reference.

C- As long as the frame of reference is stationary, all motion can be described in this way.

D-If one object is moving much slower than the speed of light, its speed can be added to that of another object.

Related Questions

A mercury barometer reads 760mmHg at the top of a mountain. If the density of mercury is 13600kg/m3 and average density of air is 1.30kg/m3,calculate the heigt of the mountain​


Answer: To calculate the height of the mountain, you can use the fact that atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. This relationship is described by the equation:

P = P0 * e^(-h/H)

where P is the atmospheric pressure at a given altitude, P0 is the atmospheric pressure at sea level, h is the altitude, and H is a constant known as the scale height.

Since the atmospheric pressure at the top of the mountain is known (760mmHg), and the atmospheric pressure at sea level is a standard value (approximately 101325 Pa), we can rearrange the above equation to solve for h:

h = -H * ln(P/P0)

Plugging in the known values, we have:

h = -H * ln(760mmHg / 101325 Pa)

= -H * ln(0.00750062)

The scale height of the atmosphere can be calculated using the ideal gas law:

H = RT / g

where R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature of the air, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Plugging in the known values, we have:

H = (8.31 J/mol*K) * (288 K) / (9.81 m/s^2)

= 7478.9 m

Substituting this value back into the equation for h gives:

h = -7478.9 m * ln(0.00750062)

= -7478.9 m * (-3.876)

= 28934.7 m

Therefore, the height of the mountain is approximately 28,934 meters.

the mgf has a faster conduction velocity compared with the lgf on an earth worm, because the mgf has (is)


Due to its larger diameter than the lgf, the mgf on an earth worm has a higher conduction velocity.

How come MGN is quicker than LGN?

The class proposed that because the MGN has a bigger axon width, its conduction velocity will conduct an action potential more quickly than the LGN. Usually, an axon's myelin thickness increases together with its diameter.

What accelerates the motion of action potentials?

The speed of action potential propagation along the axon increases with axon diameter. The sodium ions can migrate more quickly to produce the regeneration of the action potential in the following axon because a larger axon provides less resistance to the flow of ions.

Learn more about axon here:


how fast would she have to be running for her race to appear to her to be only 91 yd long? give your answer in terms of c.


1.81*10^8m/s is the speed with which she have to be running for her 100m race to appear to be only 91 yard long.

What is the Speed?The rate at which an object's location changes in any direction is what is known as speed. The distance traveled in relation to the time it took to travel that distance is how speed is defined. The Speed just has a direction and does not have magnitude hence, speed is a scalar quantity.



Race length=100M=L

she has to appear=91yd

to find this we need to


1 yard =0.9144 meter

hence, L=91yard*0.9144/1


now do as follows:

L=[tex]L_{o}[/tex][tex]\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2} }{c^{2} } }[/tex]

Solving the equation we get

v=2*9.88^8*[tex]\sqrt{\frac{83.21^{2} }{100^{2} } }[/tex]


To know more about speed visit


The complete question is:

How fast would she have to be running for her 100m race to appear to be only 91 yard long? give your answer in terms of c.

a simple harmonic oscillator consists of a block of mass 4.2 kg and spring with spring constant 229 n/m on a frictionless horizontal surface. the block is moved from equilibrium and released from rest. if the block's maximum speed 13.6 m/s, calculate the amplitude a of the motion in meters.


The amplitude a of the motion is 0.498m.

What is meant by energy conservation?

energy-saving measures A fundamental law of physics and chemistry states that an isolated system's total energy remains constant despite internal changes. The first law of thermodynamics is based on this principle, which is most frequently stated as "energy cannot be created or destroyed."

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, according to the law of conservation of energy. For instance, when you roll a toy car down a ramp and it collides with a wall, kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.

Using conservation energy:

Loss in kinetic energy = gaining in spring

1/2mv² = 1/2kd²

mv² = kd²

d² = mv²/k

d² = 4.2×13.6/229

d² = 0.249

d = 0.498m.

