Venus de' Medici. 3rd century BCE. Marble. Height 5.
The Greeks regarded art as a way to glimpse the ideal, as this sculpture shows.
Where do we get our visions of the ideal today? From art, or some other realm?


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Indeed, the Greeks regarded art as a way to glimpse the ideal, as this sculpture shows. Venus de Medici. 3rd century BCE. Marble.

Where do we get our visions of the ideal today? From art, or some other realm?

The reality is that modern society is not as refined as Greeks or Romans were.

I consider that modern society has lost touch with the true meaning of art. People are so exposed to mass media content through television or social media, where they broadcast simple things.

Marketing and advertising have created models for what beauty is, what is the ideal size for women, the stereotyped man of women. And that is not art. That is marketing trying to sell and manipulate people in order to generate more consumption.

That is where people get their vision today.

Often, and just a few people, like to visit a museum to admire pieces of art, sculptures, or paintings.

It seems that people prefer what is conventional, what is common, and what corporations want to impose through advertising.  

Related Questions

Why are there so many young people sick abroad? I can't understand the routine of the media playing a double role with the government. I can't believe in the free media. Which media is not the capital behind? What capital is not profit-seeking? The US government is doing evil and the media is exposing a tiny fraction of it. It's just a show for the American people. An epidemic, 700,000 dead, 40 million infected, the world of evil, which media dare to expose?


Answer:I honestly don’t think we’ll ever het an answer to this question

Explanation: it’s just such a complex topic


bro facts


What's the meaning of Gokyo -no-Waza in Judo game? And also Ippon in judo game​



1. Ippon: A full throw in which a contestant throws his opponent to the mat with "considerable force and speed" so the opponent lands "largely on his back." An ippon is also awarded when a contestant immobilizes his opponent with a grappling hold-down for 20 seconds, or when an opponent gives up or passes out.

me gustan los pingüinos y aquel que diga lo contrario odia bañarse





gracias por los puntos


Look at this painting by Claude Monet. What makes it an impressionist painting?


D. There are a lot of colors in the picture

En este mes, nuestro Perú cumple 199 años de independencia, estamos a un año del bicentenario, por ello es muy importante refl exionar, tomar acción y comprometernos con el Perú. Una forma es asumiendo nuestras responsabilidades frente al efecto invernadero.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

En este mes, nuestro Perú cumple 199 años de independencia, estamos a un año del bicentenario, por ello es muy importante reflexionar, tomar acción y comprometernos con el Perú. Una forma es asumiendo nuestras responsabilidades frente al efecto invernadero.

Y para que realmente tomemos conciencia de la difícil situación ambiental, es muy importante que nos comprometamos a cuidar el medio ambiente que ya está muy contaminado con gases y bióxido de carbono que resulta de las gasolinas y combustibles, siendo éstos una causa del efecto invernadero y del cambio climático.

Desafortunadamente, mucha gente aquí en Perú no es cuidadosa o no le interesa cuidar el medio ambiente. Ellos tiran basura en la calle, usan mucho el automóvil y contaminan el aire. Las grandes industrias también contaminan el aire, los ríos, lagos, y mares.

Tampoco hay muchos programas o leyes del gobierno que busquen menguar los efectos de la contaminación. Sin embargo, sus consecuencias son destructivas en animales, plantas, bosques y ecosistemas.

Sin duda, como parte de los festejos del bicentenario del Perú, debemos incluir un programa en los medios de comunicación que nos recuerde que si contaminamos nuestras tierras y nuestros mares, no sólo Perú, sino todo el mundo, tendrá un futuro incierto y quizá no lleguemos a festejar los 300 años de independencia.

was a piece of art, and not a kitchen The court case Constantin Brancusi v. United States determined that utensil as U.S. customs believed it to be. Wild Turkey C. Pigeon Stance b. Birds in Flight d. Bird in Space a. ​



birds in flight and birds in space


The answer would be "D", the option should say "Bird in Space".


I took the test just earlier, got it right. Sorry it ain't much of an explanation.

Hope this helps.

make up characters on how they are online and offline


Online she is an extremely hyper, energetic and funny person.
Offline she is sleep deprived, having medical issues and home problems

Is there a pattern of similarity and repetition evident in the development of these motifs? Or are there some differences and variations in the way they develop? Do these patterns of repetition and variation create formal parallelisms that structure the film?



