what are the types of senes


Answer 1
The types of senses are:
Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing and Touch
Answer 2


Sight, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Touch, Vestibular and Proprioception.


These are the seven main and major types of senses of the human body.

Related Questions

Which specific anatomical features are found in the upper axial region


The axial body runs right down the center (axis) and consists of everything except the limbs, meaning the head, neck, thorax (chest and back), abdomen, and pelvis. The appendicular body consists of appendages, otherwise known as upper and lower extremities (which you call arms and legs).

____ are white blood cells that group together to destroy foreign organisms.



c) leukocytes


Leukocytes (also called white blood cells) are a cellular component of the blood that lacks hemoglobin, has a nucleus and is capable of motility, They defend the body against infection and disease by: ingesting foreign materials and cellular debris; by destroying infectious agents and cancer cells

A doctor diagnoses a patient with depression. Which symptom most likely helped the doctor confirm this diagnosis?

behaving recklessly on occasion
decreasing use of alcohol
feeling overwhelmed with intense guilt and anger
weight gain over the past year


I would say feeling overwhelmed with intense guilt and anger

Feeling overwhelmed with intense guilt and anger helped the doctor confirm the diagnosis. So, the correct option is (C).

What is Depression?

Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression which affects how we feel, think and behave and can cause a variety of emotional and physical problems.

There is no single cause of depression which can be caused by many reasons and has many different triggers. In many people, a distressing or stressful life event, such as bereavement, divorce, illness, extraversion and job or money worries, may be the cause. Different causes can often combine to trigger depression.

Thus, feeling overwhelmed with intense guilt and anger helped the doctor confirm the diagnosis. So, the correct option is (C).

Learn more about Depression, here:



The maxillary portion of the trigeminal nerve ( cranial nerve ) passes through what foramen of the skull?



foramen rotundum


The maxillary portion of the trigeminal nerve passes through foramen rotundum of the skull.


pterygopalatine fossa


maxillary nerve enters the cranium through the foramen rotundum via the pterygopalatine fossa. Its sensory branches reach the pterygopalatine fossa via the inferior orbital fissure (face, cheek and upper teeth) and pterygopalatine canal (soft and hard palate, nasal cavity and pharynx).


Tại sao bột ngọt sẽ làm thịt mềm hơn trong quá trình ướp



axit hoặc enzyme làm mềm.


I need help please ANYONE?????!!!!



ima guess


#5: C

#6: A

What is the Inner layer of skin called?


The subcutis is the innermost layer of the skin, and consists of a network of fat and collagen cells. The subcutis is also known as the hypodermis or subcutaneous layer, and functions as both an insulator, conserving the body's heat, and as a shock-absorber, protecting the inner organs.

Meats, fish, poultry, soy, and eggs are sources of ________ protein.
Group of answer choices









becase they are essential,that is why if you lacking it,it has adefiency

Meats, fish, poultry, soy, and eggs are sources of essential protein.

What are essential proteins?

Proteins are the building blocks of organisms. There are two different types of proteins such as essential proteins and nonessential proteins.

Proteins are required for normal hair and skin growth in the body. There are different proteins such as keratin, myosin, etc.

The body is made up of protein, which may be found in almost every organ, tissue, and body part, including muscle, bone, skin, and hair. It contributes to the production of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in the blood, and enzymes, which drive numerous chemical reactions.

A deficiency of proteins leads to many diseases such as kwashiorkor, marasmus, etc.

Therefore, Meats, fish, poultry, soy, and eggs are sources of essential protein.

To learn more about proteins, refer to the link:



Discuss and give examples of two major types of body membranes


Body membranes are thin sheets of tissue that cover the body, line body cavities, and cover organs within the cavities in hollow organs. Two main categories of body membranes are epithelial and connective tissue membranes

According to OSHA, which of the following is an improper way to handle needles and other sharp devices?



First of all you should never flush needles or any other sharp objects down the toliet. If you are recapping the needles you need to be careful only the unused needles should be recapped FDA says. Don't just throw them away in the trash unless you break the needle part off first so be careful when dealing with needles.


Never flush them down the toilet or throw them in the trash you need to put them in a closed container with a label saying sharp objects

Match the terms with their correct definitions.

1. Hypoventilation
2. Eupnea
3. Dyspnea
4. Apnea

a. rapid breathing
b. normal respiration rate
c. alternating apnea and rapid breathing
d. slow and shallow respiration
e. labored or difficult breathing
f. a condition with brief, frequent pauses in breathing



Eupnea. B

Hypov. D

dyspnea. E

Apnea. F

Which of the following words is generally used to describe what managers do as opposed to what leaders do? a) influence b) organize c) inspire innovate d)



your answer is b organize

How can the growing use of Personal Health Records be used to improve the delivery of health care to the patient?
If a patient can add or delete information in their Personal Health Record, is the PHR the best source of information for a healthcare provider?
When we discuss the health record, we refer to data and information. What is the difference between data and information?