To know more about conservation energy visit:


a system releases heat to the surroundings and no work is done on or by the system. what are the signs of qsystem and wsystem?


Heat that is emitted into the environment is harmful. The system's work output is zero.

The movement of mechanical energy from one item to another is referred to as work. Work is measured in the same units as energy since it is a movement of energy: joules (J). The total energy of an object will change as a force is applied to it across a distance. The object's kinetic energy will vary as a result of either acceleration or deceleration. Its potential energy will change, for instance, if it is raised up to a given height while being pulled by gravity.

Hence, sign are used based on the release and absorbed.

To know more about Thermodynamics law.


you work at a garden store for the summer. you lift a bag of fertilizer with a force of 131 n, and it moves upward with an acceleration of 0.790 m/s2. (a) what is the mass (in kg) of the fertilizer bag?


Mass of the fertilizer bag is 165.82 kg


According to Newton's law,

F = m*a

So, m= F/a

m= 131/0.790

m= 165.82 kg

What is mass?

Mass is the measure of matter of a body.

What is Newton's laws?

Newton has stated three laws of motion. The first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force compels it to change its state of action .

The second law states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object.

The third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

To know more such numericals, visit :


the star antares has an apparent magnitude of 1.0 and the star procyon has an apparent magnitude of 0.4. which star appears brighter in the sky?


Procyon appears brighter in the sky.

What is star antares ?

An M1 red supergiant star is the type of star that Antares belongs to. Antares is substantially cooler and redder in color than most other stars, as indicated by its M1 designation. About 6,100 degrees Fahrenheit is the surface temperature (3,400 degrees C).

The brightest star in the constellation Scorpio, the scorpion, is Antares, which is frequently referred to as the scorpion's heart. The star is a red supergiant with a mass that is around 12 times that of the sun, a diameter that is 750 times that of the sun, and a luminosity that is more than 75,000 times greater.

TO know more about star antares you may visit:


a motorcyclist moves at a constant speed down one hill and up another hill along the smooth curved surface. when the motorcyclist reaches the lowest point of the curve its velocity and acceleration directions are: (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. a car moves along the curved track. what is the apparent weight of the driver when the car reaches the lowest point of


At the lowest point of the curve, the motorcyclist's velocity would be tangential to the curve.

Motorcyclists' velocity would be parallel to the surface of the road. The acceleration of the motorcyclist would be directed opposite the direction of the velocity, meaning it would be directed uphill.

At the lowest point of the curve, the direction of the net force on the driver, Fn, would be directed towards the center of the curve. This is because the velocity of the driver is tangential to the curve, and the centripetal force is directed toward the center of the curve to provide the necessary acceleration to keep the driver on the curve.

For more questions like Motorcyclists' velocity click the link below:


A 1.5 kg block is on a 15° frictionless incline plane.

a) What is the normal force?

b) What is the downhill force?

c) What is the acceleration?





Normal force will be   mg cos 15° = 1.5*9.81 cos 15°   Newtons

Downplane force will be  mg sin 15° = 1.5 * 9.81  sin 15°    N


F = ma

F/m = a

1.5 ( 9.81) sin 15° / 1.5   m/s^2  = a

The adjacent figure shows a solid 'S' of weight 15N connected to a thread and put on an inclined plane. 1) a-Is the weight of solid 'S' a contact force or a force acting from a distance? b- List the characteristics of the weight of solid 'S'. Thread Inclined plane c- Represent the weight of solid 'S' by a vector. Choose a convenient scale. 2) a- Name the other forces acting on solid 'S' and indicate their types. b- Represent each force by a vector without respecting a scale. c- List the characteristics of each of the above forces. (Without the magnitude) 3) The thread is cut and solid 'S' moves as shown in the adjacent figure a- Name the new force that acts on solid 'S' and indicate its type. b- List the characteristics of this force.(scale 1cm-1.3N). Thread Inclined plane Solid 'S' Solid 'S'​



Here is answer


a) The weight of the solid 'S' is a contact force because it acts on the solid 'S' through physical contact with the ground.

b) The characteristics of the weight of solid 'S' are:

It acts in the downward direction.

