What are the arguments “for” and “against" economic globalization?


Answer 1


Gains of Globalisation for Rich at the Cost of Poor:

Source of Repeated Economic Crises:

Globalisation as an Imposed Decision of the Rich:

Unequal Distribution of Benefits:

Strengthened Role of MNCs:

Private Profits at the Cost of Social Security:

Increased Protectionism and Neo-colonialism:

Related Questions

who invented the automobile?



Karl Benz


He was the first to invent a car

Answer: Karl Benze was the first person to invent a car

Explanation: but threw the year there are many people who start to invent more types of car it all depends in what you are looking for

Which would best complete this list of changes to families caused by the emerging industrialization in the Antebellum North? A) raising birthrates B) declining numbers of immigrants C) movement of families from farms to cities D) movement of families from cities to farms





test prep

Answer:movement of families from farms to cities

Explanation:USATest Prep answer

Why did the human form was emphasized?



It is important because it gives you exposure to other humanities subjects, relating them to draw conclusions and critical evaluation of different artworks. ... The history behind artworks as at separate times helps to learn of different tribes and their cultures.


need help please!!! and explaining how



pretty sure it’s C i’m really sorry if it’s wrong i tried

it’s A. ! it was too expensive to have americans come and work on it, so they had the chinese do it. hope that helps! :)

Two battles took place at Location 2 on the map.

They were called the First and Second Battles of


Bull Run



The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas, marked the first major land battle of the American Civil War. On July 21, 1861, Union and Confederate armies clashed near Manassas Junction, Virginia. The engagement began when about 35,000 Union troops marched from the federal capital in Washington, D.C. to strike a Confederate force of 20,000 along a small river known as Bull Run. After fighting on the defensive for most of the day, the rebels rallied and were able to break the Union right flank, sending the Federals into a chaotic retreat towards Washington. The Confederate victory gave the South a surge of confidence and shocked many in the North, who realized the war would not be won as easily as they had hoped.

Prelude to the First Battle of Bull Run

By July 1861, two months after Confederate troops opened fire on Fort Sumter to begin the Civil War, the northern press and public were eager for the Union Army to make an advance on Richmond ahead of the planned meeting of the Confederate Congress there on July 20. Encouraged by early victories by Union troops in western Virginia and by the war fever spreading through the North, President Abraham Lincoln ordered Brigadier General Irvin McDowell to mount an offensive that would hit quickly and decisively at the enemy and open the way to Richmond, thus bringing the war to a mercifully quick end. The offensive would begin with an attack on more than 20,000 Confederate troops under the command of General P.G.T. Beauregard camped near Manassas Junction, Virginia (25 miles from Washington, D.C.) along a little river known as Bull Run.

The cautious McDowell, then in command of the 35,000 Union volunteer troops gathered in the Federal capital, knew that his men were ill-prepared and pushed for a postponement of the advance to give him time for additional training. But Lincoln ordered him to begin the offensive nonetheless, reasoning (correctly) that the rebel army was made up of similarly amateur soldiers. McDowell’s army began moving out of Washington on July 16; its slow movement allowed Beauregard (who also received advance notice of his enemy’s movements through a Confederate espionage network in Washington) to call on his fellow Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston for reinforcements. Johnston, in command of some 11,000 rebels in the Shenandoah Valley, was able to outmaneuver a Union force in the region and march his men towards Manassas.

Battle Begins at Bull Run

McDowell’s Union force struck on July 21, shelling the enemy across Bull Run while more troops crossed the river at Sudley Ford in an attempt to hit the Confederate left flank. Over two hours, 10,000 Federals gradually pushed back 4,500 rebels across the Warrington turnpike and up Henry House Hill. Reporters, congressmen and other onlookers who had traveled from Washington and were watching the battle from the nearby countryside prematurely celebrated a Union victory, but reinforcements from both Johnston and Beauregard’s armies soon arrived on the battlefield to rally the Confederate troops. In the afternoon, both sides traded attacks and counterattacks near Henry House Hill. On Johnston and Beauregard’s orders, more and more Confederate reinforcements arrived, even as the Federals struggled with coordinating assaults made by different regiments.

