Westmoreland Company Following are selected data from Westmoreland Company's financial statements.

2018 2017
Current liabilities $230,000 $160,000
Long-term debt 120,000 320,000
Stockholders' equity 420,000 540,000
Cash payments for additions to plant and equipment 45,000 32,000
Net cash flow from operating activities 80,000 51,000
Interest and principal payments 12,000 8,000
Net operating cash flows before interest and taxes 68,000 43,000
Net income 90,000 72,000
Interest expense 8,500 11,500
Income taxes 16,000 14,500
Dividends paid 15,000 30,000

Refer to the Westmoreland Company data.

The company's times interest earned ratio for 2018

a. Indicates the company cannot meet its current year interest payments out of current year earnings.
b. Shows an increase in the company's ability to pay its current debt when it comes due.
c. Decreased, which indicates the company has more cash to pay interest on its debt.
d. Increased, which indicates the company's lenders will be pleased.

Which of the following statements is true regarding valuation amounts on the balance sheet?

1. Assets are recorded at current cost.
2. Stockholders' equity reflects the current market value of the stock.
3. A variety of assumptions are used in determining amounts reported on the balance sheet.
4. Stockholders' equity reflects the amount the stockholders would receive upon liquidation.


Answer 1


Westmoreland Company

1. The company's times interest earned ratio for 2018

d. Increased, which indicates the company's lenders will be pleased.

2. The TRUE statement regarding valuation amounts on the balance sheet is:

3. A variety of assumptions are used in determining amounts reported on the balance sheet.


a) Data and Calculations:

Westmoreland Company

Selected financial statements data.

                                                          2018           2017

Current liabilities                          $230,000   $160,000

Long-term debt                               120,000    320,000

Stockholders' equity                      420,000   540,000

                                                                  2018           2017

Cash payments for additions

to plant and equipment                         45,000    32,000

Net cash flow from operating activities 80,000     51,000

Interest and principal payments             12,000      8,000

Net operating cash flows before

  interest and taxes                               68,000    43,000

Net income                                            90,000    72,000

Interest expense                                     8,500      11,500

Income taxes                                         16,000     14,500

EBIT                                                    $114,500  $98,000

Dividends paid                                      15,000    30,000

Time interest earned (TIE) for 2018 =EBIT/ Interest Expense

= $114,500/$8,500


TIE for 2017 = $98,000/$11,500

= 8.52x

Related Questions

According to the growth accounting studies, if you lived in a country where illiteracy was high and 40% of the children left school early and did not complete their education what would probably be the results for that country?
a. Average income in the country will see significant increases.
b. There would be both a human and economic loss.
c. The economic status of the country would continue to rise.
d. More technological breakthroughs would happen in this country.



b. There would be both a human and economic loss.


In the case when the illiteracy was more and 40% of the children left the school so early that they didnt complete their education so here the result should be that there should be 2 losses i.e. human and economic loss as the children does not have any kind of knowledge so they would not get the job so easily

Therefore the option b is correct

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Tỉnh nào ở Việt Nam nhiều cao su nhất?


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I need help with Accounting homework. I am not understanding it





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Emily and Betsey are economists. Emily thinks that the wealthiest 10 percent of the U.S. population should be taxed a rate higher than the rest of society because they can better afford it. Betsey thinks that everyone should be taxed at the same rate because that is the fairest scenario and the wealthy should not be penalized for their success. In this example, Emily and Betsey:______


Answer: b. have different normative views about tax policy.


Economists follow different theories and principles on how the world should be so most times they will disagree with each other on key issues such as taxation and government intervention in markets.

Emily and Betsy both believe in different taxation policies which means that they have different views on how people should be taxed in an economy with one of them believing in a proportional tax regime (Betsey) and the other believing in a progressive tax regime (Emily).

