Vera PLC uses exponential smoothing with trend to forecast monthly sales. At the end of September, Small Industries PLC hopes to forecast sales for October. The trend through August has been 500 additional unit sales per month (Tt-1). Average sales have been 1800 units per month (St-1). The demand for September was 1780 units (AL). Vera PLC uses alpha (a) - 0.2 and Beta (B)-0.3. Note: This Forecasting Question relates to Questions 65-67. Following the first stage of the trend-adjusted exponential smoothing method, smooth the level of the series and calculate St for Vera PLC. (retain your answer and calculation for:________
a) 1985
b) 2563
c) 2196
d) 2144
e) 2373


Answer 1


Option c (2196) is the right solution.



[tex]\alpha = 0.2[/tex]



By using the formula, we get

⇒ [tex]S_t=\alpha\times A_t+(1-\alpha)\times (S_{t-1}+T_{t-1})[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

        [tex]=0.2\times 1780 + (1 - 0.2)\times (1800+500)[/tex]

        [tex]=356+0.8\times 2300[/tex]



Related Questions

Shalimar Company manufactures and sells industrial products. For next year, Shalimar has budgeted the following sales:

Quarter 1 $4,600,000
Quarter 2 5,100,000
Quarter 3 5,000,000
Quarter 4 7,600,000

In Shalimar's experience, 10 percent of sales are paid in cash. Of the sales on account, 65 percent are collected in the quarter of sale, 25 percent are collected in the quarter following the sale, and 7 percent are collected in the second quarter after the sale. The remaining 3 percent are never collected. Total sales for the third quarter of the current year are $4,900,000 and for the fourth quarter of the current year are $6,850,000.

Calculate cash sales and credit sales expected in the last two quarters of the current year, and in each quarter of next year.



Shalimar Company

Cash Sales and Credit Sales:

a) Last two quarters of the current year:

Current Year       Quarter 3       Quarter 4

Budgeted Sales $4,900,000   $6,850,000

Cash (10%)              490,000        685,000

Credit (90%)        4,410,000      6,165,000

b) Each quarter of the next year:

                       Quarter 1    Quarter 2     Quarter 3     Quarter 4


Sales           $4,600,000 $5,100,000  $5,000,000  $7,600,000

Cash (10%)       460,000      510,000       500,000        760,000


Sales (90%)  4,140,000  4,590,000    4,500,000    6,840,000


a) Data and Calculations:

                       Quarter 1    Quarter 2     Quarter 3     Quarter 4


Sales           $4,600,000 $5,100,000  $5,000,000  $7,600,000

Cash (10%)        460,000      510,000        500,000       760,000


Sales (90%)   4,140,000  4,590,000     4,500,000    6,840,000

Current Year       Quarter 3       Quarter 4

Budgeted Sales $4,900,000   $6,850,000

Cash (10%)              490,000         685,000

Credit (90%)         4,410,000       6,165,000

Risk means different things to different people, depending on the context and on how they feel about taking chances.

a. True
b. False



you are true that the risk means different things to different people, depending on the context and on that they feel very happy about taking chances to do anything

Enviro Company issues 10.50%, 10-year bonds with a par value of $430,000 and semiannual interest payments. On the issue date, the annual market rate for these bonds is 7.50%, which implies a selling price of 127.875. The straight-line method is used to allocate interest expense. 1. Using the implied selling price of 127.875. what are the issuer’s cash proceeds from issuance of these bonds? 2. What total amount of bond interest expense will be recognized over the life of these bonds? 3. What is the amount of bond interest expense recorded on the first interest payment date?











Cash proceeds = Par Value of the bond x Price ratio to par value

Cash proceeds = $430,000 x 127.875%

Cash proceeds = $549,862.5


Bond Interest expense = Total Coupon payment - Premium on bond

Bond Interest expense = ( $430,000 x 10.50% x 10 ) - ( $549,862.5 - $430,000 )

Bond Interest expense = $451,500 - $119,862.5

Bond Interest expense = $331,637.5


Bond Interest expense = Coupon Payment - Premium on Bond amortization

Bond Interest expense = ( $430,000 x 10.5% x 6/12 ) - ( ( $549,862.5 - $430,000 ) / ( 10 x 2 ) )

Bond Interest expense = $22,575 - $5,993.13

Bond Interest expense = $16,581.87

Trent Inc. needs an additional worker on a multiyear project. It could hire an employee for a $88,000 annual salary. Alternatively, it could engage an independent contractor for a $95,000 annual fee. Trent's income tax rate is 21 percent. Required: Compute the annual after-tax cost of each option and indicate which minimizes the after-tax cost of obtaining the worker


Answer: The cheaper cost is to hire an additional worker.



