What are the strongest three arguments that go against Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the national anthem?


Answer 1



Pro 1

When one believes the United States is not living up to its ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, kneeling during the national anthem is appropriate and justified.

Colin Kaepernick said, “I’m not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color… To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Many other athletes have since refused to stand for the national anthem for similar reasons.  Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall, who also has knelt during the national anthem, said, “the message is I’m against social injustice… I’m not against the military or police or America at all.”  NASCAR official and Army veteran Kirk Price, who kneeled during the anthem at a June 2020 race, stated, “I fully respect the flag… That’s not what the issue is here. The issue is African Americans being oppressed for so long under the flag… But to be honest with you, I know what the flag stands for and I know about Black people being oppressed because I am one.”

Con 1

Kneeling during the national anthem shows disrespect for the flag and members of the armed forces.

The national anthem pays respect to the people who have risked their lives, been injured, or died defending the United States. Carole Isham, a great-great-great-granddaughter of the writer of the national anthem (Francis Scott Key) stated that “it just blows my mind that somebody like (Kaepernick) would do what he does to dishonor the flag of this country and the national anthem when we have young men and women overseas fighting for this country, people that have died for this country.” Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints quarterback, supported Kaepernick’s message but disagreed with the delivery: “t’s an oxymoron that you’re sitting down, disrespecting that flag that has given you the freedom to speak out.” Brees reiterated his position on June 3, 2020 in the wake of the George Floyd killing. However, in light of the backlash that followed, Brees retracted his statement. In reaction, on June 5, 2020, President Trump tweeted, “OLD GLORY is to be revered, cherished, and flown high… “We should be standing up straight and tall, ideally with a salute, or a hand on heart. There are other things you can protest, but not our Great American Flag – NO KNEELING!”

Pro 2

When a national figure such as an NFL player kneels during the national anthem, it shocks people into paying attention and generates conversation.

Many people were shocked and offended when Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and the resulting debate has continued as additional players joined the protest. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell originally disagreed with those actions, but later praised what he called a movement from protest to progress: “I truly respect our players wanting to speak out and change the community… We want them to use that voice.” Social media has given a voice to strong opinions on both sides, including members of the armed forces who express support Kaepernick’s right to protest by posting under the hashtag

Con 2

Kneeling during the national anthem is an ineffective and counterproductive way to promote a cause.

Clemson University football coach Dabo Swinney said in a press conference: “I don’t think it’s good to be a distraction to your team. I don’t think it’s good to use your team as the platform.”  President Obama expressed concern that not standing for the national anthem can get in the way of the message: “As a general matter, when it comes to the flag the national anthem and the meaning that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who’ve fought for us — that is a tough thing for them to get past to then hear what his [Kaepernick’s] deeper concerns are.” Malcolm Jenkins, safety for the Philadelphia Eagles, supported Kaepernick’s message but said, “My grandfather served [in the military]. And this is a country that I love. So, me not standing for the national anthem isn’t really going to get me the results that I want.”

Answer 2

















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B) Dual citizenship
C) Jus sanguinis
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Dual citizenship, a method, is used to Sandra a citizen of the United States. Thus, option (a) is correct.

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A person who holds legal nationality and is accorded that nation's rights and protections is referred to as a “citizen.”

Dual citizenship refers to having citizenship in two nations at once, sharing the rights and obligations of each nation's citizens. Based on its unique policies, each nation has its own nationality laws.

As a result, option (b) is correct.

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The outcome of the Revolutionary War was affected by Spain  when it aided Britain's loss by surreptitiously sending food and equipment to the colonies.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


depends on what revolutionary war you are referring to. if its the american revolutionary war then Spain aided america by sending ships. if you've ever heard of the musical Hamilton it explains this point in time.

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In the event of the President's removal, death, or resignation, the Vice President succeeds him. When the President or Vice President dies, is removed, or resigns, it clarifies what happens to the Presidency, and how the President is temporarily replaced. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice President, the President nominates a Vice President who is confirmed by both Houses of Congress.The Vice President and a majority of the House and Senate can remove the President.

The 25th Amendment is vital for:

This amendment is required because it specifies what happens if a president or vice president is absent.


Prior to the 25th Amendment, the office of the vice president was left vacant 18 times. Once a vice president left office, it remained vacant until the next presidential election because there were no procedures in place to name a new vice president. Constitutionally, the vice president has few responsibilities other than ceremonial duties, but modern presidents often rely heavily on their vice presidents. The absence of a vice president can be quite burdensome on a president. The importance of the 25th Amendment was illustrated shortly after its ratification with the scandals surrounding Vice President Agnew and President Nixon. Amid the scandals, there were no questions about the procedures to follow in the event of Agnew or Nixon’s resignations.


What are "demographics"?
O A. The statistics of rural farming
O B. The decisions of how people vote
O C. The statistics of urban banking
O D. The characteristics of a population of people





a demographic refers distinct characteristics

of a population..

some examples of demographic are age and education

Demographics refer to statistical data that describes the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, education level, income, ethnicity, and more. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is the meaning of demographics?