GHI Corporation, a California corporation, has a six-person board. At a regular board meeting, only two directors attend. No notice was sent to any of the directors. The two attending call directors Alice and Bob and put them on a conference call. The four talk about the corporation buying Blackacre and then all agree to a resolution for GHI to buy Blackacre from Third Party. The Bylaws of GHI state that an action of the board requires the consent of a majority of the directors present at a meeting, and that a quorum is a majority of the authorized directors.
Select one:
a. the purchase is authorized because a quorum was present and a majority of those present approved the action.
b. the purchase is not authorized, since all real estate transactions require shareholder approval
c. the purchase is not authorized because prior written notice must be sent to each director
d. the purchase is not authorized because a quorum was not present at the board meeting
e. Two of the above are correct.



a. the purchase is authorized because a quorum was present and a majority of those present approved the action.


going by the bye laws of GHI state, board action requires that majority of the members of the board are present and give consent in the meeting. here in this question, we have a 6 member board. Although only two of the board members are physically present, through conference call Alice and Bob increased the number to 2 when they joined in. Therefore the number of board members at this meeting is 4, then the requirement has been met. So since this 4 agreed to the purchase, it is authorized and valid since a quorum was present and a majority of them agreed to the action. option a is correct

The correct statement is a. the purchase is authorized because a quorum was present and, a majority of those present approved the action.

The quorum required by the Bylaws of GHI is for a majority of directors to be present, and in this case, four directors were present (two physically and two by conference call).

The Bylaws of GHI specify that every action of the directors should be supported by a majority present at a meeting. We can conclude that the purchase is authorized by the majority (100%).

Thus, the purchase of Blackacre by GHI is authorized.

Learn more about board of directors, quorum, and majority votes here: https://brainly.com/question/7985365

What are the purchase goods for cash Rs. 12,000 and for credit Rs. 8,000 (journal entries)?



Journal entries

Books of (----- LTD)

Particular                             Amount            Amount

Purchase     A/c Debit         20,000

Cash            A/c Credit                                12,000

Creditor       A/c Credit                                 8,000

(Being goods purchase on cash and credit)

Maplewood Co. uses process costing to account for the production of canned energy drinks. Direct materials are added at the beginning of the process and conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process. Cost per equivalent unit has been calculated to be $4.00 for conversion costs and $3.00 for materials. 2,000 units were in beginning inventory (100% complete for materials, 80% for conversion). 8,000 units were started and completed during the period. Ending inventory still in process was 4,000 units (100% complete for materials, 40% forconversion). The value of ending inventory using the FIFO method would be:______.
A. $18,400.00B. $23,133.20C. $31,933.20D. $65,000.00



A. $18,400.00


The computation of the  value of ending inventory using the FIFO method would be shown below:

Value of ending inventory = Materials + Conversion costs


Materials = (4000 units × 100%) × $3 per unit

= $12,000


Conversion costs = (4000 units × 40%) × $4 per unit

= $6,400

So, the ending inventory is

= $12,000 + $6,400

= $18,400

Listed below are five technical accounting terms. Each of the following statements describes one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the term described.

Opportunity cost
Out-of-pocket cost
Joint products
Incremental analysis
Sunk cost
Split-off point
Relevant information

Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term or terms described, or answer "none" if the statement does not correctly describe any of these terms.

a. Examination of differences between costs to be incurred and revenue to be earned under different courses of action.
b. A cost incurred in the past that cannot be changed as a result of future actions.
c. Costs and revenue that are expected to vary, depending on the course of action decided on.
d. The benefit foregone by not pursuing an alternative course of action.
e. Products made from common raw materials and shared production processes.
f. A cost yet to be incurred that will require future payment and may vary among alternative courses of action.
g. The point at which manufacturing costs are split equally between ending inventory and cost of goods sold.



a. Incremental analysis.

b. Sunk cost.

c. Relevant information.

d. Opportunity cost.

e. Joint products.

f. Out-of-pocket cost.

g. Split-off point.


a. Incremental analysis: examination of differences between costs to be incurred and revenue to be earned under different courses of action.

b. Sunk cost: a cost incurred in the past that cannot be changed as a result of future actions. Sunk cost can be defined as a cost or an amount of money that has been spent on something in the past and as such cannot be recovered.

c. Relevant information: costs and revenue that are expected to vary, depending on the course of action decided on. Hence, relevant cost are relevant for decision-making purposes but not sunk costs.

d. Opportunity cost: the benefit foregone by not pursuing an alternative course of action. Opportunity cost also known as the alternative forgone, can be defined as the value, profit or benefits given up by an individual or organization in order to choose or acquire something deemed significant at the time.

e. Joint products: products made from common raw materials and shared production processes.

f. Out-of-pocket cost: a cost yet to be incurred that will require future payment and may vary among alternative courses of action.

g. Split-off point: the point at which manufacturing costs are split equally between ending inventory and cost of goods sold. Thus, it give rise to joint products that emerge from the same raw materials and a shared manufacturing process.

