Urgent please help me


Answer 1

1433 km


Let g' = the gravitational field strength at an altitude h

[tex]g' = G\dfrac{M_E}{(R_E + h)^2}[/tex]

We also know that g at the earth's surface is

[tex]g = G\dfrac{M_E}{R_E^2}[/tex]

Since g' = (2/3)g, we can write

[tex]G\dfrac{M_E}{(R_E + h)^2} = \dfrac{2}{3}\left(G\dfrac{M_E}{R_E^2} \right)[/tex]

Simplifying the above expression by cancelling out common factors, we get

[tex](R_E + h)^2 = \dfrac{3}{2} R_E^2[/tex]

Taking the square root of both sides, this becomes

[tex]R_E + h = \left(\!\sqrt{\dfrac{3}{2}}\right) R_E[/tex]

Solving for h, we get

[tex]h = \left(\!\sqrt{\dfrac{3}{2}} - 1\right) R_E= 0.225(6.371×10^2\:\text{km})[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:= 1433\:\text{km}[/tex]

Related Questions

In a similar rolling race (no slipping), the two objects are a solid cylinder and hollow cylinder of the same radius and mass. Which reaches the bottom first



solid cylinder


the object that arrives first is the object that has more speed, let's use the concepts of energy

starting point. Highest point

         Em₀ = U = m g h

final point. Lowest point

         Em_f = K = ½ mv² + ½ I w²

since the body has rotational and translational movement

how energy is conserved

         m g h = ½ mv² + ½ I w²

linear and angular velocity are related

          v = w r

          w = v / r

we substitute

          m g h = ½ mv² + ½ I (v/r) ²

          mg h = ½ v² (m + I /r²)

          v = [tex]\sqrt{2gh \ \frac{m}{m + \frac{I}{r^2} } }[/tex]


the tabulated moments of inertia for the bodies are

solid cylinder     I = ½ m r²

hollow cylinder  I = m r²

we look for the speed for each body

solid cylinder

          v₁ = [tex]\sqrt {2gh} \ \sqrt{\frac{m}{m + m/2} }[/tex]

          v₁ = [tex]\sqrt{2gh} \ \sqrt{2/3}[/tex]

let's call    v₀ = [tex]\sqrt{2gh}[/tex]

         v₁ = 0.816 v₀

hollow cylinder

          v₂ = [tex]\sqrt{2gh } \ \sqrt{\frac{m}{m+ m} }[/tex]

          v₂ = v₀ √½

          v₂ = 0.707 v₀

Therefore, the body that has the highest speed is the solid cylinder and since time is the inverse of speed, this is the body that spends less time to reach the bottom, that is, it is the first to arrive

derive expression for pressure exerted by gas ​


From kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by a gas is given by velocity of gas molecules. m = Mass of each molecule of a gas. But by assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases the average kinetic energy of a molecule is constant at a constant temperature.

A wire carrying a 23.0 A current passes between the poles of a strong magnet such that the wire is perpendicular to the magnet's field, and there is a 2.45 N force on the 3.00 cm of wire in the field. What is the average field strength (in T) between the poles of the magnet?



3.55 T



F = BILsin∅.............. Equation 1

Where F = Force, B = magnetic Field, I = current, L = Length of the wire, ∅ = Angle between the wire and the magnetic field

make B the subject of the equation

B = F/ILsin∅.................. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 2.45 N, L = 3.00 cm = 0.03 m, I = 23.0 A, ∅ = 90° (Perpendicular)

Substitute these values into equation 2

B = 2.45/(0.03×23×sin90)

B = 2.45/0.69

B = 3.55 T

Calculate the buoyant force due to the surrounding air on a man weighing 600 N . Assume his average density is the same as that of water. Suppose that the density of air is 1.20 kg/m3.



