what are the Different types of professions?


Answer 1


The diferent types of professions are:





Lawyer etc.

Related Questions

During wartime, a number of military aircraft factories expanded their operations and hired many additional employees. As a result of this increased employment, these communities experienced a sudden and unprecedented need for affordable rental housing. In response to this need, Congress passed a law establishing the maximum rent that may be imposed for a two-bedroom apartment within a ten-mile radius of a military aircraft factory.Is this statute likely to be constitutional?A. Yes, pursuant to the congressional war and defense powers provided by Article I, Section 8.B. Yes, because the statute is rationally related to a legitimate governmental interest.C. No, because the statute impermissibly regulates private conduct.D. No, because Congress is not authorized to legislate for the general welfare.



A. Yes, pursuant to the congressional war and defense powers provided by Article I, Section 8.


Article I, Section 8, grants Congress the power to take any measures needed for providing for the national defense, both in peacetime and wartime, which includes rent control during wartime, as well as a military draft, selective service systems.

This section focuses on the Congress´authority to declare war and any required actions to raise and support the Army.

Therefore, establishing a maximum rent around a military aircraft factory would be constitutional.

Which of the following are water problems?


The above answer is correct

Explain the terms-Coalition government and Jurisdiction.​




1) A coalition government is a form of government in which political parties cooperate to form a government. The usual reason for such an arrangement is that no single party has achieved an absolute majority after an election.

2)  in law, the authority of a court to hear and determine cases. ... A court may also have authority to operate within a certain territory. Summary jurisdiction, in which a magistrate or judge has power to conduct proceedings resulting in a conviction without jury trial, is limited in the U.S. to petty offenses.


a coalition government is a form of government in which political parties cooperate to form a government

jurisdiction is the official power to make legal decisions and judgements

The National Response Framework is: A. Always in effect, and elements can be implemented as needed on a flexible, scalable basis to improve response. B. Written exclusively for professional emergency management practitioners. C. Triggered following a declaration by the Secretary of Homeland Security. D. A comprehensive guide to prevention, protection, and mitigation.



Option A: Always in effect, and elements can be implemented as needed on a flexible, scalable basis to improve response.


The National Response Framework:

This was set up to provide ways or guidance for the whole community. it is a comprehensive guide to prevention, recovery, and mitigation.

The National Response Framework is founded on the fact that a lot of incidents begin and end locally and are managed at the local or tribal level and that response structures be able to expand rapidly to meet needs associated with a given incident.

A guiding principle of the National Response Framework is that good partnership is based on engaging all elements of the whole community.

"Response" as used in the National Response Framework includes all the acts or actions taken to save lives, protect property, protect the environment, stabilize communities etc.

Giving 40 points If answer ASAP
Dutch explorers left their homeland due to the religious wars that were occurring. When settling Colonial America, what did they do?

Built churches in different colonies

Created their own form of Dutch Christianity

Established a Bible club for children

Formed the Dutch Reformed Church



created their own form of dutch christianity



Created their own form of Dutch Christianity


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When settling Colonial America, they created their own form of Dutch Christianity. Those ditch explorers was compelled to leave their homeland due to the religious wars that was occurring in that time.  

So they moved and settled in the colonial America with their own Christianity and they called it as the Dutch Christianity.

The other reason for the Dutch farmers to leave to America was due to their low wages and high taxes. Later they settled in the America in their own colony.


Why might a business person or government official need to have a good mental map of the world? give 1-2 sentences and an example



Basically, a map helps you when you travel from one location to another. if you are unfamiliar with the place where you are headed, it also helps you get organized because it has a lot more information than just location. A quick example would be: A map can tell you about trails and roads and particular sites of interest regarding any particular location so you can plan ahead and use your time wisely.

A researcher recruited 20 individuals with complete spinal cord injuries at cervical vertebrae C3 or C4 (participants had no sensory or motor function below the site of injury) and 20 matched controls. Participants were presented with images designed to evoke positive, negative, or no emotion. If the results indicate no significant difference between participants with spinal cord injuries and control participants in the emotional response to the images, this finding would:



Contradict the James-Lange Theory


In simple words, According to the James-Lange hypothesis, certain feelings are also the consequence of stimuli generating specific physiological reactions, which are then conveyed to the brains via the white tissue of the spinal spine (afferent axonal tracts, which carry sensory information from the body to the brain).