Kelley Company reports $960,000 of net income and declares $120,000 of cash dividends on its preferred stock for the year. At year-end, the company had 400,000 weighted-average shares of common stock. 1. What amount of net income is available to common stockholders?





Amount that is attributable to common stockholders for dividends is always after deducting preferred stock.

The amount of net income is available to common stockholders is $840,000

Luker Corporation uses a process costing system The company had $ 172,500 of beginning Finished Goods Inventory on October 1. It transferred in $ 849,000 of units completed during the period . The ending Finished Goods Inventory balance on October 31 was $ 170,200 . The entry to account for the cost of goods sold in October is



First calculate the Cost of Goods sold:

= Opening Finished goods inventory + Goods transferred in - Closing finished goods inventory

= 172,500 + 849,000 - 170,200

= $851,800

The entry to record this is:

Date                Account Title                                        Debit                 Credit

October 31     Cost of Goods Sold                           $851,800

                        Finished Goods Inventory                                          $851,800

The gain or loss from retirement of debt is reported under cash flows from operating activities on the statement of cash flows using the indirect method.

a. True
b. False



a. True


When we have to adjust and converted the net income into the cash basis the gain is subtracted and losses are added to the net income in the operating activities section of the cash flow statement

Since there is the gain or loss from the retirement of the bonds so the same should be deducted or added to the net income as the case may be

Therefore the correct option is a.

Run-of-the-Mills provides your marketing firm with the following data: When the price of guppy gummies decreases by 5%, the quantity of frizzles sold increases by 4% and the quantity of mookies sold decreases by 6%. Your job is to use the cross-price elasticity between guppy gummies and the other goods to determine which goods your marketing firm should advertise together.



guppy gummies and frizzles are complementary goods and should be advertised together


Cross price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of good A to changes in price of good B.

If cross price elasticity of demand is positive, it means that the goods are substitute goods.

Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good.

When the price of gummies decreased, the demand for mookies decreased. these goods are substitutes and should not be advertised together

If the cross-price elasticity is negative, it means that the goods are complementary goods.

Complementary goods are goods that are consumed together

When the price of gummies decreased, the demand for frizzles increased. the cross price elasticity would be negative. thus they are complements and should be advertised together.

A service provided by a business to the final user is known as:
implied warranty.
economic services.
capital goods.



economic services.


An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Hence, a region's or country's economy is largely dependent on how resources are being allocated and utilized, how many goods and services are to be produced, what should be produced, for whom they are to be produced for and how much money are to be spent by the consumers to acquire these goods and services.

Basically, there are four (4) main types of economy and these are;

I. Mixed economy.

II. Free market economy.

III. Traditional economy.

IV. Command economy.

A service provided by a business to the final user is known as economic services.

Basically, economic services are considered to be intangible, inconsistent and perishable in nature. Thus, some examples of economic services are banking, hospitality, transportation, telecommunication, marketing, legal, rentals, insurance, security, public relations, etc.

A company purchases land and a building for $300,000. The appraisal attributes a fair market value (FMV) to the land of $180,000 and to the building of $220,000. As a result, the building’s cost will be booked at:____________


$700,000 I hope that helps

Nếu GDP = $1000, tiêu dùng = $600, thuế = $100, và chi tiêu chính phủ = $200, thì:

A. Tiết kiệm = $0, đầu tư =$0
B. Tiết kiệm = $300, đầu tư =$300
C. Tiết kiệm = $200, đầu tư =$200
D. Tiết kiệm = $200, đầu tư =$100



Saving = $200

Investment = $100



Gross Domestic Production = $1000

Consumption = $600

Taxes = $100

Government spending = $200


Saving and investment


Saving = Gross Domestic Production - Consumption - Government spending

Saving = 1,000 - 600 - 200

Saving = $200

Investment = Saving - Taxes

Investment = 200 - 100

Investment = $100

The mean of a set of data is 5.07 and its standard deviation is 3.39.
Find the z-score for a value of 9.65.





zscore= (x-mean)/(Standard deviation)

(9.65-5.07)/3.39= 1.35

A stock has a market price of $25 and a standard deviation of returns of 24 percent. The $25 call option matures in 4 months and the risk-free rate is 2.89 percent. N(d1) is .555198 and N(d2) is .500096. What is the value of the call option per share of stock