[tex]F_b= 0.720 N[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Weight [tex]W=600N[/tex]

Average density [tex]\rho=1.20kg/m^3[/tex]





Generally the equation for Volume is mathematically given by

[tex]V =\frac{ mass}{density}[/tex]

[tex]V= \frac{61.22}{1000}[/tex]

[tex]V=0.06122 m^3[/tex]


Buoyant force [tex]F_b[/tex]


[tex]F_b= rho_air*V*g[/tex]

[tex]F_b= 0.720 N[/tex]

1) Consider an electric power transmission line that carries a constant electric current of i = 500 A. The cylindrical copper cable used to transmit this current has a diameter o = 2.00 cm and a length L = 150 km. If there are 8.43x10^28 free electrons per cubic meter (m^3 ) in the cable, calculate how long it would take for an electron to cross the entire length of the transmitter line.



t = 1.27 x 10⁹ s  


First, we will find the volume of the wire:

Volume = V = AL  


A = Cross-sectional area of wire = πr² = π(1 cm)² = π(0.01 m)² = 3.14 x 10⁻⁴ m²  

L = Length of wire = 150 km = 150000 m  


V = 47.12 m³


Now, we will find the number of electrons in the wire:  

No. of electrons = n = (Electrons per unit Volume)(V)  

n = (8.43 x 10²⁸ electrons/m³)(47.12 m³)  

n = 3.97 x 10³⁰ electrons  

Now, we will use the formula of current to find out the time taken by each electron to cross the wire:

[tex]I =\frac{q}{t}[/tex]  


t = time = ?  

I = current = 500 A  

q = total charge = (n)(chareg on one electron)  

q = (3.97 x 10³⁰ electrons)(1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C/electron)  

q = 6.36 x 10¹¹ C  

[tex]500\ A = \frac{6.36\ x\ 10^{11}\ C}{t}\\\\t = \frac{6.36\ x\ 10^{11}\ C}{500\ A}[/tex]


t = 1.27 x 10⁹ s

A bird has a kinetic energy of 3 J and a potential energy of 25 J. What is the mechanical energy of the bird?



28 j


because when you add you get 28

An ideal parallel plate capacitor with a cross-sectional area of 0.4 cm2 contains a dielectric with a dielectric constant of 4 and a dielectric strength of 2 x 108 V/m. The separation between the plates of the capacitor is 5 mm. What is the maximum electric charge (in nC) that can be stored in the capacitor before dielectric breakdown


Answer: [tex]283.2\times 10^{-9}\ nC[/tex]



Cross-sectional area [tex]A=0.4\ cm^2[/tex]

Dielectric constant [tex]k=4[/tex]

Dielectric strength [tex]E=2\times 10^8\ V/m[/tex]

Distance between capacitors [tex]d=5\ mm[/tex]

Maximum charge that can be stored before dielectric breakdown is given by

[tex]\Rightarrow Q=CV\\\\\Rightarrow Q=\dfrac{k\epsilon_oA}{d}\cdot (Ed)\quad\quad [V=E\cdot d]\\\\\Rightarrow Q=k\epsilon_oAE\\\\\Rightarrow Q=4\times 8.85\times 10^{-12}\times 0.4\times 10^{-4}\times 2\times 10^8\\\\\Rightarrow Q=28.32\times 10^{-8}\\\\\Rightarrow Q=283.2\times 10^{-9}\ nC[/tex]


The maximum charge is 7.08 x 10^-8 C.


Area, A = 0.4 cm^2

K = 4

Electric field, E = 2 x 10^8 V/m

separation, d = 5 mm = 0.005 m

Let the capacitance is C and the charge is q.

[tex]q = CV\\\\q=\frac{\varepsilon o A}{d}\times E d\\\\q = \varepsilon o A E\\\\q = 8.85\times 10^{-12}\times0.4\times 10^{-4}\times 2\times 10^8\\\\q = 7.08\times 10^{-8}C[/tex]

At what angle torque is half of the max


At what angle torque is half of max

1. A turtle and a rabbit are to have a race. The turtle’s average speed is 0.9 m/s. The rabbit’s average speed is 9 m/s. The distance from the starting line to the finish line is 1500 m. The rabbit decides to let the turtle run before he starts running to give the turtle a head start. If the rabbit started to run 30 minutes after the turtle started, can he win the race? Explain.



Explanation:because 0.9*(30*60)=0.9*1800=1620

The turtle has already won the race

Yes rabbit will win the race will distance in 3.2 hours and turtle will cover in 27 hours

What will be the speed of the rabbit and the turtle?

It is given

[tex]V_{t} = 0.9 \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

[tex]V_{r} = 9 \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

[tex]D=1500 m[/tex]

Time taken by turtle  

 [tex]T= \dfrac{D}{V_{t} }=\dfrac{1500}{0.9_{} }[/tex]

[tex]T=1666 minutes= 27 hours[/tex]

Time taken by  rabbit

[tex]T= \dfrac{D}{V_{r} }=\dfrac{1500}{9_{} }[/tex]

[tex]T=166 minutes[/tex]

since rabbit started 30 minutes after turtle then

[tex]T= 136+30=196 minutes[/tex]

[tex]T= 3.2 hours[/tex]

Hence Yes rabbit will win the race will distance in 3.2 hours and turtle will cover in 27 hours

To know more about average velocity follow


A 1030 kg car has four 12.0 kg wheels. When the car is moving, what fraction of the total kinetic energy of the car is due to rotation of the wheels about their axles



The required fraction is 0.023.