With an employee, Trent is going to have to pay payroll taxes.

After-tax cost of hiring employee:

= Salary * (1 + Payroll tax)

= 88,000 * ( 1 + 7.5%)

= $94,600

The subtract the income tax from this amount:

= 94,600 * ( 1 - 21%)

= $74,734


With a contractor, only the marginal income tax is accounted for:

= 95,000 * (1 - 21%)

= $75,050

The cheaper cost is to hire an additional worker.

1-What will be the effect of the following on the accounting equation: a-Amer started business with cash 1,80,000$ b-Purchased goods for cash 50,000$ and on credit 20,000$ c-Sold goods for cash 40,000$ costing 24,000$ d-Rent paid 10,000$, rent outstanding 2000$The answer will be : a-Assets 2,06,000 , liabilities 22,000 , capital 184,000 b-assets 204,000 , Liabilities 20,000 , capital 184,000 c-assets 186,000 , Liabilities 22,000 , capital 164,000​



Purchased goods for cash, 20,000. 4. Purchased goods on credit, 36,000. 5. Paid for rent, 700. 6. Goods costing ₹ 40,000 sold at a profit of 20% for cash ...

On December 18, Intel receives $249,000 from a customer toward a cash sale of $2.49 million for computer chips to be completed on January 23. The computer chips had a total production cost of $1.49 million. What journal entries should Intel record on December 18 and January 23



December 18

Debit cash $249,000

Credit deferred revenue $249,000

January 23rd

Debit Cash $2,241,000

Debit deferred revenue $249,000

Credit sales revenue $2,490,000

January 23rd

Debit Cost of goods sold $1.49 million

Credit Inventory $1.49 million


Preparation of the journal entries that Intel should record on December 18 and January 23

December 18

Debit cash $249,000

Credit deferred revenue $249,000

January 23rd

Debit Cash $2,241,000

($2.49 million-$249,000)

Debit deferred revenue $249,000

Credit sales revenue $2,490,000


January 23rd

Debit Cost of goods sold $1.49 million

Credit Inventory $1.49 million

The nation of Ectenia has 20 competitive apple orchards, which sell apples at the world price of $2 per apple. The following equations describe the production function and the marginal product of labor in each orchard:

Q= 100L -L^2
MPL 100-2L

where Q s the number of apples produced in a day, L s the number of workers, and MPL is the marginal product of labor. Now, suppose the price of apples is back at $2 per apple, but a hurricane destroys half the orchards so only 10 orchards remain. Recall that each orchard's labor demand as a function of the daily wage is L 50-0.25W.

What is the market's labor demand?


The  market's labor demand is L=500−2.5W

Since labor demand as a function of the daily wage is L 50-0.25W.


The individual labor demand curve is: L=50−0.25W

Now let determine The market labor demand curve

The market's labor demand is :



Inconclusion The market's labor demand is L=500−2.5W

Learn more about market's labor demand here:

Selma has developed and patented a new process for recycling discarded tires. A multinational corporation has expressed an interest in buying her company in order to gain access to the technology and keep it exclusively for itself. Should Selma sell her company, the buyer will have acquired technology via



acquisition of the technology owner


In the given scenario a multinational corporation has expressed an interest in buying her company in order to gain access to her technology (a new process for recycling discarded tire).

The corporation is trying to obtain this technology by acquisition of the technology owner.

When they purchase Selma's company they will automatically own the technology.

Another method that can be used to get the technology would have been through liscensing. Where they will get permission to use the technology with the permission of the owner.

Suppose Saron has 7 Birr to be spent on two goods: banana and bread. The unit price of banana is 1 Birr and the unit price of a loaf of bread is 4 Birr. The total utility she obtains from consumption of each good is given below. Table 3.2: Utility schedule for two commodities Income = 7 Birr, Price of banana = 1 Birr, Price of bread = 4 Birr Banana Bread Quantity TU MU MU/P Quantity TU MU MU/P 0 0 - - 0 0 - - 1 6 6 6 1 12 12 3 2 11 5 5 2 20 8 2 3 14 3 3 3 26 6 1.5 4 16 2 2 4 29 3 0.75 5 16 0 0 5 31 2 0.5 6 14 -2 -2 6 32 1 0.25​