Use the following formula to calculate the value of call option

Value of call option = ( N ( [tex]d_{1}[/tex] )  S ) - N ( [tex]d_{2}[/tex] ) K [tex]e^{rt}[/tex]


S = $25

N(d1) = 0.555198

N(d2) = 0.500096

K = 25

r = 2.89%

t = 4/12 = 0.3333

Placing values in the formula

Value of call option = ((0.555198 x $25 ) x $25) - ( 0.500096 x $25 ) x 1.00967891

Value of call option = $346.99875 - $12.62340

Value of call option = $334.37535

Value of call option = $334.38

Lin Corporation has a single product whose selling price is $134 per unit and whose variable expense is $67 per unit. The company’s monthly fixed expense is $31,750. Required: 1. Calculate the unit sales needed to attain a target profit of $8,450. (Do not round intermediate calculations.) 2. Calculate the dollar sales needed to attain a target profit of $9,700.



Results are below.


Giving the following information:

Fixed cost= $31,750

Unitary contribution margin= 134 - 67= $67

To calculate the number of units to be sold, we need to use the following formula:

Break-even point in units= (fixed costs + desired profit) / contribution margin per unit

Desired profit= $8,450

Break-even point in units= (31,750 + 8,450) / 67

Break-even point in units= 600

Now, the desired profit is $9,700; we need to use the following formula:

Break-even point (dollars)= (fixed costs + desired profit) / contribution margin ratio

Break-even point (dollars)= (31,750 + 9,700) / (67/134)

Break-even point (dollars)= 41,450 / 0.5

Break-even point (dollars)= $82,900

Prepare journal entries for the following credit card sales transactions.
1. Sold $20,000 of merchandise, which cost $15,000, on MasterCard credit cards. Master Card charges a 5% fee.
2. Sold $5,000 of merchandise, which cost $3,000, on an assortment of bank credit cards. These cards charge a 4% fee.


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entries are given below:

1. Cash A/c Dr $19,000

Credit card expense A/c Dr  $1,000            ($20,000 × 5%)

       To Sales A/c                             $20,000

(To record the received cash )

Cost of goods sold A/c Dr $15,000

        To Merchandise inventory A/c $15,000

(To record the inventory is sold at cost)

2. Accounts receivable A/c Dr $4,800

   Credit card expense A/c Dr  $200          ($5,000 × 4%)

        To Sales A/c                             $5,000

(To record the merchandise is sold on credit)

Cost of goods sold A/c Dr $3,000

        To Merchandise inventory A/c $3,000

(To record the inventory is sold at cost)

Cash A/c Dr $4,800

      To Accounts receivable $4,800

(to record the cash is received)

Clem is married and is a skilled carpenter. Clem’s wife, Wanda, works part-time as a substitute grade school teacher. Determine the amount of Clem’s expenses that are deductible for AGI this year (if any) under the following independent circumstances:___________a) Clem is self-employed and this year he incurred $525 in expenses for tools and supplies related to his job. Since neither were covered by a qualified health plan, Wanda paid health insurance premiums of $3,600 to provide coverage for herself and Clem (not through an exchange).b) Clem and Wanda own a garage downtown that they rent to a local business for storage. This year they incurred expenses of $1,250 in utilities and $780 in depreciation.c) Clem paid self-employment tax of $15,300 (the employer portion is $7,650), and Wanda had $3,000 of Social Security taxes withheld from her pay.d) Clem paid $45 to rent a safe deposit box to store his coin collection. Clem has collected coins intermittently since he was a boy, and he expects to sell his collection when he retires.



A. $4,125

B. $2030

C. $9650

D. $0


Calculation to determine the amount of Clem’s expenses that are deductible for AGI this year

A. AGI=Tools and supplies + Health insurance



Therefore the amount of Clem’s expenses that are deductible for AGI this year is $4125

B. AGI=Tools and supplies +Health insurance ar

AGI=$1,250 +$780


Therefore the amount of Clem’s expenses that are deductible for AGI this year is $2030

C. Based on the information given, the EMPLOYER PORTION of the amount of $7,650 will be the EMPLOYER PORTION of the self-employment tax is deductible.

