what are the function of the government?​


Answer 1

Answer: they control everything


Answer 2
governments function are providingleadership maintaining orderproviding public services providing national security providing economic security

Related Questions

According to the text, _________ is a good example of positive institutional change and _________ is an example of destructive institutional change in regard to economic and political institutions.



hi unfortunately there isn't any uploaded photo. so we can't really help

who was first prime Minister of india​



Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime Minister of india


The first Prime Minister of India is Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

The co-founders of Orpheus Group Casting state that they often know immediately if actors will fit the roles for which they are auditioning. This indicates that the co-founders use, in part, ________________, the least rational way of making decisions



Intuitive decision making


Intuitive decision making is a kind of decision making method that uses the least rationality and is usually based on past experiences. It is more of unconscious decision making and works outside of conscious thoughts, however it doesn't always contradict rational decision but can somehow complement it. Albeit influenced by emotions, experience has shown intuitive decision making works most of the time. It does not however eliminate the need of rational decision making.

Some experts emphasize the importance of adult reinforcement of early speech, some suggest that language learning is innate, biologically wired, and others believe it to be a byproduct of social impulses. Reflect on the video, "Out of the Mouths of Babes."

Which language development theory does this video emphasize? How can you tell?

a. To support your answer, provide an example of one of the experiments conducted.
b. Explain how this fits into the learning theory process you identified.
c. What is your position on language acquisition? Based on your position, would you advocate that parents read to their children even before they start to talk?



it emphasizes the nativistic theory

a. this video is centered on innate development of languages. The children was tested by using the Wogs test. This test was simply a grammar test of word that these children were not used to. This video emphasizes the fact that children can easily grasp what they see their parents doing as well as the happenings around them.

b. This shows the symbolic function of languages. What the children learn is based on  their level of exposure and the materials that are available to them. It also shows that children could have the same teaching but how they assimilate these teachings differs from one child to the other. Children are able to pick up on language and then develop it in their own unique way.

c. Merely being exposed to languages is not enough, But through encouragement to converse and , these children are more likely to be better in languages. This is due to the fact that children perceive languages in different ways. based on this i believe that parents should read to their children even before they start to talk. Given that initial sensory exposure has a big importance on how children develop languages.

Allen is an alcoholic who feels no guilt about his alcohol consumption. He regularly engages in reckless behavior, including getting into fights and spending money that he doesn’t have. What else is likely true of Allen?



His alcoholism is likely due to genetics.

He has type 1 alcoholism.

His alcoholism is likely due to being raised in a home with other alcoholics.

He has late-onset alcoholism.


Which of these statements describe why Democrats were able to regain control of the South?

Check all that apply.

Democrats used race to unite white Southern voters.

Northern voters became more interested in solving the problems of Reconstruction.

The Panic of 1873 plunged the US economy into recession.

Northern interest in Reconstruction began to fade as time wore on.



a , c and d lol



Democrats used race to unite white Southern voters.

The Panic of 1873 plunged the US economy into recession.

Northern interest in Reconstruction began to fade as time wore on.


wanted free elections in eastern europe


Answer: wanted to prevent future threats from Germany


Shri Shakti is implemented for 1.rural women
2.urban women
3.state women
4.country women​



3.State women !!!!!!!!!


Shri Shakti is implement of state woman

Marina is very confident, brash, and assertive. Her husband Marco is very humble, unassuming, and quiet. Which theory states that they picked one another because their qualities are reciprocal



Complementary needs theory


The theory of complementary needs is one that has to do with the selection of a partner. it tells us why people select the partners that they choose. The is suggestion in the theory is that individuals choose who their partners are based on the fact that they have opposite needs that can complement their own.

Thank you!

Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as the result of:__________.
A) the displacement of unconscious anxiety onto a neutral or symbolic object.
B) the id trying to surpass the functioning of the ego and super ego.
C) the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms
D) the unconscious state of mind attempting to control the conscious state of mind.



Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as the result of:

C. the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms.


Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the father of psychoanalysis.

According to Freud and other specialists, conversion symptoms are physical symptoms unrelated to any diseases. For example, someone seems to have lost the ability to use his right hand. After undergoing examination and tests, nothing wrong is found, at least physically speaking. Freud believed that that symptom was indicative of repressed feelings or memories, as if the body were manifesting something trapped in that person's unconscious mind.


the psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms


Disorder which include blindness, numbness, paralysis and other symptoms related TK the nervous system which when subjected to diagnosis doesn't give a clue of being caused a certain medical defect or ailment are referred to as conversion symptoms. These symptoms according to Sigmund Freud and other contemporary psychoanalytic researchers. Freud hypothesized that these mental conditions which are unexplainable using medicine are a function of unconscious conflict triggered when suppressed feelings, emotions or memories starts to manifests on the physical.

