What are advantages and disadvantages of gender equality ?


Answer 1
The advantage is women are paid equally to men

Related Questions

Read the passage from "The Book of Martha."
After a moment, Martha was able to take her hands from
her face and look again at the grayness around her and
at God. "This can't be heaven," she said. "There's
nothing here, no one here but you."
"Is that all you see?" God asked.
This confused her even more. "Don't you know what I
see?" she demanded and then quickly softened her
voice. "Don't you know everything?"
God smiled. "No, I outgrew that trick long ago. You can't
imagine how boring it was."
Which statement best explains why Martha quickly
softens her voice toward the end of this passage?
O She is worried that God will be upset at her for
sounding insistent
O She does not want to talk loud enough for anyone but
God to hear.
She feels confident that God can hear her no matter
how softly she speaks.
She doesn't want God to hear her questions and
provide answers.



She is worried that God would be upset at her for sounding insistent

The statement that best explains why Martha quickly softens her voice toward the end of this passage is "she is worried that God will be upset at her for sounding insistent." That is the first option.

What is "The Book of Martha"?


The passage from "The Book of Martha" describes a conversation between Martha and God, in which Martha questions the reality of the situation she finds herself in. When Martha realizes that there is nothing around her but God, she becomes confused and demands answers from him. She does not understand why there is nothing else in this supposed heaven, and she believes that God should know everything and be able to provide her with answers.

Hence, the statement that best explains why Martha quickly softens her voice toward the end of this passage is "She is worried that God will be upset at her for sounding insistent." That is the first option.

Learn more about "The Book of Martha" here.



What decisions do you always face when creating a found poem? (Select all correct answers.)
what tone to create

what metaphors to create

where to start the poem

where to end lines


where start and end poem lines

Which sentence uses a comma correctly to set off an introductory phrase?


To make matters worse, Blake and Tricia were now locked out of the house.

I already tried to look for this but the numbers are different from others and stuff can sb help me!


The distances of all the planets from the Sun in scientific notation and exponential form-
million kilometers.
Scientific notation-



million kilometers.
Scientific notation-



million kilometers
Scientific notation-



million kilometers
Scientific notation-



million kilometers
Scientific notation-



billion kilometers
Scientific notation-



billion kilometers
Scientific notation-



billion kilometers
Scientific notation-




Does one person have to fall in order for another to succeed?

What can we do in our schools and lives to eradicate dangerous power dynamics that lead to devastating outcomes?



No, one person doesn't have to fall in order for another to succeed because there are many people who have succeed in their life, not only one.

the first thing is education that can help us to eradicate dangerous power dynamics that lead to devastating outcomes and other things are we can be friendly with others, we have to control fight happening among people, we have create awareness programmes. etc.

Which statement best explains the two possible
interpretations of the sonnet?


Answer: I believe the best answer to be the first option:

The three quatrains satirize common poetic comparisons of one’s beloved to beautiful things, suggesting that the speaker’s feelings are not strong. However, the sudden reversal in tone in the final couplet surprises and moves through its sincerity and depth of feeling, suggesting strong emotions.

Explanation: In his Sonnet 130, Shakespeare uses metaphor to compare his loved one to beautiful natural things. However, he does so only to conclude that the woman he loves is not better than any of those things. Her hair is like black wires, her color is an unbecoming dun, her breath smells bad, her cheeks do not have any color. Still, he loves her. He does not idolize her in any way. He sees her as the human being she is, and his love is not less valuable because of that.

Shakespeare's intention is to mock the poetry that was so in vogue back at his time. In Elizabethan England, poets often used the Petrarch form when writing about love. They would compare their lovely ladies to goddesses and natural beauties, always claiming their women were far more beautiful than any of those things. It's as if their love made them blind to their flaws. Shakespeare skillfully satirizes such custom.

Select the correct answer.
What is a soliloquy in a drama?
OA a speech by a character who is the only one talking and addressing other characters
a speech by a character who is alone onstage and thinking aloud
O c.
a speech by a character who foretells the events that are to come in the play
a speech by a character that is filled with puns and witty comments aimed at another character



a speech boy a character who foretells the events

"The most important issue going forward is how AI technology can best serve the humans who created it."
How does this sentence engage the reader in the subject material?

A. The author draws a conclusion that the reader is expected to accept.
B. The author uses humor to encourage the reader to accept the information.
C. The author invites the reader to consider the possibilities of this technology.
D. The author tells the reader that this technology will improve his or her life.