Demographics refers to statistical data that describes a particular population, such as age, gender, income, education level, race, and geographic location.

This data can be used to understand the characteristics and behaviors of a group of people, which can be helpful in developing targeted marketing strategies, designing public policy, or conducting research.

Demographics can also be used to analyze trends and changes within a population over time. The term "demographics" comes from the Greek words "demos," meaning "people," and "graphy," meaning "writing."

For example, demographic information can help a business identify potential customers and develop marketing strategies that target specific groups of people.

Governments can use demographic data to plan public services such as healthcare, education, and housing. Demographic information is also important for researchers and policymakers to understand how populations are changing over time and to identify social and economic trends that may require intervention or support.

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karena mereka tingal disana dan mencari tempat hangat untuk istirahat atau bertedih


maaf kalau salah

A story element is an important

A - chapter in a story.
B - part of a story.
C - picture in a story.
D - fact in a story.



D - fact in a story.


Indirect Democracy/Republic/
Modern “Constitutional
Monarchy" definition?


Answer: give me brainliest


A constitutional monarchy, parliamentary monarchy, or democratic monarchy is a form of monarchy in which the monarch exercises authority in accordance with a written or unwritten constitution.

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The establishment of Pakistan as an interdependent Muslim state.


Hope it helps


The establishment of Pakistan as an independent Muslim state

Robert Boyle made the biggest Impact on science by.



discovering that heat was the result of moving particles. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Known for his law of gases, Boyle was a 17th-century pioneer of modern chemistry. Every general-chemistry student learns of Robert Boyle (1627–1691) as the person who discovered that the volume of a gas decreases with increasing pressure and vice versa—the famous Boyle's law.


Please answer, I need it asap




(Note: You put this question in the "History" section so not a lot of people will answer since it doesn't seem to have anything to do with history. Next time put it in "Math" so people will be able to be more help. Its kind of confusing when there is a question in the wrong section.)


First, substitute the variables out using the given numbers...

x = 6, y=8, z=6 so..


Secondly, we have to solve this.

6+8 = 14

6(14) = 84

So your answer is


Hope this helps :)




z ( x + y ) = 6 * (6+8) = 6 * 14 = 84

Which is true of televangelists?
A. They generally opposed government positions.
B. They preached using mass communication.
C. They supported the hippie counterculture.
D. They never asked for money.



B. They preached using mass communication


Since televangelists were primarily focused on religion (thus the name, televangelist), which is an area that plays a large part in social conservatism, the answer would be A.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The statement that is true of televangelists is They preach using mass communication. Thus the correct option is B.

What are televangelists?

Televangelism is the practice of spreading Christianity using media for broadcasting preaching, and the name "televangelist" is used to denote this practice.

Radio and television are the two media that are most frequently utilized for televangelism. A televangelist ensures that his message is broadcast on radio and television because these two media are widely available.

The Moral Majority aimed to influence conservative Citizens to make decisions on topics that were significant in their perspective. To win over supporters, a number of strategies were employed.

Therefore, option B preached using mass communication is appropriate.

Learn more about televangelists, here:



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The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

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O George McClellan
O Robert E. Lee
O Ulysses S. Grant
O William Tecumseh Sherman


Answer: D) William Tecumseh Sherman



William Tecumseh Sherman


Sherman and his men torched everything that had any kind of military value in Atlanta. They then marched towards the sea leaving a trail of destruction throughout Georgia in the process.

Which statement describes joint committees?



They contain members from both major political parties.

Once created, they will continue to function unless disbanded by the passage of a law.


They contain members from both major political parties.

Once created, they will continue to function unless disbanded by the passage of a law. Or A

joint committee - Committees including membership from both houses of Congress. Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation. Chairmanship usually alternates between the House and Senate members from Congress to Congress.

Plsss helpp , marking brainliest as well


The order would be 7000 BC then 6000 BC, then AD 250 and finally AD 450.

I need help on the crossing movie

1. How many Hessians were taken prisoner and how many Americans were killed or wounded at the Battle of Trenton?

2. How many months after the American Declaration of Independence was the Battle of Trenton fought?

3. In the Battle of Trenton, the Continentals outnumbered the Hessians almost 2 to 1. The Hessians were surprised and were poorly led. Why was this victory considered so important?

4. Where did the Hessians come from and why were they fighting for the British?

5. What would probably have happened to the American Revolution had Washington not crossed the Delaware and engaged the Hessians at Trenton at the end of December, 1776?

6. One of the memorable incidents shown in the film is Washington making a joke at the expense of General Knox, his commander of artillery. The novelist and screenwriter, Howard Fast, found a reference to this in the memoirs of some of the soldiers who were present. What role did Washington's joke play in his leadership at the Battle of Trenton?

7. Describe three actions other than cracking the joke about General Knox that Washington took which showed leadership at Trenton.

8. Washington was described as one of those rare few who, under fire, appeared to be without fear. Why is this important in a military leader?

