Use popular sovereignty in a sentence


Answer 1
It is a very much a popular sovereignty in highschool
Answer 2

He trained her to look on her future popular sovereignty as an engagement to make religion respected


The popular sovereignty position argued that the voters living there should decide


He was a supporter of popular sovereignty and of nationalism


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The I soldiers were tried in an American court, defended by an American lawyer, and acquitted. Yet the Boston Massacre roused many Americans to anger against Britain. Why do you think that might be?​


The Boston Massacre tried to anger americans to go  against Britain because The Boston Massacre was a street brawl between American colonists and a lone British soldier, and they might get mad again because the soilders were tired.

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Explain what the word relevant means in terms of historical evidence and sources. Why is it important for sources to be


The word relevant means that a historical evidence or source is important and essential for understanding certain topics.

History helps us to better understand the development of man and society over time, and gives us subsidies to glimpse the future and our evolution.

When conducting a historical research, it is therefore important that the sources are safe and reliable, as it is currently possible to find several different results for the same topic through the internet.

It is essential that evidence and historical sources have proven and analyzed scientific research.

To carry out a safe search you can search for official websites, books and scientific articles.

Learn more here:

Which of the following is NOT a Duty of citizenship?

A. Jury duty
B. Paying taxes
C. Defending the nation( selective services)
D. Voting



C, it is the only option that is not required

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Use the climograph on page 14 of Understanding Geography to answer this question.

Which city has a wetter climate?




The answer is Miami

explain of speration of powers and checks and balances for the U.S political system



Separation of Powers in the United States is associated with the Checks and Balances system. The Checks and Balances system provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

Which of the following was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war? a. more miles of railroad b. higher population c. mostly defending familiar territory c. more factories



C. most defending familiar territory


what two pieces of evidence does Paine provide to support his thesis in his pamphlet?


The two pieces of evidence provided by Thomas Paine in his thesis in "Common Sense" pamphlet are:

Without independence from British rule, the 13 colonies could not freely trade with other countries like France and Spain.

Without independence from British rule, the colonies will continue to endure the hostility and cruelty of the British monarch, with all the unjust taxes being imposed on the colonies.

These two pieces of evidence helped Thomas Paine to successfully galvanize and urge Americans to demand and fight for their independence from Britain.

Thomas Paine also wanted freedom from monarchism through the creation of a democratic republic, where the rule of law is king instead of an individual.

Thus, Paine's strong evidence showing how America would deteriorate under British rule and the liberty that individuals would enjoy under a democratic republic helped the American Revolution.

Read more about the American Revolution and Thomas Paine's Common Sense at

Why is migration important ?



Migration boosts the working-age population.  Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. Migrants also contribute to technological progress. Understanding these impacts is important if our societies are to usefully debate the role of migration


please consider as brainlest if useful

Identify the geographic region that supported each candidate



How did South Carolina respond to the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860? It called for a state convention and demanded a recount. It reluctantly agreed to support the policies of the new president. It declared independence from the Union and the Confederacy.


Can the Maya collapse help us in any way today? And how



In archaeology, the classic Maya collapse is the decline of the Classic Maya civilization and the abandonment of Maya cities in the southern Maya lowlands of Mesoamerica between the 8th and 9th centuries, at the end of the Classic Maya Period. At Ceibal, the Preclassic Maya experienced a similar collapse in the 2nd century.[1]

The Classic Period of Mesoamerican chronology is generally defined as the period from 250 to 900 CE, the last century of which is referred to as the Terminal Classic.[2] The Classic Maya collapse is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in archaeology. Urban centers of the southern lowlands, among them Palenque, Copán, Tikal, and Calakmul, went into decline during the 8th and 9th centuries and were abandoned shortly thereafter. Archaeologically, this decline is indicated by the cessation of monumental inscriptions[3] and the reduction of large-scale architectural construction at the primary urban centers of the Classic Period.[citation needed]