Juan, a high strung teenager, was suddenly startled by a loud bang that sounded like a gunshot. His heartbeat accelerated rapidly. When he realized that the noise was only a car backfiring, he felt greatly relieved, but his heart kept beating heavily for several minutes more. Why does it take a long time to calm down after we are scared?



Because your rate increases and pumps more blood


A shock or reaction to the body

Explanation:The reason is because a fight-or-flight response unleashes powerful hormones that affect the entire body. When frightened, your body floods with the hormone adrenaline. This skyrockets your heart rate and blood pressure, according to Scientific American

Help! Just help from the picture below



Hydrosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere.


Have a great day!

who is the first president of the United States of America?​



George Washington is your answer

Write any four advantages of preserving Our heritages



Heritage preservation often leads to greater appreciation rates for both the restored building and its surrounding properties compared to areas without historical landmarks. The enhancement of existing neighbourhoods and infrastructure is significantly cheaper than building new ones.



explain four effects of cultural change on the society.
(please explain it or give me a working link to the answer).​


Answer: The phenomenon of culture change affects the way that people think and see other communities also their way of life. Cultural change showcases its direct effects on social change

Explanation: :)

Explain 3 reasons why victims may choose to remain in a physical abusive relationship.





3.wanting to be a savior


fear: The threat of bodily and emotional harm is powerful, and abusers use this to control and keep women trapped.

children: These women also put their children first, sacrificing their own safety: “I was afraid if he wasn’t beating me he would beat his kids.


Three reason why victim may choose to remain in a physical abusive relationship is because

1. Distorted thoughts

2. Fear

3. And Finally their Children they dont want to leave them especially woman.

Hope this help.

Mention any four challenge of sustainable development in nepal



1)A mission to clean food

2)Why do we need biofuels?

3)About us

4)Automated logistics


Progress is always possible. Explore insights from true changemakers. We support changemakers. People leading sustainable change in the world.

What is the purpose of the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is an actual line. It marks the southernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It marks the northernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It marks the southernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.

The Arctic Circle is an actual line. It marks the northernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.



The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It marks the northernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.


An Arctic Circle can be defined as an imaginary line of latitude that is drawn parallel to the equator around the Earth, at approximately 66°30′ North.

Basically, the Arctic Circle is described by scientists as the most northerly of the five major circles of latitude and one of the two (2) polar circle of the Earth.

The zone (region) to the South of the Arctic Circle is generally referred to as the Northern Temperate Zone while the zone (region) to the North of the Arctic Circle is called the Arctic.

Furthermore, the Arctic Circle represents or depicts the northernmost latitude at which the centre of the noon is only visible in the winter solstice in December i.e the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. The above describes the polar night (24 hour sunless night) of the December winter solstice.

In conclusion, the Arctic Circle causes long days in summer and long nights during winter.

Correct the following statement and rewrite:
Hindi was identified as national language by the Indian constitution.​



Hindi was identified as the national language by the Indian constitution.


The only correction the declaration needed was the addition of the article "the" before the "national language." This correction was necessary because the article should specify and determine the title received by the Hindi language, as this is a specific and well-established title.

It is important to note that the article "the" is used to determine the precise form of the noun that is related to it, which in the case of the sentence shown in the question above is the word "Hindi."

please solve both match the following and true or false i need to submit ​


a. true

b. false

c. true

d. false

e. false


( I hope this is right! )

What is the advantage of the pretest in the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design? If the pretest scores are different, the study can be discontinued immediately. Participants who experience a pretest generally score higher on a posttest. The pretest accustoms the participants to the procedures of the study. When groups are not equivalent, researchers can look at changes from pretest to posttest scores.



When groups are not equivalent, researchers can look at changes from pretest to posttest scores.


 A nonequivalent control group

This is simply regarded as a control group that is set on certain previous (preexisting) descriptions or characteristics that is almost the same or similar to those observed in a treatment group and participants are not randomly assigned. it is said that in a quasi experiment, a dependent variable measured in a treatment group is compared to that in the nonequivalent control group.

