What are some reasons that Einstein would not have succeeded in life?


Answer 1


He skipped class, and his professors never took him seriously. Moreover, Einstein never performed spectacular in school. He did so poorly that he nearly decided to drop out, and just sell life insurance. After graduating, Einstein had to work many odd jobs to sustain himself.


brainliest please

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a. of/populated

3. c. the

4. established

5. Whole

6. Attraction

7. a. The/the

8. C. X/ the

9. a. interesting

10. d. although


Please, don't discuss........... this topic.(in, on, of)​


Please, Don’t discuss on this topic.



Please, don't discuss(in,on,of)this topic



Please, don't discuss on this topic

Which of the following statements supports the idea that Colonists tried to work with the king before writing the Declaration of Independence?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...”
“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes...”
“Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.”


The statement that supports the idea that Colonists tried to work with the king before writing the Declaration of Independence is: “In every stage of these Oppressions, We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”

The Colonists, therefore, concluded that "A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People."

Thus, the Colonists actually made every effort to work with the government of England to rescind oppressive taxation and other vexatious matters before they declared independence from Britain in 1776.

Read more about the Declaration of Independence at https://brainly.com/question/1809378


B. "In every stage of these Oppressions We have petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury."

Explanation: got it right on edge

A noun shows action or a state of being true or false



False- a noun is a person, place or thing





Questions 44-55. Read the following passage from Ralph Ellison's Living With Music (1955) carefully before you choose your
In the sentence beginning "There were times" (lines 77-84), the speaker employs all of the following EXCEPT
Select one:
O a. concrete diction
O b. parallel syntax
O c. simile
O d. understatement
e. onomatopoeia



D)  understatement


"There were times" (Lines 58-63) The speaker is modest.

Understatement is a weaker phrase than the speaker or writer intends or what is intended. It is used for emphasis, irony, hedging, or comedy.

Nothing too hard, but what's the easiest way to learn words and their meanings? 10 points to whoever helps me I assigned 10 points, who knows why it says 5



I like to create images in my head for each word and relate them to other language


7. In which way does this scene most clearly illustrate a defining element of



It depicts a noble character experiencing calamity.


It depicts an ambitious character punished for his striving.


It depicts the conflict between fate, love, and suffering.


It depicts characters regretting actions they have taken in the past.





because im like that

Niko wants to add something to his Can Do Circle, so he has decided to join Student Government. What is Niko's Explorer voice most likely to say?

You don't know enough people to join.

You will love getting involved in school.

You will dislike the required meetings

You don't need to be well-rounded


You will love getting involved in school :)

3. List two details that support the main idea in the first paragraph.




• A group or specially and intentionally related sentences; a thought unit;

sentences that revolve around a single idea and is a writer’s attempt to develop an

idea or part of an idea.

Organization of a Paragraph

1. Statement of the main idea.

2. Elaboration of the main idea and supporting details.

3. Restatement of the main idea-summary of main ideas or conclusions.


The topic is the subject that the selection is about. The main idea can usually be

located if you can determine what the topic is. To find the topic of a selection,

ask the simple question, “Who or what is the selection about?”

EXAMPLE: Consumers concerned about the hazards or noise can reduce noise

pollution in many ways. They can purchase noisy products such as

garbage disposals and lawn mowers with reduced noise levels.

They can also use sound-absorbing materials in their home.

Carpeting can be installed instead of hard flooring, and cork and

fabric can be used in rooms that tend to be noisy. Also, people can

become less noisy themselves. They can learn to avoid shouting, to

close doors without slamming them, and to play radios, TV sets,

and stereos at moderate levels.

TOPIC OF THIS PARAGRAPH: noise pollution or noise

pollution in the home.


• Chief point an author is making about a topic. It sums up the author’s primary


Topic Sentence; Statement of the main idea. It is the statement under which all

other material in the paragraph – examples, reasons, facts, details and other

evidence – can fit.

EXAMPLE: (refer to above example)

Notice that all information is after the first sentence is about ways

to reduce noise pollution.

Plz help ASAP I’ll give brainliest and don’t copy from internet


Answer: You can copy from the internet. Just put it in your own words. They're asking your about what you know or think it is.


"I think Playwriting might have to do with writing plays are is another form of Creative writing."

That's all I can say because I don't know what it is.

When revising a paragraph, what is the first thing to focus on?
OA unity
OB. clarity
O c. spelling errors
none of the above





Because it is your birthday

Which of these sentences from the speech best supports the idea that the words of the British do not match their actions?

Answer choices for the above question

A. “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience.”

B. “They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. ”

C. “Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with these war-like preparations which cover our waters and darken our land.”

D. “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.”


I think the answer is b

“They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. ”is the sentences from the speech best supports the idea that the words of the British do not match their actions. Hence, option B is correct.

What is British ministry?

Members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords are used by the Prime Minister to choose ministers. They are accountable for the actions, successes, and failures of their departments.

Robert Walpole was the first and most tenured British prime minister. Most of World War II was led by Winston Churchill as prime minister. The first female prime minister was Margaret Thatcher (bottom left). Liz Truss is the current prime minister.