9. After the battle, the character of General Greene asks the character of General Washington to speak with Colonel Rall before Rall dies. Washington replies: "Do you want me to weep for those b******, men who kill for profit?" General Greene responds that: "Our own cause at its heart is a fight against taxation, is it not? In the end, we all kill for profit, the British and the Hessians and us." Do you agree with the character of General Greene that the American Revolution was fought for money?

10. (Be honest; Don't deceive, cheat or steal; Be reliable -- do what you say you'll do; Have the courage to do the right thing; Build a good reputation; Be loyal -- stand by your family, friends and country) The Battle of Trenton shows the Continental troops demonstrating this Pillar. What did they do?



did u actually type all this

dude u got time

just eat and sleep

what was a result of the twenty-fourth amendment



On this date in 1962, the House passed the 24th Amendment, outlawing the poll tax as a voting requirement in federal elections, by a vote of 295 to 86. At the time, five states maintained poll taxes which disproportionately affected African-American voters: Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas.

Prohibition on any poll taxes in elections

Which of these services were provided by the Freedmen’s Bureau?
legal help and membership in political parties
legal help and schools for African Americans
medical care and small plots of land for rent
medical care and employment in city factories


Legal help and schools for African Americans is the answer.

3 How many wars were fought against the Xhosa Kingdom?



3 to 7 wars


hope it helps!!!


Nine wars


Nine wars were fought against the Xhosa Kingdom

What was the Antifederalists' main reason for opposing the new Constitution? What addition to the
Constitution helped ease this opposition?


The Antifederalists opposed it because they thought it would bring too much power into one national body, the Constitution. Their idea was that equal authority should be spread among all states so individual rights can be protected. Although the Federalists thought it would unnecessary, they still promised for a Bill of Rights in order to compromise with the Antifederalists to establish the Constitution.

Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
Globalization is growing less important as time passes,
The world is becoming more globalized and connected,
Globalization has resulted in fewer connections among countries,
O Countries are growing less likely to wade with one another



The world is becoming more globalized and connected.

porque medusa era diferente a otras mujeres en su entorno?


According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters born to Keto and Phorkys, two primordial sea gods; Medusa was mortal, while the others, Stheno and Euryale, were immortal.

China uses its lumber supply to make millions of __________ each year. A. shoes B. weapons C. chop sticks D. bamboo drums Please select the best answer from the choices provided


C. chop sticks, China uses its lumber to millions of chop sticks.


Your answer would be C hope that helps you out


What best describes the protests at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago



Protestors Take Over Lincoln Park

In July 1968, MOBE and yippie activists applied for permits to camp at Lincoln Park and hold rallies at the International Amphitheatre, Soldier Field and Grant Park. Hoping to dilute the protestors’ momentum, Mayor Daley approved only one permit to protest at the bandshell at Grant Park.

About a week before the convention, despite not having permission, thousands of protestors—many of them from out of state and from middle-class families—set up camp at Lincoln Park, about ten miles from the Amphitheatre. Expecting resistance, protest leaders organized self-defense training sessions including karate and snake dancing.

In the meantime, Democratic Party delegates began arriving in a Chicago that was rapidly approaching a state of siege: National Guardsmen and policemen met their planes. Their hotels were under heavy guard and the convention Amphitheatre was a virtual fortress.

The answer is What they said ^^

Te parece que la pintura representa una situación de la realidad? Explica.



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Art is characterised in truly representative theory by its capacity to represent reality. This is not to say that art must constantly replicate reality, but it must portray reality in some manner (even if it is through metaphor). As a result, the fundamental link between individuals and art is one of observation rather than feeling.

Why do some people consider the way the media cover candidates for public office bad for democracy
A. People tend to vote for the candidates who they find most appealing, rather than the ones
whose beliefs are most like their own.
B. The media are for-profit businesses, unable to be fair or objective in the interest of the public.
C. Candidates already in office receive more media attention than those who are trying to take their positions
D. People always vote for the person the media determine is most qualified, rather than the
candidate who can bring about change.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. People tend to vote for the candidates who they find most appealing, rather than the ones whose

beliefs are most like their own.



I'm going to pick B because it's another way of saying the media is biased.


Well it's not A. They tend not to think about beliefs at all. Some people just vote. Sometimes people just vote for anyone who promises to give them more than any other candidate.

B: I think that's true now, but in days past it certainly wasn't. Watergate was an example of outstanding media coverage. Fox news is an example of the statement made in B.

C: C is certainly true.  But I don't know that it is the answer.

D: I'd pick D except for the most qualified part. People listen to the media and believe what they are told.

So what's the answer? The problem is that democracy is not the issue or at least not now. If you are talking about the present time, likely the best answer is B.

Who was appointed to write the Declaration of Independence?
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
John Locke
Thomas Paine
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Thomas Jefferson


"A committee of five delegates was appointed by the Second Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence on 11th June 1776.

The committee of five decided that Thomas Jefferson would write the first draft of the document."- History of My America Article

Hope this helps!

Answer: The answer is:

B: Thomas Jefferson


Edge 2023

Hope this h :}

What is the main point Engels is making in this passage?


Industrialization has created poor living conditions for the people.
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