what are the literary and figurative devices in nervous conditions by tsitsi dangaramgba


Answer 1


Dangarembga’s writing style in Nervous Conditions might be termed baroque.

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Olivia laments that Cesario seems unmoved by Olivia's confession of love, and admits that she is embarrassed to speak so openly about her feelings. For a high-ranking woman like Olivia to openly declare her love would have been considered improper, but Olivia cannot hold back her feelings.


Hope it helps

Mark me as Brainliest plz.


5. One of the reasons I didn't phone you was that I was very busy.



One reason why I didn't phone you was because I was busy

if I was less busy I would have phoned you

In "Comprehending the Calamity," in which order does the author present the key events of the text? Comprehending the Calamity 1. The earthquake demolishes the city. 2. People help at the hospital. 3. People relocate to the park. 4. Fire destroys the city. 1. The earthquake demolishes the city. 2. People relocate to the park. 3. People help at the hospital. 4. Fire destroys the city. о O 1. The earthquake demolishes the city. 2. Fire destroys the city. 3. People help at the hospital. 4. People relocate to the park. 1. The earthquake demolishes the city. 2. People relocate to the park. 3. Fire destroys the city. 4. People help at the hospital.​


1. The earthquake demolishes the city.

2. People help at the hospital

3. People relocate

4. Fire destroys the city

Срочно! дам 12 баллов




3. Started and finished

4. Wanted

5. Happened

6. Enjoyed and stayed

7. Died

Which synonym best replaces the
underlined word in the following
In the scenario I developed, I
never thought this would happen!
A. mood
B. synergy
C. aftermath
D. plan


It has to be c aftermath
Mood is correct answer

Should global population growth be restricted?



Yes in some cases it should to prevent orphans and stuff.


when i (see) her, she (eat) apple



when I saw her, she was eating an apple

Please help me from 1 to 24




The following question is based on your reading of “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” by James Joyce.

While in the clinic, Stephen is cared for by:
Brother Michael
Father Arnell
His mother



i think it is b yall can help me out


Write a full sentence please, 20 points!!!

What is a byline?
What is a pullquote?
What are three tips to writing a good headline?
What is active voice? What is passive voice?
What is attribution? Why is it important to journalists?


A byline is the statement that gives the writer of the article.

A pull quote is like a hook. A bolded phrase from the article to grab the readers attention.

Writing in active voice, the subject performs the action or acts upon the verb whereas using passive voice the subject is a recipient of the verbs action.

Attribution is where you quote and credit where you got your information from if it’s not your own. It is important to journalists because it’s using evidence, giving strong writing and credibility to their work.

3 tips to writing a good headline are question headlines. If you’re writing something that can relate to someone a question headline can make them want to read it. “How to”headlines can attract many people especially younger ages. Understanding the audience and writing something that will target their emotions are important keys too

select the text that best describes how a chick as it grows pls help if you get this right yes brainlist for you​



chick grows

Into eating and growing machine

Part 3. The passage below contains 10 mistakes in spelling, grammar and word form. UNDERLINE the
mistakes and WRITE THEIR CORRECT FORMS in the space provided. (10 pts)
2022 FURTHER.C N02
Stress is the result of a struggle and battle that you don't have the resources to cope with. Some stress at work is
inevitable - it's an inherent part of getting things do, of moving projects on. And, of course, some jobs are much more
stressful than another, especially if you have to manage staff (getting a nationwide team of salespeople to see targets,
for example) or deal with difficult situations (nurses and doctors must cope with all sorts of stress when human life is
in stake. But this sort of stress is usually short-lived and well rewarded emotionally, if not financial. In most cases, the
more stressful the job, the more greater the pay. Most importantly, this is the stress the person can anticipate and
choose to take on when they agree to do the job, so they can go preparing with tactics to minimize the effects. More
damaging is stress that relate to the way you're expected to do the job, or to demands to be made on you that exceed
your expectations of the job. This sort of stress is most likely to lead to illness.


Pls reward me oh and the answer is c

How would you describe the Nazi soldiers who carried out the torture and murder of the Jewish people in World War Two





because although they were following the orders it was affecting the people live ( jewish)

Answer:people with no hearts .


who can bear seeing blood and the pain of others ?

Read the sentence and answer the question.

I try to save money but I still overspend.

Which correctly shows where a comma is needed in the sentence?

A. I try to save money but I still, overspend.

B. I try, to save money but I still overspend.

C. I try to save money, but I still overspend.

D. I try to save money but, I still overspend.


The answer is c :) :)
The answer is C. To help, you should put emphasis while reading the words out loud:)))

If this golden block is made of pure gold, we ______ very rich.


If this golden block is made of pure gold, we will be very rich

Which of the following is the main disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking?


The answer is:

The speaker may forget ideas or make grammatical mistakes.

the relatives were happy to know that Tom was visiting capitals of Europe?​



PLEASE HELP QUICKLY Which root is used in each of the following words? manual: manage



The word manual comes from Latin root words meaning "of the hand ,,,, here is your ans bro

1.Choose the word in the following sentence that functions as a predicate adjective.

The talent show was really excellent.


Choose the word in the following sentence that functions as the indirect object.

2.My father gave me a new football.


3.Choose the word in the following sentence that functions as an adjective.

The birthday present was a dollhouse.


4.Choose the word in the following sentence that functions as the verb.

My dog just brought Dad a biscuit.




