What are the two groups of planets based on composition?


Answer 1
OK so yeah the mercury Venus Earth and Mars a rocky planets and Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune our gaseous planets so I think that’s your answer correct me if I’m wrong:D

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Maya and Kenzie are discussing oil spills and how they impact the environment. How can humans help reduce the impact of oil spills?



Using physical and chemical clean up methods to remove the oil


Will mark brainlest helpp!!!!!!​



I don't know if it is correct or not.

initial velocity=u=0m/sFinal velocity=60km/h=v

Convert to m/s

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto v=60\times \dfrac{5}{18}=16.6m/s[/tex]


We know

[tex]\boxed{\Large{\sf Acceleration=\dfrac{v-u}{t}}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto Acceleration=\dfrac{16.6-0}{300}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto Acceleration=\dfrac{16.6}{300}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto Acceleration=0.05m/s^2[/tex]


Using second equation of kinematics

[tex]\boxed{\Large{\sf s=ut+\dfrac{1}{2}at^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto s=0(300)+\dfrac{1}{2}(0.05)(300)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto s=0.05\times 150^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto s=0.05\times 22500[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto s=1125m[/tex]

If the wave is detected 12.5 minutes after the earthquake, estimate the distance from the detector to the site of the quake​



Remember the relation:

Speed*Time = Distance.

We can estimate that the speed at which an earthquake "moves", in the surface, is:

S = 6km/s  (this is a low estimation actually)

Then if the wave is detected 12.5 minutes after the earthquake, we know that it traveled for 12.5 minutes before reaching the detector.

So we know the speed of the wave and the time it took to reach the detector, then we can use the equation:

Speed*Time = Distance.

to find the distance.

First, we should write the time in seconds

we know that:

1 min = 60 s


12.5 min = 12.5*(60 s) = 750 s

Then, the wave traveled with a speed of 6 km/s for 750 seconds until it reached the detector, then the distance that it traveled is:

(6km/s)*750s = 4500 km

The distance between the detector and the site of the quake is around 4500 km.

5. A child rides a pony on a circular track with a radius of 5 m Find the distance traveled and the placement
after the child has gone halfway around the track (8) Does the distance traveled increase, decrease, or stay the
same when the child completes one circuit of the track? Does the displacement increase, decrease, or stay the
same? Explain. (C) Find the distance and displacement ter a complete circuit of the track


The answer are :

A. Distance = 15.71 m , The displacement = 10 m

B. distance traveled will increase, displacement will decrease

C. The distance = 31.42 m , Displacement = 0

Difference between Distance and Displacement

Distance is a scalar quantity, while displacement is a vector quantity. Displacement is the distance travelled in a specific direction.

Given that a child rides a pony on a circular track with a radius of 5 m, after the child has gone halfway around the track


The distance traveled will be = 2[tex]\pi[/tex]r / 2

The distance = πr

The distance = 22/7 x 5

The distance = 15.71 m

The displacement = 2r

The displacement = 2 x 5

The displacement = 10 m

(B) The distance traveled will increase as the child completes one circle of the track but the displacement will decrease because the displacement in one cycle of a circular motion is zero since it is a vector quantity.

(C) The distance after a complete circuit of the track = 2πr

The distance = 2 × 22/7 × 5

The distance = 31.42 m

The displacement after a complete circuit of the track will be zero.

That is;

Displacement = 0

Therefore, the distance traveled and the displacement after the child has gone halfway around the track are 15.7 m and 10 m respectively. While the distance and displacement after a complete circle of the track are 31.42 m and 0 respectively.

Learn more about Displacement here: https://brainly.com/question/2109763


b. The role of the moon is greater than that of the sun in the occurrence of tides. ???​


Our sun is 27 million times larger than our moon. Based on its mass, the sun's gravitational attraction to the Earth is more than 177 times greater than that of the moon to the Earth. If tidal forces were based solely on comparative masses, the sun should have a tide-generating force that is 27 million times greater than that of the moon. However, the sun is 390 times further from the Earth than is the moon. Thus, its tide-generating force is reduced by 3903, or about 59 million times less than the moon. Because of these conditions, the sun’s tide-generating force is about half that of the moon.

Algunos estudiantes de tu promoción consideran que se debería aumentar el número de horas semanales de Educación Física. Otros consideran que el número de horas debería mantenerse. Escribe un artículo de opinión en el que presentes tu punto de vista sobre este tema y al menos tres razones que justifiquen tu postura. Tu artículo se publicará en el periódico escolar La Voz.
una ayuda plis :c


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Te compartimos las tres ideas que te pueden ayudar para hacer tu artículo.