1. Match the word to its definition:
1. Mainframes
a. A type of computer used by many people at the same time
to allow access to the same secure data
2. Super computer
b. A large and powerful scientific computer that can process
large amounts of data quickly
3. Program
c. The coded instructions that tell a computer what to do;
also to write the code for a program
4. Notebook
d. A device that includes, text, and data capabilities
5. Smart phone
e. An individual's personal computer that resides on a desk or
6. Tablet
f. A computer that combines the features of a graphic tablet
with the functions of a personal computer; sometimes
called a tablet PC
7. Desktop
8. Computer
g. Is a machine that changes information from one form into
another by performing four basic actions
h. A small portable computer, such as a netbook




1. A type of computer used by many people at the same time to allow access to the same secure data

2. Super computer

A large and powerful scientific computer that can process

large amounts of data quickly

3. Program

c. The coded instructions that tell a computer what to do; also to write the code for a program

4. Notebook

A small portable computer, such as a netbook.

5. Smart phone

A device that includes, text, and data capabilities

6. Tablet

A computer that combines the features of a graphic tablet with the functions of a personal computer; sometimes called a tablet PC

7. Desktop

An individual's personal computer that resides on a desk or table

8. Computer

Is a machine that changes information from one form into another by performing four basic actions

As a crisis emerges within the combatant command's areas of responsibility, the deliberate planning conducted in anticipation of the crisis is adapted to the situation. This sharpens the combatant command's focus on what three concurrent operations



In simple words, when such a serious crisis situation occurs the combat commander should focus that procedures are well-understood, coordinated, and harmonized within the USG department as well as to the other outside parties in charge. This can be done by making sure the channel and methods of communications are clear and uninterrupted.

what efforts have been made in Nepal for sustainable development​



Efforts that have been made in Nepal for sustainable development are as given below:-

Eradicate poverty and hunger, guaranteeing a healthy life.Universalize access to basic services such as water, sanitation and sustainable energy. Support the generation of development opportunities through inclusive education and decent work.Costing and Financing Strategy, targets and implementation and financing strategies 


hey i have add many examples

so its optional!!

2. What is the difference between physical and cultural environment ?​



A physical environment is the trees, plants, animals, and other forms of life around us. A cultural environment is the various cultures and beliefs around us.

hope this helped! <3

Do you think prison gang formation is influenced most by external forces and the gang affiliations offenders bring to prison from the street or by the internal forces of the prison environment, such as racial composition



yes gang formation in prison is mainly built off race in many real life prison shows such as 60 days in theres many prisons that showed racial discrimination between "sides" so yea i think pris gangs are influenced by external forces such as: ethnicity race sexuality even.


I saw in a show that love and altruism is mainly just genetic because it is for our self preservation. Could someone elaborate on this more and explain how love could be more than just being selfish?



I think love is not being selfish,love is being kind, love does not envy, love is NOT self-seeking

The greatest of all Chinese lawgivers, Confucius, did not esteem written laws. He believed that good rulers were the best guarantee of justice. Does our legal system rely primarily on the rule of law or the rule of people



Our legal system relies primarily on the rule of law


The legal system of most countries around the world today is based on the rule of law: written laws that are to be respected and enforced regardless of who the ruler of the country is. This is totally the opposite of what Confucius deemed to be ideal, since the system that he defended, the rule of the people, has been gradually replaced during the last centuries.

Aquinas believes that acting in accordance with one's natural inclinations is virtuous and that acting contrary to those inclinations is vicious (i.e., exemplifies a vice). What sense of 'natural' is required in order to make these claims as plausible as they can be





Evidence sense of 'natural' is required in order to make these claims as plausible as they can be.

What are claims?

A claim is a formal notification to an insurance co stating you believe you are entitled to a reimbursement because you have experienced a loss. A insurance that offers compensation if a claim arises against it, not of whether the claim event happened, is referred to as a claims-made policy.

According to Aquinas, moral behavior is governed by natural law. Each thing has a natural urge to an operable that is appropriate for that object. For instance, fire has a propensity to produce heat.

The idea of "natural" is, in my opinion, connected to just what God created, such as the soil, fire, and heat. According to Aquinas, behaving in line with one's base instincts is virtue, and living in opposition to them is vice.

Learn more about claims, Here:



làm rỏ các nguyen tắc giải quyết vấn đề tôn giáo? LẤY VÍ DỤ



Các nguyên tắc hướng dẫn cơ bản trong tất cả các tôn giáo trên thế giới

Ý thức cộng đồng. ...

Từ bi cho người khác. ...

Tôn trọng quyền tự do suy nghĩ và biểu đạt. ...

“Chánh niệm” hoặc Lời cầu nguyện. ...

Trách nhiệm giải trình cho hành động của bạn - Tội lỗi. ...

Công lý và Chơi công bằng.

how can a person build up his / her character?.​


A person can build their character by being humble, by being self discipline , by being accountable and also by gaining experience Hope it helped

Why did Germany sign a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union in 1939?
1.Hitler wanted to prevent a two-front war.
2.Hitler wanted to make the Soviet Union part of Germany.
3.Hitler wanted to make the Soviet Union a close ally.
4.Hitler wanted the Soviet Union to loan Germany arms.​



1. i believe


Signed in August 1939. Hitler signed it because if he tried to get back the Polish Corridor, the USSR may feel threatened and defend Poland against Germany which Hitler didn't want because then he'd have to fight a war on two fronts. It was a 'Non - Aggression' pact. They also agreed to divide Poland.