1. Really. Really is the predicate adjective, because it describes how excellent the talent show was.

2. Me. The indirect object is typically the recipient

3.  The adjective in the sentence is birthday, because it describes what type of present it was.

4. Brought is the verb because it is an action.

1 combine each pair of sentences using enough....To V or enough for....To V the moon is very bright.We can play outdoor



The moon is bright enough for us to play outdoors.


Which type of clause is shown in italics? "Janine had a wonderful dinner, then went to the concert."

A) independent

B) dependent



These would be dependent clauses.


If the sentence was seperated at the comma it would not form two complete sentences. Ex: Janine had a wonderful dinner. Then went to the concert. The phrase "Then went to the concert" is an incomplete sentence because, while it has a verb and direct object, it lacks a subject.

1 only? Subject : English Put the verbs in brackets forms: 1. The earth.....(move) round the sun. He generally ....( sing) in Hindi. 3. This paper ......(appear) twice weekly. 4. Milk ...(be) white. 5 The match....... (start) at 3p.m. tomorrow. 6. Don't disturb me. I ....(do) my homework. am 7 Look ! Your father ... (come) to see you. O 1... (do) anything at this moment. He still... (dance) an The old man .. (die) recently. died ​


1. Moves
2. Sings
3. Appears
4. Is
5. Starts
6. Am doing
7. Came
8. Are you doing (I’m not sure, the sentence isn’t very clear)
9. Dances
10. Died


1) moves

2) sings

3) appears

4) is

5) starts

6) am doing

7) has come

8) (question not clear)

9) danced

10) died

she and I are busy today tag question​



aren't we? ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

When editing your response, which of the following is NOT something to consider to improve your essay?
A. Attack the author more to discredit his or her argument.
B. Quoting a secondary source
C. Restricting your augment
D. Use more persuasive language


C. Restricting your augment

Choose a verb below to rewrite the sentences in reported speech. W
to admit • to advise • to ask • to complain • to offer • to promise • to reply • to warn

1) Peter: ‘Our history teacher gives us so much homework! It’s not fair!’
2) Olivia: ‘You really should see the doctor about your headaches.’
3) Mum: ‘Don’t ever speak to me like that again or there will be consequences!’
4) Anna: ‘I’ll take you to the theatre next weekend, if you like.’
5) Will: ‘What time is the next train to Bristol, please?
6) Jane: ‘I’ll phone my mum and dad tomorrow without fail.’
7) George: ‘Have you finished reading that book yet?’
8) Alex: ‘I’m sorry. It was me who broke the glass.’



1) complain

2) advise

3) warn

4) offer

5) ask

6) promise

7) reply (by POE, I would rather use ask)

8) admit


I wrote the correct verb pertaining to each sentence, let me know if you want me to try and write the sentence (if you have an example that would be great).

The “Coyote and the Buffalo” and “The Indian and the Hundred Cows” are considered trickster tales. Give at least two examples of how the coyote and the Indian are considered trickster characters.


Both are clever and easily do tricks with others.

The coyote and the Indian are considered as trickster characters because they are clever and easily do tricks with their surrounding organism in order to survive. For Native Americans, the coyote is a clever animal who have supernatural qualities.

He is both a trickster and a creator. Native Americans saw the coyote as both a savior and a villain, depending on the circumstances he has. Similarly, Indians are clever and know the ways to trick their opponents.


Which scenario would best fit in a dystopian story?
A. While working one night, the local librarian discovers a child with a wild and inventive imagination living among the books stored away in the library cellar.
B. The people of a small town watch in awe as Haley's comet blazes through the sky; after it disappears, they discover thousand of citizens have gone missing.
C. Aliens abduct a teenager and a clone replaces him in real life, so he must figure out how to warn his family of the imposter.
D. The world is plunged into chaos when the government removes the right to electricity from rebel communities.



i think it would be D


Dystopian means something that is unjust "happens" in a futuristic scenario

It would be more appropriate for a dystopian story if the government took away rebel towns' access to energy and the globe descended into chaos. So, the correct option is D.

What is Dystopian story?

A dystopian story is a sort of fictional narrative which depicts a grim and oppressive society where societal collapse, environmental disaster, or political domination are common occurrences. A protagonist in dystopian fiction frequently battles the harsh elements of the society in which they inhabit.

In this scenario, a dystopian and repressive future is described where the government has incredible power and is willing to use it to oppress particular groups of people. This fits with several recurring themes and components of dystopian literature, including society breakdown, loss of individual liberties, and government overreach. Although the other possibilities don't have as many characteristics of dystopian literature, they could nevertheless make for intriguing stories.

So, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Dystopian story, here:




Using several "word attack" strategies, determine the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence.

As a gift to her mom, Lidia made her breakfast in bed and then scoured the kitchen countertops and floor.

A thoroughly cleaned
B decorated
C searched
D a frown



A.) thoroughly cleaned

Answer: a thoroughly clean


build an argument for is deportation an effective solution for illegal immagrants



— The solution must be in the rational middle ground between mass deportation and amnesty. Report by Laura Collins January 19, 2021.

The details of the excerpt show that Rainsford knows he

will join the hunt the next day.
will become Zaroff’s prey.
is trapped in a dangerous place.
is able to escape from the island.


Answer: is trapped in a dangerous place.


You didn't add the excerpt but I got the excerpt online from "The Most Dangerous Game."

From the excerpt, Rainsford could hear the pattern of shadow, and the black, noiseless forms, the hounds heard him and then looked up at the window.

He went to bed but couldn't get enough sleep as he was afraid due to the fact that he realized that he was in a dangerous place as he even heard a gunshot. The details of the excerpt show that Rainsford knows he is trapped in a dangerous place.


C. Is trapped in a dangerous place


just took the test

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