Watch the movie adaptation of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and write a movie
 Name of the Movie and the Director
 Main characters
 Plot
 Extrapolation


Answer 1


hope this helps to u.......

Watch The Movie Adaptation Of Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens And Write A Moviereview.Include Name Of
Watch The Movie Adaptation Of Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens And Write A Moviereview.Include Name Of
Watch The Movie Adaptation Of Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens And Write A Moviereview.Include Name Of

Related Questions

What are the situation when we use indefinite article



Rules are below:


Rule #1 - Specific identity not known: Use the indefinite article a or an only with a singular count noun whose specific identity is not known to the reader. Use a before nouns that begin with a consonant sound, and use an before nouns that begin with a vowel sound.

Use the article a or an to indicate any non-specified member of a group or category.

I think an animal is in the garage

That man is a scoundrel.

We are looking for an apartment.

Use the article a or an to indicate one in number (as opposed to more than one).

I own a cat and two dogs.

Use the article a before a consonant sound, and use an before a vowel sound.

a boy, an apple

◊ Sometimes an adjective comes between the article and noun:

an unhappy boy, a red apple

The plural form of a or an is some. Use some to indicate an unspecified, limited amount (but more than one).

an apple, some apples

Rule #2 - Specific identity known: Use the definite article the with any noun (whether singular or plural, count or noncount) when the specific identity of the noun is known to the reader, as in the following situations:

Use the article the when a particular noun has already been mentioned previously.

I ate an apple yesterday. The apple was juicy and delicious.

Use the article the when an adjective, phrase, or clause describing the noun clarifies or restricts its identity.

The boy sitting next to me raised his hand.

Thank you for the advice you gave me.

Use the article the when the noun refers to something or someone that is unique.

the theory of relativity

the 2003 federal budget

Rule #3 - All things or things in general: Use no article with plural count nouns or any noncount nouns used to mean all or in general.

Trees are beautiful in the fall. (All trees are beautiful in the fall.)

He was asking for advice. (He was asking for advice in general.)

I do not like coffee. (I do not like all coffee in general.)

Additional Information Regarding the Use of Articles

When indicating an unspecified, limited amount of a count or noncount noun, use some.

My cousin was seeking some advice from a counselor (not advice in general or advice about everything, but a limited amount of advice).

I would love some coffee right now (not coffee in general, but a limited amount of coffee).

We might get rain tomorrow. Some rain would be good for the crops (a certain amount of rain, as opposed to rain in general).

There are some drops of water on the table (a limited number, but more than one drop).

Noncount nouns are those which usually cannot be counted. Following are some common examples:

◊ Certain food and drink items: bacon, beef, bread, broccoli, butter, cabbage, candy, cauliflower, celery, cereal, cheese, chicken, chocolate, coffee, corn, cream, fish, flour, fruit, ice cream, lettuce, meat, milk, oil, pasta, rice, salt, spinach, sugar, tea, water, wine, yogurt

◊ Certain nonfood substances: air, cement, coal, dirt, gasoline, gold, paper, petroleum, plastic, rain, silver, snow, soap, steel, wood, wool

◊ Most abstract nouns: advice, anger, beauty, confidence, courage, employment, fun, happiness, health, honesty, information, intelligence, knowledge, love, poverty, satisfaction, truth, wealth

◊ Areas of study: history, math, biology, etc.

◊ Sports: soccer, football, baseball, hockey, etc.

◊ Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Russian, English, etc.

◊ Other: clothing, equipment, furniture, homework, jewelry, luggage, lumber, machinery, mail, money, news, poetry, pollution, research, scenery, traffic, transportation, violence, weather, work

Geographical names are confusing because some require the and some do not.

◊ Use the with: united countries, large regions, deserts, peninsulas, oceans, seas, gulfs, canals, rivers, mountain ranges, groups of islands

the Gobi Desert

the United Arab Emirates

the Sacramento River

the Aleutians

◊ Do not use the with: streets, parks, cities, states, counties, most countries, continents, bays, single lakes, single mountains, islands


Mt. Everest

Which of these words is an example of sensory language related to sight A. Bitter B. Loud C. Bright D. Rank


C.bright because it’s sight and you can see




sight so bright

What happened in the first day of school. Tell what occurred that stands out in your memory.





