Unscramble the sentence below and type out the only word that is not required.
palace crowned was in splendour the full Queen regal


Answer 1

sorry dont know i am so sorry

Answer 2


The queen was crowned in full regal splendor.


I think this is the answer.

Related Questions

helppppppp ;_;
What information should be included in an objective summary of the passage?
A. Warm clothes are necessary for all winter sports.
B. A properly fitted board and boots are essentil for snowboarding.
C. Snowboearding involves a toe-to-heel motion, not a side to side motion like skiing
D. some snowboarders choose to wear a helmet even when it is not required.



B. A properly fitted board and boots are essentil for snowboarding.

(If you are going to answer pls make sure that there is an answer for all of the boxes, thanks <3)





hello hood jeune nothing night hereafter

Think of a famous person you have learned about in school or oncyour own. You may have read books or seen TV shows or movies about this person. Write an informative, biographical essay in which
you tell readers about this person and why he or she is famous. Be sure to include details and write clearly about this famous person.


i took a poop on a sandwich

descriptive paragraph on post malone



Austin Richard Post, known professionally as Post Malone, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer.

Post was born in Syracuse, New York, the son of Nicole Frazier Lake, from Walton, NY, and Rich Post. His father had been a disc jockey in his youth and introduced Post to many different genres of music including hip-hop, country, and rock. He is of Polish, English, and Scottish descent.

When Post was nine years old, he moved to Grapevine, Texas, with his father and stepmother Jodie, after his father became the manager of concessions for the Dallas Cowboys. Post began to play the guitar and auditioned for the band Crown the Empire in 2010, but was rejected after his guitar strings broke during the audition. He credited his initial interest in learning guitar to the popular video game Guitar Hero. Post has always had a love for emo music, and appeared for a DJ set at Emo Nite in Los Angeles in June 2017, playing My Chemical Romance at the event. According to Post, his very first foray into professional music began when he was in a heavy metal band. Soon after, he says he transitioned to softer rock as well as hip-hop, before beginning to experiment on FL Studio. At 16, using Audacity, Post created his first mixtape, Young and After

Them Riches. He showed it to some of his classmates at Grapevine High School.He was voted "Most Likely to Become Famous" by his classmates as a senior in high school. He worked at a Chicken Express as a teenager.

Hope it helps you.

1 You don't really want to do that, do/don't you?
2 We couldn't stop it, could / couldn't we?
3 You'll tell me if you see him, don't won't you?
4. The food's bad, isn't/ wasn't it?
5 You won't be angry, are will you?
6 You wanted that map, won't/ didn't you?






4. isn't it


6. didn't

무료 포인트! Only those who understand will take it.






Free point …………………… Haha

The disease causes a loss of ___ in the fingers.
c.tragic ا
d.sensation ​



c. sensation..................




What is imagery?
A. Writing that is primarily tactile
O B. Writing that uses sensory detail
C. Writing that offers clear explanations
O D. Writing that suggests smells and tastes





What is the main purpose for visual aids?



The purpose of visual aids is to explain an idea visually that cannot be expressed easily verbally. They should not be merely something for the audience to look at, but rather created carefully and presented effectively.


The purpose of visual aids is to explain an idea visually that cannot be expressed easily verbally. They should not be merely something for the audience to look at, but rather created carefully and presented effectively.


How do I describe nomadic tribes(please put it in your own words)



A nomad is someone who lives by traveling from place to place. Nomadic thus means anything that involves moving around a lot. Nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes follow the animals they hunt, carrying tents with them. You don't have to be a nomad to live a nomadic lifestyle.

