what are the matter considered in order to establish federal structure in nepal​


Answer 1

Don’t bother with a federal system. Federations are more expensive from duplication of most agencies of government. And federations are much more complex and they just get even more complex with time. As complexity grows then the government becomes more prone to failures and problems of human error - nobody is smart enough to understand all the ramifications of even a simple policy initiative. Another troublesome feature of federalism is the diffusion of responsibility that can be supportive of corruption.

There’s a better alternative to federalism and that would be the adoption of a policy called subsidiarity. That is a principle that government power ought to reside at the lowest feasible level (i.e. at the local or regional level, instead of the national or supranational level, unless the latter presents clear advantages). Such a policy is not only wise and respectful of regional differences but is also flexible, adoptable and good for evolution according to the flow of history.

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The crash of the 1929 stock market is known in history as



the Great Crash


Stock market crash of 1929, also called the Great Crash

Due to their remote locations, _______________________________________ often face unique challenges in receiving assistance from outside the jurisdiction quickly and often request assistance from neighboring islands, other nearby countries, States, the private sector or nongovernmental organization resources, or the Federal Government.


Territorial and insular area governments is the answer.

An insular area can be described as a geographical area that is neither in any of the states of the United States nor is it a federal district area.

A territorial area is a government that is under another government.

Guam and American Samoa are two insular territories of the United States of America.

These two places are in remote areas. They are both Islands. To get help, they have to rely on neighboring Islands, countries and states that are close by and resources from NGO's

Read more on how such areas get assistance at https://brainly.com/question/1588277?referrer=searchResults

Why should we learn to draw the map of nepal?​


Answer: You can consult:

Map reading and map drawing are important skills to learn in geography. ... Maps also help us to know distances so that we know how far away one thing is from another. We need to be able to estimate distances on maps because all maps show the earth or regions within it as a much smaller size than their real size.


I'm not sure but hope it helps.

Determinar cuál es el producto de mayor consumo en el tiempo de pandemia en vuestro hogar, en los últimos 6 meses, poniendo en práctica los conocimientos básicos estadísticos estudiados


Internet es el producto más utilizado en la pandemia que ofrece entretenimiento y noticias sobre la situación de la pandemia en todo el mundo.

Internet es el que más consume en el momento de la pandemia en mi casa, en los últimos 6 meses porque no hay forma de ir a la salida ni al trabajo, por lo que todos los miembros de la familia usaban Internet tanto para el trabajo como para propósito de Internet. Durante la pandemia, nuestra rutina es mirar películas en Internet y charlar con amigos.


Fiona has very vivid memories of a car accident she witnessed 3 years ago. If she closes her eyes and thinks about it, she feels like she can recall every detail, right down to the bumper sticker on one of the cars. Psychologists refer to vivid memories of this type as:



Flashbulb memory

Describe any five traditional symbols



1 - The Heart Symbol. ...

2 - The Yin Yang. ...

3 - Bluetooth. ...

4 - International Flag Of Planet Earth. ...

5 - The Great Seal Of The United States.

Pick a health and safety organization of your own choice. Research and find out what exactly the organization stands for, what it does, where it
gets its funding, and so on. Write an essay about the organization and whether or not you think it has helped people and made a difference in
their lives.



the abd El is the world of some reason that we are not the world of the world in the same as the world is the most beautiful word with me and the world of various time to speak with


The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) works to safeguard Americans from health, security, and safety hazards. It protects people from diseases that may originate within the country or across borders. It also protects people from injuries and disabilities. The CDC has various institutes and offices, such as the CDC Washington Office, Center for Global Health, and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, which work collaboratively to address public health issues. The CDC partners with government and private organizations to prevent health hazards arising from factors such as pollution and congestion. It has partners such as the Public Health Information Network, business organizations, health professionals, schools and universities, sports and entertainment organizations, and international health organizations. The CDC is actively engaged in preventing and controlling health hazards at national, state, and local levels. It undertakes research to find effective ways of preventing these hazards and creates general awareness among citizens to protect them from diseases. CDC gets its funding from the government. It is a very important and valuable organization that has helped improve the health and safety of the community.



Someone answer this pls ;)

What are two ways elections are affected by public opinion polls?

campaign donations go to candidates with the lowest poll numbers

polling more people results in a higher voter turnout

undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates
candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage


The correct answers are "candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage" and "undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates."

The two ways elections are affected by public opinion polls are: "candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage" and "undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates."

The method that is used to measure public opinion in the United States is polls and surveys. Mass Media outlets such as TV and Radio stations used polls and surveys before and during election time. The same happens with political parties and the candidates' campaign team. They are always monitoring the voters' preferences regarding their political candidates. They like to take "the pulse" of voters to know their preferences.

During political campaigns, public opinion polls help the campaign team to know people's views regarding their position of the candidate or the political party, It could be in favor, against, or neutral. From that information, the Director of the campaign can make decisions about what to modify the messages, the public's preferences, the position of the rivals, and try to better position its candidate in the mind of the voter.

The largest third party with over 75,000 followers?