p_x=3, G_x=\frac {100}{3}=33\frac{1}{3}p










p_y=5, G_y=\frac{100}{5}=20p









100-0.25\times 100=75100−0.25×100=75

p_x=3, G_x=\frac {75}{3}=25p








p_y=5, G_y=\frac{75}{5}=15p









p_x=6, G_x=\frac {100}{6}=16\frac{2}{3}p











p_y=5, G_y=\frac{100}{4}=25p









MU_x=68-60=8, p_x=2MU





MU_y=29-25=4, p_y-?MU





\frac {MU_x}{p_x}=\frac{MU_y}{p_y}










\frac{8}{2}=\frac {4}{p_y}










A company paid $0.85 in cash dividends per share. Its earnings per share is $3.50, and its market price per share is $35.50. Its dividend yield equals:___.
a. 2.0%.
b. 2.4%.
c. 9,9%.
d. 21.4%.
e. 24.2%.





A downside to absorption costing is: ____________

a. not including fixed manufacturing overhead in the cost of the product
b. that it is not really useful for managerial decisions
c. that it is not allowable under GAAP
d. that it is not well designed for cost-volume-profit analysis


Answer: that it is not well designed for cost-volume-profit analysis


Absorption costing refers to the managerial accounting method that is used for capturing all the costs that are associated with the manufacturing of a product. In this case, the direct costs and the indirect costs are all accounted for through the use of this method.

Some of the downside to absorption costing include the fact that it isn't

helpful in a scenario whereby improvement in the financial and operational efficiency is to be analysed. Also, the true reflection of the profit of a business may not be given and it is not well designed for cost-volume-profit analysis.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

The required volume of output to produce the motors will not require any incremental fixed overhead. Incremental variable overhead cost is $21 per motor. What is the effect on income if Derby decides to make the motors


Answer: Income will increase by $16 per unit


Your question isn't complete but the completed question was gotten online and would be used in answering the question accordingly.

The effect on income if Derby decides to make the motors will be calculated thus:


Direct material = 38

Direct labor = 50

Overhead (Incremental) = 21

Total variable cost = 109


Cost of supply = 125

Therefore, the income per unit will increase by (125 - 109) = 16.

QS 8-7 Computing revised depreciation LO C2 On January 1, the Matthews Band pays $65,800 for sound equipment. The band estimates it will use this equipment for four years and after four years it can sell the equipment for $2,000. Matthews Band uses straight-line depreciation but realizes at the start of the second year that this equipment will last only a total of three years. The salvage value is not changed. Compute the revised depreciation for both the second and third years.



$23,925 for both the second and third years


Depreciation is the systemic recognition of the cost of an asset in the profit or loss statement. It is an expense.

Depreciation may be computed on a straight line basis as

Depreciation = (cost - salvage value)/estimated useful life

Given that Matthews Band pays $65,800 for sound equipment. The band estimates it will use this equipment for four years and after four years it can sell the equipment for $2,000

Depreciation in the first year of use

= ($65,800 - $2,000)/4

= $15,950

The carrying amount at the start of the second year

= $65,800 - $15,950

= $49,850

Depreciation for the second year and 3rd year after the company realizes that this equipment will last only a total of three years

= ($49,850 - $2,000)/2

= $47,850/2

= $23,925

Abigail has an inheritance tax lien placed on all of her property. What kind of a lien is it?



A general lien is one placed against any and all real and personal property owned by a particular debtor. An example is an inheritance tax lien placed against all property owned by the heir. A specific lien attaches to a single item of real or personal property, and does not affect other property owned by the debtor.


Inheritance tax lien is a kind of general lien.

What is Inheritance tax lien?

A percentage of a decedent's estate's value that is distributed to beneficiaries by will, heirs by intestacy, and transferees by operation of law is subject to inheritance tax. Depending on the heir's status relative to the decedent, there are different tax rates. Payments for inheritance taxes are due at the time of the decedent's death and become past due nine months afterwards. A 5% rebate is permitted if inheritance tax is paid within three months of the decedent's passing. The Tax Law encumbers the decedent's real estate upon death to guarantee the payment of any estate taxes owed. The decedent's death date serves as the effective date of the inheritance tax lien. For all dates of death, a release of lien is used unless the decedent and the surviving spouse were the only joint tenants of real estate.

The value of the property has no bearing on whether a release of lien is necessary.

What is general lien?

A general lien is the right of one person to keep any things or property that belong to another person that are in his possession until the promise or duty is satisfied.

It is the ability to keep someone else's property as payment for an overall account balance.

Brokers of insurance, bankers, factors, and High Court lawyers can all get a general lien. Without an express agreement to the contrary, the general lien of bankers, factors, wharfinger, attorneys, and policy brokers retains as a security for the overall balance of the account and any items that are to be bailed to them.