There was a big fist fight in my homeroom and the teacher started fighting with a student

C. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. "I'm going to the bank now." "Really?......with you."
A. I'm going to come
B. I'll come
C. I come
D. I will be coming
2. "Who do you intend to complain to?" " the mayor."
A. I'm complaining B. I complain C. I will have complained D. I'm going to complain
3. This time next week, he......his speech at the conference.
A. will be made
B. is making C. will be making D. is being made
4. The engagement their parents.
A. will be organized B. will organize C. will be organizing D. is organizing
5. What time.....on Saturday night?
A. is the last bus going to leave B. last bus leaving C. last bus leaves D. does the last bus leave
6. She......the day in the country tomorrow.
A. is spending
B. will have spent C. will have been spending D. spends
7. By this evening, the escalator.......
A. will have repaired B. will be repaired C. will have been repaired D. will be repairing help me find a new apartment?
A. Do
B. Will
C. Have
D. Are
9. Who......the gift tomorrow?
A. is going to buy
B. goes to buy C. has bought D. buys
10. “By the end of the summer, how long..... "Ten years, I think.”
A. will you be living B. will you have been living C. are you living
D. do you live














Please help ASAP!!!!!


Your preposition is “ across”

In the summary, what does Pyramus think happened to Thisbe? What actually happened? In the play, what does Romeo think happened to Juliety? What actually happened? How does this difference in the plot affect what happens next in each situation? Would this difference make the story more realistic?



[tex]its \: your \: answer \: I \: hope \: it's \: help \: you \: \\ dear[/tex]

NEED DONE ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

Using 4 different FANBOYS, compose your own sentence for each of the following numbered prompts. You can only use each conjunction once. Number your sentences when you type your answer.

Characters: the narrator of “An Uncomfortable Bed” is not named, Mr. White, Mrs. White, Herbert, Sergeant-major Morris, etc.

1) Write a sentence about “An Uncomfortable Bed” using a coordinating conjunction to join 2 subjects.

2) Write a sentence about "The Monkey’s Paw" using a coordinating conjunction to join 2 verbs.

3) Write a sentence about "The Monkey’s Paw" OR “An Uncomfortable Bed” using a coordinating conjunction to join two objects.

4) Write a sentence about "The Monkey’s Paw" OR “An Uncomfortable Bed” using a coordinating conjunction to join two complete thoughts. (HINT: This will require a comma.)



Nick and his brother don't like to sleep on an uncomfortable bed.The monkey's paw looks and functions same as of human.An uncomfortable bed would be never bought by Harry and his father.The monkey's paw looks hairy, but works like paw of human .

What's the resolution of the murders in the rue morgue?


For 50 thousand francs, he sells the letter to G-. The narrator is more interested in learning how Dupin found the letter than in learning what it says. Dupin explains how he came across the letter to the narrator. There isn't much of a conclusion; instead, there are a lot of loose ends.

Read the following two arguments about school uniforms then answer the question below.

Carl: "Imagine a world without color and free choice. That will be the world we live in if we are forced to wear uniforms. The uniforms will be ugly. They will make you look like a nerd, because uniforms are what all nerds wear. Don't be one of the fools that think this is a good idea, because everyone knows we do not need uniforms.

Beth: "Uniforms are a great idea for our school. Studies have shown that schools that adopted a uniform saw a 10% increase in grades. I know Carl says that the uniforms are ugly, however as a guy, what does he know about fashion? The uniforms will not be ugly, because uniforms are not ugly."

Who uses circular reasoning in their argument?



sorry i dont know how to this


Pls pls pls help it’s urgent give you brainiest and 50 points do I’ll give you another 50 too but pls help
Could anyone help me write my speech
It’s about the following questions:
Introduce yourself
What did you learn and what did you gain?
What do you think about the program?
How did you see program online
Talk about the coach
What are your aspirations after the program?
Would you advise your colleagues to participate?
How was your relationship with students from all regions of the kingdom?