Although termed a collapse, it did not mark the end of the Maya civilization but rather a shift away from the Southern Lowlands as a power center; the Northern Yucatán in particular prospered afterwards, although with very different artistic and architectural styles, and with much less use of monumental hieroglyphic writing. In the Post-Classic Period following the collapse, the state of Chichén Itzá built an empire that briefly united much of the Maya region,[3] and centers such as Mayapán and Uxmal flourished, as did the Highland states of the Kʼicheʼ and Kaqchikel Maya. Independent Maya civilization continued until 1697 when the Spanish conquered Nojpetén, the last independent city-state. Millions of Maya people still inhabit the Yucatán peninsula today.[4]

Because parts of Maya civilization unambiguously continued, a number of scholars strongly dislike the term collapse.[5] Regarding the proposed collapse, E. Wyllys Andrews IV went as far as to say, "in my belief no such thing happened."[6]

What were the most valid arguments used to promote English colonization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries



As England’s economic and social situation declined as time progressed, colonizing the New World looked better and better. In the sixteenth century, a depression that increased the number of homeless and thieves was occurring. Richard Hakluyt argued that creating colonies in the New World could alleviate England’s growing number of poor along

As time went on and England's social and economic circumstances deteriorated, colonizing the New World seemed like a better and better idea. In the sixteenth century, there was a slump that led to an increase in the number of criminals and the homeless.

According to Richard Hakluyt, establishing colonies in the New World may help England's increasing number of poor people.

What drove the colonization of England?

One of the main drivers behind the colonization of the New World was the chance to generate money. In order to make money for its investors, the  Company of London founded the Jamestown colony. Europe spent a lot of time exploring and colonizing due to necessity.

For more information about New World refer to the link:


what is the media journalists most important job in a democratic society



effect of democratic journalism is that it promotes news based on the popular opinion of the majority, or the "wisdom of the crowd". ... The democratic role of journalism should transcend excessive commercialism, sensationalism, and manipulation by media elites.

What battle convinced the French to help the colonies during the American Revolution?






Estimates suggest that at the colonists' October 1777 victory at Saratoga, a turning point in the war, 90 percent of all American troops carried French arms, and they were completely dependent on French gunpowder. That triumph prompted the French to open their coffers wider.


open discussion:
will racism ever die out?​



the answer is no


sadly programs and campaigns have been all over the world to stop racism and give black people rights, but racism is everywhere, this morning  i saw the shop keeper charging double the price for the black person for whatever he bought ! racism is everywhere...

Which of the following was not one of the fundamental principles applied by
governments established in English North American colonies?

freedom of the press

government that is not all-powerful

government that must represent the people

religious toleration



Freedom of the press was NOT one of the fundamental principles applied by governments established in English North American Colonies.


The 3 fundamental principles are:

Religious toleration

Government that must represent the people

Government that is not all-powerful

Explain war and peace in the world today



war and peace

if we watch in our generation peace was never an option because no one gets justice and if we look towards Afghanistan their country's corrupted group betrayed their own country and if we look if anything small happens war gets started for no reason.

War is also know as conflict between countries.Peace is the condition where there is no fight between countries.this 21st generation is not facing war because there is mutual understanding between countries they help eachother in difficulties they even cooperate with eachother now it’s not like
taking 1/3 part of a country they respect eachother.they even maintain peace in the world but in 2021 we have heard that there is fight in Afghanistan due to war in that country .i heard that the president of Afghanistan is terrorist so that country is lacking behind peace

Spanish explorers who investigated North American legends included who



Spanish explorers who investigated North American legends included all except: Coronado. Ponce de Leon. De Soto.


hope it helps

Question 2 is my question



d) to create a new station

. Which city do you think would be easier to navigate by car? Dubai or London? Support your position with specific evidence.


The city that would be easier to navigate by car is Dubai and this is as a result of the population density of Dubai being less than London's.

Why is Dubai easier to navigate by car?

The population density of a place will determine the number of buildings there are people would have to stay in houses and work at companies. The higher the number of these buildings, the harder it will be to navigate by car as one would have to go around these buildings.

London has a population density of 5,701 people per square kilometre which means that navigating in London is quite difficult when compared to Dubai which has a population density of 860.49 persons per which is way less.