It is a gravitational force that is exerted by the Earth on the solid 'S'.

It is equal to the mass of the solid 'S' multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (W = m*g).

c) The weight of solid 'S' can be represented by a vector as shown below:




label("$W$", (0,7.5), W);


a) The other forces acting on solid 'S' are the normal force exerted by the inclined plane on the solid 'S' and the frictional force exerted by the inclined plane on the solid 'S'. The normal force is a contact force, while the frictional force is also a contact force.

b) These forces can be represented by vectors as shown below:




label("$W$", (0,7.5), W);


label("$N$", (7.5sqrt(2),7.5), NE);


label("$F_f$", (-7.5sqrt(2),-7.5), SW);


c) The characteristics of these forces are:

The normal force acts perpendicular to the surface of the inclined plane.

The frictional force acts in the opposite direction to the direction of motion or intended motion of the solid 'S'.

The magnitude of the normal force is equal to the weight of the solid 'S', but in the opposite direction.

The magnitude of the frictional force depends on the coefficient of friction between the solid 'S' and the inclined plane, as well as the normal force.

a) The new force acting on solid 'S' is the gravitational force, which is a force acting from a distance.

b) The characteristics of the gravitational force are:

It acts in the downward direction.

It is a force that is exerted by the Earth on the solid 'S'.

Its magnitude can be represented by the vector shown below (using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1.3 N):




label("$W$", (0,-0.65), S);


Study the following systems: SYSTEM A: Electricity is used to heat a hot plate which heats water making steam which powers a turbine and a generator which makes electricity which is used to power a radio. SYSTEM B: Electricity is used to power a radio. Which system (A or B) is more energy efficient and explain why.


The system that is more energy efficient is system A because it makes use of electricity to produce more results.

What is energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency is the use of less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result.

Energy-efficient homes and buildings use less energy to heat, cool, and run appliances and electronics, and energy-efficient manufacturing facilities use less energy to produce goods.

Energy efficiency has the following benefits:

It saves moneyIt increases the resilience and reliability of the electric gridIt provides environmental, community, and health benefits

According to this question, the following applies:

SYSTEM A: Electricity is used to heat a hot plate which heats water making steam which powers a turbine and a generator which makes electricity which is used to power a radioSYSTEM B: Electricity is used to power a radio

Based on the above explanation, it can be observed that system A is more energy efficient because it uses the same electricity to achieve more.

Learn more about energy efficiency at:


a simple harmonic oscillator takes 11.5 s to undergo five complete vibrations. (a) find the period of its motion. s (b) find the frequency in hertz. hz (c) find the angular frequency in radians per second. rad/s


The required values are a) T = 2.3 seconds, b)  f = 0.434 Hz, c) ω = 2.7 rd/s.

Which of the following motions is simply harmonic?

Simple harmonic motion, a particular kind of periodic motion in which a particle repeatedly oscillates around a mean location, In U-tube oscillating liquid column motion is hence simple harmonic.

According to question:


Time = 11.5 seconds to five complete vibrations.

a) Time period is time taken to complete one vibration,

So T = 11.5/5 = 2.3 seconds

b) Frequency(f) = 1/T

f = 1/2.3 = 0.434 second inverse.

c) By using formula of angular frequency ω = 2π/T

ω = 2π/2.3 = 2.7 hz

Thus, final values are a) T = 2.3 seconds, b)  f = 0.434 second inverse, c) ω = 2.7 rd/s.

To know more about simple harmonic motion visit:


if 8 different amplitudes are used, how many bits can be transmitted with each amplitude change? if 16 different frequencies are used, how many bits can be transmitted with each frequency change?


With each amplitude change, 3 bits can be broadcast across 8 frequencies, including 000,001,010,011 and 100,101,110,111.

What function does amplitude serve?