I will explain and you write based on what I said I’m not good at writing tbh. Just take my answers and change the words delete add and if you have any questions feel free to ask

So basically I’ve joined this science program called future doctor and they taught us all about the body and how it works I did undoubtedly learn a lot and gained a lot of new information and meat a lot of smart and creative people along the way. I thought to was a great program and it was such a fun and great experience and it was a great way to spend my summer. I think it was fine that it was online though I think it would have been
Better if it was in real life since we would all be in a lab and we could try out the experiment and see the results for ourselves and I would have gotten to know a lot of people but hi with the whole situation going around. The coach was honestly amazing she did everything expected from her she showed us videos ans explained properly ans she taught us in an engaging way and even though it was online I truly thought it was fun and she would constantly ask us if we had any questions or any comments or suggestions she would also encourage us to do our best. She was also very understanding. After I have finished the program I feel more interested in biology I also feel like I wanna learn more in the future I always wanted to be a doctor when I grow up and this course sure did help boost my motivation to go for it. Yes! I would advice them to join it if they’re into biology and stuff and if they’re not into that then they offer more for engineering imputed science.. etc I truly think it was a great way to spend your time learn new info and get to know new people at the same time. The relationship with everyone was nice but I do feel like I would’ve been closer to them if we were in real life since we would be working together ans seeing each other all the time but everyone were nice and I’m so happy to have gotten to know everyone there



First write an Introduction summarising your feelings and what you have learnt like this

''Do you want to gain Knowledge? Do you want to be the one who changes peoples lives or be a hero to others? Do you want to see something that could lead your pathway to an amazing future? If you do listen to my speech. Listen very carefully''

When I was young, I had high ambitions. Ambitions that motivated me to do something great in life, and that was to be a Doctor. Not just any Doctor but a wise, helpful and joyful one. Medicine, health and learning about the human body was amazing! There were so many interesting facts that I learnt and that I am still learning becuase of something I attended...

And after this write the other persons speech except saying hello

Hello, everyone! My name is (blank), and I would like to share with you my experience with Future Doctor.

I am still amazed with how much I have learned through this amazing program. My knowledge on the human body and it’s marvelous complexity have grown tremendously. I simply could not have asked for a better summer experience that allows me to grow and learn about my future field. I know I will always be so grateful for this opportunity. Even though the program was online, it has done nothing but make me eager for when I am able to experience the intricacy of being a doctor live in a lab.

Of course, I do believe the coach deserves many thanks for shaping my wonderful experience with the program Future Doctors. She was exceptionally detailed oriented and above all a great teacher. Her careful explanations helped me to fully grasp and understand all the information offered. She was always patient and understanding, making sure all questions were answered and all comments were addressed. She made it her mission to encourage us to do our very best.

Now that my time with this program is over, I am all the more interested in biology and excited to pursue a career in this field. I have always wanted to be a doctor, and Future Doctors has solidified this ambition. I cannot wait to continue learning about biology and to hopefully become a doctor in the future.

This program was so fun and exciting, that I haven’t been able to stop talking about it. Anyone interested in biology and becoming a doctor should join this program. Not only was it a wonderful opportunity to learn about being a doctor, but I was able to meet with other people my age with similar ambitions and dreams of being involved in biology.

Thank you, Future Doctors, for the opportunity I will never forget.

Write a story ending wait “that was how I came to know the truth”
Write in 3 paragraphs Plz



find it on quorora just search ur topic amd add quorora


and u will get there as u know i can't copy paste ans if u need then i can paste link tho :))






A is a similie, and C and D were metahpors comparing two things




"The ship rejected us" personifies the ship because it seems like the ship was conscious to make a decision, as if it were alive, a person. No other question has personification, only similes or hyperboles.

aadarsh(whose house was painted)​



my house was painted 3 years ago .

others i dont know .

(01.03 LC)
What do Kepler's laws describe?
O The creation of matter
O The destruction of matter
O The opposite reaction to every action
O The motion of the planets around the sun





The motion of the planets around the sun

hope this helps

How to write a letter to a friend in another school.