Answer and Explanation:

1. Personal Health Records (PHR) can improve the provision of health care, as it allows the patient to better manage the resources and elements associated with their own health. Through the PHR, the patient can better visualize the highs and lows of their health, observe vaccination records, exam dates and other information that is essential for the patient to recognize their condition and their need for medical care.

2. The PHR is still not the best source of information for a healthcare provider, as it allows the patient to edit and delete information that is essential for healthcare professionals to recognize what the patient needs. This act of editing and deleting information can be triggered by fear of medical treatments, or fear of the costs of these treatments.

3. The data is an element that quantifies the patient's health status, that is, the data are the patient's glucose rate, the number of heart beats per minute, the amount of urea in the patient's urine, among others. Information, on the other hand, refers to the ordering and organization of these data, to the point of conveying a message about the patient's real condition.

As Tania reviews the checks for deposit, she realizes that one of the checks collected for a patient’s co-payment is post dated two days in advance. The office has a clear policy regarding not accepting postdated checks. The deposit slip, which today list 18 checks, already includes the postdated check. What should tania do


Answer: See explanation


Based on the information given in the question, Tania should find the person who paid the check who pays that check and inform the person that is postdated and it's two days in advance.

In this case, the office can't accept such check, Tania can then write another deposit slip which doesn't include the outdated check.

A 32-year-old wife and mother of two children was a bank manager before entering the nursing program. She is finishing a baccalaureate nursing program in a few months. She learns best when she can plan and carry out her own learning activities, uses past experiences to help with current learning, and applies learning immediately. Which learning theory best fits this woman's learning style?

a. Knowles' adult learning theory
b. Bandura's social learning theory
c. The GestaltñField family of theories
d. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory



The correct answer is - a. Knowles' adult learning theory.


In the given case, the behaviors of the woman support Knowles' adult learning theory. Instead of theoretically oriented the woman is an experienced, self-directed learner, and is problem-centered, and is able to apply the new learning immediately.

Other theories have totally different aspects that did not match as social learning depends on role models, Bandura's theory is facilitated learning, and other irrespective to this case.

You will be holding a sales event soon, at which you would like to offer door prizes to attendees. Under guidelines from the Medicare Agency, what types of gifts or prizes would not be allowed in this situation?


Travelling packages and dance party or gathering tickets will not be allowed due to Cov id19 pandemic.

Door prizes are one which every attendee of an event has an equal chance to win wither through lucky draw or some games.

The door prizes can be any gift which sponsors may offer to the attendees of the event.

The tickets are issued at entrance to each attendee and they can have their ticket with them for lucky draw.

Due to current situation of Coviid19, door prizes cannot be tickets to cinemas, some party tickets or travel packages.

The company may offer prizes like, free shopping voucher, some discounted deals for food and giveaways or certificates.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24313375



Gift cards or gift certificates of $15 or less that can be readily converted to cash.


Denise needs to remind all 557 patients that the doctor's office won't be open on Fridays during the summer months. What's the most appropriate way to communicate this information to her patients ?


the most appropriate way to communicate the information would be via email

Veronica and Chelsea are twins that were separated at birth. Chelsea is raised by a family that does not make
much money, lives in a house built from the 1960's and does not have easy access to healthcare. Veronica is
raised by a family that makes a lot of money, lives in a newly built home, has a farm and has access to
healthcare. What conclusions can you make about Chelsea's health as an adult?
O Chelsea's social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.
O Chelsea's social factors increase her risks of a noncommunicable disease.
O Chelsea is most likely to have a healthy lifestyle.
O Chelsea is most likely to end up homeless.



Chelsea's social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.


Veronica and Chelsea are twins that were separated at birth, and while Chelsea is raised by a family that does not make much money, and does not have easy access to healthcare, Veronica is raised by a family that makes a lot of money, lives in a newly built home, has a farm and has access to healthcare.

Therefore, the conclusions that I can make about Chelsea's health as an adult is that her social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.

Some diseases and symptoms are caused by ___________
or external disruptions to the organism.

A. Homeostasis
B. Homeostatic regulation
C. Hydrophobia
D. Homeostatic imbalanced


d. homeostatic imbalance
homeostasis essentially refers to balance in the body, homeostatic regulation refers to the body trying to maintain homeostasis, and hydrophobia is the irrational fear of water. homeostatic imbalance is the opposite of homeostasis
I think the answer is D. (Homeostatic Imbalance)

Which mesenteric artery supplies mostly the right side of the abdomen?



superior mesenteric artery

During psychiatric assessment, the following are sources of data except: a. Interview. b. Internet and social media. C. Reports from the others. d. Observations​



just want points


sorry man

Identify and Match if the grief behavior is associated with Men or Women.
Usually has a more difficult time expressing grief
- openly, since they are mostly expected by society
to be strong and supportive.
May pick up, change their lives, and live many
years after their spouse or life partner has died.
A Women
More often than not sees their spouse or life
B. Men
partner as the person with whom they can talk
and share grief.
Generally, has an easier time expressing grief,
A since they are perceived as needing the support
of others


Answer; Grieving is the outward expression of your loss. Your grief is likely to be expressed physically, emotionally, and psychologically. For instance, crying is a physical expression, while depression is a psychological expression. It is very important to allow yourself to express these feelings. Often, death is a subject that is avoided, ignored or denied. At first it may seem helpful to separate yourself from the pain, but you cannot avoid grieving forever. Someday those feelings will need to be resolved or they may cause physical or emotional illness.