Service providers typically receive the broad lien privilege. These identification service providers reserve the right to keep the items that are given to them as bail in order to collect the overall balance of money that is owed by their client. This specific Section is very eager to restrict the use of general liens by stating that no one has the right to assert a general lien unless the parties have expressly provided for it in their contract.

To learn more about general lien, click here


what is the definition of abuse



The improper usage or treatment of a thing, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such as physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, unjust practices, crimes, or other types of aggression.


The differences between actual and standard costs are called __________ variances. cost profit quantity volume 2. A favorable cost variance results when actual cost is greater than standard cost at actual volumes. actual cost is less than standard cost at actual volumes. actual cost is equal to standard cost at actual volumes. actual cost is greater than standard cost at budgeted volumes.



1. The differences between actual and standard costs are called



2. A favorable cost variance results when

actual cost is less than standard cost


The cost variance is the difference calculated when either the actual cost is less than the standard cost or the standard cost is less than the actual cost.  If they are equal, there is no variance.  Variance reporting helps management to initiate corrective measures.  It helps to improve performance, output, or workers' productivity.

planning practices are different from organization to organization. discuss



planning can be referred to as the things you think for the future to happen and organization is a group of people who works together.

Hopes this answer helps you.

A project is expected to generate annual revenues of $132,100, with variable costs of $80,200, and fixed costs of $20,700. The annual depreciation is $4,750 and the tax rate is 35 percent. What is the annual operating cash flow





Calculation to determine the annual operating cash flow

Using this formula

Operating Cash Flow =(Annual Revenue-Variable costs - Fixed costs)×(1-Tax rate)+( Annual depreciation×Tax rate )

Let plug in the formula

Operating Cash Flow =[ ($132,100 - $80,200 - $20,700) x (1 - 0.35)]+ ($4,750 x 0.35)

Operating Cash Flow =

Operating Cash Flow =($31,200×0.65)+$1,663

Operating Cash Flow =$20,280+$1,663

Operating Cash Flow =$21,943

Therefore the annual operating cash flow is $21,943

The CEO of Fly Corporation decides to change an accounting method at the end of the current year. The change results in reported profits increasing by 5%, but the company's cash flows are not changed. If capital markets are efficient, then what would happen to the company stock price? Justify your answer with logical arguments



Fly Corporation

The stock price will not be affected by the accounting change.


This opinion is based on the assumption that the capital markets are efficient.  Therefore, the stock's market price will reflect all available and relevant information.  Since all the necessary information is already incorporated into the stock price, the CEO of Fly Corporation cannot beat the market by the change in accounting method, and the stock price will not be undervalued or overvalued.  Moreover, the change in accounting method only shifts the timing for reporting income.

giả sử mối quan hệ giưa doanh thu và nỗ lực



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Which of the following approaches for calculating the market value of a property involves estimating the dollar value associated with replacing the property new, as well as determining the loss in value due to physical, functional, and external obsolescence?

a. income approach
b. sales comparison approach
c. cost approach
d. Investment approach



c. cost approach


The cost approach is a real estate valuation method in which the price estimated regarding the buyer that have to pay for the property and the same is equivalnet to the cost for creating a buidling.

Here the property value should be equivalent to the land cost also add the construction cost and minus the depreciation expense

So as per the given situation, it is the cost approach that determined the market value of the property

You would like to have enough money saved to receive $80,000 per year in perpetuity after retirement for you and your heirs. How much would you need to have saved in your retirement fund to achieve this goal





The full question is shown below:

You would like to have enough money saved to receive $80,000 per year in perpetuity after retirement for you and your heirs. How much would you need to have saved in your retirement fund to achieve this goal? (Assume that the perpetuity payments start one year from the date of your retirement. The annual interest rate is 8 percent.)

In order to receive $80,000 per year forever, one needs to save the present value of the annual  cash flow using the present value formula for perpetuity as provided below:

PV of perpetuity=annual cash flow/annual interest rate

PV of perpetuity=$80,000/8%

PV of perpetuity=$1,000,000

The Nearside Co. just paid a dividend of $1.65 per share on its stock. The dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate of 5 percent per year, indefinitely. Investors require a return of 12 percent on the stock. a. What is the current price





The first step is to calculate D1





Therefore the current price can be calculated as follows

= D1/required rate-growth rate

= 1.73/0.12-0.05

= 1.73/0.07

= 24.7

Hence the current price is $24.7

A company purchased a computer system at a cost of $26,000. The estimated useful life is 8 years, and the estimated residual value is $4,000. Assuming the company uses the double-declining-balance method, what is the depreciation expense for the second year



the depreciation expense for the second year is $4,875


The calculation of the depreciation expense for the second year is given below:

