two statements from the passage best support the idea that Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy's support contributed to John F. Kennedy's success?

Two Statements From The Passage Best Support The Idea That Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy's Support Contributed


Answer 1


C and E from what I can tell.


The things that Jacqueline was very important for her husband's succes. While the others may be critical did not matter to Kennedy politicly Hence, C and E are your answers.

Hope this helps :)!

Answer 2


-From there, she answered hundreds of campaign letters, taped TV commercials, gave interviews, and wrote a weekly newspaper column, Campaign Wife, which was distributed across the country.

-While recovering from surgery, Mrs. Kennedy encouraged him to write a book about several U.S. senators who had risked their careers to fight for the things they believed in.

Related Questions

Chelsea Rochman, an ecologist at the University of California, Davis, has been trying to answer a dismal question: Is everything terrible, or are things just very, very bad?





i took the test

Read the excerpt below from the novel It by Stephen King and answer the question that follows.

Richie had felt a mad, exhilarating kind of energy growing in the room. . . . He thought he recognized the feeling from his childhood, when he felt it everyday and had come to take it merely as a matter of course. He supposed that, if he had ever thought about that deep-running aquifer of energy as a kid (he could not recall that he ever had), he would have simply dismissed it as a fact of life, something that would always be there, like the color of his eyes . . . .

Well, that hadn't turned out to be true. The energy you drew on so extravagantly when you were a kid, the energy you thought would never exhaust itself—that slipped away somewhere between eighteen and twenty-four, to be replaced by something much duller . . . purpose, maybe, or goals . . . .

Source: King, Stephen. It. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.

Which theme would be advanced by the tone in the above passage best?

Despite age and experience, some people never grow up.
Childhood has a magical quality that slips away.
Don't take childhood for granted.
Children should be given the chance to expand their vast energy.


Do gnkcdd see yknctt fr

2. if my granny ( be ) younger , she ( not forget ) so many things
3. William is such a naught boy ! if he ( do ) that again , i (get) angry with him!
4 if i ( have ) more noney , i ( buy) a house. i wish i had more money!
5 if Kate (not tell) him anything , he (never / find out) . Now it's too late !
6 Robert and Harry (not know) the truth if we ( not tell) them . Let's keep the secret!
7. I ( help) you with your project if you ( ask) me , but since yo didn't say a word , now it's too late !
8. I'm thinhking of cleaning the windows later . (you /give ) me a hand if i (need) your held?
9. Helen ( work) harder, she ( get ) promoted , but she's a very lazy person
10. you ( not feel ) so tired if you ( sleep) more . you should go to bed earlier



If my granny would be younger, she ( would not forget ) so many things.

3. William is such a naught boy ! If he ( does ) that again , i will get) angry with him!

4 if I ( had ) more noney , i (would buy) a house. i wish i had more money!

5 if Kate (did not tell) him anything , he ( would never find out) . Now it's too late !

6 Robert and Harry (did not know) the truth if we ( did not tell) them . Let's keep the secret!

7. I (would help) you with your project if you ( asked) me , but since you didn't say a word , now it's too late !

8. I'm thinhking of cleaning the windows later . (you will give ) me a hand if I(need) your help?

9. Helen ( worked) harder, she ( got ) promoted, but she's a very lazy person

10. You ( won't feel ) so tired if you ( sleet) more. you should go to bed earlier.


my sister has learnt english___four year


My sister has learnt English for four year

Q.No.4) Despite sufferings and trauma, the year 2020 has also taught many things to all of us. What are the things you have learned during those hard times? Write your experience in a paragraph. 5​


I mean, I might not be able to display what you learned, but I'll list some of the things the community has learned throughout the past year.

-Be cautious, and wash your hands. Some viruses are deadly.

-We should never take things for granted. People don't usually sanitize and, they take the environment for granted, not knowing the consequences.

-Despite the difficulty of online learning, you are not alone because everyone is online too.

-Staying sanitized keeps you away from sickness.


Despite suffering and trauma, the year 2020 has also taught many things to all of us. Several lessons that I learned from the virus and the community. The first thing I have learned was to be cautious and sanitary because we never know when it all might come to a disaster. People's lives might end because they weren't sanitary. Despite the difficulty, we are all in this together. Everyone is struggling with online learning, too. And finally, staying sanitized keeps you away from sickness. Ever since others were aware of germs, I don't think we have gotten sick or caught a cold this year.

Which character is the antagonist in this excerpt from “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Flower” by Yei Theodora Ozaki?



the antagonist is the dog master's neighbour, because he killed the master's precious animal only because he believed the dog behaved badly.

