using four or more complete sentences describe Russians system of government and identity its basic structure.​


Answer 1


The Russian government is governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and its members of government includes the prime minister, deputy prime minsters and the federal ministers.

According to the 1993 Russian Constitution, the president is not part of the government even though he exercises executive power and appoints the prime minister.

Related Questions

Cómo podemos los ciudadanos ayudar a las pequeñas empresas o emprendedoras a subsistir


respetar y tolerancia y

what type of family system was there in medieval period​



The medieval household was, like modern households, the center of family life for all classes of European society. Yet in contrast to the household of today, it consisted of many more individuals than the nuclear family.


because the medieval household was, like modern households, the center of family life for all classes of European society. Yet in contrast to the household of today, it consisted of many more individuals than the nuclear family.

how will CAPS document can help teacher​



it is easier for the teacher to do their job


The CAPS document can help teachers by providing them with clear guidelines and standards for curriculum development and assessment, helping them to ensure that they are meeting educational goals and objectives effectively.

What is a CAPS document?

CAPS (Corrective and Preventive Action System) document is a type of quality management document that outlines a process for identifying and addressing problems that arise within an organization's operations, products, or services.

The CAPS document typically includes a description of the problem, its root cause analysis, and a plan for corrective and preventive actions to be taken to prevent a recurrence.

The primary purpose of a CAPS document is to ensure that an organization has a systematic and structured approach to addressing problems and preventing their reoccurrence.

By using a CAPS document, an organization can identify and correct problems before they become serious, and implement preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of similar problems occurring in the future.

The importance of a CAPS document lies in its ability to help an organization improve its overall quality management system by continuously monitoring and improving its processes.

It provides a way to track and analyze trends in quality issues, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that corrective and preventive actions are taken in a timely and effective manner.

Learn more about educational goals here:


Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?



People who are born in America are native Americans. They consider themselves as superior of other nationalities. Native Americans do not pick oranges and they prefer hiring other nationality immigrants for these types of work because this is stressful job.


Illegal immigrants face many difficulties in U.S. because they have traveled illegally to the nation. They face kidnapping and ransom problems, prostitution and slavery for females, lack of access to quality services, and similar other issues. The often face problems of police chase as they have traveled illegally so if they are caught by local police, they are imprisoned or deported to the country from where they belong and are banned from entering to America again.

In the context of talent development approaches, outdoor experiential activities as a development tool for individuals in teams _____.


In the context of talent development approaches, outdoor experiential activities as a development tool for individuals in teams _____.

a. give individuals opportunities to focus solely on their jobs

b. are increasing in popularity because of the absence of any disadvantages associated with these activities

c. are designed exclusively to promote ethnocentrism among the team members

d. can create a sense of teamwork via the shared risks and challenges outside the office environment

Answer: d. can create a sense of teamwork via the shared risks and challenges outside the office environment


The employees can collaborate and share about their interests, risks, and management of work outside the office this will help them to build more trust within them and they can share their experiences in the offices. The outgoing activities will help them to discuss about the issues in the office environment. This will give them a sense or teamwork which otherwise get compromised in the office settings due to oppressive environment created by higher authority. Here, talent development refers to development of interpersonal communication skills and development of trust.

A hospital is trying to cut down on emergency room wait times. It is interested in the amount of time patients must wait before being called back to be examined. An investigation committee randomly surveyed 70 patients. The sample mean was 1.5 hours with a sample standard deviation of 0.5 hours.

1.Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean time spent waiting. State the confidence interval, sketch the graph, and calculate the error bound.​



go to this link it will explain your answer


Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?



Most native born Americans are unwilling to pick oranges because the job is pays very little, and is very hard. Most Americans either have available other jobs that are comparitively easier, or that pay at least a bit better, or they simply choose not to do that job due to the fact that hey have lived under a higher living standard than your average immigrant.

Immigrants are a whole different story. Most of them come from countries that are poorer than the United States, and many of them carried out similar jobs in their home countries for even lower pay and under more difficult conditions. Their willingless to work does pose challenges to them though, for example, they are often hired for temporal work, with no benefits, without legal permission, and are made to work for longer hours than it is legally mandated.

The planning committee routinely shut down disagreement and encouraged allegiance to the leader's ideas. What is the term for this type of group dynamic





The group agrees the leader without any arguements. This same thing is followed by Totalitarian governments.

