what are 3 distinguished sets of right that exist in any country? A.freedom,rules,regulation. B.customs,traditions,constitution. C.written rules,unwritten rules,human rights. D.human rights,rights to education,right to vote​


Answer 1




written rules, unwritten rules, human rights

hope, it's right

Related Questions

how does nation development occur? ​



if u think this is correct ans pls mark as brinlist and


Development refers to development-countryside developments that distinguish them from so-called developed countries in the economic performance, levels of living, sustainability, and equal conditions.


A developing country has a less developed industrial base and a low HDI in relation to other countries. This definition has nevertheless not been agreed universally. It is also unclear which countries fit in with this group. The term low- and middle-income (LMIC) often refers to countries' economies, but it is often used interchangeably.The World Bank separates the economies of the world into four groups based on the GNI per capita: high, medium, moderate and low revenues. The developing countries are all subgroups of the least developed, land-stricken developing countries and smaller island developing countries. Countries at the other end of the spectrum are generally known as countries with high incomes or developing countries.

What line on a weather map indicates areas where the temperature is the
A. Warm front
B. Isobar
C. Isotherm
D. Occluded front


Hello! The answer is C. Isotherm

meaning of Dentology​


Deontology is defined as an ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action. An example of deontology is the belief that killing someone is wrong, even if it was in self-defense.

Hope that helps! :)

write a special feature of sagarmatha National park​



Sagarmatha is an exceptional area with dramatic mountains, glaciers and deep valleys, dominated by Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world (8,848 m). Several rare species, such as the snow leopard and the lesser panda, are found in the park.


I hope it'll help you


Sagarmatha is an exceptional area with dramatic mountains, glaciers and deep valleys, dominated by Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world (8,848 m). Several rare species, such as the snow leopard and the lesser panda, are found in the park.

A thief sold some stolen goods to a dealer. Several weeks later, the police raided the dealer's store and arrested him. In this raid, the police seized the goods the thief sold to the dealer and a record book in which the dealer had recorded this transaction. However, at the dealer's subsequent trial for receiving stolen goods, the charges against him were dismissed when the court ruled that the search warrant had been improperly issued.
The police were able to trace the stolen goods to the thief because of fingerprint identification and the information contained in the dealer's record book.
At his trial, the thief made a motion to suppress the stolen goods and record book.
What should the judge do?


Yes I can get it on ur phone if you don’t wanna see ur pics

Jane Smithson's 13-year-old son has an essay due in school tomorrow. Her son has been ill and unable to finish the essay. Jane felt it best to let her son go to sleep so that he could return to school tomorrow. Jane writes the essay for her son. Jane has concluded her writing the essay was justified and necessary. Into which school of ethical theories would Jane fall



The answer is "Moral Relativism"


It's the idea of moral relativism that moral principles aren't uniform or absolute. Companies choose moral principles mostly on the premise of their unique beliefs, customs, and practices. So people prefer to feel that their moral "correct" values are now the values of their society.

It believes there is no realistic manner of proving that a specific ethical is the right one and that there is no reason to assume in one true moral.

It also encourages us both to study why our ideas are different or why our ideas and values were different. We have to also examine our reasoning.

All of the following are characteristics of marble cake federalism EXCEPT Group of answer choices there is greater cooperation between the federal and state governments. the federal government becomes more intrusive in state affairs. there is a greater sharing of responsibilities between federal and state levels. the national government exercised its power independently from the state governments. there are mingled responsibilities and blurred distinctions between the levels of government.



The national government exercises its power independently from state government


Federal Government

This is a type of government commonly known. It is a system that lies between the unitary and Confederate forms of government (simply called hybrid). In this system of government, authority is divided between a central government and regional, or sub-divisional governments (that is federal, State and Local)

Advantages of Federal Government

1. Diversity and Experimentation in policy

2.Provided a more considered and viable policy outcome

3. Consider the different ethnic or cultural groupings

4. Encourages public participation in governance.

Types of federalism models

1. Layer cake (dual federalism): This is known as a separate and distinct areas of authority between national, state, and local government. It is simply known as dual federalism where responsibilities of national government and state government are clearly separated

2. Marble cake (cooperative federalism):

In this type of federalism, governmental responsibilities are, at most times swirled or mixed together and there are no distinct layers of responsibility. That is as a cooperative federalism, it is when national policies, state policies, and local policies are intertwined in many areas.

