US history 2 unit 5 assignment

1. Which of the following was the greatest contributing factor to the start of the Korean War: WWII, Competing ideologies, or imperialism?

Claim: [ ] was the greatest contributing factor to the start of the Korean war because [ ] and [ ].

Evidence proving blank one: [ ] ( )

Reasoning that ties evidence 1 to claim [ ]

Evidence proving blank two: [ ] ( )

Reasoning that ties evidence 1 to claim [ ]

Counterclaim: [ ]

Evidence proving counterclaim: [ ] ( )

Refutation: [ ]

US History 2 Unit 5 Assignment 1. Which Of The Following Was The Greatest Contributing Factor To The


Answer 1

Before the onset of World War II, American policymakers had no desire for the United States to be a dominant worldwide force.

Which of the following led to the start of the Korean War?

June 25, 1950. What led to the Korean War .North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union all wanted the Korean Peninsula to be a communist region, which led to the outbreak of the Korean War. The conflict began as North Korean forces advanced into South Korea.

Why did the US enter the Korean War?

America intended to stop the domino effect as much as restrain communism. Truman was concerned that if Korea fell, Japan would follow.

To know more about Americain visit:


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is mother teresa a biased person? or an unbiased person? please explain your answer.


Answer: She was biased.

Explanation: Many of her works and projects were a point of controversy for many organizations and people.

Mother Teresa exhibited bias. Many organizations and individuals found her works and projects to be contentious.

Who was Mother Teresa?

The Missionaries of Charity were established in 1950 by Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu, better known as Mother Teresa, an Indian-Albanian Catholic nun. In Skopje, then a part of the Ottoman Empire, Anjez Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born.  She spent the majority of her life in India after leaving England after eighteen years. The fourth of September 2016 saw Saint Teresa of Calcutta's canonization. She has a feast day on the day of her death anniversary.

Mother Teresa started her religious order, which by the year 2012 had more than 4,500 nuns and was active in 133 nations.

 The church oversees homes for those with leprosy, TB, and HIV/AIDS who are near death.

Learn more about Mother Teresa, from:


what motivated europeans to find a route to the asian trading markets? why did they need to find an alternate route and what was it?


Europeans want the money and power that would emerge from regulating commerce. This motivated europeans to find a route to the asian trading markets.

The city of Constantinople served as the hub for trade and commerce between Asia and Europe. The city of Constantinople was taken over by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. As a result, Turks gained control over all the trade routes that connected the city of Constantinople. The Turks began imposing excessive fees on the products travelling along these routes.

Trade consequently stopped becoming profitable. Portugal and Spain were working to end the monopoly of Italian commerce in the meantime. They began enticing adventurous sailors to discover a new sea route to India. This endeavour received additional boosts from the development of the compass, astrolabes, and gunpowder.

To know more about Europeans visit:


What were the key characteristics of an athenian democracy



Athenian democracy, which emerged in the city-state of Athens in ancient Greece, was a direct democracy in which citizens participated directly in the decision-making process. Key characteristics of Athenian democracy included:

All male citizens were eligible to participate in the Assembly, the main decision-making body in Athenian democracy.

The Assembly was open to all citizens and meetings were held regularly to discuss important issues and make decisions.

Decisions were made by majority vote, and all citizens had an equal say in the decision-making process.

The Council of 500, a smaller group of citizens chosen by lot, was responsible for preparing the agenda for the Assembly and implementing its decisions.

The Athenian government also included a system of courts in which citizens could serve as jurors.

Despite its emphasis on citizen participation, Athenian democracy excluded women, slaves, and non-citizens from participation in the political process.

Describe major contributors and how they contributed in the Renaissance


The major contributors of Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, the Medici, and others , they contributed in  astronomy, humanistic philosophy, the printing press,  painting.

Renaissance :

Some important developments of the Renaissance include astronomy, humanistic philosophy, the printing press, the language of writing, painting and sculpture techniques, world exploration, and, in the late Renaissance, the development of Shakespeare's work. A vibrant period of cultural, artistic, political and scientific "rebirth" in post-medieval Europe, the Renaissance was led by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, the Medici, and others.

How did the artist contribute to the Renaissance?

The artist introduced new themes into his work that reflected his growing interest in the individual: portraiture, scenes of contemporary life, and historical narratives.

What are the most important contributions to Renaissance literary theory?

