Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body doesn't store it. You have to get the required amount from your diet (citrus fruits are a great source!), or you could take a daily vitamin C supplement pill. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, so to determine how much vitamin C (acid) has been placed in each pill, you could do an acid-base titration. One vitamin C pill was dissolved in water and titrated to an endpoint by 16.00 mL of a 0.447 M solution of NaOH. How many grams of ascorbic acid were there in the pill? (MW of ascorbic acid is 176.1 /mol). Explain and show your work.​


Answer 1


1.26 g


Number of moles of ascorbic acid = concentration × volume

Concentration = 0.447 M

Volume = 16.00 mL

Number of moles = 0.447 × 16/1000

Number of moles = 7.152 × 10^-3 moles

Number of moles= mass/molar mass

Molar mass of ascorbic acid = 176.1 g/mol

Mass = 7.152 × 10^-3 moles × 176.1 g/mol

Mass = 1.26 g

Related Questions

write the balanced chemical equation for the following word equation. sodium+sulphate Acidsodium sulphate +hydrogen​



2NaOH+ H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O





Acidsodium sulphate + hydrogen=Na2SO4+H2O

The solubility of solids______ when the temperature is increased.

A. increases
B. decreases
C. does not change


The answer is increases

¿Como pasar 254 meses a minutos?
Por favor ayudaaa!!
Le doy corona a la respuesta



Ver las respuestas abajo.


Este problema se puede resolver conociendo la relacion entre horas y minutos, sabemos que:

1 hora [h] → 60 minutos [min]

De esta manera:

2 [min] = 2/60 = 0.033 [h]

15 [min] = 15/60 = 0.25 [h]

30 [min] = 30/60 = 0.5 [h]

10 [min] = 10/60 = 0.166 [h]

6 [min] = 6/60 = 0.1 [h]

20 [min] = 20/60 = 0.33 [h]

5 [min] = 5/60 = 0.0833 [h]

How does a balanced chemical equation represent the conservation of
matter in a chemical reaction?
1. There are more atoms in the reactants than in the products.
2. The type of matter in the products is different from the type of matter in
the reactants.
3. The number of atoms of each element in the reactants equals the number
of atoms of each element in the products.
4. There are fewer atoms in the reactants than in the products



The correct answer would be 3. The number of atoms of each element in the reactants equals the number of atoms of each element in the products.


The law of conservation of matter states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transfered. Thus, option 3 is correct.

best way to separate a solid from a liquid what separation technique is needed​


Filtration is a method for separating an insoluble solid from a liquid.


Filtiration technique


Molar mass of C^6H^12O^6



The molar mass of C6 H12 O6 is 180.15588 g/mol.


please solve this question



b) it gets accumulated in the respiratory system which then halts or slows down the supply of oxygen to the brain hence leading to death

an atom with six protons and eight neutrons is a(n)___

a. isotope of nitrogen
b. standard carbon atom
c. isotope of carbon
d. isotope of oxygen



standard carbon atom




This is an isotope of carbon, more specifically, carbon-14. Carbon 14 has 6 protons, making the element carbon, and eight neutrons since 14-6 = 8.

process of heat treatment and it's meaning



Heat treatment is the process of heating metal without letting it reach its molten, or melting, stage, and then cooling the metal in a controlled way to select desired mechanical properties. Heat treatment is used to either make metal stronger or more malleable, more resistant to abrasion or more ductile.

Which type of bonds can carbon atoms form with other carbon atoms? (1 point)
O double, triple, and quadruple bonds
O single and double bonds
O double and triple bonds
O single, double, and triple bonds



single, double, and triple bonds

career in chemistry list ten



Analytical Chemist




Chemical Engineer

Laboratory Technician


Chemical Technician

Materials Scientist

Environmental Chemist

Research scientist
Chemical engineer
Analytical chemist
Chemistry teacher
Forensic scientist
Hazardous waste chemist
Water chemist

what is mean by measurement​



Measurement is defined as the act of measuring or the size of something. An example of measurement means the use of a ruler to determine the length of a piece of paper. ... Extent, quality, or size as determined by measuring; dimension. A waist measurement of 32 inches.


The comparison o unknown quantity with known standard quantity is called measurement.

Al wonders if adding salt to water will affect how long it takes the water to
freeze. Al thinks that salt water will freeze more quickly than fresh water.
He decides to check his hypothesis by conducting an experiment. Al takes
two ice trays and fills one with distilled water and the other with distilled
water that has two tablespoons of salt added. He makes sure he puts
exactly the same amount of water in each ice tray. Al takes the trays and
puts them side by side in the freezer. Al checks the ice trays every 10
minutes to see if the water in each tray has begun to freeze. Al finds that
after 20 minutes the water in the ice tray without the salt has started to
form ice, while the ice tray with the salt water is still completely liquid.


The hypothesis is that salt water freezes faster than fresh water.

