What are the negative effects of globalization? Select three options.

A. rise in health risks
B. loss of regional jobs
C. environmental harm
D. loss of international jobs
E. decrease in cultural awareness


Answer 1

Answer: CAD hope it helps

Answer 2

The negative effects of globalization are :

Rise in health Risks environmental harmLoss of international jobs

What is globalization?

Globalization refers to increased trade with the rest of the world. It is the international flow of technology and capital.

Production in any region of the world where raw material available at cheaper prices is known as globalization.

Hence, the negative effects of globalization are rise in health, risks environmental harm and loss of international jobs.

Learn more about globalization here: https://brainly.com/question/1133228


Related Questions

2.The United States justification for dropping atomic bombs
on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that
1. the bombs' destructive power might end the war quickly
2. Japan's military power was centered in these two cities
3. Japan had attacked major cities in other nations
4. Japan was on the verge of developing its own atomic



idk, but if you look it up on google i bet u can easily find the answer


In what ways did American leaders work together to change the government of the United States?



The states were federated into a single overarching state, governed by the 'federal' government. The USA, like Canada, is a 'federal' state. It is made up of smaller independent units which combine to form a larger whole. In terms of how the government is run, a few points.



they created a senit and a person with almost all power (the president)


George Washington warned against America not becoming entangled with
European affairs.


I believe it is true hope this helps you :))

Identify at least two actions or events in Nixon’s foreign policy which eased tensions.



helped establish tie with china and created stronger relations with the soviet union, which eased Cold war tensions


helped establish tie with china and created stronger relations with the soviet union, which eased Cold war tensions

What did Europeans use to successfully defeat anti-imperial resistance in Africa and Asia?
a)effective propaganda
b) determination
c)advanced weapons
d)large populations





The goal of Operation Iraqi Freedom

was to

build up the U.S. military

O capture Osama bin Laden

O drive its leader from power

destroy Al Qaeda's leadership

Since 9/11, which of these has


Europe has abandoned the U.S.

Terrorist activity has diminished.

More terrorist groups have formed.

Iraq's dictator still reigns.



destroy Al Qaeda's leadership


Operation Iraqi Freedom was set up by the United States in other to destroy Al Qaedas leadership which had threatened to destroy a large part of the earth with its weapon of mass destruction. They were also involved many terrorist attaches which led the United State to take action.

Since the 9/11 event Terrorist activity has diminished due to stricter security and immigration laws set up to tackle the problem

A summary of the science and society in the scientific revolution



I hope this helps


The Scientific Revolution of the Early Modern Period was a significant era of discovery. New concepts such as heliocentrism and natural philosophy contributed to a society in which science dictated law. ... Science is clearly emphasized in schooling and STEM continues to progress.

How it impacted society today....

The scientific revolution, which emphasized systematic experimentation as the most valid research method, resulted in developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. These developments transformed the views of society about nature.

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that
have been tried.”
-Winston Churchill
Explain what you think this quote means:


The meaning of this statement entails that the unjust stigma of the government in the U.S is skewed in America’s eyes , until one is tried for crimes , and is able to go on trial instead of being put to death out of spite.

The implication of this remark is that unless someone is prosecuted for crimes and given the opportunity to stand trial rather than be executed out of spite, the unfair reputation of the government in the United States is distorted in the eyes of Americans.

The worst form of governance, excepting all others that have been tried, according to Winston Churchill, is democracy. His skepticism was maybe warranted after the British people ousted him as Prime Minister only a few months after the country had triumphed in the Second World War.

Whether it is the worst type of government or not, there is no question that it is worse than the alternatives. The dominance of a small minority over the majority is what is meant by repressing people's opinions through dictatorship or tyranny.

It is not the ideal strategy to bring about the security, wealth, and growth that will improve people's lives to impose stability via fear. Giving citizens a say in their government is the only way to ensure their support for the leaders and the policies.

Learn more about democracy here:



What was Dylan Klebold's and Eric Harris's locker numbers?