A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design

In this type of design, it is said that the dependent variable is  scored or measured in one group of participants before  the pretest is made and also after the posttest,  a treatment and that same dependent variable is also measured at pretest and posttest in another nonequivalent control group that does not receive the treatment.  Here, the groups are not  usually equivalent.

Advantages and disadvantages of the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design


1. it is often used  to rate or compare scores before and after a treatment in a group that receives the treatment and in a group that does not.


1. it is prone to the threat of selection differences.

When Grace's Son's principal called to say that Chucky had been acting out during lunch, Grace was livid (very angry). She geared up to punish him on her drive to the school, but then stopped when she saw how Chucky looked. He ran to her, hugged her, and sobbed. Grace was unsure whether she should stick with her plan to perform the discipline part of motherhood or the soothing part of motherhood. This is an example of:



Permissive parenting


In this style of parenting, parents are lenient, and they only step in when there is a severe issue. They are quite forgiving and might give privileges if a child begs for something. Permissive parents are lenient. They often only step in when there’s a serious problem. Permissive parents usually take on more of a friend role than a parent role. They often encourage their children to talk with them about their issues, but they typically don’t put much effort into discouraging poor choices or bad behavior.

how are Nepalese people interrelated to each other?​



Nepalese are interrelated with each other because of peace , harmony ,humanity and patriotism.

Jorge is taking an introductory psychology class this semester. He was surprised to learn about Phineas Gage, the railroad worker who survived an iron rod blasted through his skull, and Little Albert, the 11-month-old who was conditioned to fear rats. Both of these individuals are the subjects of _____, which are invaluable for studying rare events.



Case studies


A case study in a research can be described as an intensive study about a person, sets of people and the results from this study can be used to make generalizations over several units or more. It is studying a particular subject like a person, an organisation or events in details.

The case studies George is studying in this class are Phineas gage and little Albert.

list the uses of electricity.



1. Air-conditioner

2. Internet

3. Oven/microwave

4. Bulb

5. Phone power

What was the main
message of the Atlantic Charter?


It said that nations had the right to choose their government.

A town on the northern region of Bangladesh is battered by a flood that destroys most of its productive resources. The community's production possibilities frontier (PPF) would show an:


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  


a)inward shift of the PPF.


The options provided for this question are:

a)inward shift of the PPF.

b)outward shift of the PPF.

c)outward rotation along the x axis.

d)outward rotation along the y axis.

e)increase in opportunity cost.

The Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) is a graph displaying the different combinations of the output of two different goods that can be manufactured with certain resources and technology.

A flood such as the one in this example is one of several events that can reduce an economy's productive potential. The consequent exhaustion of scarce resources would shift the PPF inward.

On the other hand, for example, if the economy would have, for some reason, increased its capacity to produce, the shift in the PPF would be outward.

the two major major to intellectual migration





hwn33 e exeueheheveve e evevevevevevevevefef

After leaving school, Ms. Crandall catches another colleague in the parking lot. She expresses to him that while she can explain any of the concepts focal to teaching fourth-grade science, she is having trouble reaching her students. She just can't get them to see the link between the content matter and real-world application; therefore, she is having trouble keeping them motivated and on-task. In which area is Ms. Crandall experiencing difficulty



pedagogical content knowledge


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge gives the descriotion of the kinds of knowledge that is been brequired by teachers so that there would be a successful integration of technology in teaching. This give suggestions that there is needs for teachers to know about the intersections of pedagogy as well as

technology and content. Pedagogical content knowledge can as well be regarded as a synthesis of relationship between what know and belief about teaching (pedagogy) as well with the subject matter that the teacher teaches.

Classical Conditioning is ... Group of answer choices A type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment Systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to the desired response A type of conditioning in which an individual responds to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting


Answer is the reinforcement because it’s the only right choice

why are people considered the most important resources of country ? Explan ​


Answer: because people have all the power and knowledge to be used whenever

how is the society classified on the basis of time?



Society is classified into 3 types according to time and that is ancient society ,medieval society ,and modern society .

What is the cultural aspect of environment?


Cultural environments are environments shaped by human activities, such as cultural landscapes in the countryside, forests, urban areas and cities, fixed archaeological structures on land or water, constructions and built environments from different ages, along with bridges, roads, power lines and industrial and
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