D. Based on the information given The amount of Clem’s expenses that are deductible for AGI this year is $0 reason been that The safe deposit fee is an ITEMIZED DEDUCTION .

Juanita worked hard all year so that she could go to nursing school the following year. She put her savings into a mutual fund that paid a nominal interest rate of 4 percent a year. The CPI was 252 at the beginning of the year and 257 at the end of the year. What was the real interest rate that Juanita earned?





Inflation rate = (CPI at the end of the year / CPI at the beginning of the year) - 1

(257 / 252) - 1 = 0.01984 = 1.984%

(1 + nominal interest rate) = (1 + inflation rate) (1 + real interest rate)

1.04 = 1.01984 x  (1 + real interest rate)

(1 + real interest rate)  = (1.04 / 1.01984) - 1 = 1.98%

The Real Option Inc. is considering a new project. It believes that each year it would be able to sell 15 units at a $300,000 per-unit after-tax profit (i.e., per-unit operating cash flow) for the next five years. A $14.8 million initial investment will be required at the beginning of the project. The appropriate discount rate is 16 percent.

Calculate the base-case NPV of this project.



NPV = $10.708 million


The base case NPV is that calculated by discounting the after-tax cash flow by the cost of equity based on  asset beta. The base-case NPV does not consider the financing effect of the any particular finance source used to fund the project.

NPV = PV of cash inflow   - Initial outlay

After-tax cash flow = 300,000×15= 4.5 million

PV of cash inflow = cash inflow × A × (1- (1+r)^(-n)/r

                                4.5 ×( 1- (1.16^-5)/0.16= 25.508 million

NPV = PV of cash inflow - Initial outlay

NPV = 25.508 million - 14.8 million

NPV = $10.708 million

On 1/1, Florida Power and Light Energy bought a single piece of equipment by paying $7,000 cash. They also incurred freight charges and taxes of $224 on 1/1 and paid for these items with cash, also. The market value of this equipment is $13,000. What amount should be recorded in Florida Power and Light's Equipment Account on 1/1?



the amount that should be recorded in Florida Power and Light's Equipment Account on 1/1 is $7,224


The computation of the amount that should be recorded in Florida Power and Light's Equipment Account on 1/1 is shown below:

= Purchase price of an equipment + freight charges & taxes

= $7,000 + $224

= $7,224

Hence, the amount that should be recorded in Florida Power and Light's Equipment Account on 1/1 is $7,224

how van an oligopoly cause market failure (8)​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

An oligopoly can cause market failure because companies that form the oligopoly do not allow other companies to enter and compete in the market. This action limits consumers to choose from a variety of options, including quality, the best price, and service.

Often, oligopoly associates the strongest or more powerful companies in order to wipe out other minor competitors. They want to establish a dominant presence that affects prices and consumers participation.

Oligopoly practices result in inefficiency and instability in the market. That is why oligopolies are not good for the economy.

The automobile industry is mostly associated with an oligopoly.

When a market is controlled by just a few numbers of companies, but none of them is above the others, we are talking about an oligopoly. They can collude intentionally or not, to establish prizes and to not let other companies compete with them.

1.how can you categorize the buyers who are not price sensitive ?


nsjdjdmd oyster rnsiud. snao she buyers price

A company started the year with $1,500 of supplies on hand. During the year the company purchased additional supplies of $800 and recorded them as increase to the supplies asset. At the end of the year the company determined that only $300 of supplies are still on hand. What is the adjusting journal entry to be made at the end of the period



Debit : Supplies Expense $2,000

Credit : Supplies  $2,000


The adjusting journal entry to be made at the end of the period should reflect the usage of supplies.

Supplies used = Opening Balance + Purchases - Inventory Balance


Supplies used = $1,500 + $800 - $300

                        = $2,000

A Debit to Expense Account - Supplies Expense and A  Credit to Asset Account - Supplies must be made to depict the usage of supplies.

Haier has achieved great success in becoming a global leader in the appliance industry and is doing so with these beneficial strategies.

a. True
b. False



a. True


It is correct to say that a company like Haier, which has become a global leader in the household appliance industry segment, has developed a beneficial strategy for success, as entering a global market can be a great challenge for companies, as it requires business, product and services of the company to the local market that includes cultural and social differentiation in the preferences for products and services. So it is correct to say that the company has adopted a beneficial global strategy that gives it significant advantages such as market positioning, cost reduction, greater competitive capacity, greater brand value, increased profitability, etc.