D is the correct answer. thank you

D is the correct answer:the author tells the reader that this technology will improve his or her life

As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken her thoughts, it would have been to say that this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago to work for the overthrow of the human race. These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to on that night when old Major first stirred them to rebellion. If she herself had had any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the strong protecting the weak, as she had protected the lost brood of ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major’s speech.

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

How does Clover’s response support the author’s purpose? Check all that apply.

She feels great despair, like many people in the Soviet Union.

She was wrong to think that the strong would protect the weak.

She is pleased with the changes on the farm, although life is not perfect.

She is correct in thinking that taking over the farm has solved all their problems.

She is similar to peasants who thought that the rebellion would create a better world.



She was wrong to think the strong would protect the weak


A, B, E


Based on the dictionary entry, which sentence most accurately uses the verb form of rule?

Alligators rule the swamplands.
He broke the rules.
The agency was ruled by the director.
The court ruled in her favor.



Hey, what's the dictionary entry?

Select the correct answer.
What idea is discussed in both Tim O'Brien's "Ambush" and John Steinbeck's "Symptoms"?


The idea discussed in both Tim O'Brien's "Ambush" and John Steinbeck's "Symptoms" is the after effects of the combat on the soldiers after a war is over. It talks about what the soldiers go through, their pain and their turmoil once they come back from having faced a war.

11. Read this sentence.
The amount of water used by Americans can be reduced by turning off faucets when not in
use, decreasing the time spent in showers and running washing machines less frequently.
Which edit should be made to correct the sentence?

A. Insert a comma after Americans.
B. Delete the comma after use.
C. Insert a comma after showers.
D. Insert a comma after machines.





If you read it out loud, you can tell that "Decreasing the time spent in showers and running washing machines less frequently" is too much of a run on sentence.

Reading it after the comma is placed in front of 'showers', it makes much more sense.

Fill in the blank 1. I always ..........to bed at 10 o'clock. (go) 2. I always............ ...........at 6 o'clock. (get up) 3. You usually....... ...fruit at 7-11. (buy) 4. He often........... to my house. (come) 5. She sometimes ...........homework at school. (do) 6. It seldom.......... ......in the moming. (rain) 7. We hardly ever......... ...........coffee in the evening. (drink) 8. They never........ ...........to work. (drive) 9. Somchal........... .....football every day. (play) 10. We......... a movie every Monday. (watch)​




get up








these are already answered in the parentheses. for 1 it shows the answer is go. same for the rest of the answers

Define irony in your own words. What are the three types of Irony? Give an example of each type of irony.



allocated narratives Irony is a way for a character to communicate his or her humor; it is typically expressed in a sarcastic manner, implying the inverse of what is stated. Irony is classified into three types: verbal, situational, and dramatic. The tale " Orientation " has verbal irony as a result of the character teaching how to operate the microwave. The short tale " The Guest " employs situational irony when the protagonist stays in the barn with the prisoner. The short tale " Good Country People " employs dramatic irony when the viewer learns what Mrs. Hopewell thinks of her employees. Irony is defined as a character's expression of humor.

Which characteristics of archetypes best describe



She lives by her own moral code.

She sacrifices herself for her values.

She is forced to make a difficult decision.


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which three words are domain-specific?
The planet Jupiter is almost entirely made of gas and liquid. Although it is more than 1,000 times larger than Earth, there is barely any solid surface to stand on. Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium. It does not have much water. Plus, huge, violent storms move across the planet. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a storm that has been raging for more than 300 years. Its diameter is three times larger than the diameter of Earth.


Answer: atmosphere




Domain-specific words, are also referred to as Tier 3 words. They're the words that are vital to a particular subject. e.g. clause is a word that's commonly seem in English language.

Since the question is related to geography, the three words are domain-specific include atmosphere, storms and gas. These words are commonly found in geography.

Every person is complitely unique Speech​


Everything in this world has a purpose. It might seem worthless, but the fact is that everyone plays a vital role in this Earth. People should appreciate what they have and always be grateful. As human beings, we are different in many ways. We are all created by the same God, but we do have some variations. Not all things are perfect, adorable and probably the best. But trust me; there is only that one thing that makes one to be exceptional, regardless of a family background and other problems. Everyone is unique and gifted in some way.I have learned not to judge a book by its cover as the chapters of the book and the author might be wonderful as one gets to know more about it. All things in the past do not determine the future. It takes courage to stand up and fight for what you want. Having the ability to win the battle is the most precious thing. One might be physically taken for granted because of height, race and appearance, only to find that the motive is to serve the purpose, obviously doing all that with great pleasure. Attitude and behaviour can take a person to places that they have never been. It also takes a positive mind-set to fulfil the dreams as well as what the heart desires. In life, we should stand together to turn the world into a better place that will be meaningful.