The dependent variable is time taken for ice to appear.

The independent variable is presence or absence of salt

The constants are the amount of water in each tray, freezing conditions and length of time of exposure to freezing condition.

The control group is the tray to which salt was not added

The experimental group is the tray to which salt was added

The presence of solutes in a solution causes the freezing point depression.

A solution is made up of a solute and a solvent. In the presence of a solute, the freezing point of a pure solvent is decreased. This is because freezing point is a colligative property.

Colligative properties depend on the amount of solute present.

Hence, the pure water freezes faster (ice begin to appear earlier) than the salt water.

The hypothesis put forward in this experiment was found to be invalid by the experiment.

For more about colligative properties, see

The compound KOH is ________. insoluble, because all compounds containing K are insoluble insoluble, because all compounds containing OH- are in soluble soluble, because all compounds containing K are soluble soluble, because all compounds containing OH- are soluble insoluble, because KOH is insoluble



soluble because all compounds containing K are soluble


Most metal hydroxides are insoluble. However, alkali metal hydroxides (such as KOH and NaOH) are very soluble.

In the case of KOH, the K cation is attracted to the electronegative oxygen on water. The OH anion is capable of hydrogen bonding to the water. (Notice how OH⁻ is simply the deprotonated form of water.)

The compound KOH is soluble insoluble, because all compounds containing K are insoluble insoluble, because all compounds containing OH- are in soluble soluble, because all compounds containing K are soluble soluble, because all compounds containing OH- are soluble insoluble, because KOH is insoluble

What are alkalis?

Alkalis are bases which are soluble in water. The basic alkalis are as follows:


Mg(OH)2 is insoluble in water.

In conclusion, KOH is a soluble base

Learn more about alkalis:

what is mean by vector​



A quantity having direction as well as magnitude is called vector.

How does the chemistry of the ocean change in response to high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere?


Ocean acidification is occurring because excess carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is being absorbed at the surface of the ocean at an increasing rate. This excess CO2 results in more hydrogen ions, which increases the acidity of the ocean.

Please help :)
A chocolate chip cookie recipe calls for 0.050 moles of baking soda (NaHCO3). How many grams should the chef mass out?


Answer: 4.2 g


Note that the number of moles is equal to the actual given mass of the substance over its molar mass.

n = m/M, where n is the moles, m is the given mass, M is the molar mass.

In manipulating this formula, you get that the given mass is equal to the number of moles multiplied by the molar mass of substance.

m = n x M.

(Na = 23, H = 1, C = 12, O = 16)

Molar mass = 23 + 1 + 12 + (16x3)

= 84

1) m = 0.050 x 84
2) m = 4.2 g

Hope this helps, brainliest would be appreciated :)

According to the mole concept, 4.2 g of baking soda should be weighed out.

What is mole concept?

Mole is defined as the unit of amount of substance . It is the quantity measure of amount of substance of how many elementary particles are present in a given substance.

It is defined as exactly 6.022×10²³ elementary entities. The elementary entity can be a molecule, atom ion depending on the type of substance. Amount of elementary entities in a mole is called as Avogadro's number.

It is widely used in chemistry as a suitable way for expressing amounts of reactants and products.For the practical purposes, mass of one mole of compound in grams is approximately equal to mass of one molecule of compound measured in Daltons. Molar mass has units of gram per mole . In case of molecules, where molar mass  in grams present in one mole  of atoms is its atomic mass.

Baking soda has molar mass of 84 g /mole, thus mass is calculated using number of moles formula which is mass= molar mass×number of moles, which is mass=84×0.050=4.2 g.

Thus,4.2 g of baking soda should be weighed out by chef.

Learn more about mole concept,here:


Which state of matter has particles that vibrate and can change place but remain touching in a random arrangement.
A. Liquid
B. None of these
C. Plasma
D. Gas


The particles in the solid are touching with very little space between them. The particles in a liquid usually are still touching but there are some spaces between them. The gas particles have big distances between them.


Liquids Solids and Gases:


with balanced chemical equations, show the different stages of fermentation​



formula for fermentation is: C6H12O6 → 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO.

If you started with 2 moles of Nitrogen and 3 moles of Hydrogen, then you
would not have any leftover reactants. Explain which material would be
limiting since no hydrogen or nitrogen were left over?

N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3


Answer: 0.3 moles NH3


What is occurring during the flat section of the graph below on the red arrow labeled boiling, between liquid and gas? gas (3.) OO liquid temperature solid time (minutes) O A. Heat is being absorbed, allowing particles of the liquid to overcome the atmospheric pressure. B. Heat is being absorbed, allowing particles of the liquid to overcome the vapor pressure. C. Heat is being released, allowing particles of liquid to overcome the pressure, and is why the temp does not increase. D. The temperature is no longer increasing even though heat is still being added because the heat is being absorbed to lower the melting point​


Heat is been absorb allowing particles of the liquid to overcome the vapor pressure

Isotopes are atoms that have the same mass number, but different numbers.
atomic. True or false


Answer: Im not sure but I think it is false.


what's the atomic weight of salt ?