III. Choose the best preposition to fill in the blank
1. He was ill ________ fever. ( to / in / with / for)
2. If you earn a good salary, you can be independent ____your parents. (for/to/of/by)
3. I he guilty or innocent ___________ the crime? (of / to / with / for)
4. He is jealous _________ his rival's success. ( by / of / with / for)
5. He is mad _________ music. ( about / after / for / all are correct)
6. This table is made __________ wood. (from / of / into / to)
7. Gas is made _________ coal. ( of / from / with / to)
8. He is negligent _________ his studies. (with / to / for / of)
9. This work is new _________ me. (with / to / about / for)
10. I am very much opposed _______ your going abroad. (to / with / by / for)
11. She was offended ______ her husband. (with / by / to /A & B are correct)
12. He made himself pleasant _________ visitors. ( with / by / to / for)
13. He is qualified __________ teaching English . (to/ for / by / with)
14. Are you ready _________ the journey? (for / to / with / by)
15. Bien Hoa is secured _________ floods. (by to / from / for)
16. This cloth is superior ________ that. (with / to / in /for)
17. Can we be sure ________ his honesty? (of / with / to / for)
18. I'm tired ________ boiled eggs. (to / of / with / by)
19. You are welcome _________ any book in the library. (to / with / for / by)
20.That type of music is quite popular __ teen-age boys and girls. (for/about/with/by)
21. He was courteous ________ her. (with / to / about / for)
22. She is beneficent __________ the poor. (for / on/ with / to)
23. It's contrary ________ our custom. (to / with / about / for)
24. In our country, gentlemen are gallant _______ ladies. (to /with / for /by)
25. I'm astonished ________ that matter. ( with / against / to / at)
26. She is bad ________ English. (with / for / in / at)
27. My children are important ______ me. (to/ for / with / by)


1. to
2. to
3. of
4. of
6. of
7. with
8. with
9. to
10. by
11. by
12. for
13. for
14. for
16. for
17. of
18. of
19. to
20. for
21. to
22. to
23. to
24. to
25. against
26. at
27. to

how will recycling help us?​



Recycling helps protect the environment

Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining and processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution. As recycling saves energy it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle climate change.


It reduces the amount of waste produced by us. Conserves natural resources such as water, wood, and minerals. It prevents the overuse of resources and helps in preserving them. In addition, it saves energy.

help me on the one question that needs to be in own words

Why is it important for every student to take Civics?


by learning about the laws and government it helps u in the real world and what’s right and wrong .


will give brainest
turn these common into proper nouns



Cereal: Froot loops

Movie: Moana

Uncle: Uncle Billy

School: Orlando Science School

Country: India


There can be more examples. These are just some of them.


Cereal = Cereal Killer

Movie = Space Sweepers

Uncle = Uncle Jim

School = High School

Country = South Korea


Proper noun is include one or two words, usually we write in capital.

Why is Amy Beihl’s
death regarded as extremely tragic?



Biehl was on a Fulbright scholarship at the time of her death, researching women's participation in the development of a new constitution for post-apartheid South Africa. While completing her honors thesis on Namibian independence discussions, she became interested in the study of African democratic movements.

While taking black friends home from a celebration in her honor in Gugulethu, Cape Town, Biehl was attacked and murdered by a group of youngsters.

At a church ceremony in Cape Town, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who had worked with Biehl at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, remembered her: "Amy's life had particular value because of the way she lived it as well as the way she died. She thought that everyone has worth, that the less fortunate had a special claim on the lives of the affluent, and that racial fairness and racial peace were principles worth fighting for, living for, and, if necessary, dying for."

The country's Truth and Reconciliation Commission freed the four men convicted of her murder. Her family supported their release in a stunning show of forgiveness.

The Amy Biehl Foundation was established by Biehl's parents to develop and empower kids in the townships and to prevent further bloodshed. Two of the individuals convicted of her murder worked for the Biehl's at the foundation.

caiittpnoliaaz what is this


Where are you? You are on the website, Brainly,  a Q&A service similar to Yahoo Answers for education where students can offer and get homework help. Within a subject or grade level, students pose questions, and other students reply.

Can someone please help me with these 5 questions asap??

Rewrite the sentence to make the pronoun reference clear.

