Using the information you gathered in parts A and B, write a three-paragraph news report of 200 to 250 words explaining what you learned about today’s political system in the Latin American country of your choice. Don’t forget to use proper grammar and spelling, topic sentences, concluding sentences, and transitions. Be sure to properly cite your sources.


Answer 1


Today I am reporting to you from Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. Spain ruled this country for more than 300 years. Mexico won independence in 1821. The new nation formed a federal democratic republic, similar to the political system in the United States, with a president as head of state.

Every Mexican age 18 and older is required to vote. According to the article “Mexico: Political parties,” by Enrique Gómez of the European Parliamentary Research Service, Mexico has several political parties that represent different interests, such as the Revolutionary Institutional Party, the National Action Party, and the Party of the Democratic Revolution. To prevent abuse of power, Mexico has three branches of government that help the president in making and judging laws. The Mexican Constitution includes a list of rights that apply to all citizens. Every citizen in the country pays a value-added tax to help the government fund items for the people.

Mexico is a successful federal republic. Many parts of its government are modeled after governments of countries such as the United States, England, and France. These government systems took inspiration from Enlightenment thinkers such as Locke and Rousseau. Overall, both Mexico’s government and political system meet the needs of most of its citizens.

Explanation: its word for word

Related Questions

Maine was once owned by WHICH
New York


The correct answer is D. Massachusets


Massachusetts colony originally covered not only nowadays the state of Massachusetts, but also the territory north to New Hampshire state, which is now the state of Maine. This implies Maine was once part of the Colony of Massachusetts. Indeed, Maine became an independent state in 1820 through the Missouri Compromise, but before this time it legitimately belonged to the Colony of Massachusetts. According to this, option D is correct.

As a new member of Congress when should you start planning your reelection campaign?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

As a new member of Congress, you should start planning your reelection campaign some six to seven months before elections.

However, you have to take in mind that it is your current work as a Congressman, your best launch pad to reelection. It is the work you do on a daily basis the one that counts and people notice. Not your campaign promises or all that rhetoric. No. It is your daily work, the contact with the people, and your accomplishments representing the interest of the US citizens, what is going to give you the real chances of being reelected.

Answer: immediately

This lesson focuses on changes in African nations in the twentieth century. Think about the African countries you’ve heard of. List as many of these countries as you can.



Africa has 5 regions namely; North, South, East, West and Central.

Some of the countries in these regions are;

Northern Africa


Southern Africa

Botswana South AfricaNamibiaZambiaZimbabwe

Eastern Africa

Kenya EthiopiaSomaliaUganda

Western Africa


Central Africa

Central Africa RepublicChadDemocratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo



Answers might include these countries among others:


South Africa




Ivory Coast










exact answer from plato/edmentum

PLEASE HELP!!!! i need to compare and contrast between Mohandas Gandhi and augusto pinochet!! needs 500-600 words or just try and make it long please!!!


Mohandas Gandhi and Augusto Pinochet are two characters that have been very important in contemporary politics, both within their own nations as well as internationally. Although the two characters are very different, they share some commonalities.

Some common traits between the two is that both characters were considered historically significant in their respective countries. These are India in the case of Gandhi and Chile in the case of Pinochet. Another similarity is that both leaders succeeded in replacing the government that was in place in their nation at the time. While Gandhi tried to undermine the British government of India, Pinochet wanted to undermine the democratically-elected socialist government of Chile.

However, the two characters were also extremely different. Gandhi was only interested in politics when it came to benefitting the majority of the population, and particularly the most unfortunate ones. On the other hand, Pinochet wanted to benefit and protect the elite families of Chile. While Gandhi respected democracy, Pinochet established a military dictatorship. Finally, Gandhi was interested in reducing the influence of foreign powers in India, while Pinochet supported the involvement of the United States in Latin America.

The hundreds if American indian groups that had developed by late 1400s were



we're the native Americans Britannica

During the early 1900s, the European nation whose increase in military forces and equipment alarmed other European
nations was
O Russia
O Italy
O France.
O Germany.


The answer is Germany


D. Germany


Identify the goods or animals that were introduced to Europe by the Americas. 1-potatoes 2-corn 3-pineapples 4-horses



Potatoes were introduced to Europe from the Americas in the second half of the 16th century by the Spanish.

Corn and pineapples were also introduced to Europe by the Americas



Moving to another question will save this response.
Question 8
Which of the following is NOT a reason for Alexander's success in conquering much of the known world?
he learned from his father Philip of Macedonia, a brilliant military strategist
he slaughtered Greek foes but released foreign foes after conquest
he was intelligent enough to lead from the rear, thereby protecting himself from an early death
he immortalized his name and reputation by naming conquered cities after himself and allowing the people to believe he descended from the gods (such as Achilles)


Answer: He was intelligent enough to lead from the rear, thereby protecting himself from an early death


Part of the success of the conquests of Alexander the Great was down to the complete loyalty and respect his men had for him. This was down to him leading them with empathy. For instance, when their horses died and soldiers had to walk, he would walk with them and if food was scarce, he would go hungry with his men.