Given that

Mass of a car, m = 1030 kg

Mass of 4 wheels = 12 kg

We need to find the fraction of the total kinetic energy of the car is due to rotation of the wheels about their axles.

The rotational kinetic energy due to four wheel is

[tex]=4\times \dfrac{1}{2}I\omega^2\\\\=4\times \dfrac{1}{2}\times \dfrac{1}{2}mR^2(\dfrac{v}{R})^2\\\\=mv^2[/tex]

Linear kinetic Energy of the car is:

[tex]=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times Mv^2[/tex]


[tex]f=\dfrac{mv^2}{\dfrac{1}{2}Mv^2}\\\\f=\dfrac{m}{\dfrac{1}{2}M}\\\\f=\dfrac{12}{\dfrac{1}{2}\times 1030}\\\\=0.023[/tex]

So, the required fraction is 0.023.

Two identical cars, each traveling at 16 m>s, slam into a concrete wall and come to rest. In car A the air bag does not deploy and the driver hits the steering wheel; in car B the driver contacts the deployed air bag. (a) Is the impulse delivered by the steering wheel to driver A greater than, less than, or equal to the impulse delivered by the air bag to driver B



 I = - m 16  the two impulses are the same,


The impulse is given by the relationship

         I = Δp

         I = p_f - p₀

in this case the final velocity is zero therefore p_f = 0

        I = -p₀

For driver A the steering wheel impulse is

        I = - m v₀

        I = - m 16

For driver B, the airbag gives an impulse

        I = - m 16

We can see that the two impulses are the same, the difference is that in the air bag more time is used to give this impulse therefore the force on the driver is less

A 0.40-kg mass attached to the end of a string swings in a vertical circle having a radius of 1.8 m. At an instant when the string makes an angle of 40 degrees below the horizontal, the speed of the mass is 5.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the tension in the string at this instant





From the question we are told that:

Mass m=0.40

Radius r=1.8m

Angle Beneath the Horizontal \theta =40 \textdegree

Speed v=5.0m/s

The Tension Angle


 [tex]\alpha=50 \textdegree[/tex]

Generally the equation for Tension is is mathematically given by

 [tex]T=\frac{mv^2}{r}+mgcos \alpha[/tex]



What would you expect to happen to the velocity of the bobber if the mass of the washers in the cylinder remained the same and the radius was doubled?



The velocity becomes [tex]v\sqrt 2[/tex].


The force acting on the bobber is centripetal  force.

The centripetal force is given by

[tex]F =\frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex]

when mass remains same, radius is doubled and the force is same, so the velocity is v'.

[tex]F =\frac{mv^2}{r}=\frac{mv'^2}{2r}\\\\v'=v\sqrt 2[/tex]

Nhiệt dung riêng của một chất là ?



enchantment table language


enchantment Language table

Two distinct systems have the same amount of stored internal energy. 500 J are added by heat to the first system and 300 J are added by heat to the second system. What will be the change in internal energy of the first system if it does 200 J of work? How much work will the second system have to do in order to have the same internal energy?



The change in the internal energy of the first system is 300 J

The second system will do zero work in order to have the same internal energy.



heat added to the first system, Q₁ = 500 J

heat added to the second system, Q₂ = 300 J

work done by the first system, W₁ = 200 J

The change in the internal energy of the system is given by the first law of thermodynamics;

ΔU = Q - W


ΔU is the change in internal energy of the system

The change in the internal energy of the first system is calculated as;

ΔU₁ = Q₁ - W₁

ΔU₁ = 500 J - 200 J

ΔU₁ = = 300 J

The work done by the second system to have the same internal energy with the first.

ΔU₁ = Q₂ - W₂

W₂ = Q₂ - ΔU₁

W₂ = 300 J - 300 J

W₂ = 0

The second system will do zero work in order to have the same internal energy.