3. Picket fence (creative federalism): This is a close fiscal relations among different levels of governments

Siddarth has a positive attitude toward his organization. He feels the management treats all employees fairly in matters concerning rewards, takes into account employees' opinions, and overall, is highly supportive. Siddarth's attitude toward his employing organization is indicative of ________.
A) psychological empowerment
B) employee engagement
C) perceived organizational support
D) core self evaluations
E) organizational citizenship



perceived organizational support


The notion which an individual or employees has towards the way in which it's employer cares and regards it's employees may be described as the perceived organizational support of the employee towards its employer. It could be defined as the believe nutured by an employers based on his presumption on how much the organisation they work for cares and value their contribution and hence responds to their needs and staff wellbeing. In the scenario described above, Siddarth has a positive perceived organizational support towards his employer.

"No one section of our country was wholly responsible for its introduction, and, besides, it was recognized and protected for years by the General Government. Having once got its tentacles fastened on to the economic and social life of the Republic, it was no easy matter for the country to relieve itself of the institution." On which point would Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois agree? American society is able to easily overcome the negative effects of slavery. The effects of slavery are so ingrained in American society that the only way to achieve equality is through activism. The effects of slavery are so ingrained in American society that achieving equality for all will take patience. Slavery has lasting and extensive effects on every aspect of American society.



The effects of slavery are so ingrained in American society that achieving equality for all will take patience.


Booker T. Washington's "Up From Slavery" is a memoir that narrates his life from a slave to an educated abolitionist. Washington would also play an important part in the fight for slaves' freedom.

The given statement is said by Washington. The institution that he mentioned here is that of slavery, which he claims "[was introduced], recognized and protected for years by the General Government." Moreover, he also expressed his belief that "[the tentacles of slavery are] fastened [that] it was no easy matter for the country to relieve itself f the institution."

This shows that both Washington and Du Bois would agree that the effects of slavery are so ingrained in the American society that it will take a lot of patience to achieve equality for the slaves.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

What can be the reason that foreign countries have constructed buildings in Lumbini area in their own traditional architectural forms ? Discuss​



aaudaina nepali honi

please help! i could really use it right now


Answer: Jury Selection, Opening Statements, Examination of evidence, Closing Statements, Jury Deliberation, Verdict, Sentencing. Explanation: Just did this question.


Qué sucede con la demanda si:
B)El producto a través de la publicidad atrae a la gente
c) Una pandemia afecta el ingreso de las familias.
< Qué sucede con la oferta si:
a) Se construye un nuevo sector para la producción.
b) Aumenta el valor de los salarios de los operari0s.




Rita is experiencing a hard time remembering the items on her grocery list while she is at the store. She has to look at it several times to get all of the items on her list. However, when her daughter asks her about what she did last week, Rita can recite everything she did down to the last minute. Rita has trouble with _____ memory.



The answer is "Working".


She finds it hard to recall the products on her daily menu while she's in the shop. To have all items on her list, she has to look at something numerous times. But She can tell her daughter all that she did until the very last moment when her daughter questions her as to what she did this week. She has work memory issues.

Édgar quiere escribirle una carta a Cori para expresarle asertivamente lo que siente, piensa y desea. Si tú estuvieras en el lugar de Édgar, ¿qué le dirías a Cori?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Esta sería mi ejemplo de carta.

Hola Cori,

Te he escrito esta pequeña carta porque quiero compartir contigo algunos sentimientos que me cuesta trabajo decirte en persona.

Dirás que soy tímido. Más bien creo que a través de la palabra escrito me puedo mejor expresar mejor.