Many people report physical symptoms that accompany grief. Stomach pain, loss of appetite, intestinal upsets, sleep disturbances and loss of energy are all common symptoms of acute grief. Of all life's stresses, mourning can seriously test your natural defense systems. Existing illnesses may worsen or new conditions may develop.

Explanation: i dont know if this helps if not so sorry

Usually has a more difficult time expressing grief is  A woman More often than not sees their spouse or life.

What is grief?

During the course of the death of a loved one, people who express the strongest grief immediately take time to pour more of their grief. They wallow in sadness for a long period of time.

for example:

Crying is a physical expression, and depression is a psychological expression.

It is very significant to allow yourself to articulate these feelings. Often, death is a subject that is evaded, ignored or denied.

Thus, option "A" is correct.

To learn more about grief click here:



Which behavior would best describe someone who has good communication skills with customers ? a) Following up with some customers b) Talking to customers more than listening to them c) Repeating back what the customer says d) Interrupting customers frequently





because b) if we keep talking and not listening the customer would feel disrespected C)if we keep repeating what the customer said he/she would feel like we are teasing him D)if we keep interrupting the customer he/she would feel annoyed and disrespected so that's why we need choose A

How many systems are there in human body?Name them


Answer: There are 11 organ systems .

Explanation: This includes :

. Integumentary system ,

. Skeletal system ,

. Muscular system ,

. Lymphatic system ,

. Respitrory System ,

. Digestive system ,

. Nervous system ,

. Endocrine System ,

. Cardiovascular system ,

. Urinary system ,

. Reproductive system .

xyz medication 50mg, 3 tabs bid x 10 days how many will be dispensed from the pharmacy



139.7 lb


help me ):
Sexual Disorders

Name and describe a sexual disorder that occurs in Men.

Name and describe a sexual disorder that occurs in Women.

Identify and describe three causes of sexual disorders.



1) Erectyle dysfunction (an arousal disorder). When a person has arousal disorder, he or she may be interested in sexual activity, but be unable to get physical satisfaction from it

2) Low sexual desire. This most common of female sexual dysfunctions involves a lack of sexual interest.

3) Alchoholism, drug abuse, high cholestrol

10 extra points to answer quick​


Ethan will pay $240.00

Don would like to get a good grade in his math class, but he received a low score on his math midterm. He is very anxious as he studies for the final exam, which is just a week away. What stage of stress is dom experiencing ?

A) exhaustion
B) acceptance
C) Alarm
D) Resistance





the answer of this question is A one the exhaustion

Don is anxious while preparing for final exam as his grades are not good in maths in midterm exam the condition of Don is shows that he is totally exhausted. Thus option A is correct .

What is exhaustion ?

A state of mind where a person extremely tired or over tired with low energy and a string desire to sleep.

Being tired and exhausted both are different things.Tiredness can be overcome after good sleep but exhaustion is a long term situation which can be overcome after treatment.

Symptoms that's shows a person is exhausted:

Lack of physics and mental energy with inability to stay awake or alert Unable to complete an activity or task due to tiring easily Facing difficulty in concentring memorizing and learning. Emotionally unsatble

Therefore, Don is totally exhausted while preparing for final exams, which just a week away. Thus option A is correct.

Learn more about exhaustion here:



what who’s an acceptable practice in food facility?
washing your cutting board in a food preparation sink when changing from raw food to ready to eat foods
using a clean, damp wiping off the polish customers utensils and glassware
story a serving utensil at a buffet with food content surface directly in the food



All of them


washing your cutting board in a food preparation sink using a clean, damp wiping off the polish customers utensils and glasswarea serving utensil at a buffet with food content surface directly in the food are acceptable practice in food facility.What is food safety?

it is an scientific method which describes

handling preparation and storage of food in ways to that prevent food-borne illness.

hence, food safety standards are very important to prevent food borne illness.

to know more refer :



Taking into account both the odds of allele inheritance and carrier risk, what are the odds that she and her partner will have an affected child if he is of Northern European descent and unknown CF carrier status?
a) 50%
b) 3.5%
c) 1.8%
d) 0%



Option a (50%) is the correct answer.


The autosomal disease does seem to be cystic fibrosis that causes the CFTR gene genetic defect. Throughout this situation, a woman, as well as a male, had already significantly impacted the child. Two very different parents seem to be strange alleles, which appears to mean that it would be Aa that would be heterozygous recessive. Therefore it's there's one in every biological parent again for an afflicted child throughout conception.

Other choices are not related to the given scenario. Thus, for only one of every parent, 50% of Aa.

The correct answer is a)
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