Perhaps the most evident act of this leadership style was Alexander in battle. He preferred to lead his men from the front especially the cavalry instead of hiding and commanding behind them. This way he not only inspired his troops but was able to see the battle in real time and make adjustments if necessary.


Answer: He was intelligent enough to lead from the rear, thereby protecting himself from an early death


As a result of living in North America, many slaves adopted which religion?
A. Islam
B. Hinduism
C. Christianity
D. Animism





They took on the religion of those that owned them. There were few Hindus or Moslims at the time. They likelly were coming from some form of animism.

Answer: C.



A criminal court is most likely to punish a person convicted of a
misdemeanor by:
A. ordering that person to perform community service.
B. forcing that person to pay an extremely large fine.
C. requiring that person to appeal the verdict in federal court.
D. sending that person to prison for several years.





according to the declaration of independence, why are governments created?


Answer: i think it is “To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men”



Though the rules and responsibilities vary greatly through time and place, governments must create them. Governments provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protect them from outside interference, and often provide for their well-being and happiness.Explanation:

i hope this helps

When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner. –Baron de Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, 1748 According to Montesquieu, what would happen in an absolute monarchy? Laws could not be enacted. Citizens could lose their freedom. Tyranny would be avoided. Powers would be limited.


The correct answer is B. Citizens could lose their freedom


Absolute monarchy implies the monarch has unlimited or unrestricted power, which often leads to citizens' oppression and tyranny because there are no organizations or branches of government that can protect citizens. This idea is explained by Montesquieu as he states united powers exerted by the same person lead to apprehensions and lack of liberty "there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise". Moreover, Montesquieu explains an absolute monarch would create and enact tyrannical laws according to his interests "should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner." In this context, one of the consequences of this government is the loss of freedom (option B).


B: Citizens could lose their freedom.


i just did it and it said it was right :)

Why is the continental divide important US history



The continental divide is the hydrological boundary of which direction (and ultimately which ocean) water will flow.


Here in the US if you could theoretically stand directly on top of the continental divide and dump a large bucket of water allowing half of the water to flow down one side and the other half to flow down the other side ,then half of the water would eventually drain into the Atlantic ocean (as does all water east of the divide) and the other half would eventually flow into the Pacific ocean(as does all water west of the divide).

Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
Though the Continental Divide separates the waters of North America, for thousands of years it has brought people together. The first people to see, name, and live among the lakes, rivers, and mountains of this land were the indigenous peoples of North America.

help. What is the Fall of mankind?



The fall of man kind is a term used in Christianity to describe the transition of the first man and women from the state of innocents obedience to God to state of guilty disobedience.

The fall of mankind or also known as the fall, is a term used n Christianity to describe the transition of the first man and women from a state of inncent obedience of God. Hope this helps!!!

Disability and frustration can stop the progress of a Nation. How?



Hey, there!!

Disability simply means lack of adequate knowledge, skill,capacity. and we simply define frustration means disappointed, or discouraged. When a country is suffering from disabilities and frustration, a countrie's whole economy will go down. It also leads a country be weak. The decrease in economic condition leads to countrie's downfall in every development works because there will be no any budgets for developmental works and our country cannot be developed. Frustration and disabilities qualities may leads to country disputes too.

Hope it helps..

How was the rule of Cyrus the great different than Babylonian rulers



allowed people he conquered to keep their religious beliefs


I'm doing the instruction right now and got it correct.




What was the result of the raid Harpers Ferry in 1859?
A. Increased tensions between the North and South
B. A victory for the Confederacy
C. A Successful slave revolt
D. An easing of tensions between the North and South

Need to know asap, i'm between A or B!


Answer: A. Increasing tensions between the North and South.

Things were already bad between the two sides before the event happened, so this only made things worse. The American Civil War would start soon after (Apr 12, 1861). Though this event didn't directly cause the war, it did play a factor.

By 1807 approximately 500,000 Africans had been brought to the United States unwilling and forced into slavery





This was true as this characterized the period of slave trade. Blacks were moved from their home countries and transported on ships to mostly foreign and European countries such as the USA, Britain, Germany etc. The slaves were sold and used as labor in farmlands and other harsh and tedious activities.

By the year By 1807 approximately 500,000 Africans in total had been brought to the United States unwilling and forced into slavery by slave masters.

Which of the following BEST describes ALL the parts of the United States that had been cleared of Native Americans by 1850?
Everything north of the Ohio River
Everything east of the Mississippi River
The Eastern Atlantic coast
Everything from the Atlantic to the Pacific

What area west of the Mississippi River was NOT settled by Americans before 1850?
Salt Lake area

Question 5 Which region of the United States did large numbers of American settlers begin moving into in the middle of the 1800s?
Eastern woodlands
Great Plains



*everything east if the Mississippi




Settlers began moving west in the mid 1800's

1849 was the gold rush in California


1. everything east of the Mississippi river

2. arizona

3. great plains


I just took the test, guarantee I'm right. The other answer is wrong. I tried it and failed my test so redid it and got a better score. The comment under the first answer was mostly right besides the salt lake area. Pls do your research before answering haha.