Déjame decirte, primero que nada, que siento un gran afecto por ti. Cada vez que estanos juntos siento una gran tranquilidad y eso me agrada. Pienso que este sentimiento es recíproco, ya que tu te muestras muy amable y abierta a escucharme y a pasar tiempo juntos platicando de muchas cosas.

Si no me equivoco, y es correcto lo que siento y pienso, quisiera preguntarte si tú sientes lo mismo. No me gustaría que te sintieras incómodo ante mi presencia, cuando yo creo que te agrada que pasemos tiempo juntos.

Deseo, en verdad, seguirte conociendo y formar una bonita amistad. Quiero que tú cuentes conmigo para lo que sea y que yo pueda contar contigo, de igual manera.

Mañana nos volveremos a ver en la escuela, y cuando tengamos un descanso entre clases podemos platicar sobre lo que te estoy comentado.

Mientras tanto, cuídate.

Te mando un abrazo.

Con cariño,


Show the various aspects covered in the concept of development in a diagrammatic form.





not need to explain

la economia extractiva enriquece la cultura de colombia?, por qué?


Colombia tiene una próspera economía de mercado basada principalmente en petróleo, minería, agricultura y manufactura. El crecimiento durante la última década ha sido un sólido 4,7 por ciento. Entonces, gracias a estos beneficios, la economía extractiva enriqueció la cultura de Colombia.

1. How do JT and JTA help in farming? Write in your own words and present in the class. ​



TA's = Test the soil and advise the farmers what crops they should grow and how . JT's = : Provide door to door technical service to farmers. Monitor, track and report the animal health and status to technical officer regularly.


Essie is an 86-year-old woman who tries to function independently but has suffered for several years with forgetfulness, especially with recent memories. She has trouble finding her car in the parking lot after grocery shopping. The store managers have called her children to come and help her. She has been known to forget her way home at times. Her children worry that she may have a form of dementia called ________.



Alzheimer's dementia

Explanation:Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, where dementia symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but with late-stage Alzheimer's, individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.

Because Essie sufferred forgetfulness that makes her forget her way home at times, then, she will be diagonised of Alzheimer's dementia.

What is an Alzheimer's dementia?

This is a progressive dementia disease where symptoms gradually worsen over a number of years.

In the early stages, the memory loss are usually mild but at the late-stage, the individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.

Read more about Alzheimer dementia


write a paragraph about curruption​



There are many scams that are not included in the public eye but have impacted a lot. They are known as Corruption. Corruption is an act of treachery that has rarely left anyone or any place. From Hospitals to corporations and governments, nothing and no one is immune from Corruption. Corruption starts from the higher levels and moves down to the lower levels rapidly, forming an atmosphere of less hard work and cheated results. Corruption cannot prevent the degradation of their morals or values, and it increases the same. None of us can even imagine the amount of money that goes into their accounts for personal accumulations. Corruption is now a bug that is insidious inside every Department and arena of the government. Corruption has now crippled our economy, and our functions have gone haywire due to it.


Carrie is analyzing the difference between what a customer is willing to pay for a product/service and how much it costs the firm to offer the product/service. Cassie is examining the difference between what the firm ultimately charges for the product/service and how much it costs the firm to offer the product/service. Carrie is analyzing ___, and Cassie is analyzing ___.



value creation; value capture


Curry is analysing value creation. Value creation can be defined as the existing difference that exist in the buyer's value of a customer and the cost of a firm in rendering a service or in giving a product.

Cassie on the other hand is analysing value capture. Value capture is a situation whereby a firm accrues profit by charging a price that exceeds the cost they got for a product or for rendering service

how can picnics can be part of social harmony?​


During a picnic people learn to accept and understand others, by sharing food they promote the concept of "teamwork", that is where each individual contributes towards the overall requirement of the group. This promotes social harmony.