Aristotle's work, especially Poetics, was the most important influence on literary criticism until the late 18th century. Lodovico Castelvetro, one of his most influential critics of the Renaissance, wrote a commentary on Aristotle's Poetics in 1570.

Learn more about Renaissance period :


the poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the ku klux klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of which action taken by the federal government?



The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of voting rights granted to African Americans by the federal government.


in the years leading up to the civil war, what purpose did african american naming patterns try to serve


In the years leading up to the civil war, The purpose served by  African American naming patterns is- To bolster kinship ties.

All noncombat support duties necessary to maintain an army were carried out by black men while they served in the infantry and artillery. The war effort also benefited from the work of black carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, workers, nurses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, doctors, and teamsters.

Many former slaves changed their names and last names after being freed. They either did this to adopt a surname for the first time or to change a name or surname that had previously been bestowed upon them by a previous master.

To know more about civil war, click here:


Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Armenian genocide of 1915?

Question 9 options:

World War I started, and the Turks feared the Armenians would side with the Russians.

The Armenians enacted their own genocide of Turks a decade earlier.

The Turks wanted to get rid of all ethnic and religious diversity in the Ottoman empire.

The Armenian minority was generally wealthier and more well off than the Turkish majority.


The Armenians enacted their own genocide of Turks a decade earlier is not a cause of American genocide.

What does American Geonicide mean?

The term "American geonicide" refers to the destruction of the natural environment in the United States. It refers to the degradation of land, resources, and wildlife as a result of human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and development.

What does pollution mean?

Pollution is defined as the presence of contaminants in the environment that can harm living organisms and the natural environment. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances, waste, or energy in the form of sound, heat, or light. It can also happen as a result of the introduction of biological agents like bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Therefore the correct option is B.The Armenians enacted their own genocide of Turks a decade earlier.

To know more about American Geonicide,


How did the railroad influence European colonial powers in the 19 century


Answer:  The idea of nineteenth-century railway imperialism seems simple enough—use railways and the industry and money behind them to gain and maintain control of other people's countries and resources for the primary benefit and security of the imperial country.

The era of the modern railway started with the introduction of the steam locomotive at the beginning of the 18th century. The first steam locomotive railway was built in Great Britain by Richard Trevithick. Afterward, large networks of railways began to develop in France, Germany, and Russia besides Great Britain.

The use of the train dramatically improved the transit of people throughout the continent, as well as increased trade. This second effect improved the economy of various locations throughout Europe. As they served as stations for the trains.

The railroad had a positive impact on European colonial powers in the sense that they could increasingly exploit the amount that was produced in their colonies. This, however, also wasn't really positive for the colonies because the local populace was increasingly being exploited for the production of goods.

It encouraged them to sell technology to colonies rather than to directly rule them. It allowed them to move people and goods rapidly from place to place.

What river is labeled in blue below?
O Amazon
O Niger
O Nile
O Congo
1 2


The Nile River is identified below with a blue label.

What is the Nile River's length?

Having a length of almost 4,100 miles, the Nile River was once regarded as the largest river on the planet. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding this because many people think the River System in South America may be longer. The Nile is approximately 100 miles larger than the Amazon, according to the USGS.

The Nile River is where?

Egypt, Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopian, Kenya, the Republic Of congo, Burundi, Rwandan, Uganda, & Tanzania make up the nations that make up the Nile River's basin. The White Nile as well as the Blue Nile are two of the Nile's tributaries. The lengthier river is the White Nile the northernmost of the two, rises at Lake in Tanzania and runs till Khartoum, Sudan, where that meets the Blue Nile.  In northern Egypt, the Nile River drains into the Mediterranean Sea.

To know more about Nile visit:


The excerpt below was written by Mark Twain in 1900.
"I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate (place under control) the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem (save). ...I am opposed to having the [American] eagle put its talons on any other land." The New York Herald, October 15, 1900
Based on this excerpt, why did Twain oppose U.S. acquisition of the Philippines?


Based on this excerpt, the reason why Twain opposed the U.S. acquisition of the Philippines is this:

He believed that it was not a noble cause given that the acquisition will lead to the restriction of the freedom and probable oppression of the Phillippines' people.Why did Twain oppose the acquisition of the Philippines?

From the words in this excerpt, it is evident that Mark Twain was not an advocate of the move to buy over the Philippines. The statement was prompted by the imperial moves of the United States between 1898 to 1900 when they wanted to extend the reach of their government.

