Water pollution is an environmental factor due to rapid population growth.(True or False)?​


Answer 1




Water pollution is caused by factory workers

Related Questions

Which OF THESE is a reason why a bird 'sings'?

a. To mark out its territory to others of its own species

b. To frighten other birds that may attack / eat it

c. To attract its food like worms and insects

d. To wake up other birds and animals



In my opinion is A.to mark out its territory to others of its own species

What type of organisms make up the majority of life on the surface of the pelagic zone?
chemosynthetic bacteria and invertebrates
seaweed and fish
mollusks and seaweed
plankton and algae


What type of organisms make up the majority of life on the surface of the pelagic zone?
plankton and algae

Hope that help

The types of organisms that make up the majority of life on the surface of the pelagic zone are plankton and algae. That is the last option, as plankton and algae are the primary producers in the surface layer of the pelagic zone.

What are the zones of water?

The pelagic zone is the open ocean area that comprises the largest ecosystem on Earth. It is divided into different layers depending on the depth and amount of sunlight that penetrates the water. The surface layer of the pelagic zone, also known as the photic zone, is the layer that receives enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur, and it is where most of the ocean's primary production takes place.

Hence, the types of organisms that make up the majority of life on the surface of the pelagic zone are plankton and algae, which is the last option.

Learn more about the zones of water here.



how does a single cell give rise to all the different types of cell, tissue, and organs in human body



Over the course of hours, days, or months, the organism turns from a single cell called the zygote (the product of sperm meeting egg) into a huge, organized collection of cells, tissues, and organs. As an embryo develops, its cells divide, grow, and migrate in specific patterns to make a more and more elaborate body.



What is a nerve’s long threadlike bundle that conducts electrical impulses?



A nerve is actually a long threadlike bundle of dendrites that conduct electrical impulses. Dendrite word derived from the Greek word 'dendron' which means tree. They carry messages in the form of electrical impulses to cell body, there are also wire like nerves called axon.


Hope it helps you

have a good day dear friend

identify 3 organisms that belong in the same phylum as Protozoans



Algae, Protozoa, Heterotrophs


Which of the following would be examples of abiotic factors in a mountain river ecosystem?
fish, algae, and sand

sand, water, and fish

sand, water, and minerals

water, fish, and algae


Sand , water , and minerals

You will create a molecular clock model for an arthropod gene. Follow these guidelines to make your model:

Your timeline will span from 90 million years ago to the present. The common ancestor in your model is an arthropod that lived 90 million years ago. The gene that you’ll track codes for a protein in the species’ venom.
The DNA sequence you’ll track contains 10 nitrogen bases. You can choose the order of the bases and where the mutations occur.
This gene mutates at a rate of approximately 0.76 base pairs every 17.1 million years. To build your model, calculate the estimated time period it takes for 1 base pair to mutate.
The first time period will only show the common ancestor. At the beginning of the second time period, three lineages will diverge from the common ancestor, each with a different mutation in their gene sequences.
The first and third descendant species will survive for the rest of the timeline. The second descendant species was extinct 50 million years ago.
Calculate how long it will take for one full base pair mutation to occur. Explain your reasoning by constructing a mathematical equation.



The mutations occur at a rate of 0.56 base changes every 1 billion years. If this rate stays consistent, the mutation rate can be used to determine when different lineages of a particular species split


It takes about 17.1 Million years for a base pair to mutate at a rate of 0.76 base pairs. To get the time it takes for one full mutation to occur, you must divide 17.1 to 0.76 and multiply it by 1. So, (17.1/0.76)×1=22.5. It would take about 22.5 million years for one full base pair mutation to occur. Having this being said, the first descendant with one base pair mutation would change after 22.5 million years from the common ancestor. For the second descendant, it would take 45 million years as 22.5 time 2 is 45. 5 million years later, the second descendant will become extinct while the first descendant survives. The third descendant will take about 22.5×3= 67.5 million years. Now, the first and third descendants will survive while the second descendant is extinct.