1 - Students like mathematics teachers because they are practical.
2 - Sally told Sarah that she needed to work on her spelling.
3 - The lobby of the old hotel was dimly lit with a crystal chandelier. It was dingy and needed repair.
4 - After Father brought Todd back from the football game, we took pictures of him.
5 - She traced her ancestry back to the original president of the college, which her roommate thought was unfair.


A pronoun reference has to do with making a given pronoun in a sentence to clearly reflect the word they replaced.

The below sentences are rewritten to make the pronoun reference clear:

Mathematics teachers are liked by students because they are practical. Sally told Sarah that she should help her with her spelling. The lobby of the old hotel was dimly lit with a crystal chandelier and was dingy and needed repair. We took pictures of Todd after father had brought him back from the football game Her roommate thought it unfair that she had traced her ancestry back to the original president of the college.

Read more here:


a story about any one of the virtues like honesty, service, self-dependence, forgiveness, etc.



Here is a sneak peak on a story of service. The whole document is in the attatchment. Please forgive the grammar for it was written last year.


Remember Those


“Bang,” “Bang,” “Bang, BANG BANG.” Kate awoke with a sudden startle. She had just escaped the small aircraft the night before and fell asleep while she was waiting for others to escape. “BANG,” another bullet was fired. She rose to her knees when it hit her; she was not wearing the T-shirt and jeans as the night before. Instead, she was dressed in vintage black heels and a 40’s black swing dress with a red plaid decoration on it. She was mostly upset about the heels because she was 5 inches too tall to wear heels. She peered over the bushes, yet the plane was still the same and people were still trapped in need of food, shelter, and freedom from the bubble they were trapped in.  

    Something was different though, other than her attire; the airport they were at was titled Chandler Municipal Airport AR. She was no longer in the City of Brotherly Love; she was in Arizona! She tried not to panic, but she could not stay to wait any longer. To be out and exposed for so long was dangerous. She needed protection, food, and a new mirror for the next force field edge she encountered. She turned away from the airport, filled with fear and guilt. But there was an African American man directly behind her wearing a black suit and red tie. Next to him was a small brown French bulldog.

    “And just where do you think you are going?” questioned the deep voice. It was followed by a small bark.  

    It was Mr. Jacks for sure. She could tell her neighbors voice from anywhere. The elderly man was spiffier than ever before. He waddled closer and thanked her for the message of how to get out, but there were no more mirrors on the plane for anyone else to get out.

    “BANG!” another shot sounded off with others following. Kate, Mr. Jacks, And Chiwawa the French bulldog hid in the tall grass to avoid being spotted.

    “Get down Mr. Jacks or they will see us.” Kate whispered

    “You know, I’m not as young as a used to be. I only had had a knee problem for 40 years. If I get down, there aint no getting up.” Mr. Jacks responded in a hasty whisper.  

    “Count, (H)adence, Count!” yelled a strong voice, followed by a group chanting “Hut, toop, threep, fourp. Hut, toop, threep, fourp.”  The man shouted “Flight, halt” followed by a “Bout’ (H)ace.”

    Kate peered her head over the grasses to view the action. The group of soldiers were all wearing pale green hard hats and alike uniforms. The group moved sharply and smartly to the rear. Kate saw one man wearing a peeked hat in front of the group. It was an officer with many ribbons and awards attached to his uniform.

    The Sergeant who was shouting earlier fell in beside the group and commanded “Pre-sent, (H)arms.”  

    The Captain in front of the group now led the command of the flight, “Under my command, (H)order, (H)arms.”  

    The officer then began to speak, “Remember those who fought for our country and died. Remember those who won our freedom. We will not let a blue boarder let Japan and the Soviets bring down this country. For we, are America. For we, fight. For we, win. We do this to remember those and give life to the future…”

    Kate saw tears falling from Mr. Jacks eyes. Kate believed Mr. Jacks was a hard-old man who never cried.

    “Amen!” he shouted, interrupting the Captain’s speech.