A long, current-carrying solenoid with an air core has 1550 turns per meter of length and a radius of 0.0240 m. A coil of 200 turns is wrapped tightly around the outside of the solenoid, so it has virtually the same radius as the solenoid. What is the mutual inductance of this system





From the question we are told that:

Coil one turns N_1=1550 Turns/m

Radius [tex]r=0.0240m[/tex]

Turns 2 [tex]N_2=200N[/tex]

Generally the equation for area is mathematically given by



[tex]A=\1.81*10^{-3} m^2[/tex]


The mutual inductance of this system is


[tex]M=(4 \pi*10^{-7})*1550*200*1.81*10^{-3}[/tex]


A building is being knocked down with a wrecking ball, which is a big metal sphere that swings on a 15-m-long cable. You are (unwisely!) standing directly beneath the point from which the wrecking ball is hung when you notice that the ball has just been released and is swinging directly toward you. How much time do you have to move out of the way? answer in seconds.



Time to move out of the way = 1.74 s


Time to move out of the way is one fourth of period = 6.95/4 = 1.74 seconds.

Time to move out of the way = 1.74 s

The mass of a hot-air balloon and its occupants is 381 kg (excluding the hot air inside the balloon). The air outside the balloon has a pressure of 1.01 x 105 Pa and a density of 1.29 kg/m3. To lift off, the air inside the balloon is heated. The volume of the heated balloon is 480 m3. The pressure of the heated air remains the same as that of the outside air. To what temperature in kelvins must the air be heated so that the balloon just lifts off



In order to lift off the ground, the air in the balloon must be heated to 710.26 K


Given the data in the question;

P = 1.01 × 10⁵ Pa

V = 480 m³

ρ = 1.29 kg/m³

M = 381 kg

we know that; R = 8.31 J/mol.K and the molecular mass of air μ = 29 × 10⁻³ kg/mol

let F represent the force acting upward.

Now in a condition where the hot air balloon is just about to take off;

F - Mg - m[tex]_g[/tex]g = 0

where M is the mass of the balloon and its occupants, m[tex]_g[/tex] is the mass of the hot gas inside the balloon.

the force acting upward F = Vρg


Vρg - Mg - m[tex]_g[/tex]g = 0

solve for m[tex]_g[/tex]

m[tex]_g[/tex] = ( Vρg - Mg ) / g

m[tex]_g[/tex] =  Vρg/g - Mg/g

m[tex]_g[/tex] =  ρV - M ------- let this be equation 1

Now, from the ideal gas law, PV = nRT

we know that number of moles n = m[tex]_g[/tex] / μ

where μ is the molecular mass of air


PV = (m[tex]_g[/tex]/μ)RT

solve for T

μPV = m[tex]_g[/tex]RT

T = μPV / m[tex]_g[/tex]R -------- let this be equation 2

from equation 1 and 2

T = μPV / (ρV - M)R

so we substitute in our values;

P = 1.01 × 10⁵ Pa

V = 480 m³

ρ = 1.29 kg/m³

M = 381 kg

we know that; R = 8.31 J/mol.K and the molecular mass of air μ = 29 × 10⁻³ kg/mol

T = [ (29 × 10⁻³) × (1.01 × 10⁵) × 480 ] / [ (( 1.29 × 480 ) - 381)8.31 ]

T =  1405920 / 1979.442

T =  710.26 K

Therefore, In order to lift off the ground, the air in the balloon must be heated to 710.26 K

The temperature required for the air to be heated is 710.26 K.

Given data:

The mass of a hot air-balloon is, m = 381 kg.

The pressure of air outside the balloon is, [tex]P = 1.01 \times 10^{5} \;\rm Pa[/tex].

The density of air is, [tex]\rho = 1.29 \;\rm kg/m^{3}[/tex].

The volume of heated balloon is, [tex]V = 480 \;\rm m^{3}[/tex].

The condition where the hot air balloon is just about to take off is as follows:

[tex]F-mg - m'g =0[/tex]


m' is the mass of hot gas inside the balloon and g is the gravitational acceleration and F is the force acting on the balloon in upward direction. And its value is,

[tex]F = V \times \rho \times g[/tex]

Solving as,

[tex](V \times \rho \times g)-mg - m'g =0\\\\ m'=(V \rho )-m[/tex]

Now, apply the ideal gas law as,

PV = nRT

here, R is the universal gas constant and n is the number of moles and its value is,


M is the molecular mass of gas. Solving as,

[tex]PV = \dfrac{m'}{M} \times R \times T\\\\\\T=\dfrac{P \times V\times M}{m'R}\\\\\\T=\dfrac{P \times V\times M}{(V \rho - m)R}[/tex]

Since, the standard value for the molecular mass of air is, [tex]M = 29 \times 10^{-3} \;\rm kg/mol[/tex]. Then solve for the temperature as,

[tex]T=\dfrac{(1.01 \times 10^{5}) \times 480\times 381}{(480 \times (1.29) - 381)8.31}\\\\\\T = 710.26 \;\rm K[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the temperature required for the air to be heated is 710.26 K.