Is there _____ milk in the fridge?


I believe the correct answer is any because it is the only choice that would make sense.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

Answer:is there any milk in the fridge

Explanation: because any is used when asking questions

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect progressive
1. I _______just ________my book.( finish)
2. He _______already _____________his lessons. ( prepare)
3. He ___________my sister since he was very young.(love)
4. We ___________________El for 4 years.(learn)
5. I ________________for two hours (wait), but she ________________yet. ( not come)
6. This is the first time I _____________________to Paris. ( be)
7. I_______________ that film several times because I like it. ( see)
8. I __________________that novel written by Hemingway several times before. ( read)
9. Up to the present / So far, we _______________almost every lesson in the book. ( write)
10. We____________________to New York lately. (travel)
11. I ______________________him recently (not see)
12. __________you ever _________________Huong Pagoda? ( visit)
13. ‘You look hot’- Yes, I _______________________ (run)
14. Carol _________________________on the phone for two hours. ( talk)
15. Where’s Sarah? She’s outside. She __________the gardening all this morning. ( do)
16. My sister _______________for you since yesterday. ( look)
17. I ________________ all afternoon (run)
18. She __________________ to meet him all day ( hope)
19. I ____________ never __________her before ( see)
20. _________ he __________ the report since this morning? (type)
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer
1. We often __________e-mail to keep in touch with our friends.
A. use B. is using C. uses D. have used
2. Nicola and Peter always ______________the lesson carefully before going to school.
A. prepares B. prepared C. have prepared D. prepare
3. It ____________now. Let’s find somewhere to hide.
A. rains B. is raining C rained D. was raining
4. ______________their holidays in Canada every year ?
A. Do they spend B. Did they spend C. Have they spent D. Are they spending
5. I ___________________to Mom right now. Do you want to say anything to her?
A. wrote B. am writing C. had written D. write
GVBM: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Diệp
6. I ___________in this house since I___________________born.
A. lived / was B. have lived / were C. had lived / am D. have lived / was
7. I usually ______________to school by bus.
A. went B. am going C. go D. have gone
8. How long ___________you ____________her ? For five months.
A. do / know B. are / knowing C. have / known D. had / known
9. Please don’t make so much noise. I ______________.
A. studying B. study C. am studying D. studied
10. George _______me from Italy.
A. has just called B. had just called C. has called just D. just had called
11. It _________now. It ________raining two hours ago. So it ________for two hours.
A. is raining / began / has rained B. is raining / begun / rained
C. rains / began / has rained D. is raining / begun / have rained
12. Mike is playing chess. How long _________he ___________?
A. did / play B. is / playing C. has / play D. has / been playing
13. My sister __________for you since yesterday.
A. is looking B. was looking C. has been looking D. looked
14. We ______________Dorothy since last Saturday.
A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen
15. Mary _______________her parents since last Christmas / 2011.
A. haven’t visited B. hasn’t visited C. doesn’t visit D. isn’t visit
16. This is the first time I _____________________to Paris.
A. am B. have been C. am being D. haven’t been
17. I_______________that film several times because I like it.
A. have seen B. haven’t seen C. don’t see D. am seeing
18. I __________________that novel written by Hemingway several times before.
A. read B. am reading C. have read D. have been read
19. Up to the present / So far, we _______________almost every lesson in the book.
A. write B. have written C. are writing D. hasn’t written
20. Fred usually ______________to work, but this week he ____________his car.
A. walks / is driving B. walks / drives C. has walked / drives D. is walking / drive
The end


The answers to the fill in the blanks are given below

1. have finished

2. has prepared

3. loves

4. learned

5. waited

6. have been

7. have seen

8. have read

9. have wrote

10. traveled

11. have not seen

12. have visited

13. ran

14. talked

15. did

16. looked

17. ran

18. hoped

19. have seen

20. has typed

learn more at

Why should I represent my school at homecoming?

Please answer ASAP



School spirit makes you feel apart of the school. Your participation adds to a happy school community.



because i don't know the answer of this question?


Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Condensed Milk" and answer the question.

Story Description:

If you were starving, what would you do for food? "Condensed Milk" tells the story of a political prisoner in a Russian gulag (a forced-labor camp) who is faced with a choice: stay in the gulag—working and starving—or escape from the prison and risk dying. What choice would you make?

Historical Context:

From 1929 to 1953, Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union. His goal was to transform the Soviet Union from a poor society into a world superpower. He used terror and violence to rule, and under his reign, millions of his own people died in work camps, from starvation due to famine, or by execution.