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said



yea ir should be letter d

1. 2 How can Nepal be a developed country?​



1)If nepal can prove employment to jobless.If government provide vocational trainings.If nepal produce human resources as per need and produce human resources which are needed.

what is the difference between law and rule?​



law is for every body in world but rule is for some body l hope it will help you please follow me

If an action is considered ethical in one society or culture but unethical in another how do you determine if the action is ethical or unethical



Moral reasoning is the process by which we can attempt to determine whether an action is ethical or unethical.


There are two fundamental perspectives on this matter.

Ethical Relativism considers that absolute moral truths don´t exist; instead, truths are relative to their cultural context. This means that there are no right or wrongs if something that one society considers ethical is also considered unethical by another culture because moral values are relative to each society.

On the other hand, Kant's Categorical Imperative, which requires knowing the intention behind the action as well as its possible consequences, does state that universal moral guidelines can be produced. However, in reality, this approach leaves cultural context out of consideration.  

religious tolerance is a unique feature of nepalese society.explain thia statement​


Nepal has always been known for its religious tolerance. It is predominantly a Hindu State practicing Hinduism, but Buddhism is also being practiced widely. Besides Hinduism and Buddhism, Islam and Christianity too are practiced by a few. It is one of the few countries where the minorities also live in utmost peace.

You are at an amusement park with your significant other. You witness an individual waiting in line suddenly collapse. A bystander who does not know CPR is present. What would you do



I would call ambulance even though it's not an emergency situation. I'd rather they thought I'd tried to help than think I just stood there.


Because I don't know what else to do honestly.

The assertion that non- formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the systems. Theory is empty rhetoric. Comments


Answer and Explanation:

The claim that non-formal institutions have no role to play in the processing stage of systems theory is an incorrect claim. This is because the processing stage of systems theory is formed by the rules, concepts and ideas formed in a society. These rules, concepts and ideas have the power to create the limits and goals of a system, which is the function of the systems theory processing step. At this point, we can see the importance of non-formal institutions, as these institutions are primarily responsible for creating rules, concepts and ideas that society adopts and establishes in their communities. In this case, we can say that without non-formal institutions, the processing stage of systems theory would not exist.

What did you learn about yourself? What stressors and or "hassles" do you recognize in your life? What measures can you take in order to lower your stress and optimize your health and well being? How will this enable you to become a more productive student? Do you see a mind, body, soul connection?



I think this is an actually personal question, one that's asking YOU about yourself and how YOU are. Think deep and read the question over, write points for each question then combine it into your answer as a whole.


I feel like this is the teacher asking this question..but you could say Somethings that I have learned about myself is__ ..that's all I can really tell you

Name the vegetation found in different regions in Nepal​



The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

The first transition of power between political parties took place following the presidential election of 1800. This transition of power was between what two political parties?
a professional interest group.
a single interest group.
an ideological interest group.
a labor interest group.



In addition to ending the political intrigue surrounding the election, Jefferson's inauguration and the Democratic-Republican takeover of Congress set an important precedent. It marked the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in American history.

Answer: C)


Xuất khẩu tư bản, liên hệ với Việt Nam hiện nay


can you ask in english please?

why is school regarded as secondary means of socialization​



Secondary socialization refers to the social learning that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like school.


Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.


because school is theplace where we learn everything, school leads to sucess, noone can stole the education that we have read in our school, school teaches us everything like education as well as respecting others and loving juniors

A rollercoaster ride elicits an initial feeling of fear followed by a feeling of exhilaration. After repeated experiences, the initial fear responses may become weaker, whereas the rebound responses grow stronger. The process described here can be explained using _____ theory.


Answer: opponent process


According to the opponent process theory, the minds of individuals can only be able to register the presence of

a color at a time due to the fact that there will be opposition with regards to two colors such that the cells that activate the colors deactivate when another color is seen.

Therefore, based on the explanation given in the question, since the rollercoaster ride elicits an initial feeling of fear followed by a feeling of exhilaration and after repeated experiences, the initial fear responses then become weaker, whereas the rebound responses grow stronger, this depicts the opponent process theory.

An opponent process theory describes the process whereby the initial fear responses become weaker because the rebound responses grow stronger.

The opponent process theory explains that the more a person experiences the fear, the less the fear will affect them.

Therefore, the process described here can be explained using opponent process theory.

Read more about opponent process theory

3-5 sentences summary on the Russian revolution



The Russian Revolution was a very important period in the history of Russia, that lasted from 1917 to 1923.


In 1917, Russia was in the middle of an economic and military crisis, because it had many setbacks in World War I. This angered the people, and in february the government of the Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown.