La Educación Física, una prioridad para las escuelas.

Existe una frase milenaria que se le atribuye a los griegos que dice "Mente sana en cuerpo sano."

Y es muy cierta.

Las escuelas deberían considerar seriamente aumentar el número de horas semanales para la impartición de la educación física por las siguientes razones.

1.- La educación física es vital para el desarrollo físico del estudiante. Desde los grados más básicos, las escuelas deberían fortalecer la enseñanza de la educación física por motivos de salud, y dejar este buen hábito en los alumnos para toda la vida.

2.- La educación física, mejora el rendimiento académico ya que ayuda oxigenando los músculos, fortaleciendo el cerebro para que pueda concentrase mejor, despeja a los alumnos de tal forma que puedan regresar a los salones e clase más "despiertos."

3.- La educación física sirve para introducir la importancia de practicar deporte toda la vida, y hacerlo en la etapa escolar a través de equipos deportivos como el Futbol Americano, el beisbol, el basquetbol, el volibol, el soccer, y otros tantos.

Este idea del trabajo en equipo a través del deporte es muy importante para desarrollar habilidades como el liderazgo, el compromiso, la constancia y el superar la adversidad.

El profesor de educación física debe enseñarte la forma correcta de respirar cuando haces ejercicio, la importancia de la relajación del cuerpo para iniciar una actividad. El profesor debe hacer énfasis en la etapa del calentamiento y el estiramiento para preparar al cuerpo antes de realizar el ejercicio. Así como muchas otras enseñanzas.

Por esa razón, las escuelas deberían considerar seriamente la posibilidad de aumentar las horas de educación física por semana.

How many meters are in 10 miles?





16093.44 meters…….. ….

Como surgiu a capoeira?


La capoeira se desarrolló en Brasil, derivada de las tradiciones traídas a través del Océano Atlántico por africanos esclavizados y alimentadas por el ardiente deseo de libertad. Pronto se practicó ampliamente en las plantaciones como un medio para romper los lazos de la esclavitud, tanto física como mentalmente.

When the apple fall towards tje earth tje earth move up to meet the apple.Os it true.If yes why is the earth motion not noticeable




It was Newton's genius that saw that it was true. He also realized that if it was true, the motion the earth experience would be unmeasurably small, especially in his time. Their instruments were just not good enough: crude and too approximate would be better descriptions.

How does 'g' vary from place to place?​



The acceleration g varies by about 1/2 of 1 percent with position on Earth's surface, from about 9.78 metres per second per second at the Equator to approximately 9.83 metres per second per second at the poles.

Hydroplaning causes your front wheels to actually leave the pavement and the wheels are riding on a thin layer of water. This lack of traction with the pavement takes away your control of the vehicle. To regain control of your vehicle you should___________.


Answer: Remove your foot from the gas pedal and slow down


Hydroplaning also refers to aquaplaning and this refers to the scenario whereby there's a layer of water that builds between the tyres of a car and the surface of the road which then brings about a loss of traction which eventually leads to a situation whereby the car doesn't respond to control inputs.

This lack of traction with the pavement takes away your control of the vehicle and to regain control of the vehicle, one should remove your foot from the gas pedal and slow down.

Straight wire of indefinite length (transient) passed by an electric current of 5.0 A. The magnetic field generated around this conductor at point M is 50 μT. Thus the distance from the conductor to point M is:

A. 2π cm

B. 0.2π cm

C. 2.0 cm

D. 0.20 cm​



C. 2.0 cm


The magnetic field around the wire at point M is given by Biot-Savart Law:

[tex]B = \frac{\mu_o I}{2\pi R}[/tex]


B = Magnetic field = 50 μT = 5 x 10⁻⁵ T

I = current = 5 A

μ₀ = permeability of free space = 4π x 10⁻⁷ N/A²

R = distance of point M from wire = ?


[tex]5\ x\ 10^{-5}\ T = \frac{(4\pi\ x\ 10^{-7}\ N/A^2)(5\ A)}{2\pi R}\\\\R = \frac{(2\ x\ 10^{-7}\ N/A^2)(5\ A)}{5\ x\ 10^{-5}\ T}\\[/tex]

R = 0.02 m = 2 cm

Hence, the correct option is:

C. 2.0 cm

How does electric force affect an atom?

O A. It keeps the neutrons in the atom.

B. It pushes the neutrons away from the protons.

O c. It pushes the electron away from the protons.