Select a detail to support the idea that punishment was harsh under Joseph Stalin's rule.

Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953.
Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed.
Stalin used terror and violence to rule the Soviet Union.
Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a poor country to a superpower.


The correct answer is Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed.

After reading the story description and historical context, we can deduce that Stalin harshly punished people for his goal of transforming the Soviet Union into a powerful country.

Let's see the options:

Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953:

This detail tells us information about when Stalin ruled, but it does not tell us how he was during his ruling.

Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed:

This detail gives information about how the punishments were during his ruling. We can see that he sentenced his citizens to work in camps called the gulag, where according to the story description, they were forced labor camps where prisoners starved. Also, it mentions execution as a punishment. These facts support the idea that punishment was harsh.

Stalin used terror and violence to rule the Soviet Union:

This detail describes two components of Stalin's ruling, terror and violence. However, there is not a description of the punishments to deduce how hash they were.

Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a poor country to a superpower:

This detail tells us Stalin's goal but does not tell us about punishment.

In conclusion, the detail that best supports the idea that punishment was harsh under Stalin's rule is "Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed." It describes the punishments exposing their severity.

Learn more about "Condensed Milk" here:

In the article “why do we hate?” Jim mohr explains that we can change our patterns of hate. “There must be hope, “he says. Do you believe there is hope for the capulets and montagues? In four to six sentences, explain your answer using examples from the play. Use proper spelling and grammar.



Yes,there is hope for the capulets and montagues.

There is hope for family reunification because death connects others. In the play "Romeo and Juliet," they fall in love like crazy, but their families hate each other.  They love so much that Juliet pretends to die so that he can escape with Romeo.  However, Romeo is unaware that she is killing herself by pretending to be with her in her afterlife.

Thus,yes there is hope.

Learn more :  

If you type Mickey -Mouse into a search engine, what results will you get?
A Sites that contain the word Mouse but not the word Mickey

B. Sites that contain the entire phrase Mickey Mouse

C. Sites that contain the word Mickey but not the word Mouse

D. Sites that contain the words Mickey and Mouse but not necessarily as a phrase



A Sites that contain the word Mouse but not the word Mickey


blueface is trash at fighting nocap,







Write letter to your friend discussing at least three areas a school excels​




Dear Anu

I am in the fifth form. Our classroom is on the second floor of the school. There are twenty-one desks in the classroom and two pupils sit at each desk.The teacher’s desk is in the front of the pupils’ desks. The blackboard is on the wall to the left of teacher. The chalk and the duster are in a box near the blackboard.There are four very large windows on the side of the room opposite to the door. We open the windows during the break between lessons.There are portraits on the wall over the blackboard. There are pictures and maps hanging on the walls in the classroom.There are lamps hanging above the desks. In winter it gets dark early so we turn on the light.We begin our lessons at 12.05. We have five lessons a day. We have a short 10-minute break between lessons, but we have a long 20-minute break between the second and third lessons. During the long break we go to the dining-room and have lunch. We finish our lessons at ten minutes past five.

Convey my regards to your parents.

Yours sincerely,


II. Fill in each gap with one suitable word
There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my younger sister (1)______me. My
father is a doctor. My father has a full-time job in a big company. (2)_________ both of them are
busy (3)________their work, my parents always try their best to be with their (4)________ as
much as possible and join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
Every morning we often get up early to have (5)_________ together before my parents go to
work and we go to school. My mother is a considerate and caring woman. She is always the
(6)__________ one to get up in the morning to prepare breakfast for all of us. After work she
(7)_________ to the market and hurries home, then my father and I help her to cook meals. We
talk merrily (8)________ the meals and feel happy together. At weekends we often have dinner
out or sometimes we go on a picnic.
My younger sister and I always help mom with the housework: cleaning the house,
(9)__________ the dishes, or cooking. Both of us want to give my parents the best things we can
do and we all try to study to (10)__________ our parents.
I think my home is a place where we can share our happiness and sadness


and and with and be with mesome breakfast and be helps usgoes andwithbe like

What is the correct answer it is not verb
7 points!!!



hi dear

your answer is





bhai please mera I'd me kuch bhi nahi hai custom bhai the best way to get the train station ​


Can you say it in English

In Romeo and Juliet, what punishment is faced by anyone that breaks the peace?


Answer: The answer is A which is "Death"


It's actually C, banishment.


It's what Romeo is faced with for fighting with Tybalt and Benvolio, if I recall correctly.

Important of English language. write down in bullet point.​



English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases our chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within our home country or finding work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work!