With the use of group analytics, Amplitude, a platform of product analytics, enables businesses to track visitor activity. The platform uses behavioral reports to understand how people interact with products and provides insights to accelerate work in real-time.

What is an illustration of amplitude?

It refers to the greatest departure an item in periodic motion can make from equilibrium. As an illustration, consider a pendulum that swings through its market equilibrium (straight down), then swings to the furthest point from the center.

To know more about amplitude visit:


a 10kg object is near a planet’s surface such that the gravitational field strength is 4nkg. with what force is the planet attracted to the 10kg object?


The force with which the planet is attracted to the 10kg object is 4N.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is described as the most prevalent force in the universe, pulling together on any two objects with mass in the universe.

we have the following data:

Mass of object = 10 kg

Gravitational field strength = 4Nkg

To determine with what force the planet is attracted to the 10kg object:

Mathematically, the force with respect to the gravitational field strength is given by the formula:

Force = mass x gravitational field strength

Force = 10 x 4

force = 40 newton

We can conclude that the force with which the planet is attracted to the 10kg object is 4 Newton.

The gravitational field is the gravitational force exerted per unit mass on a small mass at a point in the field. The gravitational field strength at a point describes how strong or weak a gravitational field is at that point.

learn more about force at:


which sentence correctly describes when the triple-alpha process occurs in the life cycle of an average-mass star


Three helium-4 nuclei (alpha particles) are turned into carbon by a series of nuclear fusion processes known as the triple-alpha process.

What results from the triple-alpha procedure as the finished product?

The triple-alpha process and the alpha process are two classes of nuclear fusion reactions that stars use to change helium into heavier elements. The alpha process is also referred to as the alpha ladder. [1] Only helium is used in the triple-alpha process, which also yields carbon.

Which statement concerning alpha particles in an atom is accurate?

Two protons and two neutrons make up alpha particles, which are identical to helium nuclei and have a positive charge.

Learn more about Alpha Particle



A student is investigating inertia and acceleration. The data the student collects is shown in the table.
Force (N) Mass (kg) Acceleration (m/s²)
Assuming the force acting on the objects is constant, which claim about inertia and acceleration is supported by the data?
Next Page
An object with a lower mass has less inertia which causes it to speed up less quickly.
An object with a higher mass has more inertia which causes it to speed up less quickly.
An object with a higher mass has less inertia which causes it to speed up more quickly.
An object with a lower mass has more inertia which causes it to speed up more quickly.


Assuming the force acting on the objects is constant, a claim about inertia and acceleration which is supported by the data include the following: B. An object with a higher mass has more inertia which causes it to speed up less quickly.

What is Newton's First Law (Inertia)?

Newton's First Law of Motion is also referred to as Law of Inertia and it states that an object in motion would continue in its state of motion at continuous velocity (same speed and direction) or if at rest, it will remain at rest unless it is acted upon by an external force.

This ultimately implies that, the amount of net force keeping a physical object moving at a constant speed and in a specific direction is always equal to zero (0) newton in accordance with Newton's First Law of Motion.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that a physical object that has a higher mass would have more inertia, which causes it to either experience a slower motion or speed up less quickly.

Read more on inertia here:


Answer: its c

Explanation: i took the test

what is the kinetic energy of a 60.0 g tennis ball traveling at 177.0 kilometers per hour? report your answer in joules (j).


The kinetic energy is 939.87 J.

what is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the power that an object has as a result of motion. If we want to accelerate an object, we have to exert force. Applying force requires effort on our part. The object will be moving at a new, constant speed once the work is done because energy has been transferred to it.

A particle, an object, or a collection of particles can move because of kinetic energy, which is the force that drives motion. Kinetic energy is used by objects in motion like a person walking, a baseball being thrown, food falling from a table, and charged particles in an electric field.

Kinetic energy = 1/2mv²

Kinetic energy =  1/2×0.06×177²

Kinetic energy = 939.87 J.

To know more about kinetic energy visit:


a bullet hits a block at rest, the resulting kinetic energy if 6 j what is the bullet starting speed


This is equivalent to the proportion of the bullet's kinetic energy to the block's kinetic energy immediately following the collision.