D. It keeps the electrons in the atom.


C is the most reasonable answer

standard unit definition​



Standard units are the units we usually use to measure the weight, length or capacity of objects.



Potassium’s atomic number is 19, and its atomic mass is approximately 39. How many neutrons does potassium have?









Atomic number is same as the number of protons of an atom and atomic mass is equal to the sum of number of protons and number of neutrons of an atom.

Atomic number = 19

So, number of protons (p) = 19

Atomic mass = 39

So, sum of number of neutrons and number of protons (n + p) = 39

Number of neutons (n)

= (n + p) - p

= 39 - 19

= 20

Potassium’s atomic number is 19, and its atomic mass is approximately 39, then Potassium would have 20 neutrons present inside its nucleus, therefore the correct answer is option C.

What is the atomic number?

The total number of protons present in an atom is known as the atomic number of that atom. The atomic number has no correlation either with the number of neutrons or the number of electrons present inside an atom.

While the atomic mass of an atom is the sum of the total number of protons and the number of neutrons present inside of any atom.

atomic number= total number of protons

atomic mass = total number of protons + total number of the neutrons

As given in the problem Potassium’s atomic number is 19, this means Potassium has 19 protons

Potassium has an atomic mass of about 39

39 = total number of protons + total number of the neutrons

39 = 19 +  total number of the neutrons

total number of the neutrons = 39-19


Since potassium has an atomic mass of about 39 and an atomic number of 19, it would have 20 neutrons in its nucleus. Option C is the right response.

Learn more about the atomic number from here



1. How much heat energy ( Q ) is required to heat 2.0 kg of copper from 30.0 oC to 80.0 oC?





I looked it up so it may be wrong

TUOI 7. A stone dropped from a window reaches the ground in 1.5 seconds. Calculate the height of the window above the ground​


The height of the window above the ground is 11.025m

The first step is to write out the parameters given in the question

U(initial velocity)= 0

Time= 1.5 seconds

Acceleration due to gravity= 9.8

Therefore the height of the window can be calculated as follows

S= ut + 1/2gt²

= 0(1.5) + 1/2(9.8)(1.5²)

= 0 + 1/2(9.8)(2.25)

=  1/2(22.05)

= 0.5×22.05

= 11.025

Hence the height of the window above the ground is 11.025m

Click on the link below to learn more


I need help asap please​



I dont know answer Sorry For that thank u

1. Car A is heading East at 25 m/s and car B is also heading East at 25 m/s. What is the relative velocity between car A
and car B? How would the passenger in Car A describe Car B's motion


The relative velocity between Car A and Car B is 0 m/s

Since Car A is heading East at 25 m/s, its velocity is u = + 25 m/s. (since it is moving in the positive x- direction)

Also, car B is also heading East at 25 m/s, its velocity is v = + 25 m/s. (since it is moving in the positive x- direction)

So, the relative velocity between car A and Car B is V = velocity of car A - velocity of car B.

So, V = u - v

V = + 25 m/s - (+ 25 m/s)

V = + 25 m/s - 25 m/s

V = 0 m/s

So, the relative velocity between Car A and Car B is 0 m/s

The passenger in Car A would describe Car B's motion as stationary.

Since Car A is heading East at 25 m/s and car B is also heading East at 25 m/s, both cars are moving at a velocity of + 25 m/s.

Since their relative velocity is 0 m/s, it would appear to a passenger in Car A that car B is stationary according to motion from car A's reference frame.

So, the passenger in Car A would describe Car B's motion as stationary.

Any particle in this platform who belongs to the planet mars or venus or maybe neptune or from uranus or maybe mercury or jupiter i guess



Ever since the discovery of Pluto in 1930, kids grew up learning that the solar system has nine planets. That all changed in the late 1990s, when astronomers started arguing about whether Pluto was indeed a planet. In a highly controversial decision, the International Astronomical Union ultimately decided in 2006 to designate Pluto as a "dwarf planet," reducing the list of the solar system's true planets to just eight.

Una onda se propaga en un medio P, de tal forma que recorre una distancia 8D en un tiempo 4T. La misma onda cuando se propaga por un medio Q recorre una distancia 4D en el mismo tiempo anterior, es decir, en 4T. Respecto a esta onda es correcto afirmar que *


Sabemos todo material tiene asociado un coeficiente de difracción n.

De tal forma que la velocidad de una onda electromagnetica que viaja a travez de dicho material, será:

v = c/n

donde c es la velocidad de la luz.

Con la información dada, podremos concluir que el coeficiente de difracción del medio Q es dos veces el del medio P.