First the depreciation rate should be

= 1 ÷ 8 × 2

= 25%

Now the first year depreciation is

= $26,000 × 25%

= $6,500

Now the second year depreciation should be

= ($26,000 - $6,500) × 2

= $4,875

Hence, the depreciation expense for the second year is $4,875

The financial reporting for private not-for-profit entities primarily focuses on: Multiple Choice basic information for the organization as a whole. standardization of the fund information that is reported. inherent differences of various not-for-profit entities that impact reporting presentations. distinctions between current fund and noncurrent fund presentations.


Answer: basic information for the organization as a whole.


Private Not-for-profit organization as the term implies, are not operating to make a profit therefore their financial statements will generally not include measures that are aimed at showing profit like profit making organizations.

They will instead focus on talking about the entire organization as whole and what it has done so far in the current period. This is what is required of them by U.S. GAAP.

Zach attended Champion University during 2014-2018. He lived at home and was claimed by his parents as a deduction during the entire duration of his education. He incurred education expenses of $15,000 during college of which $3,750 was paid for by scholarships. To finance his education, he borrowed $9,500 through a federal student loan program and borrowed another $5,500 from a local lending institution for educational purposes. After graduation, he married and moved with his spouse to a distant city. In 2019, he incurred $950 of interest on the federal loans and $550 on the lending institution loan. He filed a joint return with his spouse showing modified AGI of $113,500. What amount of student loan interest can Zach and his spouse deduct in 2019, if any



The amount of student loan interest can Zach and his spouse deduct in 2017 is $1,125


The amount of student loan interest can Zach and his spouse deduct in 2017 is $1,125

The amount of student loan interest can Zach and his spouse deduct in 2017 is

Education Expenses:

= $15,000 Incurred Expenses - $3,750 Scholarship

= $11,250

$11,250 / $15,000 = 75%

Interest Incurred:

= $950 Federal Loan Interest + $550 Lending Loan Interest

= $1, 500

$1,700 x 90% = $1,125

Bonita Industries uses flexible budgets. At normal capacity of 21000 units, budgeted manufacturing overhead is $168000 variable and $360000 fixed. If Bonita had actual overhead costs of $546000 for 26000 units produced, what is the difference between actual and budgeted costs



$22,000 Favorable


The computation of the difference between actual and budgeted cost is given below:

Budgeted Variable Manufacturing Overhead Per Unit is

= $168,000 ÷ 21,000 units

= $8

The Fixed Overhead = $360,000


For 26,000 Units, total Overhead Should be:

Variable = 26,000 × 8 = $208,000

Fixed = $360,000

Total = $568,000


Actual Overhead Cost = $546,000


Difference between Actual and Budgeted Cost is

= $568,000 - $546,000

= $22,000 Favorable

Hollywood Construction Company recognizes revenue over time according to percentage of completion for its long-term construction contracts. During 2018, Hollywood began work on a $3,000,000 fixed-fee construction contract, which was completed in 2021. The accounting records disclosed the following data at year-end:

Cumulative contract costs incurred Estimated costs to complete at end of year
2018 $200,000 $1800,000
2019 $1100,000 1100,000
2020 2,000,000 4,00,000

For the 2020 year, Hollywood should have recognized gross profit on this contract of :___________



Recognized gross profit on this contract for the 2020 year = $100,000


Note: See the attached excel file for the Calculation of Recognized Gross Profit on this contract for the 2020 year (in bold red color).

In the attached excel file, Recognized Gross Profit for Each Year is calculated using the following formula:

Recognized Gross Profit = Revenue for Current Period - Actual Cost Incurred

From the attached excel file, we have:

Recognized gross profit on this contract for the 2020 year = $100,000

The common stock of Eddie's Engines, Inc. sells for $45.68 a share. The stock is expected to pay $4.10 per share next year. Eddie's has established a pattern of increasing their dividends by 6.2 percent annually and expects to continue doing so. What is the market rate of return on this stock?
a. 15.18 percent
b. 7.26 percent
c. 8.98 percent
d. 17.67 percent
e. 11.14 percent



no entiendo la verdad es que yo hablo español y no entiendo ajaj espero te ayude



Research on the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy with research methods



Ghana constitute to record high rate of Ap.Recent national report shows that 11percent of adolescent age 15 to 19 had had a live birth of which 3 percent with first child and 14 percent has began childbearing

69.5% teenage people are pregnance
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