Yes, Picnics can promote social harmony

Nobody needs to go anywhere else. We are all, if we only knew it, already there. If I only knew who in fact I am, I should cease to behave as what I think I am; and if I stopped behaving as what I think I am, I should know who I am. What in fact I am, if only the Manichee I think I am would allow me to know it, is the reconciliation of yes and no lived out in total acceptance and the blessed experience of Not-Two. In religion all words are dirty words. Anybody who gets eloquent about Buddha, or God, or Christ, ought to have his mouth washed out with carbolic soap


Pop off I guess girl

Explain create jobs in rural areas



More employment in rural areas can be created by taking following steps:

1) Farmers should diversify agriculture and adopt horticulture, animal rearing, organic farming, pisciculture besides farming.

2) Government should take necessary steps to provide loans to farmers at cheaper rates and from formal sources of credit.

Wille lien in points. anit (c) Does your locality get regular supply of drinking water? What can be your lergy is solve the problem of drinking water? elop d) If you have to purify water for drin . It is​



discuss the importance of a constitution​



constitution is important because it ensures that those who make decisions on behalf of the public fairly represent public opinion. It also sets out the ways in which those who exercise power may be held accountable to the people they serve.


A constitution is important because it ensures that those who make decisions on behalf of the public fairly represent public opinion. It also sets out the ways in which those who exercise power may be held accountable to the people they serve.

what is socialization



In sociology, socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained". Socialization is strongly connected to developmental psychology.


Please Mark me brainliest

list the cash crops grown in province no.2​



The cash crops grown in province no.2 are as follows ÷

jutecotton oil seeds coffee ginger herbspeanut soybean


sorry I reposted it because the previous answer was deleted plz mark me as a brainliest


List of cash crops:

1. Coffee

2. Cotton

3. Ginger

4. Herbs

5. Jute

6. Large Cardamon

7. Peanut

8. Soybean

9. Sugarcane

10. Tea

11. Tobacco

hope this helps you.

What are the features of industrial society


Answer:  6 Main Features of an Industrial Society.

(a) The economy is industry-based. The society is divided into a number of classes for example, the capitalist, the workers and the petty shopkeepers.

(b) Emergence of a number of professional and technical jobs requiring spe­cial knowledge and training.

(c) Rapid means of transport and a wide network of communications has been developed.

(d) The system of production, distribution and exchange is different. It is based on use of mechanical power. Large scale production of goods and use of new technology in the system of production is the most important feature of an industrial society.

(e) Migration to cities has led to the breakdown of agricultural economy and also the disappearance of the joint family system. A system of nuclear families has emerged.

Identify each statement about anthropologists studying sexuality as characteristic of anthropology before World War II, or since World War II. Before World War II Instead of sexuality, ethnographies focused on marriage, kinship, and family. Press Space to open Anthropologists began studying gay, lesbian, and queer life. Press Space to open Margaret Mead studied sexuality among young people in the western Pacific. Press Space to open Human sexuality was seen as an integral part of culture, and was included in many ethnographies.



Press Space to open Human sexuality was seen as an integral part of culture, and was included in many ethnographies.


The sexuality was seen as integrated and interior part of the culture of the people and seen as an important concept of ethnography. Due to its emotional attachment its related to the cultural aspects of society and anthropologists have characterized it since the world war 2

The following statements represent anthropologists studying s**uality as characteristic of anthropology:

Before World War II:

Margaret Mead studied s**uality among young people in the western Pacific.Instead of s**uality, ethnographies focused on marriage, kinship, and family.

Since World War II:

Anthropologists began studying qu**r life. To open Human s**uality was seen as an integral part of the culture, and was included in many ethnographies.

What is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the scientific study of humans with the objective of understanding their behavior.

Margaret Mead's study was carried out in 1925 and this was years before World War II broke out in 1939.

It was not until recently that q**er study became an integral part of anthropology.

Learn more about anthropology here:


what is the difference between skilled manpower and unskilled manpower​



The short answer to your question is, if a person does their job well, they are skilled, if they don’t, they are unskilled.

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