Please mark as brainliest :)

Define hypothesis




a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

"his ‘steady state’ hypothesis of the origin of the universe"

What is the Constant of “which bait works best for a fly trap?”



Mix scraps of meat (the older, the better) with something sweet. Lots of people swear by using rotten fish or shrimp, which probably work best because they smell so much. Bait for Fruit Flies: Use fruit (the riper, the better), apple cider vinegar, fruit juice, syrup, wine, beer, or any combination

answer h and i urgently
no explanation needed ​



h. I think option c growth of an organism in not true

I think its the best answers

6. What do fungi have in common with animals?



Fungi are more like animals because they are heterotrophs, as opposed to autotrophs, like plants, that make their own food. Fungi have to obtain their food, nutrients and glucose, from outside sources. The cell walls in many species of fungi contain chitin.

Which of these organelles is NOT in animal cells?

Endoplasmic Reticulum
Cell Wall


Cell wall is not found in animal cells

A group is considered monophyletic if
A. all members of the group share a common ancestor that is included in the group.
B. all members share homoplastic traits.
C. the group does not contain the most recent common ancestor.
D. not all descendants of the common ancestor are included.
E. it is the most parsimonious grouping.


The answer would be e it is the most parsimonious grouping

which of the following is true for a eukaryote?

A. it is one of the first life forms to appear on earth.

B. it doesn't have a nucleus and organelles.

C. it must be a multicellular organism.

D it evolved from prokaryotes



D it evolved from prokaryotes


let me know if you have any questions

Which part of the
upper respiratory
system is designed to
interact with food and
A. larynx
B. nose
C. pharynx
D. trachea





what are chromosomes
A. strands I'd DNA wrapped around proteins.
B. The alleles that cause certain traits.
C. Any organism that cause contains DNA
D. A form of virus that infects cells.​



A. strands I'd DNA wrapped around proteins.


DNA is securely packed within the nucleus by chromosomes, which are thread-like structures. Histone proteins offer structural support for DNA by coiling it around them. During cell division, chromosomes assist in the replication and distribution of DNA. Each chromosome has a centromere, which separates the p (short) and q (long) arms. The centromere is found at the constriction point of the chromosome, which may or may not be the center.


Pretty sure it’s answer A my mans

oil-rich countries in the middle east cover about 4% of earth's total land area but posses about 48% of the world's known oil reserves. what is the main reason for high concentration of reserves in this part of the world?


The correct answer is A. Geological processes.


Oil is a hydrocarbon of fossil origin by geological processes that transforms large amounts of organic matter deposited on anoxic bottoms of seas or lake areas of the geological past, which were later covered by heavy layers of sediment. This causes organic materials to be transformed into oil by the heat and pressure of the upper layers. However, this phenomenon does not occur in all parts of the earth because in some, as in the case of the Middle East, there were large amounts of organic matter that became an oil reserve. So the correct answer is A.

Que tipo de ecosistema tienen los pingüinos emperador y Adelia?



Los pingüinos Adelia viven en el continente antártico y en muchas pequeñas islas costeras circundantes. Pasan el invierno en alta mar en los mares que rodean el hielo antártico.

Los pingüinos emperador viven exclusivamente en entornos antárticos gélidos. Prefieren reproducirse durante el invierno, cuando el hielo se congela y se estabiliza. Estos pingüinos suelen crear colonias de reproducción en áreas cercanas a icebergs y acantilados helados, que los protegen de los peores vientos fuertes.


te ayuda esto?

Which of the following best depicts the use of Geographic Information Systems?