Learn more about the ideal gas equation here:


Question 4 of 5
How can the Fitness Logs help you in this class?
O A. They can't; the Fitness Logs are only useful to your teacher.
B. They show your parents how much you're learning.
C. They let you keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and progress.
D. They help you evaluate yourself for your final grade.



C is the right answer


fitness logs is a great way to track your progress. You can easily look back and see how you have progressed over time. In addition, it can help you plan and prepare for future workouts, as well as identify patterns of what seems to work well for you and when you have the most success

hope it was useful for you

A 0.20 kg mass on a horizontal spring is pulled back a certain distance and released. The maximum speed of the mass is measured to be 0.30 m/s. If, instead, a 0.40 kg mass were used in this same experiment, choose the correct value for the maximum speed.

a. 0.40 m/s.
b. 0.20 m/s.
c. 0.28 m/s.
d. 0.14 m/s.
e. 0.10 m/s.



b. 0.20 m/s.



initial mass, m = 0.2 kg

maximum speed,  v = 0.3 m/s

The total energy of the spring at the given maximum speed is calculated as;

K.E = ¹/₂mv²

K.E = 0.5 x 0.2 x 0.3²

K.E = 0.009 J

If the mass is changed to 0.4 kg

¹/₂mv² = K.E

mv² = 2K.E

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{2K.E}{m} } \\\\v = \sqrt{\frac{2\times 0.009}{0.4} } \\\\v = 0.21 \ m/s\\\\v \approx 0.20 \ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the maximum speed is 0.20 m/s

Put the balloon near (BUT NOT TOUCHING) the wall. Leave about as much space as the width of your pinky finger between the balloon and wall. Does the balloon move, if so which way



Move towards the wall.


When the balloon is kept near to the wall not touching the wall, there is a force of electrostatic attraction so that the balloon moves towards the wall and stick to it.

As there is some charge on the balloon and the wall is uncharged so the force is there due to which the balloon moves towards the wall.

An infinite plane lies in the yz-plane and it has a uniform surface charge density.
The electric field at a distance x from the plane
a.) decreases as 1/x^2
b.) increases linearly with x
c.) is undertermined
d.) decreases linearly with x
e.) is constant and does not depend on x



So the correct answer is letter e)


The electric field of an infinite yz-plane with a uniform surface charge density  (σ) is given by:

[tex]E=\frac{\sigma }{2\epsilon_{0}}[/tex]

Where ε₀ is the electric permitivity.

As we see, this electric field does not depend on distance, so the correct answer is letter e)

I hope it helps you!

A possible means for making an airplane invisible to radar is to coat the plane with an antireflective polymer. If radar waves have a wavelength of 3.00 cm and the index of refraction of the polymer is n = 1.50, how thick would you make the coating?





From the question we are told that:

Wavelength [tex]\lamda=3c[/tex]m

Refraction Index [tex]n=1.50[/tex]

Generally the equation for Destructive interference for Normal incidence is mathematically given by


Since  Minimum Thickness occurs at

At [tex]m=0[/tex]





The thermal efficiency (in %) of a system that undergoes a power cycle while receiving 1000 kJ of energy by heat transfer from a hot reservoir at 1000 K and discharging 500 kJ of energy by heat transfer to a cold reservoir at 400 K is:



η = 0.5 = 50%


The efficiency of the power cycle is given by the following formula:

[tex]\eta = \frac{W}{Q_1}\\\\\eta = \frac{Q_1-Q_2}{Q_1}[/tex]



η = efficiency = ?

Q₁ = heat received from hot reservoir = 1000 KJ

Q₂ = heat discharged to cold reservoir = 500 KJ


[tex]\eta = \frac{1000\ KJ-500\ KJ}{1000\ KJ}[/tex]

η = 0.5 = 50%

The mass is released from the top of the incline and slides down the incline. The maximum velocity (taken the instant before the mass reaches the bottom of the incline) is 1.06 m/s. What is the kinetic energy at that time



0.28 J


Let the mass of the object is 0.5 kg

The maximum velocity of the object is 1.06 m/s.