    The flight of soldiers turned toward Kate and began to fire their rifles in alert, assuming that they were spies for the enemies.


4) Ireland / liked much /in/was/month / very/1/and/ last/there/it/


Answer: I was in Ireland last month and I(?) liked it very much there


i’m m not sure about the 1

what is the adverb The hunters moved silently through the forest during the hunt.


The answer is silently because an adverb usually ends with “ly”

I stick it with glue in present perfect tense



I stuck it with glue


What is the main purpose for visual aids?



The purpose of visual aids is to explain an idea visually that cannot be expressed easily verbally. They should not be merely something for the audience to look at, but rather created carefully and presented effectively.

Bla bla bla what ever

1. Which would be a good source to learn more about the production of molasses?
a. a website of a company currently producing molasses
b. a flyer advertising where to purchase organic products, including molasses
c. an article comparing honey and molasses
d. a newspaper from 1919 with articles about the molasses explosion

The sticky explosion



A. a website of a company currently producing molasses.


Generally, if a company is large enough to have a website, they would have at least one page informing the public on how they create their products (in this case, molasses), as well as the ingredients that go into the product.



i think its c.


The skier moved ____.



The skier moved aside.


The correct answer is The skier moved aside. A transitive verb is followed by a noun, a phrase or a pronoun that refers to a person or thing that is directly affected by the action that the verb describes. In other words, a transitive verb is always followed by a direct object.

The figurative language in these lines is an example of
a metaphor and
O an allusion.
O a simile.
O an apostrophe.
O personification


The figurative language in these lines is an example of:

D. Personification

According to the complete question, we can see that there is an excerpt which states that there has been a solution to the head and neck of a particular problem.

This excerpt is a perfect example of personification.

Please recall that personification is the literary term which gives inanimate objects human-like attributes.

Here, we can see that a problem which is inanimate is given the characteristics of humans.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D

Read more here:





Thorough habitual hand washing is an ideal way to keep yourself healthy. Disinfecting contaminated surfaces is another simple effective method for preventing the spread of viruses
where to put the commas


Thorough habitual hand washing is an ideal way to keep yourself healthy. Disinfecting contaminated surfaces is another simple, effective method for preventing the spread of viruses.

The comma must be put in between two separate phrases here, simple and effective. Thus, " disinfecting contaminated surfaces is another simple, effective method for preventing the spread of viruses" .

What are punctuations?

Punctuations are very important in sentence framing. They are used to make the sentence meaningful. Punctuations effectively separate phrases, stop where we need and make sense appropriate to the situation.

Comma represented as , is used to separate two separate two things or objects or to separate two names, adjectives, verbs adverbs etc. For example if we are writing two or more adverbs we have to separate them by comma.

Here, there are two adverbs used to describe the method take for the prevention of spread of viruses that are " simple " and " effective ". Hence, the coma must be there in between the words simple and effective.

To find more on punctuations,refer here:



Conflict- A. 4 types B. Internal C. External





because conflict is when other disagrees on something then starts a conflict

For a little fun: Each word has two + two blanks. You need to fill up with the same pair of letters to form a word. For example: S _ _ ur _ _ e. The missing pair letters are A T. The word is Saturate. Here's an opportunity to sharpen our brain! Lets see who completes all 25.
1. _ _ i _ _
2. V_ _ lat_ _ n
3. H_ _ dw _ _ e
4. _ _ rses _ _e
5. P_ _ sev _ _ e
6. S _ _tim _ _ t
7. _ _da _ _ ted
8. C _ _kb _ _ k
9. Lo _ _i _ _
10. D_ _ tingu_ _ h
11. P_ _ dl _ _
12. S _ _ur _ _ e
13. _ _ p _ _ zard
14. Who _ _ sa _ _
15. _ _ at _ _
16._ _ od_ _ rk.
17. _ _ ma _ _
18. _ _ y _ _ rd
19. H _ _ rtbr _ _ k
20. B _ _ evol _ _ t
21. C _ _ diti _ _
22. An _ _ cipa _ _ on
23. _ _ rri _ _ lum
24. E _ _ agi _ _
25. Inc _ _ p _ _ ate​


2. Violation
5. Persevere
8. Cookbook
10. Distinguish
13. Haphazard
19. Heartbreak
21. Condition
22. Anticipation
23. Curriculum
25. Incorporate

Click the links to open the resources below. These resources will help you complete the assignment. Once you have created your file(s) and are ready to upload your assignment, click the Add Files button below and select each file from your desktop or network folder. Upload each file separately.