City planners using layered maps to decide where to build a park
Wireless routers providing internet signal

Government workers constructing a new interstate highway system

Retail stores advertising a new product



City planners using layered maps to decide where to build a park


They are using the GIS data layering method...different aspects ir layers of an area are taken into consideration

For example they would look at schools close by, rivers and soil type. By combining those three characteristics they could make a choice of the best possible area a park should be built.

which best describes a bacterium


a unicellular prokaryote



Bacteria are a type of biological cell. They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Wikipedia


a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease.

a) What are the bases of mRNA coded for by this section of DNA, before the mutation? (1 point)

b) What are the bases of mRNA coded for by this section of DNA, after the mutation? (1 point)

c) What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation? (1 point)

d) What amino acid is coded for by this sequence after the mutation? (1 point)

e) Is this is a silent mutation or a missense mutation? Explain. (1 point)


Complete question:

A gene has a base sequence of GTC. Due to a mutation, the base sequence changes to GTG. Answer the following questions:

a) What are the bases of mRNA coded for by this section of DNA, before the mutation? (1 point)

b) What are the bases of mRNA coded for by this section of DNA, after the mutation? (1 point)

c) What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation? (1 point)

d) What amino acid is coded for by this sequence after the mutation? (1 point)

e) Is this is a silent mutation or a missense mutation? Explain. (1 point)


a) mRNA before mutation ⇒ CAG

b) mRNA after mutation ⇒ CAC

c) amino acid before mutation ⇒ Glu, Glutamine

d) amino acid after mutation ⇒ His, Histidine

e) missense mutation


Theoretical frame


Transcription occurs in the nucleus where the template DNI strand is read in direction 3´→ 5´ to build the mRNA molecule in direction 5´→ 3´.

When the DNI molecule separates into two strands to form the transcription bubble, we can identify two separate segments: coding strand and template strand.

The coding strand goes in direction 5´ to 3´, while the complementary strand -template strand- grows in direction 3´ to 5´.

The template strand is the mRNA complement.

The coding strand is the same as the mRNA that results from the transcription of the same DNI segment -switching bases T for U-.

The coding strand receives that name because it is the sequence that codes for each amino acid composing the proteins.


Translation occurs in the cytoplasm. rRNA and tRNA read mRNA in the direction 5´→ 3´ to build the protein.

Genetic information for the aminoacids assembly during the protein synthesis is stored in short sequences of three nucleotides named codons in the mRNA. Each of the codons represents one of the 20 amino acids used to build the protein. There are 64 codons in total, from which 61 codify for amino acids. Because there are 20 amino acids, many codons code for the same amino acid. One of these amino acids is also the start point of protein synthesis. And the left three codons are stopping translation points.

The codons indicating the initiation or stop points during the translation process are:

• The start codon AUG is the most common sequence used by eukaryotic cells

• The end codons are UAA, UAG, UGA.

When a change occurs in a single base pair, it is known as a point mutation. Points mutations might be either silent, missense, or nonsense. In silent mutations, the resulting mRNA codon codes for the same amino acid as the unmutated sequence. However, if the mutation causes the mRNA codon to code for a different amino acid, this mutation is a missense mutation. Finally, if the mutation causes mRNA codon to be a stop codon, we are referring to a nonsense mutation.


In the exposed example,

Before mutation

Original DNI base sequence ⇒ GTC ⇒ Guanine, Timine, CytokineTranscripted mRNA sequence ⇒ CAG ⇒ Cytokine, Adenine, GuanineAmino acid ⇒ Gln ⇒ Glutamine

After mutation

Mutated DNI base sequence ⇒ GTG ⇒ Guanine, Timine, GuanineTranscripted mRNA sequence ⇒ CAC ⇒ Cytokine, Adenine, CytokineAmino acid ⇒ His ⇒ Histidine

This is a point mutation, in which the change occurs in a single base pair. The mutation made the mRNA codon code for a different amino acid, meaning that this is a missense mutation.

Before mutation, the mRNA codon is CAG and codes for Glutamine.After mutation, the mRNA codon is CAC and codes for Histidine.

What type of evolutionary adaptations did plants acquire to allow them to grow in areas that were not directly on a water source?