How is kinetic energy used? What is it?

The movement of a particle, an instrument, or a collection of particles can be observed as kinetic energy, which appears to represent the force that drives motion. Things in motion that appear to use kinetic energy include people moving, baseballs being thrown, food falling from tables, and charged particles in electric fields.

Which kinetic example is the most potent?

Everything in the house which moves is a manifestation of kinetic energy. The sound of a fan blowing air on a warm day, a glass breaking on the floor after sliding off the counter, or a cue ball moving on a pool table are all examples of

To know more about kinetic energy visit:


11. Mac and Tosh are arguing in the cafeteria. Mac says that if he flings the Jell-O with a
greater speed it will have a greater inertia. Tosh argues that inertia does not depend
upon speed, but rather upon mass. Who do you agree with? Explain why.


I agree with Tosh because inertia depends on mass. So Mac is wrong.

What is Newton's first law of motion?

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest or uniform motion in a straight line will continue in that path unless acted upon by an external force.

Newton's first law of motion is also called the law of inertia because it depends on the mass of the object.

Inertia is the reluctance of an object at rest to start moving or the relictance of an object in motion to stop moving. The greater the mass of an object, the greater the inertia of the object.

Thus, Mac is wrong while Tosh is right because inertia does not depend on the speed of an object rather, it depends on the mass of the object.

Learn more about inertia here:


Using equations for KE and GPE, what is the maximum height an object will
reach if it is thrown vertically upwards at 24.0 m/s ? (Answer to 3 sf with unit)


The maximum height an object will reach if it is thrown vertically upwards at 24.0 m/s will be equal to 29.35 meters.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the term used in physics to describe the force that a moving item has.

It is described as the amount of effort necessary to accelerate anybody with a particular mass from rest to a given velocity. Except for variations in speed, the body retains the kinetic energy it gains during acceleration.

As per the given information in the question,

The formula of kinetic energy is,

K.E = 1/2 mv²   (i)

The formula of gravitational potential energy is,

u = mg     (ii)

Equate equations (i) and (ii)

1/2 mv² = mgh

h = 1/2 v²/g

h = 1/2 (24)²/9.81

= 576/19.62

h = 29.35 meters.

To know more about Kinetic energy:


To determine the acceleration due to gravity, g uing imple pendulum at




M is the mass, and R is the body's radius, hence g=R2GM (planet).The pendulum's time period varying as its acceleration with respect to gravity changes.

How do I determine the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum?

Example: On the surface of the earth, a basic pendulum swings for a period of time T 0. This straightforward pendulum would have a period of 12 /xT 0 on a planet with an earth-like density but a radius four times that of the earth.

Answer: T 0 = 2 π√g / L is the formula for a simple pendulum's time period.

The value of g changes in accordance with the mass of a different planet that we visit.

g=  GM / R² is the result.

M, which stands for mass, and R, which stands for body radius (planet).

Given, the radius is four times larger for a different planet with the same density.

Given, the radius is four times larger for a different planet with the same density.

M=density, volume, and p = 4/3 πR³

g=  G * (p 4/3 πR³ / R² = G * p 4/3 π R

Here, R = 4R

⇒ G×ρ 3 / 4 π(4R)=4g

T 0 represents the new time frame.

T0 = 2π √ L/4g = T0/2

Consequently, 12/ x = 2 /1 x=6 because of =T 0 /2.

To Learn more About pendulum's time period refer To:


a type of cuckoo clock keeps time by having a mass bouncing on a spring, usually something cute like a cherub in a chair. what force constant (in n/m) is needed to produce a period of 0.340 s for a 0.0200 kg mass?


According to the information available in the question, the force constant is 6.83N/m.

Using the relation;

T = 2π√m/k

T = period = 0.340 s

m = mass in kilograms = 0.0200 kg

k = spring constant = ?