Your work will not be submitted to your teacher until you click Submit.

Student Guide
Multimedia Presentation Rubric



Question mark ‼️????? what???

To create a multimedia presentation of a project, it is important to remember to use resources that hold the reader's attention, such as animations and images.

How to plan a multimedia presentation?

It has been essential that there has the objectivity in including in the presentation only the main points of the project, with the multimedia presentation just being an element that will have to complete and the direct and the oral presentation.

Some tips for the effective multimedia presentation has to use elements that has reinforce the thesis, by using the little text, as well as relevant information to the engage the audience, such as the images, indexes and videos on the topic.

Instruction has the process of the providing the person with the knowledge, skills, as well as the abilities that is needed to the performance of the specific task or the activity. Instruction can be delivered in the various formats, including face-to-face, online, or the self-paced.

Therefore, Instruction has typically involves the teacher or instructor who provides the guidance and feedback to the learner.

Find out more about multimedia presentation here:



Which propaganda technique is the presentation of biased information that only offers one
perspective on a given subject?
A. Stereotyping
OB. Card stacking
C. Circular reasoning
D. Bandwagon






The reason it would be cardstacking is because it only shows the positive parts of a question, and not the negative parts, which is partially, your question.

B. Card stacking

I don’t really know
Other Questions
The outer boundary of cells; controls the entry and exit of substances Which is correct about convection currents?A. Is results to formation of valleys and hillsB. It happen in all layers of the EarthC. It causes EarthquakesD. It is made possible by heat and pressure Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.What type of connection is used in the paragraph? Simile Contrast Category Analogy discuss four contributory factors that may lead to an increase of learners abusing substance The greeting you use while at work after picking up the phone can be protected under trademark law.a. Trueb. False What is the sum of -14and -15? help me pleaseeeeeee Un prefijo es...A. letras que se agregan al final dela palabra que cambian elsignificadoB. Letras que se agregan al principiode la palabra que cambia elsignificadoC. Letras que se agregan en elmedio de una palabra que cambiael sigificadoD. una palabra normal Simplify: a(3+5a)-4(a2+5) Using the line graph below, find the independent and dependent variables. does a siphon work in vaccume What were the causes and effects of European arrival inthe Americas? How do themes differ from periods as tools for understanding history?O A. A period examines how societies have changed over time, while atheme does not.B. A period is an objective set of facts, while a theme can beinterpreted in many ways.O C. A period focuses on broad ideas, while a theme focuses on peopleand events.O D. A period covers only a specific time frame, while a theme repeatsthroughout history. Maps are one of geography's most important tools. Maps can shape people's perceptions of a place and help people think spatially about the world. Study the map above.A:Describe ONE example of each of the following spatial concepts in the map above:LocationPlacePatternB:Define map scale.C:Identify the scale used on the map above.D:Explain the difference between large-scale and small-scale maps.E:Explain ONE way in which scale affects the interpretation of geographic information. Some help me with this please!! What does it mean to discuss? a. Present a logical argument and support it with concrete evidence. O b. Examine the similarities and differences. c. Give the exact or precise meaning. O d. Briefly explain the why something is important. Ames Which set of numbers are imaginary numbers? what fraction of the Earth's surface would be covered by the surface of the moon,if the radius of the Earth is 6,378km and the radius of the moon is 1.741km? 6 + 4w = 2w 6Solve for W Help me mateee or person