Plants developed roots to absorb water from the ground


Vascular seedless plants evolved specific structures to transport and hold fluids, reducing dependence on water sources.


If given the ability to hold on to water, the plant does not have to frow directly on a water source.

Which of the following is NOT an organ system in the human body?
A. Endocrine system
B. Replicatory system
C. Digestive system
D. Lymphatic system


B. The replicatory system is not a organ sytem in the human body.

What is an advantage of electron microscopes compared to light microscopes?
They have a much higher power of resolution.
They can be used to view live specimens.
They are inexpensive and commonly found in classrooms.
They are helpful during dissections.



They have much higher power of resolution.as compared to light microscope.

22. An astronaut on the space station tests whether gravity affects the productivity of tomato plants. What
is the independent variable in this experiment?


When conducting an experiment, the independent variable is always the one that produces or causes an effect or reaction on the dependent variable. In the exposed situation, the independent variable is gravity.


During an experiment, you need to consider all the variables involved.

Independent (manipulated) variable: Refers to all the variables in an experiment that provoke a response in another variable. An independent variable is the one that changes or is controlled and modified to analyze how another variable responds to it. The researcher changes the independent variable to observe its effects on the dependent variable. Usually, the independent variable is represented by the X letter. In the exposed example, gravity is the independent variable, and influences the productivity of tomato plants. Dependent variable: Refers to the variable, which response depends on any change in the independent variable. It represents a quantity of something which value depends on how the independent variable is modified. The change in the dependent variable might be proportional or inversely proportional to the change in the manipulated variable. It is usually identified by the letter Y. Controlled variables are kept constant in the control groups and the experimental groups. Unlike the independent variable, the controlled variables do not influence the results. These variables do not affect the response of the dependent variable.


Related link: https://brainly.com/question/1479694?referrer=searchResults

When a person runs his body temperature goes up why and how it comes to normal



the average person today actually runs then you will notice that your skin temperature is going to go down not up


B is wrong need help



its A i think


trust me bro

Genetic variation is more commonly found in sexually reproducing organisms, as compared to asexually reproducing organisms, because
1 point
in asexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations
in sexual reproduction the gametes formed are all genetically identical
in asexual reproduction the gametes formed are genetically different
in sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations



In sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations


In sexually reproducing organisms, there are two parents who create genetically diverse offspring.

This occurs because the gametes of the two parents combine to create very unique genetic combinations, which lead to increased genetic variation.

On the other hand, asexually reproducing organisms reproduce without a partner.

Their offspring are identical clones to the parent, so they have much less genetic variation.

So, the correct answer is that In sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations.

Which of the following can a UAV do?
1. Provide information about geography
2. Provide information about soil nutrients
3. Provide information about soil hydration
4. Provide information about plant health



Provide information about geography


UAVs are otherwise known as unmanned aerial vehicles or drones. They are usually remotely controlled and monitored from a screen. They can be flown over a large expanse of land to obtain geographical information such as the topography of an area,  the distance between two points, the height above sea level, and so on.

Except the UAVs are specially designed and equipped with extra features, they cannot be used to obtain information relating to soil nutrients, soil hydration, or information about plant health on a field.

Hence, the correct answer would be option 1,

Answer: Provide information about geography


It's correct

describe the role of enzymes in seeds germination​



Enzymes such as amylase ,protease and lipase are liable for solubilizing spare food materials in form of starch, protein and lipids correspondingly

in seed and deliver energy and other fundamentals food materials to germinating embryo.

The seed proteins are catalyzed by protease enzyme and break it into amino acid and peptides that a e transferred to growing embryo.

The amino acids obtained from metabolism of the proteins are further used in biosynthesis of enzymes,hormones,proteins, pyrimidines and Purine bases.

The starch is catalyzed by enzyme amylase that provides the food materials for growth and development of embryo . Similarly lipase are enzymes that are responsible for metabolism of the triacylglycerols into glycerols and fatty acids.This is also the source of energy for growing embryo

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