Making k the subject of the formula;

k = 4π^2m/T^2

k = 4 × (3.142)^2 ×  0.0200/(0.340 )^2

k = 4 × (3.142)^2 ×  0.0200/(0.340 )^2

k = 6.83 N/m

In physics, force is that power that can change the motion of an item. It also can be described intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has both value and path, making it a vector quantity.

Force is a push or a pull and it affects our daily lives because, without force, people might not be capable of opening and near stuff or lifting up their arms or legs.

Variety of Forces :

* Frictional Forces

* Tension force.

* Spring force.

* Gravitational force.

Learn more about Force


how long (in s) does it take a child on a swing to complete one swing if her center of gravity is 5.53 m below the pivot?


4.71 s long (in s) does it take a child on a swing to complete one swing if her center of gravity is 5.53 m below the pivot.

What is the center of the gravity?

The average position of an object's weight is known as its center of gravity. Any object's travel through space may be entirely explained in terms of how its gravitational center moves from one location to another and, if it is free to spin, how it rotates around that center of gravity. Calculations combining gravitation and dynamics may be made much simpler by treating an object's mass as though it were concentrated at a single location.





T =4.71 s

To know more about center of gravity visit:


imagine that five 10.0-ohm resistors are connected in parallel. what is the effective resistance of this combination of resistors?


The effective resistance of five 10.0-ohm resistors is

Resistance is property of a material to measure the amount of restriction provided to the charge particles during the current flow.

Its SI unit is ohm, represented by a Greek symbol 'Ω'.According to the Ohm's law, resistance can be defined as the ratio of voltage to the current supplied in the circuit.Mathematically R = (V/I)

R1 = 10 Ohms

R2 = 10 Ohms

R3= 10 Ohms

R4 = 10 Ohms

R5 = 10 Ohms

Re = Effective Resistance = ?

Since they are in parallel connections, the equivalent resistance (Re) can be calculated as follows :

1/Re = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + 1/R4 + 1/R5

1/Re = 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10 + 1/10

1/Re = ( 1+1+1+1+1)/10

1/Re = 5/10

1/Re = 1/2

Cross multiply to express in linear form

Re = 0.5 ohms

Therefore the equivalent resistance of this combination of resistors is 0.5 ohms.

To know more about resistance,


by studying distant galaxies in the 1920s, hubble made what important discovery that led us to conclude that the universe is expanding?


All galaxies outside the Local Group are moving away from us, and the farther away they are, the faster they're going.

How is Hubble's law defined?

We may learn a lot about the nature of the cosmos from Hubble's rule, which states essentially that a known universe velocity (or, as it is commonly displayed, its redshift) is precisely proportionate to its distance. The relationship between distance and speed should not exist if the cosmos is constant and unchanging.

What is the name of Hubble's theory?

The Hubble-Lemaître law, commonly referred to as Hubble's law, is the finding in astrophysics that planets are eloping from Earth at rates proportionate to their separation. In other words, they are travelling away from Earth more quickly the more away they are.

To know more about Hubble visit:


sir lancelot, who weighs 800 n, is assaulting a castle by climbing a uniform ladder that is 5.0 m long and weighs 180 n. the bottom of the ladder rests on a ledge and leans across the moat in equilibrium against a frictionless, vertical castle wall. the ladder makes an angle of 53.1 deg with the horizontal. lancelot pauses one third of the way up the ladder. (a) find the normal force and friction forces on the base of the ladder. (b) find the minimum coefficient of static friction needed to prevent slipping at the base. (c) find the magnitude and direction of the contact force on the base of the ladder. (that is, the vector sum of the forces at the base.)


(a) The normal force is 267.7 N and frictional force is 980 N.

(b) The minimum coefficient of static friction is 0.27, which is needed to prevent slipping at the base.

(c) The direction of the contact force is 1016 N.