To understand how democracy developed in Ancient Greece you must examine the polis which was Greek word for



poli was the Greek word for city.


Using Article 26 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, summarize then analyze the article in light of what you
know of the education in other countries that do not uphold this right. Include the different sections and discuss the
effects on a country if every country involved implemented this right.



According to Article 26 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Education should be free and for all in the elementary level, and accessible based on merit in the technical and superior level. Finally, the article says that parents should have the right to choose what kind of education their children receive.


There are many countries where these conditions are not met. To start, there are some countries where not even elementary school is accessible to all children, and as a result, some children end up working or wandering the streets. This is common in very poor countries like those of Subsaharan Africa.

Secondly, higher and technical education is far from being accessible to all based on merit, even in some developed countries. The reason is that this type of education is often expensive, and many capable students from a poor background end up lacking the financial means necessary to engage in this type of schooling.

Finally, in most countries, parents have a limited choice of school for their children, specially those who are economically poorer. It is frequent that many public school available to low-income children are of low quality, and parents often have no other choice.

6. How was France able to create an Enlightenment government at last under Napoleon's dictatorial rule?

Napoleon included many ideals of the Enlightenment in the legal systems he created.

The Treaty of Versailles included most of the ideals formed during the Enlightenment.

The people of France copied the American Bill of Rights, and Napoleon applied its freedoms to all French citizens.

Enlightenment ideals were written into the new French constitution, which was written by Napoleon.



Correct answer:

1. Napoleon included many ideals of the Enlightenment in the legal systems he created.


As the reformer and when he became an Emperor, Napoleon made some reforms such as all French citizens became equal under the law Also, he initiated lasting reforms such as the Napoleonic Code, which remains the basis for many of the world's legal systems. And, the educational network of lycees (high schools) and universities that he fostered remains the cornerstone of the French educational system.

Napoleon included many ideals of the Enlightenment in the legal systems he created.

How does the constitution provide for the separation of church and state


The United States Constitution provides the separation of church and state in the First Amendment. This amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, which is part of the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments in the constitution.

The First Amendment exercises the freedom of religion, speech, press, and the right to hold protests as long as they are peaceful. It also obtains the ability to stand up to the government and even sue them if necessary. Along with this, the First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” This is a clear separation of church and state.

What were the reasons the French Natives were fighting the British during the French
and Indian War? Explain in one paragraph.


The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire.

here it is.

Why did Congress agree to the Missouri Compromise?
O A. To decide what states would join the Union
O B. All of these
O c. To address the conflict over slavery
O D. To get settlers to move into the territory





just took the test

In terms of slavery, the Missouri Compromise was separated into three parts and explained further.

What were the main points of the Missouri Compromise?

In terms of slavery, the Missouri Compromise was separated into three parts: Missouri became a slave state, Maine became a free state, and Louisiana was given the 36'30" line.

To resolve the slavery question, Congress agrees to the Missouri Compromise option c.

Learn more about Missouri Compromise here:


Considering the various rejections of the modern made by postmodernism "The Postmodern Condition," how does postmodernism affect you personally? Do you think any of those conditions of postmodern existence are true and in play in your life? How so? Be specific and use as much detail as possible to explain your position.



In simple words, Postmodernism, often known as post-modernism, throughout western region of the globe, a late 20th-century migration characterised by widespread scepticism, interpretivism or reductionism; particular paranoia of purpose; and recurrent awareness to the position of idealism in proving and sustaining economic and political power.

It stresses secularism and reductionism and opposes some kind of conviction and significance level; it contrasts with reductionism and finds organizational identification to be a mental concept.

Reading essays reveals a dark side to Manifest Destiny. What is that dark side?
American imperialism
B. American slavery
unplanned deaths of Native Americans caused by disease
unplanned deaths of settlers from conflicts​


Hey There!!

The correct answer of this question is option A. The dark side revealed by Manifest Destiny is the American imperialism. It is the belief that American settles are destined to expand across North America. This resulted to displacement of Native Americans and war with Mexico.

Hope It Helped!~ ♡

ItsNobody~ ☆

why did the members of the third estate walk out of the estate general meeting? what was the tennis court oath?



1. They wanted the power for each member to vote, but the king rejected their demand. So the members of the third estate walked out out of protest.

2. The oath was a pledge vowing "not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the Constitution of the kingdom is established".


what were the achievements of neanderthal and cro-magnon people



made specialized tools

planned their hunts

had advanced language skills

True or false , instead of military action , the U.S and Soviet Union used spying , propaganda, diplomacy and secret operations in there dealings with each other





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