Their locker numbers were:

Dylan: 837

Eric: 624

Answer: I hope this helps


Directly outside the library where 12 students were killed April 20, police have marked locker number 837 with the words "Klebold, empty.'' Down the hall is another blue locker, number 624, with the words "Harris, empty'' written in black magic marker.

Dylan -873


why is real gdp per captia important



GDP per capita is an important indicator of economic performance and a useful unit to make cross-country comparisons of average living standards and economic wellbeing. ......In particular,GDP per capital does not take into account income distribution in a country.


2 Points
What was an effect of careful planning for cities?
A. Increased interest in cultural activities
B. Ending of urban growth
O C. Efforts to reduce safety laws
D. Improved lives for all classes



i think it's B. or A coz people in urban world forget about culture isn't it? sorry if it's wrong

The Appalachian region is located on the:
Canadian Shield
east coast of Canada
west coast of Canada



costa este de Canadá


an explanation of each of the groups that make up the Indian caste system




A caste system is a class structure that is determined by birth.

The Caste System represents a division of labor based on birth right justified by moral and religious concepts. The Brahmins held the most power in Hindu society , they were priests, otherwise known as the spiritual and intellectual leaders of the society.

The Sudras are the lowest rank of the Caste System. They are normally artisans and laborers. A large portion of this caste is a product of the mating of an upper caste and an Untouchable or a Sudra. Ancient texts support the claim that Sudras exist to serve the other three castes.

Kshatriya is the second Varna within the social hierarchy. The Brahmin and the Kshatriya make up the upper castes, 20 percent of India's population is within this category. The Kshatriya constitutes the ruling and military elite, the warriors.

The Vaishyas were commoners, not servile groups. Their role lay in productive labour, in agricultural and pastoral tasks, and in trading. Their way of life demanded study, sacrifice, and the giving of alms.

A caste system is a system of class distinctions based on birth. A division of work based on birthright and supported by moral and religious principles is represented by the caste system.

What is the Indian caste system?

The Brahmins, who were priests and the social, spiritual, and intellectual leaders of Hindu society, possessed the greatest amount of influence.

The lowest caste in the system is the Sudra. They are mostly workers and craftspeople. This caste is largely the result of the union of an upper caste member and an Untouchable or a Sudra. Sudras are said to exist to service the other three classes, according to ancient writings.

Within the social order, Kshatriya is the second Varna. Twenty percent of Indians belong to the upper castes, which are made up of the Brahmin and Kshatriya.

Thus, A caste system is a system of class distinctions based on birth.

For more information about Indian caste system, click here



Main difference between Hoover and Roosevelt



Herbert Hoover was under the impression that the stock market crash of 1929 was a simple market correction, that it would go away if everybody just acted like everything was normal, and that markets simply do these things from time to time. Billboards circa 1930 with the blurb "Wasn't the depression terrible?" kind of summed up his tone-deaf approach to massive unemployment and runs on banks. He honestly believed that government intervention was not the answer.

By the time Roosevelt took office in 1933, he understood that no quick solutions were to be had. He did start a lot of public works projects, like the Works Projects Administration (which gave a lot of people short-term employment teaching, painting post office murals, and cleaning up public lands) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (which put a lot of broke farmers to work putting a utilities infrastructure in place in parts of the South, putting the pieces of a post-agricultural economy in place).

He also instituted several "bank holidays" to discourage panic-driven depositors from taking all their money out of their banks. Austerity became the new normal in America and stayed that way until the US entered World War II.


How did U.S. foreign policy change in the aftermath of WWII, and what influenced these changes?



From the end of World War II until the 1990s, Communist advances

(mainly by the Soviet Union) in the world-community had a direct

and profound effect upon American foreign policy.


hope this helps

Impact (good and bad) of Pablo Escobar in society



A negative thing could be that drugs and illegal substances are being distributed. A good thing could be that people could have a job that they could use to provide for themselves or there families.