∈(t) = 0

N₂ ( L sinθ ) = 800 ( [tex]\frac{L}{3}[/tex] cosθ )

N₂ = 267.7 N

(a) Normal force F(d) = N₂ = 267.7 N

Frictional force N = 800 + 180

                         N = 980 N

(b) The minimum coefficient of static friction,

F(d) = μ N₁

μ = F / N₁

μ = 267.7 / 980

μ = 0.27

(c) The direction of the contact force,

R = [tex]\sqrt{(980)^{2} + (267.7)^{2} }[/tex]

R = 1016 N

To learn more about Coefficient of static friction, Here :


if a river has an average width of 20 m, an average depth of 2 m, and is flowing with a velocity of 3 m/s, what is its discharge? give your answer in cubic meters/second.


answer is 120 cubic meters/second


if a river has an average width of 20 m,Width (W)= 20 m

width of 20 m,Depth (D)= 2 m

flowing with a velocity of 3 m/s, Velocity(V)= 3m/s

Discharge = V x D x W

Discharge = 20 × 2 × 3 =120 m3/s

Discharge is 120 cubic meters/second

Learn more about Velocity



a wall of a small house is 3 meters by 3 meters and is insulated using material that is similar to styrofoam (see table above). the styrofoam is about 2.5 cm thick. a heater inside the house keeps the temperature at 25 c while it is 0 c outside the shed. how much power in watts does the heater use just to make up for the heat lost through this one wall.


The heater needs to provide 540 W of power just to make up for the heat lost through this one wall.

What is Styrofoam?

Styrofoam is a trademarked brand of foam insulation and craft material manufactured by the Dow Chemical Company. It is made from expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads that are fused together with steam and pressure. EPS is a lightweight and rigid material that is used for insulation, packaging, and soundproofing. Its properties make it an ideal material for crafting, floristry, model building, and other art projects. Styrofoam is stable in most environments and is resistant to water, oil, and most chemicals. It can be cut, shaped, and painted easily and is an excellent thermal insulator. In addition, it is also non-toxic and non-carcinogenic, making it a safe and economical choice for many applications.

Assuming that the wall is a perfect insulator, the heater will have to provide enough power to make up for the heat lost due to conduction and convection. The rate of heat loss per unit area is given by:

Q = λ*A*(T2 - T1)/d
λ = thermal conductivity of styrofoam (see table above)
A = Area of wall (3*3) = 9 m2
T2 = Temperature inside the house (25C)
T1 = Temperature outside the house (0C)
d = thickness of styrofoam insulation (2.5 cm)

Plugging in the values we get:
Q = 0.045*9*(25-0)/0.025 = 540 W
Therefore, the heater needs to provide 540 W of power just to make up for the heat lost through this one wall.

To learn more about Styrofoam



The new acceleration would be 24.0 m/s/s.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of an object over time. It is a vector quantity, meaning that it has both magnitude and direction. Acceleration is the result of applying a force to an object, and can be described mathematically as the change in velocity (or speed) divided by the time it takes for the acceleration to occur. Acceleration can also be caused by a change in the direction of motion and is measured in meters per second squared (m/s2). It is an important concept in physics, and is used to describe motion in objects ranging from cars to planets.

The new acceleration would be 24.0 m/s/s. This is because the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to it, and inversely proportional to its mass. Therefore, doubling the mass of the object would halve the acceleration, since the force applied to the object remains the same.

To learn more about acceleration

the internal pressure of the rock formation causes fluid to return to the surface through the wellbore. what is the fluid called


The internal pressure of the rock formation causes fluid to return to the surface through the wellbore,the fluid is called as flowback.

When the infusion interaction is finished, the internal pressure of the rock arrangement makes liquid re-visitation of the surface through the wellbore. This liquid is known as both "flowback" and "created water" and may contain the infused synthetics in addition to normally happening materials like saline solutions, metals, radionuclides, and hydrocarbons. The flowback and created water is regularly put away on location in tanks or pits before treatment, removal or reusing. Generally speaking, it is infused underground for removal. In regions where that isn't a choice, it could be dealt with and reused or handled by a wastewater treatment office and afterward released to surface water.

To know more about pressure, visit here:


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