English is the Language of International Communication. English gives access to more entertainment and more access to the Internet. English makes it easier to travel. English can make you ‘smarter’.

help me asap

Which quotation from the passage best explains Twain's viewpoint about the barber?

“I said, with withering irony, that it was sufficient to be skinned—I declined to be scalped.”

“The first rake of his razor loosened the very hide from my face and lifted me out of the chair.”

“I stormed and raved, and the other boys enjoyed it.”

“My old, old dream of bliss vanished into thin air!”






The quotation from the passage best explains Twain's viewpoint about the barber include option A: “I said, with withering irony, that it was sufficient to be skinned—I declined to be scalped.”

What was the Twain viewpoints on barbershop?

What he felt about the barbershop in France is that the barbers are always arrogant and rude.

Based on this Twain was disappointed because there was no true barbershops in France and he also  felt the barbers does not know what they are doing.

Mark Twain was an American author best known by The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, two books that share characters and are connected in some different ways. Twain raves about the French landscape and praises its tidiness and beauty.

Therefore, correct option is A.

Learn more about Twain's viewpoint, refer to the link:


fill the missing letter b__c__s_.​





hope it helps

Please help me from 1 to 24 please I really need help




4.The water level _______(rise), so the scouts_______(quick) ______(help)the villagers to move.
(Past simple and past continuous tense)


The water level was rising, so the scouts quickly helped the villagers to move.

write about a time when you or someone you know was lost. short paragraph ​


Answer: I am going to talk about an incident that happened to me, which I never forget. It happened in 2015. During summer vacations my uncle planned a trip for children because we got bored at home so we decided to go to Jaipur.  All of us were thrilled and excited. We packed the things we needed such as food and water . We started our journey the very next day early in the morning since where we had to go was far away, so if we began in the morning, then we reached in the evening.  While we stopped near a jungle, and there was no shop available. My cousin and I were told to find someone in the jungle who can help us. When we entered the jungle, we had lost our path and after walking for a while. By this point my cousin and I had gotten really scared since we were lost in the middle of nowhere and didn't know how to get back to our car. We tried the phone, but unfortunately, the network was not available.  We also heard weird noises in the jungle, and got even more frightened than before. After a while of searching our way back my cousin and I saw two people walking toward us. We asked if they could help us back. They agreed to help us, and we soon reached back to our car. So that was the time when I lost in a place.

Select all the correct answers
Hannibal is worried about consuming Information from blased media outlets. What are two questions Hannibal should consider when he
consumes Information from media?
Who will this message benefit or who will gain from it?
How many reviews did the message receive?
Whose voice is excluded?
Are other outlets sharing the same story?



Whose voice is excluded?

Are other outlets sharing the same story?


When evaluating information from media outlets, a person should look out for the currency, authority, relevancy, accuracy, and purpose of such materials. Two applicable matters to be considered from the given question are;

1. The authority: The material must be sure to come from a reliable source with a track record of dishing truthful information. Important voices must not be left out as this will be a clear case of bias. All sides to the story must be included.

2. The accuracy: The accuracy of the story must be verifiable from other relevant sources. This prompts the second question.

Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Rules of the Game" and answer the question.

Story Description:

"Rules of the Game" tells the story of a girl who lives in San Francisco's Chinatown. She learns the strategies of chess but struggles to see eye-to-eye with her mother—possibly her wisest opponent and best teacher. In chess and in life, there are rules and choices. What's your next move?

Historical Context:

As a result of wars, famine, and political oppression, Chinese immigration to the United States dates back to the mid-1800s. Chinese immigrants came to the United States looking for better economic opportunities so they could provide for their families and send money to their relatives back home. San Francisco became a hub of Chinese culture; however, immigrants still faced many challenges like reduced wages, long work hours, and discrimination.

What can you infer about the narrator of "Rules of the Game"?

She is a bad competitor.
She is a clever chess player.
She is a poor decision maker.
She is too young for competition.


The narrator of the story "Rules of the Game" an eight-year-old Chinese American girl who is a chess player. Thus, the correct option is B). She is a clever chess player.

What is the summary of "Rules of the Game"?

"Rules of the Game" is one of the most popular and well known stories which follows the part of Amy Tan's written 1989 book The Joy Luck Club. It is fiction which that talks about a small Chinese girl.

The story is all about an eight-year-old Chinese American girl who teaches herself how to play chess and becomes a child mastermind, winning many national tournaments.

She taught the observes that one must remain silent to win. As it has been showed in the starting of the story how she focuses on silence and controlling emotions that endows with a secret strength like the wind.