Yes) they are quit similar but they have a difference between the 2

No) they come together. When you create a pattern it looks like a 3D type image but then when you paint it or color it it looks alive and colorful


Why would you study art from diverse
different cultures unfamiliar to you?


Art is often considered a kind of mirror to the past, a way of gaining valuable insights into bygone eras. You learn that by studying art, you prepare yourself for an active role in keeping your culture alive.

Os romanos adotaram as ordens gregas (Dórica, Jônica e Coríntia) em suas construções, porém, com o acréscimo de duas novas ordens



I don´t speak no spanish.

I am sorry but I am American.

lyrics " LUKA" ~ Killing me Inside Band​




[Verse 1]

Kumelihat luka di dalam senyummu

Meski kau tak pernah 'tuk mengakuinya

Ada cerita di dalam rasa

Semua yang nyata warnai hariku untukku


Biarkanlah diriku bersamamu selalu

Berdiri di sini, di sampingmu selamanya

[Verse 2]

Mungkin kau tak bisa lupakan dirinya

Mungkin ku tak mampu mengganti hadirnya

Namun ku bisa buat kau rasa

Semua yang nyata di depanmu


Biarkanlah diriku bersamamu selalu

Berdiri di sini, di sampingmu selamanya

Berikanlah senyummu hapuskanlah sedihmu

Ku ada di sini, di sisimu selamanya

Biarkanlah diriku bersamamu selalu

Berdiri di sini, di sampingmu selamanya

Berikanlah senyummu hapuskanlah sedihmu

Ku ada di sini, di sisimu selamanya


Verse 1]
Kumelihat luka di dalam senyummu
Meski kau tak pernah 'tuk mengakuinya
Ada cerita di dalam rasa
Semua yang nyata warnai hariku untukku
Biarkanlah diriku bersamamu selalu
Berdiri di sini, di sampingmu selamanya
[Verse 2]
Mungkin kau tak bisa lupakan dirinya
Mungkin ku tak mampu mengganti hadirnya
Namun ku bisa buat kau rasa
Semua yang nyata di depanmu
Biarkanlah diriku bersamamu selalu
Berdiri di sini, di sampingmu selamanya
Berikanlah senyummu hapuskanlah sedihmu
Ku ada di sini, di sisimu selamanya
Biarkanlah diriku bersamamu selalu
Berdiri di sini, di sampingmu selamanya
Berikanlah senyummu hapuskanlah sedihmu
Ku ada di sini, di sisimu selamanya

What is depicted in the image above?



The Triumph of Venus by François Boucher

Which of the following is an example of shape in Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue?

The color red
The color yellow
The lines
The rectangle


The rectangle would be an example of shape in Piet's composition.

what was the purpose of the winged bull that guarded the kings palaces​



Protect the palace from demonic forces


The purpose of the winged bull that guarded the king's palaces was to protect the palace from demonic forces.


to ward off intruders that might threaten them

नकी सरकार ने देश के बाकी यहा वयसको रोकने की दिशा अधिकारों और कर्तव्यों के सांविधानिक बंटवारे में कई सहमहामारीको नियंत्रित करने विषय (समवर्ती सूची के रूप में संयुक्त रूप से) राज्यों चय उल्लेखनीय रही, तो गोवा के जिम्मे हैं। सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य व स्वच्छता, अस्पताल के सक्रिय मामलों को शून्य और औषधालय' भी ऐसे ही विषय हैं। मा तामिलनाडुने कोरोना टेस्ट इससे भी अधिक प्रासंगिक है, 'मानव, पशु या पौधों पि नेकी और अपने यहाँ अच्छा को प्रभावित करने वाले संक्रामकयाघातक रोगों को एक हैं स्थान ने गरीबों को खाद्यान्न राज्य से दूसरे राज्य में फैलने से रोकना' । यहसमवर्ती सूची नि बरसे स्वास्थ्य सेवा मुहैया में शामिल है और राज्य व केंद्र, दोनों पर बाध्यकारी है। नॉक डालन में भारी आर्थिक सामान्य हालात में बेशक इन विषयों के प्रति वे थोड़ी गरिकों की देखभाल की। शिथिलता बरतते हों, लेकिन अभी हम जिस मुश्किल पा में सबसे अधिक चुनौती स्थिति का सामना कर रहे हैं, उसमें राज्य-केंद्र अपने हो कोरोना संक्रमित मरीजों सांविधानिक दायित्वको जीते हुए पूरी तरह से सक्रिय हैं। 3 वहां भी मुख्यमंत्रीउद्धव यही है वह भारत, जिसमें हम रहते हैं। रहे हैं, उसकी तारीफ की ल राज्यों से परेएक अन्य विषय की चर्चा भी जरूरी है, 31​



cool language bro


01.01 introduction to art history and criticism



i dont really how to answer this ;-;


Hey there!