Write the letter and send it to their mail

There wasn’t any food and there wasn’t anything to drink



is this somewhat a question?


if it is then I'll explain the tense

' aren't you satisfied with the decision?' asked the judged.​



The judge asked wether isn't satisfied with the decision.

Helpppppppppppppppppppp thank you



1- b





By making inferences based on analysis of a character, the reader is able to determine a character's
O actions
O development
O theme
O motivation
Save and Exit
Mark this and return





..................................... ...........

what is the passive voice of (the chief backes a beautiful pizza everyday)​



A beautiful pizza is baked everyday by the chief


A sentence is in the passive voice, on the other hand, when the subject is acted on by the verb. The passive voice is always constructed with a conjugated form of to be plus the verb's past participle. Doing this usually generates a preposition as well.


Directions: Identify whether each sentence in the following table is correctly punctuated.
Correctly Punctuated
Incorrectly Punctuated

1. Lindsay are you, there?

2. I think it's your turn, Armando.

3. I know, Xavier, you have been feeling overwhelmed.

4. You, rascal I know your secret.

5. I believe, my dear, that you are wrong.


1.incorrectly punctuated

2.Correctly punctuated

3.correctly punctuated

4.incorrectly punctuated

5.incorrectly punctuated

Identifying whether each sentence in the following table is correctly punctuated. The sentences that are correctly punctuated are, I think it's your turn, Armando, I know, Xavier, you have been feeling overwhelmed, you, rascal I know your secret. and I believe, my dear, that you are wrong.

What is identifying?

Identifying is to describe that someone or something belongs or is part of a group or something.

What is punctuated?

Punctuated means to check a series of list that is used to write a proper complete sentence, and this list includes commas, periods, exclamation or a question mark in a sentence.

Because these sentences are identify as correctly punctuated as they have all the clauses that gives the correct meaning to the sentences. like there is correct placement of commons, a period etc. So, the sentences that have correctly punctuated and that are incorrectly punctuated are as follows:

1. Lindsay are you, there? ( incorrectly punctuated )

2. I think it's your turn, Armando. ( correctly punctuated )

3. I know, Xavier, you have been feeling overwhelmed. ( correctly punctuated )

4. You, rascal I know your secret. ( correctly punctuated )

5. I believe, my, dear, that you are wrong. ( correctly punctuated )

Hence the sentences that are correctly punctuated are,  2.I think it's your turn, Armando. 3. I know, Xavier, you have been feeling overwhelmed. 4. You, rascal I know your secret. 5.I believe, my, dear, that you are wrong.

To know more about the keywords:


Question 1. in Thailand/made/ cars/ are/?
Question 2. to hospital/ been/taken/has/ she?
Question 3. fried/ the potatoes/ be/can/ in ten minutes/?
Question 4. for the exam/ be/ prepared/ the students/ will/?
Question 5. tea/ when/ be served will?
Question 6. today/ being/is/lunch/provided?
Question 7. given/last week/ laptops, were/ to them?
Question 8. the videos/ may /be/ broadcasted?​



write it in correct sentence formation


for example Q1 - are cars are made in thailand?

2. She has been taken to hospital?
3. Can the potatoes be fried in ten minutes?
4. Will the studenst be prepared for the exam?
5. When will tea be served?
6. Is lunch being provided today?
7. Were laptops given to them last week?
8. Maybe the videos broadcasted?
Some questions were hard to understand so please recheck them

After reading the first few paragraphs, what inferences did you make about the story? Remember that inferences are
conclusions that are not clearly stated in the text but that you make based on the text's facts and details. Describe the
inferences you made in about 100 words.


Answer: I'm late but whatever


Plato answer:

From the first few paragraphs, we can infer that the story is about a man's adventure in nature as he is gathering firewood. Characters, Clay and Swanson, are introduced and we can guess that they have a friendly relationship. There are several mentions of Clay being back in time for dinner and we can infer that perhaps this won't happen because something will cause him to be delayed on his search for firewood. Both characters seem to be comfortable in nature so we can guess that they are used to being outside near the Yukon River.