The modern country of Israel was founded as a



In May 1948, Israel was officially declared an independent state with David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, as the prime minister.



Modern Israel was founded on May 14, 1948, has its origins in the Zionism movement, established in the late 19th century by Jews in the Russian Empire who called for the establishment of a territorial Jewish state after enduring persecution.

hope it helps you

have a good day friend

plz mark me as brainliest

What is a food chain ​



The answer is in the image ^_^

I hope it helps ●~●#CarryOnLearning

Assignment question:
What have you learn about yourself?
What stressors and or "hassles" do you recognize in your life?
What measures can you take in order to lower your stress and optimize your health and well being?
How will this enable you to become a more productive student?
Do you see a mind, body, soul connection?


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

What have you learned about yourself?

That although I have many things to learn and improve in my life, I can develop new skills and abilities to enhance the quality of my life.

What stressors and or "hassles" do you recognize in your life?

I am not very patient. I want things so bad, right now, at my own pace. And now understand that is wrong. I stress a lot when I am not able to accomplish what I want.

What measures can you take in order to lower your stress and optimize your health and well-being?

I need to understand that everything in life comes at the right time and the right place. There is a time for every season. You can force things that are not about to happen now. If you do, you get more stress in your daily life.

How will this enable you to become a more productive student?

I have to focus on the task at hand. One day at a time. One activity at a time. I have to start something and finish it. Not the opposite, to start something new when I am not capable to correctly finish what I started.

Do you see a mind, body, soul connection?

I am in the process of integration. Not yet there, but I think I am going in the right direction.

La organización política de los mayas reunió el mandato en un solo gobernante, cuyo poder procedía directamente de los dioses, a través de los mensajes que, consideraban, eran enviados por el cosmos. La organización política, nunca se configuró como un imperio, sino como una serie de ciudades- estados.
Adaptación: Cultura10.org. Organización política de los mayas.
A partir de la información, ¿cuál es la principal característica de la organización política maya


La respuesta correcta es B) Concentración del poder en una autoridad suprema que tenía origen divino.

A partir de la información, la principal característica de la organización política maya fue "Concentración del poder en una autoridad suprema que tenía origen divino."

La explicación -como lo dice el texto- es que la organización política de los mayas reunió el mandato en un solo gobernante, cuyo poder procedía directamente de los dioses, a través de los mensajes que, consideraban, eran enviados por el cosmos.

Los Mayas fueron una de las más importantes civilizaciones en Mesoamérica. Ellos lograron desarrollar avanzados conocimientos en agricultura y en astronomía. Gran paste de su éxito es que sabían con exactitud la época del año más favorable para cultivar. Y eso se desprendía del sofisticado uso que tenían sobre los calendarios. Los Mayas eran expertos astrónomos y crearon calendario como el Tzolkin, que consistía de 260 días o el Haad, conocido como el calendario solar, que incluía 352 días.

Katrina has long believed Eric Church is the best musician of all time. She just read a review that praised Eric Church for his musical genius. She is very confident in her perception, despite all the earlier reviews she had read that pointed out his limitations. Katrina is demonstrating the need:______.A) to reach closure quickly.
B) to confirm preexisting beliefs.
C) for accuracy.
D) for validation.



to confirm preexisting beliefs


Confirmation bias

This is simply one's ability to seek, interpret, favor and recall information that is in line or conforms to an individual's pre-existing beliefs or expectations.

People here tends to likely view things that could conforms to something rather than disconfirm it.

Two reasons for the existence of onfirmation bias:

1. Directional motives: humans usually finds informations that is in line with our beliefs and expectations

2. Cognitive heuristics: It deals with things that views our beliefs and expectations usually we imagine first.

There has been a decentralization of the justice system in America. What does that mean?
A. Put it back in the hands of the states
B. Put it back in the hands of the federal government
C. Allow the states and the federal government to work together more easily
D. Create nonpartisan judges to make final decisions



C. Allow the states and the federal government to work together more easily

How does government support communities affrcted by gender based violence



they dont they just make it seem like they r doing something


plus who cares?

Besides the cost of an education what additional expenses must students pay check all that apply



1. Housing.

2. Meals.

3. Supplies.

4. Textbooks.


The life of a student does not only revolve around the academic career but also the period of development growing up. This also included the various necessities that are required for a student to grow, be it paying for the fees, or maintaining a schedule on his/her own.

But at the same time, there are also other needs that a student must take care of. These needs include taking care of housing, the daily meals, the educational supplies, etc.

With practical examples examines six (6) ways in which science and Technology have influenced our cultural beliefs and values.​



Technological advancement in the form of communication, movement form one place or anther and many more have influenced the belief system sand values.


Science and technology have influenced the cultural beliefs and values such as the invention of light, medial facilities, modes of transport, and telecommunication have changed live of people and challenged the earlier belief system of the masses. Apart form that the invention of the internet has revolutionized the world and mass us all in ne global village.
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