The parliament stayed in power until October of the same year, when the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, took power, executed the Tsar, and dissolved the parliament.

After that, Russia was embroiled in a civil war between the communists and the reactionaries, and by 1923, the war had been won by the former, and the Soviet Union had been established.

Why organizations lack appreciation of knowledge management in Pakistan



to Improve knowledge


that helps you put an effective knowledge management system within your organization.

what does irrigation means​



the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.

The flushing or washing out of anything with water or other liquid. the state of being irrigated.


Irrigation is the artificial process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to assist in production of crops.Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production, including frost protection,suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation.

: Identify a character from both a fiction (Chopin or Glaspell) and a nonfiction piece (Torres or Kobabe) that we have read this week. First, show how the character is limited in his or her role in society (excluded from the American Dream), an then explain specifically how that character pushes against boundaries imposed by society. Use paraphrased quotes to support your claims, and cite them in APA style using in-text and reference citations that you reviewed last week.



• Arousing by Kate Chopin:-

The story communities within the hero named Edna Pontellier who lived together with her spouse Robert. apart from her actual appearance, Edna has been recognized not an equivalent because the remainder of the woman locally. She features a diverse strict foundation from her spouse and she or he has likewise an alternate point of view on life.  

Edna may be a good lady with a solid looking for sexual cravings. really, ladies living within the 1800s are relied upon to develop traditionalist qualities. In contrast to people, Edna is certain about what she needed and she or he is resolved to accomplish it with no endorsement from the others.  

All through the story, Edna felt disappointed together with her marriage with Robert and she or he came to urge herself autonomous from her wife. Toward the top, Edna chose to kill since she accepts that a woman with solid suggestive cravings won't ever be acknowledged by the overall public.

• Gender Queer by Kobabe:-

Sexual orientation may be a significant worry across the worldwide half the world. Besides, the difficulty of homosexuality is distinguished fascination towards somebody else of the identical sex. it's perhaps the foremost discussed subject inside the overall public which makes shifted point of view from various individuals. Regarding this, Maia Kobabe compresses purdah by utilizing various pronouns he/she/it in concerning a person to speak regard and commend variety. This quite changes the traditional generalization assumptions on all types of individuals

examine the upsurge of crime among the youth in a galamsey community​



Women and youth group leaders in the three study communities were also ... Some security analysts have stated that the increase in insecurity.

Many thousands of people travel to New England each year to see the beauty of the?




C / buildings


People love all the beautiful buildings and most the time the reason people go to New England


leaves i took the test


5.The Macionis textbook describes how boys and girls are socialized differently starting the day they are born. Describe how boys and girls are socialized differently and discuss what impact this early socializing may have on them later on in life.



Gender socialization comprises a distinct socialization for boys and girls, that is, it is an established stereotyping about the expected behaviors and personality according to the individual's gender.

This early socialization can have important impacts on a person's entire life, girls for example can be socialized according to some type of gender bias, or inequality, and the socialization environment is also relevant, which can culminate in situations of sexism and gender expectations that reduce the autonomy and freedom with which a girl, for example, understands her existence.

Dependency theory articulates the argument that the core ____________the periphery. Question 29 options:



Interacts with.


The dependency theory states that or arguments that the core always interacts with the periphery. The prosperity of the richer countries, according to dependency theory, was a highly contingent and particular event in world economic history, characterized by the European powers' highly exploitative colonial relationships.

Individual nations, their function as sourcing of raw materials, cheap labor, and markets for expensive finished goods from industrialized countries were the emphasis of dependency theory. The weak economic growth was attributed to the unequal contractual relationship between developed and developing countries.

Mr. Waller's students are working in cooperative groups. Just prior to the transition to the next activity, which will require each student to use colored pencils and scissors, Mr. Waller rings a small bell. He tells the children that they have two minutes to finish up what they're doing. Mr. Waller's strategy is:





In simple words, Educational scaffolding can be understood as the method under which a teacher provides supports to learners' education in order to help them accomplish tasks. The instructor accomplishes this by expanding on the pupils' prior encounters and understanding as they acquire new abilities. Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct answer is scaffolding.

The Strategy that is being used by Mr Wallace by ringing this bell is called scaffolding.

What is scaffolding?

This is a type of teaching style that has the person that is teaching offering support to the people he is teaching just as they learn a new concept.

The teacher here is using the bell as a reminder that the students have to be fast in their grasping of the concept.

Read more on scaffolding here:

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