Unlike the opposing party who believed that this move by the United States would result in economic expansion, Twain envisaged that the move would rather lead to the subjugation of the people and this, he believed was not right. He rather proposed that America focus on its territories and avoid the act of conquering another sovereign nation.

Learn more about Mark Twain here:


Two events that caused the United States to enter World War I were noselection and noselection ​​​​​​​.


The US Congress declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, as a result of the release of the Zimmermann Telegram and the increase in German submarine assaults on US trade ships.

What was the cause of the United States entering World War I?

Wilson threatened to break off diplomatic ties with Germany unless the German government stopped attacking all passenger ships and permitted the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships before any attack after the unarmed French boat, the Sussex, was sunk in the English Channel in March 1916.

The German government agreed to these requirements on May 4, 1916, and this agreement became known as the "Sussex promise." But by January 1917, things had altered in Germany. Representatives of the German Navy persuaded the military hierarchy and Kaiser Wilhelm II during a wartime conference that month that resuming unrestricted submarine warfare might help defeat Great Britain within five months.

Learn more about World War I, here:


Select all the correct answers.

Which two statements about the Cold War are true?

A. The United States and the Soviet Union both joined NATO to attempt to end the Cold War.

B. The United States and the Soviet Union both started fighting the Cold War prior to 1945.

C. The United States and the Soviet Union had different political and economic ideologies.

D. The United States and the Soviet Union fought a war in Japan for supremacy.

E. The United States and the Soviet Union never officially declared war against each other.




Answer would be C.

The invention of the -- Choose the correct answer - transformed communication in Texas by enabling message to be sent quickly over long distances.

A post mail
B wagon
C free press
D telegraph


The invention of the telegraph transformed communication in Texas by enabling message to be sent quickly over long distances.

Option D is correct.

What was the telegraph's main purpose?

The telegraph, a device that used electrical pulses to send encrypted messages over wires, eventually revolutionized long-distance communication, reaching its peak popularity in the 1920s and his 1930s.

What impact did the telegraph have on society?

As the primary means of long-distance communication, the telegraph transformed American society. The telegraph expanded business opportunities and accelerated the work of many different professions, including bankers, brokers, lawyers, and hotel owners.

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the telegraph?

Telegraphs are an efficient way of conveying information quickly, but they lack a personal touch. The telegraph focuses on important information. Because its transmission speed depends on its size. However, in modern communication, the sender is free to express himself as he pleases.

Learn more about telegraph:


describe one example of how sicial structres affected a state's ability to maintain order in settkenents in the periodc. 1450-1750


describe one example of how social structures affected a states ability to maintain order insettlement in the periods c. 1450-1750

Sometimes the term "social structure" is used to refer to the regular and recurring elements of interactions between members of a certain social entity. The idea is exceedingly abstract even at this descriptive level since it only chooses specific components from current social activity. The concept tends to become more abstract the greater the social unit under consideration. Because of this, a small group's social structure is typically more tightly tied to each member's daily activities. The challenge of selection is severe when studying bigger social groupings since so much depends on the elements that are included in the social structure. The issue of identifying the fundamental traits of a social group has a variety of ideas that offer various solutions.

Learn more about social structure here:


Obesity is a major health concern in the United States. The map shows the percentage of adults that struggle with obesity in each state. On the map, choose the 3 states where 35 percent or more of the adult population is obese. Alaska Washington Oregon United States of America California Idaho Nevada Utah Arizona Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Minnesota Texas lowa Wisconsin Michigan Missouri Oklahoma Arkansas Illinois Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Pennsylvania Vermont New York West Virginia South Georgia Carolina Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts -Rhode Island Connecticut -New Jersey - Delaware Mary land Virginia Washington, DC North Carolina​


Answer: Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia


Statement most accurate describes a cause of the cold war


The statement that is most accurately describes a cause of the Cold War is option B) Soviets feared Western promotion of capitalism.

How did the Soviets cause the Cold War?

Many historians at the time of the cold war believed that the Soviet Union was to blame for sparking the conflict. The reason for this is because the Soviet Union was suspected of invading free nations and imposing communism on them, angering the western powers.

Some academics contend that the Soviet Union's economy and those of the Eastern Bloc nations that it influenced, including Maoist China, were state capitalist systems.

Therefore, one can say that the Cold War was actually brought on by a breakdown in communication between the two sides and predetermined ideas that each side had about the other. Americans worried that the Soviet Union intended to topple both democratic and economic institutions as it propagated communism around the world.