The “Rebel Yell” at Bull Run (Manassas)

By four o’clock in the afternoon, both sides had an equal number of men on the field of battle (about 18,000 on each side were engaged at Bull Run), and Beauregard ordered a counterattack along the entire line. Screaming as they advanced (the “rebel yell” that would become infamous among Union troops) the Confederates managed to break the Union line. As McDowell’s Federals retreated chaotically across Bull Run, they ran headlong into hundreds of Washington civilians who had been watching the battle while picnicking on the fields east of the river, now making their own hasty retreat.

Among the future leaders on both sides who fought at First Manassas were Ambrose E. Burnside and William T. Sherman (for the Union) along with Confederates like Stuart, Wade Hampton, and most famously, Thomas J. Jackson, who earned his enduring nickname, “Stonewall” Jackson, in the battle. Jackson, a former professor at the Virginia Military Institute, led a Virginia brigade from the Shenandoah Valley into the battle at a key moment, helping the Confederates hold an important high-ground position at Henry House Hill. General Barnard Bee (who was later killed in the battle) told his men to take heart, and to look at Jackson standing there “like a stone wall.”


bull run


Amend definition in relation to the federal government



An amendment is a change or an addition to the terms of a contract,a law,or a government regulatory filing.


Any such document can be amended with the consent of the parties involved.

how might the decision of an appellate court impact lower courts


Answer: Appellate courts review the decisions of lower courts to determine if the court applied the law correctly. Courts at the appellate level review the findings and evidence from the lower court and determine if there is sufficient evidence to support the determination made by the lower court.

Hope it helps you mark me as Brainliest


Citizens of the United States pay four different types of taxes to support the federal, state, and local governments. There is property tax, sales tax, income tax, and miscellaneous taxes. Which type of taxes do city and county governments most rely on? A. miscellaneous taxes B. sales taxes C. property taxes D. income taxes


The answer is c I think

What important historical
event, related to the civil war,
happened on April 9, 1865?
A. The surrendering of Confederate General
Robert E. Lee
B. The assassination of President Lincoln
C. The beginning of the Civil War
D. The first major battle victory for the
Union Army


A. Robert e Lee’s surrender

What historical lesson made the
greatest impact on you? Why?


Answer: I’d say giving black people freedom

Explanation: It was such a big part of history and really changed the world for the better

How did Bush fix the economic issue? Why was this such a big deal?



He helped create a plan to buy $700 billion in bad loans and assets.



Between 2001 and 2003, the Bush administration instituted a federal tax cut for all taxpayers. With reports of the threat of recession, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said tax cuts could work but must be offset with spending cuts. Bush argued that such a tax cut would stimulate the economy and create jobs. This was such a big deal because it would effect a lot of people.

Which person was criticized for selling indulgences to raise money to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome?
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Pope Leo X
Charles V



Pope Leo X he had Many ambitions for the Vatican CITY and was described as a well manerd man

Who was the leader of Britain’s ill-fated Antarctic expedition which was one of the first to reach the South Pole in 1912?


Robert Falcon Scott was the leader of that expedition


Robert Falcon Scott


Robert Falcon Scott. Robert Falcon Scott, (born June 6, 1868, Devonport, Devon, England—died c. March 29, 1912, Antarctica), British naval officer and explorer who led the famed ill-fated second expedition to reach the South Pole (1910–12).

What are the steps in the process of amending the US Constitution?



o Stage 1: 66% of the two places of Congress pass a proposed established correction. This sends the proposed alteration to the states for sanction.

o Stage 2: Three-fourths of the states (38 states) approve the proposed change, either by their councils or exceptional endorsing shows

One reason the United States fought in the Spanish-American War was because it had large business interests in Cuba.



Answer: The answer is true ... I think

Explanation: The USA wanted Cuba's military

Why do nations have different forms of governments and views of what is good for the world?



they believe that different economic systems work better


    Nations have different forms of government and views of what is good because each nation is unique, and has its individual needs and thoughts on that is good or bad.


    Some governments suit the nation that it belongs to better than others.