Ahora veamos como llegamos a esto:

Sabemos que en el medio P, la onda recorre una distancia 8*D en un tiempo 4*T

entonces la velocidad de la onda en el medio P es:

[tex]V_p = \frac{8*D}{4*T} = 2*\frac{D}{T}[/tex]

Mientras que en el medio Q, recorre una distancia 4*D en un tiempo 4*T, por lo que la velocidad en el medio Q será:

[tex]V_Q = \frac{4*D}{4*T} = \frac{D}{T}[/tex]

Podemos ver que:

[tex]V_P = 2*V_Q[/tex]

Reescribiendo las velocidades como el cociente entre la velocidad de la luz y el correspondiente coeficiente de difracción obtenemos:

[tex]\frac{c}{n_P} = 2*\frac{c}{n_Q} \\\\n_Q = 2*n_P[/tex]

Es decir, podemos concluir que el coeficiente de difracción del medio Q es dos veces el del medio P.

Si quieres aprender más sobre el tema, puedes leer:


Mass stays the for an object even when or gravitational forces change the of the object.​



For some reason it doesn't let me type it in here so the answer is in the comment box!

I hope this will help you!:)

when a .... cause an object to move through a ...., the .... on the object



velocity - the speed with a direction. Thus, inertia could be redefined as follows: Inertia: tendency of an object to resist changes in its velocity. ... Such an object will not change its state of motion (i.e., velocity) unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

what will happen to the gravitational force between two bodies if the distance between them is halved keeping their masses constant ?..


Since Fg=(Gm1m2)/r^2, if the masses are halted the gravitational force will be effected as well. In this case, the gravitational force would be lessened as well.

I need help. Please explain




if (running == null) {

var running = null; console.log("Program Loading...");

var iframe = document.getElementById("stageFrame");

for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

 setInterval(function() {

  if (running == null) { running = true; console.log('Program Loaded! Enjoy!') }

  if (iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByClassName('FrameRight') != null) { iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByClassName('FrameRight')[0].onclick(); }

  if (iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("invis-o-div") != null) { iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("invis-o-div").remove(); }



} else {

console.log("Program already running!")



what is the chance of my hand going through a table when hitting it



There is a 1 in roughly 5.2 to the 61st power chance that if you were to slap a table, all of the molecules in your hand and the table would miss each other and your hand would go through it.


I'm not sure but I hope it helps

Please please help me out I’m lost



Option B

The correct answer is 2



look slope is

delta y / delta x

y2 - y1 / x2 - x1

look at the figure i attached i took any random 2 points and drew line till the x and y axes as it is straight line slope is constant we can take any 2 points

so as per points i took

( 8-4 ) / ( 2-4 )

4/-2 = -2

so slope is -2 which is constant throughout

brainliest pweaseeee

Which two changes to the can opener would increase its mechanical efficiency?
A shorten the paddle so that they are closer in size to the axle that they turn
B grease the rotating wheel of the opener so that there is less breaks in between moving parts
C replaced it with a straight handle the act as levers with shorter pieces of metal
D sand the cutting surface of the metal piece so that it is perfectly smooth and sharp





why a person feel weightlessness in a spacecraft orbiting around a heavenly body​



The orbital velocity an aircraft orbiting around a heavenly body is found as follows;

At the orbital velocity, [tex]F_G[/tex] = [tex]F_C[/tex]


[tex]F_G[/tex] = The gravitational force = [tex]\dfrac{G \cdot M \cdot m}{R_E^2}[/tex]

[tex]F_C[/tex] = The centripetal force = [tex]\dfrac{m \cdot v_0^2}{R_E}[/tex]


[tex]v_0 = \sqrt{\dfrac{G \cdot M}{R_E} }[/tex]

Therefore, at the orbital velocity of the spacecraft, the centripetal force attracting the person away from the central region heavenly body is equal to the gravitational force pulling the person towards the center of the heavenly body (which was felt as her or his weight), and the person feels weightless while inside the orbiting spacecraft


(This is for other people with this Question i hope you find this when you need help) Need answer for this Help!!!
Question 7 of 20 You plan to use a slingshot to launch a ball that has a mass of 0.025 kg. You want the ball to accelerate straight toward your target at 19 m/s2. How much force do you need to apply to the ball? O A. 19.03 N OB. 0.48 N O C. 4.51 N D. 760.00 N​





according to the second law of motion


the mass in this question is 0.025,the acceleration 19

therefore f=0.025×19


I hope this helps

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