Departments are the collective term for all governmental organizations in the United Kingdom that are run by civil servants, who may or may not be ministers or secretary of state.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about British ministry, click here:



Jot down some of the moral values you think are important to live peacefully in a society


Respect , integrity , honesty and patience


• nonviolence,acceptance,fairness & communication

•truth, freedom, honesty, kindness, politeness, respect, virtues, perseverance, integrity, to know about one's duties, charity, compassion, etc.

what do you think mood is



it's the feeling or "mood" you get from the settings and tone of the book or passage

What are the possible downsides to wearable technology?



water damage if it rains while wearing it?


Theft - Wearables must be further improved in order to limit their use and prevent theft. Touch screen and voice detection, for example, must be really secure, especially for physicians who use such devices, to avoid unauthorized access to and leaking of confidential patient information.

what forms of activity do the following workers do?
2.laboratory techniques
4.construction workers
and give reason for each of your answers



miner because they want gold

How would you describe the city of Omelas ? What do we know about it from the opening pages ?


Le Guin's fictional city of Omelas is initially described as utopian. The story opens with an explanation of the city as it prepares for the Festival of Summer. ... Le Guin writes: "In other streets the music beat faster, a shimmering of gong and tambourine, and the people went dancing, the procession was a dance.

Identify the colloquial speech.

I'm totally over that drama.
the entire phrase

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D because they are talking in a normal way

Which detail from The American Crisis develops the key idea that times of crisis often reveal important truths that inspire change?

A) “I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction…”

B) “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country…”

C) “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: It is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

D) “But their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered.”


The detail from The American Crisis develops the key idea that times of crisis often reveal important truths that inspire change is “But their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered.”

The American Crisis is a book by Thomas Paine who wrote the book to motivate the colonists during the Civil War and shows how crisis can inspire change in a person or group of people.

Read more here:


from The Professor
by Charlotte Brontë

This is Belgium, reader. Look! Don't call the picture a flat or a dull one—it was neither flat nor dull to me when I first beheld it. When I left Ostend on a mild February morning, and found myself on the road to Brussels, nothing could look vapid to me. My sense of enjoyment possessed an edge whetted to the finest, untouched, keen, and exquisite. I was young; I had good health; pleasure and I had never met; no indulgence of hers had enervated or sated one faculty of my nature. Liberty I clasped in my arms for the first time, and the influence of her smile and embrace revived my life like the sun and the west wind. Yes, at that epoch I felt like a morning traveler who doubts not that from the hill he is ascending he shall behold a glorious sunrise; what if the track be strait, steep, and stony? He sees it not; his eyes are fixed on that summit, flushed already, flushed and gilded, and having gained it he is certain of the scene beyond. He knows that the sun will face him, that his chariot is even now coming over the eastern horizon, and that the herald breeze he feels on his cheek is opening for the god's career a clear, vast path of azure, amidst clouds soft as pearl and warm as flame. Difficulty and toil were to be my lot, but sustained by energy, drawn on by hopes as bright as vague, I deemed such a lot no hardship. I mounted now the hill in shade; there were pebbles, inequalities, briars in my path, but my eyes were fixed on the crimson peak above; my imagination was with the refulgent firmament beyond, and I thought nothing of the stones turning under my feet, or of the thorns scratching my face and hands.
I gazed often, and always with delight, from the window of the diligence (these, be it remembered, were not the days of trains and railroads). Well! And what did I see? I will tell you faithfully. Green, reedy swamps; fields fertile but flat, cultivated in patches that made them look like magnified kitchen-gardens; belts of cut trees, formal as pollard willows, skirting the horizon; narrow canals, gliding slow by the road-side; painted Flemish farmhouses; some very dirty hovels; a gray, dead sky; wet road, wet fields, wet house-tops: not a beautiful, scarcely a picturesque object met my eye along the whole route; yet to me, all was beautiful, all was more than picturesque. It continued fair so long as daylight lasted, though the moisture of many preceding damp days had sodden the whole country; as it grew dark, however, the rain recommenced, and it was through streaming and starless darkness my eye caught the first gleam of the lights of Brussels. I saw little of the city but its lights that night, and having alighted from the diligence, a fiacre conveyed me to the Hotel, where I had been advised by a fellow-traveler to put up; having eaten a traveler's supper, I retired to bed, and slept a traveler's sleep.
Next morning I awoke from prolonged and sound repose, and perceiving it to be broad daylight I started up, imagining that I had overslept myself and should be behind time at the counting-house. The momentary and painful sense of restraint vanished before the revived and reviving consciousness of freedom, as, throwing back the white curtains of my bed, I looked forth into a wide, lofty foreign chamber; how different from the small and dingy, though not uncomfortable, apartment I had occupied for a night or two at a respectable inn in London while waiting for the sailing of the packet!

Match the paragraph number with a major detail from the passage that could be included in a summary.

The protagonist wonders about the adventures before him.

The protagonist admires the countryside on his travels.

The protagonist refuses to be discouraged by difficulties.

The protagonist looks at the sunrise with a sense of awe.

The protagonist awakes and is unsure of his surroundings.