Learn more about the Cold War from

See full question below

Which statement most accurately describes a cause of the Cold War?

Soviets built the Berlin Wall.

Soviets feared Western promotion of capitalism.

Soviets invaded Seoul, South Korea.

Mao forced laborers onto communes.

16. The Dutch Tradition of "____"required recently freed slaves to pay annual dues to the Dutch West India Company, and it denied their children free status.​


Answer: chattel slavery.


Chattel slavery is a form of slavery in which people are treated as property and can be bought, sold, and owned. It is a deeply unethical and inhumane system that has been condemned by the international community.


1.How do you think Murray’s experiences during segregation may have impacted and influenced her?

2.Why was Murray’s family worried about her applying to UNC? What does this tell you about the society in

which African Americans were living at the time?


The influences that the discrimination that Murray faced at the time would have been what spurred her to be a contributor the civil rights act in the United States

The family was worried about her when she applied due to the fact that she was a woman and was a person that was also of the black lineage as well.

People like Martin Luther and Malcolm X were living at the time.

How did Murray contribute to rights in the US

Several civil, social, and legal groups, such as the National Organization of Women (NOW), which Pauli Murray co-founded in 1966, benefited from her contributions. She produced a great deal of writing and theorizing about her experiences as a black woman, claiming that for her, se.xuality, gender, and race could not be separated.

The ruling did not forbid segregation in education throughout the state of Maryland, but it did establish that the state must offer essentially equal treatment in any facilities it provides with public money in order to comply with the Fourteenth Amendment, as it was then understood.

Read more onm segregation here:


Did the general Washington’s military strategies match the goals of the continental army? Why? Or why not?


By keeping the Continental Army united and only engaging in combat long enough to provoke mistakes from the British.

What was Washington's military strategy?

Washington made preparations while he waited to unite his Continental Army with both the French army and fleet in order to capture the city and put an end to the conflict. Washington wrote a number of letters to a Continental Congress outlining his alleged "grand strategy" for achieving this objective.

The Continental Army, under the command of George Washington, prevailed by fording the cold Delaware River and taking the British camp at Trenton, New Jersey. British General Charles Cornwallis's capitulation at Yorktown, Virginia, in October 1781 effectively ended the world's most powerful country. Ricks outlined Washington's modified Fabian plan, which was to "avoid a general conflict and waste the enemy away," as articulated by Washington's adviser, Alexander Hamilton.

To know more about Washington's military strategy, visit:


Much of the Ghana Empire was located on a savannah, a semi-arid region with trees and other vegetation. What natural disasters did the residents of Ghana probably face?
A. Drought
B. Flooding
C. Storms
D. Forest fires


Answer: The answer is forest fires.

Explanation:  ghana is located in a semi-arid region that has some trees and some vegetation. the vegetation in arid areas is said to be dry and in case of a forest fire, the fire is likely to spread through the entire region.

One cause of the Boston Tea Party make sure to explain and elaborate.




PS: thank you so much for answering this now i know I'm sort of begging but when you answer write about the tea act and make it look simple not like some college application form. TYSM


The main cause of the Boston Tea Party was because of disagreement as the colonists did not want to have to pay taxes on the British tea. Its effect was that the British passed the Intolerable acts which were very harsh and cruel to the people of Boston.

What was the Boston Tea Party?

During Colonial era, the Boston Tea Party was an American protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, whose targets was on the Tea Act which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts.

The Sons of Liberty, in America colony, opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. The Protesters, disguised as Indigenous Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.

Read more about Boston Tea Party


let's check in the british colony of gained independence after world war ii, encouraging africans to push for their own independence. a. egypt b. the united states of america c. india d. singapore


C india led by Gandhi gain freedom in 1947

Which statement describes an accomplishment of chief justice John Marshall


The statement that describes an accomplishment of Chief Justice John Marshall is D. Chief Justice John Marshall increased the power of the judicial branch to balance it with other branches.

What did John Marshall do ?

Between 1801 to 1835, John Marshall presided as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. His legal precedents have helped lay the groundwork for US constitutional law. He simultaneously defended nationalism and was successful in making the Supreme Court a center of influence that might sway Congress.

At first, Marshall served as the face of the Virginia Federalist Party. From 1799 to 1800, he also lived in the House of Representatives. Marshall then served as Secretary of State under President John Adams from 1800 to 1801.