Arrange the events in the chronological order.

a. Andrew Johnson became president.
b. President Lincoln was assassinated.
c. The states ratified the Thirteenth Amendment.
d. Wartime conscription of American men became compulsory.
e. The income tax law was passed.



1). Andrew Johnson became president. 1828

2). President Lincoln was assassinated. 1865 April

3). The states ratified the Thirteenth Amendment. 1865 December

4). The income tax law was passed. 1909

5). Wartime conscription of American men became compulsory.  


The events in the chronological order will be:

⇒Andrew Johnson became president. 1828

President Lincoln was assassinated. 1865 April

⇒The states ratified the Thirteenth Amendment. 1865 December

⇒The income tax law was passed. 1909

⇒Wartime conscription of American men became compulsory.

What is Chronological order?

Chronological order means listing, describing, or discussing when events happened as they relate to time.

Simply, it is like looking at a timeline to view what occurred first and what happened after that.

Example, if teachers wanted their students to describe their first day of school, the expectation would be for students to start with waking up that morning and getting prepared.

If students start from the moment they walked into the school, valuable information has been skipped and could cause the listener to feel confused due to lack of information.

Who was President Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 1809 and assassinated April 15, 1865. He was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865.

He led the nation through the American Civil War and succeeded in preserving the Union, abolishing slavery, bolstering the federal government, and modernizing the U.S. economy.

Lincoln debate on the status of slavery in the territories failed to alleviate tensions between the slave-holding South and the free North, with the failure of the compromise of 1850, a legislative package designed to address the issue.

In his 1852 eulogy for Clay, Lincoln highlighted the latter's support for gradual emancipation and opposition to "both extremes" on the slavery issue.

As the slavery debate in the Nebraska and Kansas territories became particularly acrimonious, Illinois Senator Stephen A. Douglas proposed popular sovereignty as a compromise; the measure would allow the electorate of each territory to decide the status of slavery.

The legislation alarmed many Northerners, who sought to prevent the spread of slavery that could result, but Douglas's Kansas–Nebraska Act narrowly passed Congress in May 1854.

On April 14, 1865, hours before he was assassinated.

Lincoln signed legislation establishing the United States Secret Service, and, at 10:15 in the evening, Booth entered the back of Lincoln's theater box, crept up from behind, and fired at the back of Lincoln's head, mortally wounding him.

Lincoln's guest, Major Henry Rathbone, momentarily grappled with Booth, but Booth stabbed him and escaped.

To learn more about Abraham Lincoln here



What should a group do before a discussion takes place?
decide how the 'winner" will be chosen
set limits to keep the discussion focused
choose one member to research the topic
determine the exact order in which students will speak



B. Set limits to keep discussion focused.


Just finished assignment and this is the correct answer. I hope this helps!

To keep the conversation on topic, a group should establish boundaries. As a result, choice (B) is the correct reaction.

What is a group discussion?

A discussion group is a collection of people who get together formally or informally to explore concepts, work out issues, or just to have a conversation about something they are interested in. Meeting in person, having a conference call, texting, or using a website like an Internet forum are all common ways to communicate.

On these forums, on well-established mailing lists, in news groups, or in IRC channels, people respond, offer comments, and post messages. Participants in the group might add words or images as a response. From USENET, which dates back to the early 1980s, discussion groups developed.

Hence, option (B) is the accurate answer.

Learn more about group discussion, from:



The Battle of Britain was?



The Battle of Britain was a military campaign of the Second World War, in which the Royal Air Force (RAF) defended the United Kingdom (UK) against large-scale attacks by Nazi Germany 's air force, the Luftwaffe.


20. How did Eleanor Roosevelt change the role of the First Lady?
A. Made the position part of the legislative process
B. Pushed for passage of the women's suffrage movement
C. Advocated for social progress and the development of reform programs
D. Became a leading figure in the American popular culture movement





PLEASE HELP DUE IN A FEW HOURS 5. Making Inferences: What can you infer about the northeastern states by looking at
the maps?



They are free from slavery all of the time.


1) what is a resume?