Bad: Pablo was responsible for 80% of the drugs transported to the US in the 80's


Good: He did give a sanctuary to the people of Columbia, they idolized him for it. He gave them homes, money, food, schools etc. Yet this was all in to win the people's favor to get fame and to be nominated and win titles.

List the characteristics of a civilization.


While the characteristics are debated, there are six commonly recognized ones that make up a civilization. These traits include Social/Economic Classes, Art and Architecture, Written Language, Area, Government, and Religion.

To go deeper into each of these characteristics:

-Area: The area of a civilization is where it resides. Things like a capital city, states or city-states, and the borders of the civilization would all fall into this category.

-Written Language: As it states in the title, having a language to speak and write in is important for communication, collaboration, and historical documentation.

-Art and Architecture: Art and Architecture are the two most common creative pieces that make a civilization unique. Architecture can create monuments, bridges, or even just houses that make the civilization stick out, while art can range from creative expression to useful products such as pottery.

-Government: A government, to some degree, is required to ensure that the civilization has rules and those rules are enforced. In a civilization, there needs to be a leader or group of leaders to confirm that the laws will be followed.

-Religion: Whether a religion is in place or none at all, it's important for a civilization to have a standard set of beliefs. Religion can create certain buildings such as churches, can inspire philosophers and scientists, and can ensure greater quality of life.

-Social/Economic Classes: There must be some sort of hierarchy in place no matter the style of government. Whether it's based on wages, power, or occupation, there must be some form of greater than/ lesser than in place when it comes to power.

Hope this helped! :)

One reason the United States fought in the Spanish-American War was because it had large business interests in Cuba.



The answer is TRUE not false

Hope this helps!

Which choice correctly explains the meaning of this amendment?
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by
the people.
-Amendment IX, Bill of Rights, 1789
A. Citizens may have other rights not listed in the first eight
B. Citizens may use their rights to overturn expressed federal and
state powers.
C. Citizens may seek further amendments to revise and exterà the
Bill of Rights.
D. Citizens may petition the government to uphold their constitutional


I think it’s A but I might be wrong

What United States policies have affected Mexico?



The United States and Mexico have a long history of cooperation on environmental and natural resource issues, particularly in the border area, where there are challenges caused by rapid population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. Cooperative activities between the United States and Mexico take place under a number of arrangements


How was the location of the capital city-state determined during the Shang dynasty? Did this shift in power help or hurt the kingdom?



sample: The location of the kingdom’s capital depended on which city-state was the most powerful at the time. The location would shift each time a new city-state gained power. This caused the different city-states to be at war constantly, trying to gain the most power. It hurt the kingdom and caused conflict and strife.


The most dominant city-state at any given moment determined where the kingdom's capital would be. With each rise in power of a new city-state, the location would change. Due to this, the many city-states engaged in perpetual warfare in an effort to consolidate their dominance. It damaged the kingdom and sparked a fight and a fight.

What is Shang dynasty?

Tang Shang, a general, was the first Shang emperor. A dynasty is a succession of kings from the same family or line; there were thirty Shang Emperors. The Shang used mud and wood to construct their homes and public structures. To prevent flooding, they created mud banks.

The Shang gods Fuxi and Nuwa are credited with creating humanity. They were a twin brother and sister team, frequently depicted as having human faces and snake-like bodies.

Thus, The most dominant city-state at any given moment determined where the kingdom's capital would be.

For more information about Shang dynasty, click here:



true or false both sides thought that the civil war would be over over quickly



Hope this helps you!