Link Co. purchased machinery that cost $3,000,000 on January 4, 2019. The entire cost was recorded as an expense. The machinery has a nine-year life and a $200,000 residual value. The error was discovered on December 20, 2021. Before the correction was made, and before the books were closed on December 31, 2018, retained earnings was understated by:__________

a. $3,000,000.
b. $2,066,667.
c. $2,377,778
d. $2,333,333.



See below


You took ACC111 where the Owner's Equity section consisted of Capital and Owner's Withdrawals. Now that you've seen the corporate structure of the Owner's Equity section, how do the individual items in the Sole Proprietor's Equity section translate to the Corporate Equity section? For example, Revenues are closed out into Capital for Sole Proprietor, Where does it go for Corporate?



Revenues are closed out to Equity (Retained Earnings) for Corporate.


Actually, for both Sole Proprietor and Corporate, the account that is closed out to Capital or Equity is the difference between the Revenue and the Expenses for the accounting period.  This is more specifically referred to as Net Income.  This is the bottom-line profit, which is available for distribution to the owners of the entity in the form of capital withdrawals for Sole Proprietorships and dividends for Corporate entities.

On December 31, the trial balance indicates that the supplies account has a balance, prior to the adjusting entry, of $269. A physical count of the supplies inventory shows that $102 of supplies remain. Analyze this adjustment for supplies using T accounts, and then formally enter this adjustment in the general journal.



                   Balance Sheet


Beg. Bal.     $269     |     Adj. $167

Bal.             $102

       Income Statement

        Supplies Expense

Adj.      $167   |  

Date       Account Title           Debit    Credit

Dec 31   Supplies Expense    $167

                    Supplies                         $167

             (To record Supplies used)

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The histogram represents the distributions of essay scores for high school sophomores and juniors in a contest. Which statements are true about the data used to create the histogram? Select three options. what are type of communication skills sammy is on level 40 , which is five times as much as rocky.what islevel rocky on Question 1 of 10Look at this table.Hours ofTraining10203040506070MonthlyPay1250140015501700185020002150According to the table, how many hours of training would youneed to have a monthly pay of $2450? Which two graphs can be combined to represent 140% HELP PLEASE Find the area of the trapezoid. Leave your answer in simplest radical form. What was the state of the French government during Napoleon's exile? help pls *serious ppl only* What would happen to the weight of an ice cub if it melted? A) it would weigh a little more.B) it would weigh a lot less. C) it would weigh the same. D) it would weigh a lot more. Margaret Moore started her own consulting firm, Carla Vista Consulting, on May 1, 2020. The following transactions occurred during the month of May. May: 1 Trixie invested $7,600 cash in the business. 2 Paid $950 for office rent for the month. 3 Purchased $600 of supplies on account. 5 Paid $160 to advertise in the County News. 9 Received $4,500 cash for services performed. 12 Withdrew $1,200 cash for personal use. 15 Performed $5,600 of services on account. 17 Paid $2,000 for employee salaries. 20 Made a partial payment of $400 for the supplies purchased on account on May 3. 23 Received a cash payment of $3,600 for services performed on account on May 15. 26 Borrowed $5,500 from the bank on a note payable. 29 Purchased equipment for $4,000 on account. 30 Paid $350 for utilities.Required:Show the effects of the previous transactions on the accounting equation. what is a property of every mixture Can someone help me? It's urgent and thank you! Please helpppppppppppp How to organize an outdoor activity? *Check schedulesChoose appropriate venuesGet InsurancePhysical preparation Brainstorming is an uncritical, non-evaluative process of generating associated ideas.TrueFalse 1. Of the three angles in a right-angled triangle, one angle has a measureof 60 degrees. What is the measure of the third angle, Angle X? *al 60 Which part of the Thirteen Colonies is represented by Cluster B? What are the three broad sections of a state or local government's CAFR? a. Introductory, financial, and statistical. b. Financial statements, notes to the financial statements, and component units. c. Introductory, statistical, and component units. d. Component units, financial, and statistical Which mineral resource is used in chemical industry? A man standing on a frictionless ice throws a 1.00kg mass at 20m/s at an angle elevation of 40.0 degrees. What was the magnitude of the mans momentum immediately after the the throl