Sample answer:

(Just the Plato answer but reworded differently)

After reading the first paragraphs, an infer can be made that the story is about someone going on an adventure in nature while they need to gather firewood. Eventually, Clay Dilham and Swanson are introduced as what we can guess, the main characters of the story. It seems that they have a close and friendly relationship. Clay mentions multiple times that he will be back in time for dinner but this won't happen since something will cause Clay's journey to get delayed and take him a little longer then he would like for it to. From what the first paragraphs state, we can tell that both Clay and Swanson are used to being never the Yukon River which we can infer that they are both very comfortable in nature.

"After reading the first few paragraphs, the inferences I made about the story is that the story is about a man's adventure in nature as he is gathering firewood."

There are many mentions of Clay be-ing back in time for din-ner & we can infer th-at perhaps this won't hap-pen because some-thing will cause him to be delayed on his search for fire-wood.

When we make inferences, we reach con-clusions based on evid-ence & reason-ing. We figure things out by apply-ing our own know-ledge & experience to the situa-tion at hand. Help-ing students under-stand when inform-ation is implied, or not direct-ly stated, will improve the-ir skill in draw-ing conclusions.

To know more about inference click below:


When Douglass is talking to the white children in the neighborhood, he is upset about the fact that he will never be free. What do they say to him?



Douglass does not respond to them, for fear they might be trying to trick him. Explanation:

pls help with the questions I’ll be brainlisting! :)))



We live in a world where the way we look and the way we dress ourselves determines our social standing and becomes the basis for acceptance in society. Glamorous clothes and fashion are idolized and people often try to follow such affluent things to conform to the society. It is most often seen in modern schools where such clothes are common, and students are judged by their physical appearance. finger and it's bleeding now.
1) cut
2) had cut
3)have cut​



I had cut my finger and it's bleeding now.

have a great day God bless you finger and it's bleeding now.

1) cut

2) had cut

3)have cut

Answer:-[tex] \bold \red{have \: cut}[/tex]

Read the excerpt from “The Caged Bird.”

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

What is the figurative meaning of the excerpt?

The bird’s cage has been placed so that it overlooks a cemetery.
The bird’s cage is so small that it cramps his wings and feet.
The caged bird has had his hope destroyed.
The caged bird is thinking very serious thoughts.


The answer to this question is C
Answer: The caged bird has had his hope destroyed

The easiest way to answer this question is to think logically not poetically. Let’s be real here, the first two and last options don’t even sound figurative so it’s obviously the third option “c”.

If do want a real answer from me, “a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams” pretty much sums up the fact that the birds dreams were shattered and his hope was destroyed. His wings were also clipped and feet were tied meaning that he lost his freedom and hope because he couldn’t fly.

Anyways I hope this helps :)

Fill the blanks with some or any. 1. I went to the cinema with of my friends 2. Dany doesn't have children 3. Have you got siblings? 4. I bought fruits. 5. Do you want ... coffee? 6. They haven't test this week 7. There aren't ........... tomatoes left. 8. There are books about Ancient History in the library 9. Would you like cookies? 10. Do we have .........milk in the fridge? 11. Would you like ..........cheese? 12. There isn't money left this month. 13. I have ........ time left, we can go to the cinema 14.1 haven't seen .............lions when I was in Africa 15. I can lend you interesting DVDs 16. Would you like ..........cake? 17. If you need advice just contact me 18. I don't need ............ help to do the homework. 19. Can you lend me 20. Have you already traveled to country in South America?​



Do you want some coffee. There aren't any tomatoes left. Do we have any milk in the fridge?Would you like some cheese?I have some time left, we can go to the cinema.I haven't seen any lions since I was in Africa. Would you like some cake?I don't need any help to do the homework. Can you lend me some money?

Read the following sentence from the text.

In some respects, it was a difficult transition, but it also showed Cecelia that she was an integral part of the family.
What are two synonyms for the word transition as it is used in this sentence?

A situation

B consolation

C development

D unbinding

E conversion


C- development
E- conversion

WHAT IS PREPOSITON ? Give some example ?​



a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in ‘the man on the platform’, ‘she arrived after dinner’, ‘what did you do it for ?’.

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