The answer will be True

Hope this can help you out :D

The law of demand states that price and quantity demanded move in ____ directions

a. similar
b. opposite
c. parallel
d. identical





i just took the test




i am doing the test rn bro

True or false questions
1)The Constitution gives specific powers to the Federal government but there are no specific powers given to the state governments.
2)Concurrent powers are ones that belong to the national government.
3)The states and the state constitution's specify how local governments can be established and organized.
4)The Federal government can 'strongly encourage' the states to adopt certain rules or laws by distributing or withholding federal monies to them.
5)Laws at the local level are superior to laws at the state level.
6)Because people can drive from state to state on federal highways, cars and vehicles much be registered with the national government.
7)All 50 states have 3 branches of government.
8)All 50 states have a bicameral state legislature.
9)Veto power: State governors do not have the same veto power as the President does. They cannot veto legislation passed by the state legislatures.
10)Using the initiative process, citizens can have future laws placed on the ballot for the citizens to vote on.
11)States need to generate all their funds / monies through taxes and fees because the Federal government does not give any money to the states.



1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

11. F



1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

11. F


Where did the strongest tornado occur? Oklahoma Nevada Florida South Dakota





Central Oklahoma holds the record for both the largest and the strongest tornadoes ever recorded. A tornado that touched down in El Reno, Oklahoma, on May 31, 2013, measured 2.6 miles wide at one point, easily breaking the record for the widest tornado ever observed.

The strongest tornado occur  in Oklahoma. Thus option (A) is correct.

What is tornado?

A tornado is a violent and rapidly rotating column of air that forms from severe thunderstorms and reaches the ground.

Tornadoes can cause significant damage to buildings and infrastructure, and they can also cause injury or loss of life.

The tornadoes form when there is a change in wind direction and increase in wind speed with height, which creates a horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere.

This horizontal spinning can then be tilted vertically by winds in the upper atmosphere, creating a rotating column of air. When this column of air touches the ground, it becomes a tornado.

The strongest tornado occur  in Oklahoma. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about tornado here:



6) This Egyptian leader united Upper and Lower Egypt and was the first


The answer is Narmer (sometimes known as Menes)

In the context of this quote, what does it mean to "preserve western civilization”?



defend against a communist attack


During the tense years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were in permanent conflict of interest about the economy and political issues in the world. The Soviet Union wanted to spread Communism around the World. They controlled or influenced countries such as Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland or Cuba, meanwhile, the United States tried by every mean to prevent or stop the spread of Communism.





Most of the people who traveled along the Oregon Trail tended to be all of the following EXCEPT: A) young B) merchants and traders C) with their families D)fairly well-off


d) fairly well-off is my guess because the people who traveled were young they wanted more land and a better life. Some did seek business opportunities so there where merchants and traders. There were a lot of families traveling together.

Who did Washington choose to lead the State Department?


In selecting the four members of his first cabinet—Thomas Jefferson as secretary of state, Alexander Hamilton as secretary of treasury, Henry Knox as secretary of war, and Edmund Randolph as attorney general—Washington balanced the two parties evenly. But he leaned with especial weight upon Hamilton, who supported his scheme for the federal assumption of state debts, took his view that the bill establishing the Bank of the United States was constitutional, and in general favoured strengthening the authority of the federal government.


Thomas Jefferson


Chosen by President Washington, Thomas Jefferson was America's first Secretary of State (March 22, 1790, to December 31, 1793). Jefferson managed to balance the country’s vulnerable geopolitical situation, combining caution towards expanding federal powers, and advocating for territorial and commercial development. In the war between Britain and France, Jefferson supported France, but his strategy was restrained by Washington’s inclination to neutrality.

who won the 1848presidential election


Answer: Zachary Taylor


He won with 163 votes against Lewis Cass ( 127 votes) and Martin Van Buren ( 0 votes.) The 1848 United States presidential election was the 16th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 1848. In the aftermath of the Mexican–American War, General Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party defeated Senator Lewis Cass of the Democratic Party. The contest was the first presidential election that took place on the same day in every state, and it was the first time that Election Day was statutorily a Tuesday.


Zachary Taylor


On November 7th, 1848, Zachary Taylor won the election for the Whig Party. He defeated the Democratic candidate Lewis Cass and the Free Soil candidate Martin Van Buren.

Taylor won the electoral college 163 to 127 to 0. He also won the popular vote with about 100,000 more votes than Cass, and roughly 1 million more than van Buren.

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