To ask a question, you must be more clear and add some resources that are required to be answered.

Which of these is most likely to be a dada art piece ?



c is def most likely of all of tgem


B. A painting of a guitar with...

Name at least three dry media used in drawing



Charcoal, chalks, and graphite are some of the dry media materials that are used in everyday drawing by artists.

Charcoal, graphite, chalks and pastels. Each of these mediums gives the artists a big range to making capabilities and effects. Like thin lines to big areas of color and tone!

Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings are characterized by _________.



02 - O Renascimento cultural e artístico europeu do século XVI foi um processo lento e prolongado de transformações que remontam ao período final da Idade Média, principalmente a partir do século XI. A partir dos seus conhecimentos referentes ao período, responda: a) Quais os principais aspectos valorizados pelos artistas renascentistas em suas obras e em quais locais da Europa esta produção artística foi mais valorizada?



Humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, and classicism.


Humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, and classicism are the main aspects valued by Renaissance artists in their works. These aspects can be seen in the paintings and arts of the people where Renaissance occurs. Italy and France are the places in Europe where this artistic production was most valued because these places have high trend of expressing their ideas through painting.

Actual texture uses your sense of _____


Actual texture uses your sense of touch.

Did you do anything interesting this summer ?



I went to the Smoky Mountains.


I honestly don't know why you want to know this but ok.

I went to six flags and white waters, nothing else interesting tho

what is the difference between logo, crest, badges and insignia ​



logo is a companies image

crest and badge are typically the same as they are for a team

insignia is for the miliatry to show rank



Insignia: A distinguishing badge or emblem of military rank, office, or membership of an organization. Crest: A distinctive device representing a family or corporate body, borne above the shield of a coat of arms (originally as worn on a helmet) or separately reproduced, for example on writing paper.

Hope this helps!

Please give me brainliest if this helped you!

In African art realstic representation ?



It is c

It is C

it is C

please make me brain list answer


point number c


is less important than abstraction and stylization.



How do you measure your own ability? What have you done in the past classes that encourage you to keep working to develop your skills and imagination? Have you done independent work that friends or family liked and complimented you on?


i personally measure my ability in accomplishments. i know it’s not the best or healthiest way but acknowledgments measure for me. if i have a passion for something it’ll be encouraging or a goal. maybe if theirs a negative if i don’t achieve it. and yes, when people compliment me on things like that it motivates me to do it even more! hope this helps!!

What is 2x2

B) 4
C) 3
D) 2





Answer: 4


In the space below, submit your Discussion Reflection. Your answers should be thoughtful, well-written, and have proper spelling and punctuation. View the Collaborative Discussion rubric for this project. PLEASE HELP!!!!



? Explanation: let me know when u got the answer i need it too lol

4. Look at the painting below. Name the painting, the artist, and the art movement it
is associated with. Then, describe the important features of this painting. (7 points)



Name of the painting: Impression, Sunrise

Artist: Claude Monet

Art Movement: Impressionism

Much of the rich diversity of traditional African art derives from the fact that the continent has been peopled by countless different cultures since the first humans lived there 200,000 years ago. Can you tell which of these sculptures were created by artists from the same African culture


Answer and Explanation:

Notable African arts and sculptures remain some of the Benin bronze sculptures dating back 1400 AD. These sculptures were born out of the rich culture of the Ancient Benin people. Some of these sculptures include the sculpture of the queen of Benin, a warrior on a horse back, and over 30 magnificent pieces scattered across the world as a result of the colonial raid. The historic empire of Benin is celebrated as home to one of the most revered art sculptures in the world. These masterpieces date back thousands of years and were known to be mostly commissioned by the King/Oba of Benin at the peak of the Benin empire.

what is the best way to take notes fast?



For fast notes, I use abbreviations, and I type.


Other Questions
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