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 2

▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░


The first paragraph shows how the traveler refuses to be discouraged by the possible difficulties he will have in his new home. In the second paragraph, we can see that the traveler admires the countryside while traveling.

In this case, we can say that the answers to the question are:

1st paragraph: The protagonist refuses to be discouraged by difficulties.

2nd paragraph: The protagonist admires his countryside on his travels.

This can be seen because:

The protagonist is traveling to a new country, far from his hometown.Although being a foreigner is something difficult and with many difficulties, the protagonist is excited for what will live in a new region.He refuses to think about the difficulties and only thinks about the good things that this change of region can bring.In the second paragraph, we can see that the protagonist takes advantage of the trip to admire the landscape.He knows there's nothing pretty about the landscape, but he's so excited that everything looks beautiful to him.He sees beauty in the landscapes because the countryside seems to match his personality and what he hopes for the future.

It is important to remember that "The Professor" tells the story of a young Englishman who ventures to be a teacher at a girls' school in Brussels.

You can find more information at the link below:


13. Read the following sentence:
Many chefs like to cook for their families to test their new recipes on them to see if they are any good.
Select the sentence that clarifies the meaning: (10 points)
Many chefs like to cook for their families to test their new recipes on them and others to see if they are any good.
Many chefs like to cook for their families to test whether new recipes are any good.
Many of them like to cook for them to test their families' new recipes to see if they are any good.
Many of them like to cook for them to test their new recipes on their families to see if they are any good.



Many chefs like to cook for their families to test whether new recipes are any good.


This is what makes the most sense out of the choices, and sounds the best.

I chose to my father for money for a car
because I was broke, although I really didn't like
Which word BEST COMPLETES this sentence?



Explanation: importune


bona fide


Use each vocabulary in a sentence

1.Palpable: able to be touched or felt
2.Lore: traditions and knowledge passed down from generation to generation
3.Indolent: waiting to avoid activity
4.Doggedly: grim persistence
5.Opaque: not able to see through; non-transparent
6.Flounder: to struggle
7.Bleak: cold
8.Discerned: to recognize
9.Rigid: not flexible
10.Solicitous: showing interest or concern




Use each vocabulary in a sentence

1.Palpable: able to be touched or felt

2.Lore: traditions and knowledge passed down from generation to generation

3.Indolent: waiting to avoid activity

4.Doggedly: grim persistence

5.Opaque: not able to see through; non-transparent

6.Flounder: to struggle

7.Bleak: cold

8.Discerned: to recognize

9.Rigid: not flexible

10.Solicitous: showing interest or concern


In what ways can you see the connection between “The Refusal” and Fahrenheit 451?



write down two properties of solid and two liqueid and a gas


write down two properties of solid and two liqueid and a gas

Which of the following percentages
would be considered "unhealthy" rise
in inflation during a year?
A. 0%
B. 2%
C. 3%
D. 6%


It would be the value of d which is 6%

Write an essay in about "Importance of Education in human life"​



The Importance of Education in Life:

There are many satisfying advantages of getting your education, the society will be able to expand and have growth throughout their lives and future. The first thing is they can have a bright future, and be able to learn how to read and write. That is an immeasurable experience and leaverage because people that were a part of slavery did not have the opportunity to grasp how to read and write properly. Someone with their education in a school environment get to expand their minds, and start to understand real world situations. Critical thinking gets more involved in their everyday lives, and instead of just being stuck with someone else’s opinions they will get to think outside of the box for themselves …show more content…

Many individuals that don’t have an education may have to work extra hours at work and won’t be able to disburse valuable time with family and friends. People without their education may not be able to get hired at jobs because they don’t have all the qualifications companies need. Most people without their education may not look at life the same as someone with their education. Theses certain individuals may end up becoming exposed to narcotics, be in poverty, get pregnant, end up in jail, or even become homeless without any type of education. People without their education do not have a sense of direction in their lives. Kezar emphasizes how “College goers have higher self-esteem and more self-direction” (34). I feel that goes back to my statement about how important college education is because people who are in college expand their brains, and thought patterns differently compared to someone without an education because they have a better grasp on their …show more content…

Also, invent new ideas, and inventions to our society. He probably was implying how as an individual were capable of doing anything we put our minds to with our education. Then Alan Bloom tells us “Education is the movement to darkness to light” meaning that without your education people won’t be able to do anything just like if they were placed into the dark. But, if an individual was in the light, they could achieve much more than what they are capable of doing in the dark.

By using evidence, you can
A-interrupt another speaker any time during a conversation
B-increase your vocabulary skills.
C-speak louder than other people during a conversation
D-convince a listener that your thoughts are worth considering


D. Would be ur answer

How do social beliefs affect the way we learn to make decisions about our health ?


Social beliefs affect the way we make decisions about our health because humans are dependent on each other. Therefore if a bunch of people say one thing, then all the others will go along and believe it. It’s bandwagoning


8. The residents of the building returned after the fire to search for the
that represented the remains of their valuables. *






The meaning of saving something

Match each excerpt to the figure of speech it uses.


Answer:1 oxymoron 2 metaphor 3 onomatopeia 4 simile


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