Find out more on population density at



According to Article III of the Constitution, the judicial power of the United States is vested in _[blank]_.

Which options correctly complete the sentence?

Select all that apply. MULTIPLE ANSWERS

one supreme court

state appellate courts, as written by law

trial courts as the states shall set forth

inferior courts established by Congress



"shall be vested in ONE SUPREME court, and in such INFERIOR COURTS AS THE CONGRESS MAY from time to time ordain and ESTABLISH.


Should be 1 and 4 :) hope this helps.

What is the difference between the way progressives (Chemerinsky) and libertarians/conservatives (Eastman) interpret the Constitution.


The difference between the way the progressives and libertarians interpret the constitution is:

The progressives interpret the American constitution as a solution to current problems. The progressives are interested in applying the constitution to modern problems that exist in the society today that the founding fathers did not take into account. Some of these are reproductive rights and ending the death penalty.

The Libertarians and the conservatives interpret the constitution as a way of achieving liberty, freedom of expression and choice in order to attain and maintain the traditional values in the society, free trade, and free markets.


state five social effects of the uganda railway on kenya during the colonial period?​



Any five social effects of Uganda railway on Kenya during the colonial period are as follows;

1.It speeded up the movement of missionaries into the interior.

2.It influenced the development of roads/telecommunication.

3.It led to the creation of African reserves.

4.It led to the development of urban centers.

5.It led to the migration of Indian coolies into the country.It promoted the interaction of people/movement.

mark as barinliest if it helps u :)


How many states sent delegates to the Annapolis
Convention in 1786?

A. None of the states sent delegates

B. Less than half of the states sent delegates

C. More than half of the states sent delegates

D. All of the states sent delegates


Five states sent delegates to the Annapolis convention of 1786. At that time, there were 13 states that made up the United States.

Therefore option B is correct because less than half of the states sent Delegates.

What was the Annapolis Convention?

The Annapolis Convention was a meeting of 12 delegates from five states that comprised the United States at that time. They include

New JerseyNew YorkPennsylvaniaDelawareVirgi.nia

These states called for a constitutional convention. The formal title of the meeting was a Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government.

The major topics of this convention  were to remedy were those barriers that limited trade or commerce between the states under the Articles of Confederation.

Learn more about the Annapolis convention at


What were the Framers afraid of?
plez help.


Answer: The Framers were still worried about the idea of a part of government taking too much power. They were afraid the executive might become a monarch. On the other hand, they were afraid that the majority of the people might run roughshod over the rights of a minority


Question 1
The first ten amendments to the US. Constitution are designed to protect which principle of American government?



they are put there to protect our god given right and our civil liberties


without them the government could silence any protest they want or they could take all of our guns away or they could destroy places of worship, so it is very important that we have those rights so that they can't do that

Which amendment limits the police's ability to search your property or person without permission from the court?






The fourth amendment …According to the Fourth Amendment, the people have a right “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” This right limits the power of the police to seize and search people, their property, and their homes.

Use Kansas Nebraska act in a sentence



He caught himself in the act of listening to you too credulously—and that seemed to him unmanly and dishonorable.

6. Read this quote from Ben Hogan below the photograph.
"People have always been telling me what I can't do. I guess I have wanted to show them.
That's been one of my driving forces all my life."
What does this quote mean? Use at least two direct quotes from the text that give
examples of this quote.
Julie Bahn



6. Read this quote from Ben Hogan below the photograph.


"People have always been telling me what I can't do. I guess I have wanted to show them.

That's been one of my driving forces all my life."


What does this quote mean? Use at least two direct quotes from the text that give

examples of this quote.



Julie Bahn


What roles did women play in the 1950's and how were women encouraged play those


Answer: In the 1950s, women's primary duty in society was to care for their families. Women were supposed to be nurturing mothers, diligent housewives, and submissive wives. "Modern moms," as they were dubbed, couldn't have friends, jobs, or anything else that would take their attention away from their responsibilities at home and with their families. Men were supposed to be the head of the household and the sole provider during the 1950s, while women were expected to be the housewife who cared for the children.

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