Why is little being done about global warming


people fail to recognize the seriousness of the problem, which causes them to take the problem with light interest

Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

So that thus it is, that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell; and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger.

In this excerpt, “natural” is used to describe people who
are not tempted by wealth or power.
have not been touched by the spirit of God.
live on farms or in the wilderness outside of cities.
practice conservation and avoid destroying the beauty of nature.



B)  have not been touched by the spirit of God.


they could not decide which one they like and ..... the end they didn't brother​



by the time when the end came they didn't bother


alone would also work.

The other responder used in. I hadn't thought of that. Common usage would probably use "in" but what I have pointed out as a use is also possible. The point is that whatever you use, it must be a preposition.


By could also be used if there is an extensively long series of events before that “end” occurs. Other than that, “in” is most commonly written.


identify the part of the speech of the underlined word in this sentence.
Before his first fight, Alfred received a robe with his name on it.

received is the underlined word.



It’s a verb please mark me brainliest


Verb; Past tense


A verb is a word that describes an action. Received is what Alfred did.

Adding the -ed on the end means Alfred did in the past.

Let me know if the answer didn't make sense!

Which sentence about planning a short story is

a true statement? a Make sure the entire story takes place in the same setting.

b Don't worry about the conflict until you actually start writing.

c Before doing anything else, decide on characters' names.

d Decide what problem the main character will face.​


the answer is a because i did this one and i got it right




You should always have a conflict first in mind when writing any type of story.  

The author MOST likely includes the section "How Are Hurricanes Categorized?" for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A to connect hurricane wind speeds to relatable concepts

B to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength

C to outline characteristics of hurricane categories

D to help readers to understand hurricane strength ratings​



to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength

write a story to illustrate the saying do not count hens whilst they are not hatched​



Another way of saying this proverb is: “Don't count your chickens until they are hatched.” So, this proverb means you should not depend on something that has yet to happen. It is unwise to make plans based on something that hasn't happened. ... So, she thought she could sell her milk and then use the money to buy chickens.

Place commas where needed in the following:

1. many delicious jams and jellies

2. ripe juicy oranges

3. dark angry clouds

4. several sharp pencils

5. the dusty yellowed documents


Many delicious jams, and jellies

Ripe, juicy oranges

Dark, angry clouds

Several, sharp pencils

The dusty, yellowed documents


1. many delicious jams and jellies

2. ripe, juicy oranges

3. dark, angry clouds

4. several sharp pencils

5. the dusty, yellowed, documents


When independent sentences are connected by any of the following seven coordinating conjunctions, use commas to separate them: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

After introductory a) sentences, b) phrases, or c) words that precede the main clause, use commas.

In the midst of a statement, use a pair of commas to denote clauses, phrases, and words that are not necessary for the sentence's meaning. Use one comma before and one after the pause to mark the start and end of the pause, respectively.

how are the characters Jem and Dill the same in To kill a Mocking bird



As Jem and Dill grow older, they begin neglecting Scout and prefer to play by themselves in the tree house. Both boys are also competitive and argue with each other over trivial matters. Similar to most adolescents, Jem and Dill tend to bicker and disagree over insignificant things while still remaining best friends.


Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (:



A  .


In the plot of "Cruel Tribute,” which events are a result of King Minos’s actions? Select 3 options.

Athens agrees to pay the tribute.
Young people participate in a lottery.
Theseus uses the silken thread.
Theseus fights the Minotaur.
Aegeus drowns in the Aegean Sea.
Theseus becomes king.



1. Athens agrees to pay the tribute.

2. Young people participate in a lottery.

3. Theseus fights the Minotaur.

What is the Integrating Life Dimension of Success?



It simply means using your success to impact yourself and your society


Salad Days what does that mean​



"Salad days" is a Shakespearean idiomatic expression meaning a youthful time, accompanied by the inexperience, enthusiasm, idealism, innocence, or indiscretion that one associates with a young person.


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