Learn more about "Rules of the Game" here:-


(we left at 9 a.m. and could visit only 4 of them by 1:30 )
what is the meaning of the sentence? ​



You left the house at 9 am and could only visit 4 places by the time 1:30 hit


make a sentences with pencil in affirmative, negative and interrogative

PLS I needed help



i need my pencil in have to affirmative to the negative in it was interrogative


"What’s up with you?”



what's up with youfam dog lol

If you were in the room with the police officer what would you educate them with the BLM movement



I would tell them that all people are the same and that they should judge accurately and fairly.


Other Questions
A line plot with the lengths of meteors is shown. Two more identical meteor measurements were added so that the total length of all meteors measured is 16 inches. What is the length of each new meteor?A line plot with the title, length of meteors. The data is measurement in inches. The line plot goes from two eighths to one and seven eighths, with fourteen tick marks in all. The first tick mark is two eighths and has one data point. The second tick mark is three eighths and has three data points. The third tick mark is four eighths and has two data points. The fourth tick mark is five eighths and has no data points. The fifth tick mark is six eighths and has two data points. The sixth tick mark is seven eighths and has no data points. The seventh tick mark is one and has no data points. The eighth tick mark is one and one eighth and has no data points. The ninth tick mark is one and two eighths and has one data point. The tenth tick mark is one and three eighths and has two data points. The eleventh tick mark is one and four eighths and has no data points. The twelfth tick mark is one and five eighths and has no data points. The thirteenth tick mark is one and six eighths and has two data points. The fourteenth tick mark is one and seven eighths and has one data point. 1 inch one and one eighth inches one and two eighths inches one and three eighths inches DB is a diagonal of parallelogram ABCD What is the measurement of Please help ASAP what do you mean by motion in one direction. Can a result that contains road maps for European countries have a highly meets rating Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.Who was the founder of the communist ideology?The theory of communism was advanced by Match the leaders with their goals at the Yalta Conference of 1945. A reaction is thermodynamically unstable (spontaneous) but no change is observed. The reaction is probably Select the correct answer below: kinetically unstable. kinetically stable. thermodynamically stable but kinetically unstable. None of the above A thin stream of water flows vertically downward. The stream bends toward a positively charged object when it is placed near it. The positively charged object is then removed. What will happen to the same stream of water when a negatively charged object is placed nearit Wingate Company, a wholesale distributor of electronic equipment, has been experiencing losses for some time, as shown by its most recent monthly contribution format income statement: Sales $1,674,000 Variable expenses 588,000 Contribution margin 1,086,000 Fixed expenses 1,195,000 Net operating income (loss) $(109,000) In an effort to resolve the problem, the company would like to prepare an income statement segmented by division. Accordingly, the Accounting Department has developed the following information: Division East Central West Sales $384,000 $690,000 $600,000 Variable expenses as a percentage of sales 45% 28% 37% Traceable fixed expenses $270,000 $326,000 $204,000Required:a. Prepare a contribution format income statement segmented by divisions, as desired by the president.b. As a result of a marketing study, the president believes that sales in the West Division could be increased by 20% if monthly advertising in that division were increased by $15,000. Would you recommend the increased advertising?Required: Use the coordinates of the labeled point to find the point-slope equation of the line.(12, -1) which of the following union territories is located along the West Coast of India Find the measure of the missing angles in the regular polygon below. given f(x)=2x-4 and g(x)=x213, determine gf[x]] Which equation shows 2.4 as the constant ofproportionality? James Buchanan Was widely known in the 18th century as the best president is this true 1. Identify the taxa labeled A, B, C, andDin the chart.A.B.C.D. Why is (x^2+2xy+y^2) greater than 2(x+y)when x and y are over zero and X>Y From what you know about "get, what does "Did you get how to do that math- problem?' mean?OA. Understand how to do the math problemB. Buy a program to help you with mathC. Pick up the math notesD. Keep up with the math notes PLEASE HELP ME FAST!!!QUESTION IN ATTACHMENTS To create a land breeze Group of answer choices the cool air over the land rises, creating low pressure. Warm air over water sinks, creating high pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. the warm air over the land rises, creating low pressure. Cool air over water sinks, creating high pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. the warm air over the land sinks, creating high pressure. Warm air over water rises, creating low pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. the cool air over the land sinks, creating high pressure. Warm air over water rises, creating low pressure. This creates an offshore breeze. Salma invested $8000 in a fund for 6 years and was paid simple interest. The total interest that she received on the investment was $1400. As a percentage, what was the annual interest rate of her investment?