Find out more on John Marshall at


Options for this question include :

A.He gave the judicial branch more authority than other branches of government.B.He adopted the Alien and Sedition Acts, which increased Federalist power.C.He ruled that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.D.He increased the power of the judicial branch to balance it with other branches.

which statement about the japanese-american internment is false?group of answer choicesthe supreme court refused to intervenethe press supported the policy of internment almost unanimouslyonce the fbi did background checks on individuals, they were free to leave the camps and return homejapan used it as proof that america was racist toward nonwhite people


verdad porque janpon y América


The U.S constitution creates a strong national government but also reserves significant power to individual states governments this is an example of which american founding ideal

A. Checks and Balances

B. Representative democracy

C. Federalism

D. Separation of power


c. federalism..........................

Explain the historical circumstances that led to development depicted in the map. [1]


The historical circumstances that led to the development depicted on the map was the expansion of the British Empire .

What was the British Empire ?

The British Empire was the biggest formal empire ever to exist . As a result, its strength and impact spread over the entire world , influencing it in a variety of ways .

Beginning in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, England established commercial and abroad possessions. It was the largest empire in history at its height, and for more than a century, it dominated the world .

For numerous reasons, Britain desired an empire. Economically, the country made a lot of money from the import and sale of goods thanks to the abundant natural resources found in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Politically, it strengthened Britain and facilitated the expansion of their influence over the globe.

Find out more on the British empire at


Complete the sentence. As
increases, specialization increases as well.
O A. physical capital
O B. voluntary exchange
O c. opportunity cost
D. division of labor


As division of labor increases, specialization increases as well.

What is division of labor?

This refers to the breakdown of task whereby each task is assigned to individuals to work on. Division of labor would enable each task to be completed faster unlike when it is handle by a single person.

Also, an increase in division of labor gives support to specialization in that it allow workers to perfect one task rather than focus on many. As workers become more used at a specialized task, they also become more efficient hence production increases.

Generally, when there is an increase in division of labor, it would aid increase in specialization whereby people become expert in their various fields.

Learn more about division of labor here :


Prompt: If you were alive in 1869, would you have joined the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) or the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA)? Explain.
Your response should be at least one paragraph long. Open the paragraph with a topic sentence that states your position on the prompt. Support your position with two or three supporting detail sentences. Finally, end your paragraph with a concluding sentence that ties the paragraph's ideas together. Be sure to use proper grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics.


If i were alive in 1869, i would have joined the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) and not National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA).

Why would i join American Woman Suffrage Association?

The American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), founded in 1869, was the second national suffrage group. While the National Woman Suffrage Association opposed the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave African American men the right to vote, AWSA supported it. Men and women both participated in the AWSA. Instead of advocating for other gender equality concerns, it chose to concentrate on suffrage.

State-by-state efforts, according to the AWSA, would make success easier to attain. A federated structure was established by the organisation as part of this plan, and state and local chapters were set up around the country, with a focus on the East and Midwest. It maintained established social structures like marriage and religion. and used less aggressive lobbying strategies, such as petition drives, testifying before lawmakers, and public speaking.

To know more about, American Woman Suffrage Association, visit :


what important demographic, political, and social changes accompanied the industrial revolution in britain?


The fast urbanization, or influx of people into cities, brought about by the Industrial Revolution. Numerous individuals moved from fields to cities as a result of changes in farming, rapid population increase, and a growing need for employment.

Small communities around coal or iron mines grew into cities almost immediately. Migration patterns, environment, and demographic patterns were all drastically altered by the Industrial Revolution. People in industrialized countries migrated to the areas near industries to work there, cities expanded, and as a result, there was a general movement from rural to urban areas. Massive transformations in social and economic structure resulted from the Industrial Revolution.

A broader distribution of income and an increase in global trade were among these trends. Additionally, managerial hierarchies emerged to control the division of work.

Learn more about Industrial revolution here:


respond to the inquiry lesson question using specific information, examples, and evidence from the artifacts.explain how rulers used a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power in land-based empiresfrom 1450 to 1750.


Rulers used art, monumental architecture and religious ideas to legitimize and consolidate their power in land-based empires from 1450 to 1750.

Large empires were built during the Imperial Expansion period by the growing use of gunpowder, cannons, and armed trade. Manchu in Central and East Asia; Mughal in South and Central Asia; Ottoman in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa; and Safavid in the Middle East were among the land-based empires.

War between states were happening beacuse of political and theological disagreements. The division between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims was made worse by political rivalry between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires.

To learn more about land-based empires refer here


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