2) why is it important to have a good resume?

3) what should be included in your resume?

4) does chronological order of job history matter?

5) how long does a resume have to be?


Answer:A chronologically formatted resume contains a list of previous jobs in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent position and working its way backward to the earliest job. Below the employer's name, job seeker's title and employment dates, there's a brief description of the applicant's job duties.



A resume is a document saying all of your skills,past jobs,and things like diplomas and all those things

It is important to have a resume so that when you are applying for a job,the person who would be hiring knows if you are qualified for the job.

You should include,schools,(if any) jobs,your skills that would benefit you in this job,and any awards or things that allow you to get a job like a PHD diploma,masters degree and all that

i dont know this one sorry :(

A resume has to be long enough to provide everything someone would need to know about you,around a page full of information,or like a few paragraphs.


Why did American farmers have so much difficulty in the late 1880's?


Because railroad rates, monopoly prices charged for farm machinery and fertillizer, high tariff, unfair tax structure, inflexible banking system, political corruption, corporations that brohght up huge tracks of land etc

2. What are earthquakes that are caused by human activities called?


Tremors/ induced seismicity


When caused by humans, seismic activity (also called earthquake activity) is known as induced seismicity.


Induced seismicity is associated with industrial processes including geothermal energy extraction, mining, dam building, construction, and hydraulic fracturing.

Which statement accurately describes a reason for the start of the Crusades?

The city of Jerusalem had fallen under the control of Jewish extremists.

Muslim leaders asked westerners to help them protect their centers of learning from attack by barbarians.

The Byzantine emperor asked for help from the pope to defend his realm from the Seljuk Turks.

Saladin led a Muslim army in an invasion of Italy and sacked Rome.






The Byzantine emperor asked for help from the pope to defend his realm from the Seljuk Turks.


One of the reasons is that the Byzantine Empire had weakened considerably, and to help protect their borders, the Byzantium Emperor asked for help from the west to keep the Islamists from continuing to expand. Jerusalem was set as the goal, partly because of it's major role in Christianity, but in reality it was just to ask Western Europe to keep Islam from expanding and impeding into the Byzantium Empire's realm.


which statement correctly describes the translantic slave trade from africa to the new world A. more slaves were sent to work the sugar fields of the west indies than anywhere else B. slaves in the euoropean colonies of south america had the highest life expectancy C. only male slaves were sent the cotton plantations of the american south





What was true about the colleges and universities founded for African

A. They only provided training for specific jobs.

B. They offered literacy courses to former slaves.

C. They exist today with the same restrictions on who they admit.

D. They did not offer high school courses.


The answer is B. Hope that helped!

B. Offered literacy courses to former slaves

What are tariffs designed to increase?



Tariffs are used to restrict imports by increasing the price of goods and services purchased from another country, making them less attractive to domestic consumers. There are two types of tariffs: A specific tariff is levied as a fixed fee based on the type of item, such as a $1,000 tariff on a car.


Hope dis helps u out mark me as brainliest pls!!!!!

Tariffs are the way for governments to protect domestic businesses. Tariffs increased the import goods prices and made cheaper domestic goods.

What do you mean by tariffs?

Tariffs refer to the type of tax imposed by a country on imported goods. Tariffs are a tool for governments to collect revenues but to protect the domestic producers.

Tariffs increased the prices of the imports and tariffs are duties on imports.

Learn more about Tariffs here:



What food did the southeastern Indians rely on?


Southeast Native Americans were hunters and gathers for small animals like rabbits and turkeys. They also farmed a lot. Some of the farming methods they used were irrigation and crop rotation. They farmed crops like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cotton, tobacco, and grits.
They planted beans, squash, corn, tobacco, sunflowers, and more. They supplemented their diets with gathering acorns, nuts, seeds, and fruits. Since they did not use any fertilizer, they had to burn the fields and create new ones every season.






To find out the probability of the outcome orange/lemon we need to figure out the probability of each event.

Probability of orange multi is 7/20

Probability of lemon calcium is 3/20

The answer is 7/20 x 3/20 or 21/400


I'm always happy to help :)

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