58.44 g/mol


58.44 g/mol

One formula unit of sodium chloride (NaCl) would weigh 58.44 amu



You're going to first balance the chemical equation.

After that, convert the grams of Na into moles of Na, and then multiply that with the ratio of moles of NaCl to Na, and then convert the mol of NaCl into grams in order to obtain the theoretical yield, since we are given that Na is the limiting reactant.

After that, plug the values into the yield formula, doing some basic algebra, and you should get your result.

You're going to first balance the chemical equation.

After that, convert the grams of Na into moles of Na, and then multiply that with the ratio of moles of NaCl to Na, and then convert the mol of NaCl into grams in order to obtain the theoretical yield, since we are given that Na is the limiting reactant.

After that, plug the values into the yield formula, doing some basic algebra, and you should get your result.

Which would increase the reaction rate?
O A. Decreasing the reactant concentrations
B. Removing heat from the system
O C. Adding a catalyst
O D. Lowering the value of k





C. Adding a catalyst would increase the reaction rate.

What is a catalyst?

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur.

A catalyst enhances the probability of successful collisions between reactant molecules, which raises the pace of the reaction by offering an additional avenue for the reaction to occur.

As there would be fewer reactant molecules accessible to react with one another, decreasing reactant concentrations would result in a slower pace of reaction.

Due to the fact that chemical reactions often require energy to take place, eliminating heat from the system would also slow down the reaction rate. A lower value for k would result in a lower rate constant, which would lower the response rate.

Learn more about catalyst at:


Which statement best describes what happens as thermal energy from the
sun warms the pavement?
A. The thermal energy absorbed by the pavement is destroyed.
B. The thermal energy that is not absorbed by the pavement is
C. Some thermal energy is absorbed by the pavement, and some is
D. The thermal energy of the sun is transferred to the pavement.





The correct answer would be that the thermal energy of the sun is transferred to the pavement.

Thermal energy refers to the internal energy possessed by a system by virtue of the movement of molecules within such a system. In other words, it is the heat energy possessed by a system.

When the thermal energy from the sun warms the pavement, it means that the thermal energy from the sun has been successfully transferred to the pavement. Thermal energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, or by radiation depending on whether the system is a solid, liquid, gas respectively.

The correct option is, therefore, D.

Pesticides and fertilizers are a major cause of
O air pollution
O acid rain
o the greenhouse effect
O groundwater pollution



it means air pollution Environment. The chemicals and nutrients found in fertilizers, while beneficial for agricultural crops, can be lethal in high doses for fish, birds and other wildlife. Pesticides, designed to kill pests chemically, are also dangerous when leached into soil or groundwater supplies.

What is the order, plz answer





come on, you also know this from normal water waves.

which ones are stronger (= have more energy) ? the small ones or the big ones ?

and the same applies to all waves. the bigger the waves (higher amplitude), the more energy.

A pupil has drawn the electronic structure of fluorine and the diagram is shown below. However,
mistakes have been made. State three mistakes that have been made.


The first shell can only hold 2 electrons, but the pupil placed in 8 electrons.

The second shell can hold up to 8 electrons, but the pupil only placed in 2 electrons.

Flourine only has 9 total electrons, yet there are 10 electrons in the diagram.



In the Fluorine atom there are 2 electrons in the innermost shell and 7 i the outer shell.

One the first chemistry test. 12 students got As, 18 students got Bs, and 20 students got Cs.

a. What is the percentage of students received Bs.

b. What is the percentage of students who received Cs?
Express your answer to the ones place.



A. 36 percent recieved Bs

B. 40 percent of students received Cs


Amount of students: 12+18+20=50

Students with Bs: (18÷50) x 100 = 36%

Students with C's: (20÷50) x100 = 40%

On the first chemistry test 12 students got A, 18 students got B, and 20 student got C. Thus the percentage of students received B is 0.36 and percentage of students received c is 0.40

What is the percentage of students received B and C?

In mathematics, a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign %. A percentage is a dimension less unit and it has no unit.

In above question 12 student got A, 18 student got B, and 20 student got C.

So total number of student = 12 + 18 + 20 = 50.

Then the percentage of students received B is as follows:-

Percentage of students who got B = (student who got B/Total number of student) X 100.

=(18/50) X 100

= 36%

Now percentage of students who got C = (No of students who got C/Total students)X100

=(20/50) X 100


Therefore,On the first chemistry test 12 students got A, 18 students got B, and 20 student got C. Thus the percentage of students received B is 0.36 and percentage of students received c is 0.40 percentage of students who got B is 36% and percentage of students who got C is 40%

Learn more about percentage here:


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