I think it is the Libertarian Party


Hope this helps

Bagmati Province is more developed than other provinces? What are possible reasons? Mention any six of them.​




Bagmati Province is more developed than other provinces are :

1. this province have more skilled man power

2. capital city of nepal lies here so it is developed than other province

3. it has more industrial sector

4. this province have high capital

5. this province have resouces of income

6. timro ghar ??

compare traditional technology with modern technology​



technology is probably easiest to compare. We tend to think of communication tech, and computation tech when we say ‘modern,’ but traditional? Lets define that just a bit. Are we talking machines and devices, or the uses themselves, like fire from rubbing two sticks together to fire from an ‘electronic,’ cigarette lighter?Some things are just novelties. There are times when cheap, non electronic devices provide practical and very necessary service in places where an electronic device is too high-maintenance to be equally practical. There is no need to put a computer on a well pump if you’re in a back-water where electronic replacement parts are hard to come by. You just hand pump the thing and it works fine and at your convenience. Certain ‘Green,’ tech, like solar ovens, are a far cry from a fire pit, or even a gas barbecue, and though it’s marketed as ‘new’ technology, depending of course on design and materials used, it is very low-tech. Useful technology seems really only cosmetically changed, with new clothes over old bones, so-to-speak. A different package, a different color, but it’s the job it does that matters. The best comparison between ‘modern,’ tech and ‘traditional,’ tech that springs to mind though, is that modern tech is very modular and if it breaks it’s often disposable, rather than fixable, for most of us.

The variations between modern and traditional techniques are traditional technology becomes primarily based totally on easy laws and mechanics even as the modern technology is shaped via way of means of the combination of many simple mechanics.

What is traditional technology?

A form of technology that is primarily based on any tradition or culture that is typically transferred from one generation to any other generation until a lot has changed in the brand new, here we are talking about traditional technology.

The modern era is constructed on the existing conventional era.

Therefore, these are the differences between traditional technology and modern technology​.

Learn more about modern technology here:



Gamiel and Aliyah go out to eat and Gamiel does not leave a tip for the waiter. If Aliyah explains his behavior by saying that he is frugal, she is making a(n) ________ attribution. If Aliyah explains his behavior by saying the service was terrible, she is making a ________ attribution. Group of answer choices


Answer: “Dispositional” and “Situational”


The attributions refer to the judgments that people make on behavior, and this depends on how people perceive the situation.

The attributions are divided into two: Dispositional Attribution Situational Attribution It is known as dispositional attribution when we explain the behavior of people according to their personality characteristics, we make a judgment for the information that we know about them, obtaining an internal attribution about the behavior of the person in the situation. For example in the case of Gamiel, he did not leave a tip for the waiter and Aliyah attributes this behavior based on the information he knows about Gamiel, who possibly only tips expensive places, Aliyah justifies the action through dispositional attribution.

The opposite of the internal attributions are the situational attributions, these justify the behavior of the people to external events that cannot be controlled but that cause an effect on the behavior of the person. For example, Gamiel and Aliyah had the experience of having a horrible service by the waiter, for which Gamiel does not leave a tip, Aliyah justifies this action to the lousy service received, here she is using situational attribution.

People's judgements on behavior are referred to as attributions, and they are based on how they see the circumstances.

Gamiel and Aliyah go out to eat and Gamiel does not leave a tip for the waiter. If Aliyah explains his behavior by saying that he is frugal, she is making a(n) Dispositional attribution. If Aliyah explains his behavior by saying the service was terrible, she is making a Situational attribution.

Dispositional attribution occurs when a person attempts to describe a person's trait based on the person's actions. As in this case, Aliyah explains the waiter's behavior.

Situational attribution occurs when a person forms an impression of another person based on external situations. Like in this scenario, Aliyah attributes the conduct to the service quality.

To know more about Attribution, refer to the link:


What is the impact on human achievement?
A. Social
B. Cultural
C. Political
D. Economic


Answer is B cultural

The house of the legislative branch that gives states representation
based on population is known as:
the Committee of the whole.
the Congress
the Senate
the House of Representatives


The House of Representatives

Where did most polling take place prior to the 1920s and 1930s?
O outside polling stations
O over the telephone
O in public meeting spaces
O in homes



Prior to the 1920s and 1930s, most polling took place:

O in public meeting spaces.


Public meeting spaces have been used for so many political activities.  Before the established of modern polling stations, which are equipped with necessary infrastructure, most polling had taken place in public meeting spaces.  This is because such spaces have remained the gathering point for the public and for political and social activism.

Does it need to change the practice of society​





It is needed to change the practice of the society in terms of the believing in superstition,also in terms of religious division also in terms of people's bad mentalities.

why dowry system is considered as a social problem?