We need to find the kinetic energy at that time. It is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 0.5\times (1.06)^2\\\\K=0.28\ J[/tex]

So, the required kinetic energy is equal to 0.28 J.

Place each description under the correct theory
Gravity is an attractive force.
Universal Law of Gravitation
General Theory of Relativity
Mass and distance affect force.
Time and space are absolute,
Time and space are relative.
Gravity is due to space-time curving.
Mass affects space-time curving.



1) Law of Universal Gravitation     Gravity is an attractive force

5) General relativity               Gravity is due to the curvature of spacetime


In this exercise you are asked to relate the correct theory and its explanation

Theory Explanation

1) Law of Universal Gravitation              Gravity is an attractive force

2) Law of universal gravitation              Mass and distance affect force

3) Classical mechanics                           time and space are absolute

4) Special relativity                                 Time and space are relative

5) General relativity                                Gravity is due to the curvature of


6) General relativity                                 Mass affects the curvature of space - time




The human eye can readily detect wavelengths from about 400 nm to 700 nm. Part A If white light illuminates a diffraction grating having 910 lines/mm , over what range of angles does the visible m



The correct answer is "[tex]21.344^{\circ}[/tex]" and "[tex]39.56^{\circ}[/tex]".


According to the question,

Slit width,

[tex]d=\frac{1}{910 \ lines/mm}[/tex]

  [tex]=\frac{1}{910\times 10^3}[/tex]

  [tex]=1.099\times 10^{-6} \ m[/tex]

The condition far first order maxima will be:

⇒ [tex]d Sin \theta = 1 \lambda[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\Theta_{min} = Sin^{-1} (\frac{\lambda}{d} )[/tex]

             [tex]=Sin^{-1} (\frac{400\times 10^{-9}}{1.099\times 10^{-6}} )[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\Theta_{max} = Sin^{-1} (\frac{\lambda}{d} )[/tex]

             [tex]=Sin^{-1} (\frac{700\times 10^{-9}}{1.099\times 10^{-6}} )[/tex]


Object A has a mass m and a speed v, object B has a mass m/2 and a speed 4v, and object C has a mass 3m and a speed v/3. Rank the objects according to the magnitude of their momentum.

Rank from smallest to largest.



Momentum of object A = Momentum of object C < momentum of B.


The momentum of an object is equal to the product of mass and velocity.

Object A has a mass m and a speed v. Its momentum is :

p = mv

Object B has a mass m/2 and a speed 4v. Its momentum is :

p = (m/2)×4v = 2mv

Object C has a mass 3m and a speed v/3. Its momentum is :

p = (3m)×(v/3) = mv


Momentum of object A = Momentum of object C < momentum of B.

A barge is hauled along a straight-line section of canal by two horses harnessed to tow ropes and walking along the tow paths on
either side of the canal. Each horse pulls with a force of 839 N at an angle of 15° with the centerline of the canal. Find the sum of these
two forces on the barge.
answer in ___kN



1.621 kN


Since each horse pulls with a force of 839 N at an angle of 15° with the centerline of the canal, the horizontal component of the force due to the first horse along the canal is F= 839cos15° N and its vertical component is F' = 839sin15° N(it is positive since it is perpendicular to the centerline of the canal and points upwards).

The horizontal component of the force due to the second horse along the canal is f = 839cos15° N and its vertical component is f' = -839sin15° N (it is negative since it is perpendicular to the centerline of the canal and points downwards).

So, the resultant horizontal component of force R = F + f = 839cos15° N + 839cos15° N = 2(839cos15°) N = 2(839 × 0.9659) = 2 × 810.412 = 1620.82 N

So, the resultant vertical component of force R' = F' + f' = 839sin15° N + (-839sin15° N) = 839sin15° N - 839sin15° N = 0 N

The magnitude of the resultant force which is the sum of the two forces is R" = √(R² + R'²)

= √(R² + 0²)  (since R' = 0)

= √R²

= R  

= 1620.82 N

= 1.62082 kN

≅ 1.621 kN

So, the sum of these  two forces on the barge is 1.621 kN

A car starting at rest accelerates at 3m/seconds square How far has the car travelled after 4s?​



24 meters


Find the final velocity. 12m/s


D=(6m/s)×4=24 m/s

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