The word 'dowry' means the resources and money which is brought by the bride to her husband's home at the time of her wedding. This practice has been proved evil for the bride and her parents because many times this practice leads to social violence on the females if they lacks to fulfill the demands of the dowry.

who was the man who said I have a dream lol



It was Abraham Lincoln that said "I have a dream"

martin luther king

i think you knew that

ur pfp explains it Imao. we love denji <3

"Public participation reduces the cost of the project and makes best use of or available resources.” Present your logics in four points. ​



public participation makes a effective and efficient decision

They utilize the available resource and minimize the non renewable resource

They makes the plan to conserve the environment

What is weapon plzz help​



A weapon is a harmful device


A tool used to generally kill people and animals.


Explain the Thomas Theorem. What does the Thomas Theorem suggest about reality? What would the Thomas Theorem suggest about the legitimacy of Santa Claus? How would the Thomas Theorem explain the belief in Santa Claus? Is the belief legitimate? Explain?


Answer and Explanation:

The Thomas Theorem shows that reality totally depends on people's beliefs about it. That's because the Thomas Theorem claims that if people define something as real, that "something" will be real within its own circumstances. In this case, the Thomas Theorem claims that belief in Santa Claus makes it real, within very specific circumstances and we can recognize this, as during Christmas we see Santa Claus in so many places that this vision creates a circumstance,where it becomes real.

In this case, the Thomas Theorem shows that the popular use of Santa Claus supports the belief that revolves around it, which makes the belief legitimate and palpable, mainly because it is a belief that no one disputes.

how do political and physical features impact the people who live in the middle east​



The physical geography of the Middle East is varied. Vast deserts are common in the region. ... Ease of movement in and out of the Middle East by water is also affected by the presence of a number of narrow water passageways. Gibraltar controls the water route linking the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea

Development of a society refers to quality and positive change in society. Clarify this statement.​



quality of people that is good health educated and skilled


The above statement that development of society implies the quality of people that is good health educated and skilled not the quantity only implies increase in numbers. Development also implies positive change in societ that is economic development social security environmental conservation removal....

More people in the black civil rights movement became radicalized when the ______________. realities of economic disparity became more apparent minority politicians started third parties Democratic officials refused to back the "war on poverty" Supreme Court became dominated by conservatives


Answer: realities of economic disparity became more apparent


When it became more glaringly obvious to people that the economic disparity between the blacks and the whites was quite much because the system was built on the foundation of oppressing some groups and keeping them poor and disenfranchised, more people in the civil rights movement became radicalized.

Up till then, they had believed that civil rights could be won legally and nonviolently became the system could be changed but after the disparity was noticed, a lot of people began calling for the system to be revamped entirely.

we can be socialized by the mean of socialization justify​



Socialization is the lifelong process through which people learn the values and norms of a given society.


socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained".

make a list of the areas of work of gehendra shumsher



Gehendra Shumsher (Nepali: गेहेन्द्र शमशेर, 1871–1906) was a Nepali innovator, firearm designer, and general in the then Nepali Army. He was the eldest son of Bir Shumsher, the third prime minister of the Rana dynasty. He is generally regarded as the first scientist of Nepal.


Gehendra was born in Poush, 1928 BS (1871 CE).[a] He was born in the Nepal where his father was sent to serve as the Nepali representative to India. Born in a noble Rana family, he had the rare privilege to study. Apart from being privately tutored within the palace in English, he later also attended Durbar High School – the oldest modern school of Nepal. With the enrollment in Durbar High School, his interests were kindled, now that he was trying his hand at sports and music as well. However, past Durbar High School, not much is known about his academic part of life. While some references suggest he was sent to Japan along with 5 others to pursue engineering studies, his precise academic qualification remains unknown.

As a kid, Gehendra was intimately drawn to mechanics and ammunition. After the murder of Ranodip Singh Kunwar in 1942 BS, his father, Bir Shumsher, became the nation's prime minister, and opportunities popped up for him. At a tender age of 14 years, he was appointed to take care of the ammunition department in the Royal Nepal Army. This early exposure gutted in him a lifelong fascination for arms, ammunition, and the like.

when did Industrial society begin?​



Industrial societies are a product of the industrial revolution, which began in the mid-18th century with the harnessing of natural elements such as water .

Joshua is in college, and his computer broke. He can get it repaired for $75, but it will take three weeks to fix. What is the best decision that Joshua can make if he wants to spend the least amount of money? Rent a computer for three weeks and get his old computer fixed. Pay cash for a new computer. Use an installment plan to buy a new computer


Answer: the one above me is wrong it is actually A.)Rent a computer for three weeks and get his old computer fixed

Explanation: 2021

The cheapest option would be a situation where Joshua rents a computer for three weeks and get his old computer fixed.

In renting a computer for 3 weeks, Joshua will not have to pay too much because the period of time he would rent it is quite small. Added to the cost of repairing, this would be the cheapest option to Joshua.

Other options wrong because:

A new computer would be quite expensive and cost several hundred dollars Paying in installments would mean that he pays even more than paying cash so this is an expensive option as well

In conclusion, the best option would be to rent a computer and fix the old computer.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/14965144.

what do youean by faternity​



In simple words fraternity is called brotherhood.


hope this helps


fraternity means people sharing their common interest or profession.

How can the children enjoy their child rights​



By choosing their own thoughts, opinions and religion.


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