What can be inferred about the Cyclops in this excerpt from Homer's Odyssey? The land of Cyclops first, a savage kind, Nor tamed by manners, nor by laws confined: Untaught to plant, to turn the glebe, and sow, They all their products to free nature owe: The soil, untill'd, a ready harvest yields, With wheat and barley wave the golden fields; Spontaneous wines from weighty clusters pour, And Jove descends in each prolific shower, By these no statues and no rights are known, No council held, no monarch fills the throne; But high on hills, or airy cliffs, they dwell, Or deep in caves whose entrance leads to hell. Each rules his race, his neighbour not his care, Heedless of others, to his own severe.


Answer 1


The Cyclops does not follow the typical rules of the civilized human world.  Because they don't mention anything about guests in the passage, and the neighbors were never really mentioned.

Answer 2


the answer is C luvs


Related Questions

How is the fourth wave of the feminist movement different from the previous waves


Answer:Fourth-wave feminism is a feminist movement that began around 2012 and is characterized by a focus on the empowerment of women, the use of internet tools, and intersectionality


Many assert that a fourth wave of feminism began around 2012, however this is controversial for some. This wave focused on themes such as  body shaming, and sexual harassment.

What is feminist movement?

Feminist movement is defined as a number of political and social groups advocating radical and liberal reforms on women's issues that were sparked by the gender pay gap. The feminist movement's main objectives include giving women additional freedoms and equitable opportunities.

The movement has entered the digital era thanks to social media activism. It expands on the third wave's focus on inclusivity and raises difficult issues of what exactly empowerment, equality, and freedom imply. Intersectionality remains a concern for fourth-wave feminism. Voting rights were a major focus of the first wave of feminism, reproductive rights were a focus of the second, and female heteronormality was a focus of the third.

Thus, many assert that a fourth wave of feminism began around 2012, however this is controversial for some. This wave focused on themes such as body shaming, and sexual harassment.

To learn more about feminist movement, refer to the link below:



SI units are used for scientific works.Why?​



The SI system of metric units is very practical because the meter, kilogram, second and ampere used in theoretical computations in electrical and mechanical engineering correspond to actual everyday units used to rate household appliance electricity consumption and for customary weights and measures.


Because it is used to measure physical quantity

What is included in the body of a news article?

the writer's opinion about the topic of the article

a short summary of the information in the lead

details about the information in the lead

information about the author of the article


a short summary of the information in the lead

Sagar hates people keeping him waiting .(passive voice )​



Sagar hates to be kept waiting.

Indicate the meaningful sentence from the cues given: / / / / / . *

He spent 2 hours repair the bike yesterday.
He spent 2 hours to repairing the bike yesterday.
He spent 2 hours to repair the bike yesterday.
He spent 2 hours repairing the bike yesterday.



He spent 2 hours repairing the bike yesterday.

Which short story uses the flashback as its main structure?
“The House on Mango Street”
“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
All of the above



"Girl" is a monologue which is like a character speaking to oneself uninterrupted. "An Occurrence at Owl Bridge" is a typical short story and uses a flashback structure.

Answer: C
Explanation: “An occurrence at owl creek bridge” that reflects back on the occurrence at owl creek bridge, which is considered a flashback.

A critical summary about music for my mother



Goodl luck idrk


Music comes in many ways. It could be about rap, pop, classical, blues, jazz, and hip-hop. Some songs tell you what the writer which is most of the time the singer, is feeling. And instead of talking about it they sing about it to make them self feel a bit better. Their is also cultural music, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, etc. Those songs can be from along time ago and may also be used to tell a tale from way back when about a war, fantasy, or maybe even something that is scary.

Why did he enjoy the wagon ride with his uncle so much?



if you add some context to this question maybe I can help you out

4 Rearrange these words in alphabetical order. birthday wakes early gifts downstairs books sweater puppy lost found X dolla best happy ir teacher​



best birthday books dolla downstairs early found gifts happy ir lost puppy sweater teacher wakes x

How did different childhood and how is a Doris Lessing could have impacted her story telling?


Jfksjejejwkek, ganduja

Helppp (pic below)
Thank you



began, style, hit song, "Thats All", influence, inspiration


Please give me brainliest !!!!

“Furthermore, obesity is affecting more people in the country.” is an example of
A. Rhetorical question
B. Addition transition
C. Cause/effect transition
D. Concluding transition



D. Concluding transition


It is a sum-up of the point that they made, that is why they used the transition "Furthermore"

“Furthermore, obesity is affecting more people in the country.” is an example of "addition transition."

What is addition transition?

"Additional transition" means the words that help in expressing the link between two or more text or ideas.

Because addition transition are the group of words that are used to form a bridge while writing an essay. Addition transition words helps the readers carry out their own interpretation of a particular phrase. Furthermore, the word 'furthermore' is considered an additional transition word, which is used to prove something. Thus, "Furthermore, obesity is affecting more people in the country." is an example of an addition transition.

Hence the correct option is, B. "Addition transition"

To know more about addition transition:



Composes a dialogue between two friends the quality of your school captain about​


that is so cool goodluck on ur life

The United States should not give financial support to
other countries until we clean up our own national debt.
This would be categorized as a:
A. claim of value.
B. claim of cause and effect.
C. claim of policy
D. claim of fact.





Rewrite each of the following sentences by removing unnecessary words.

1. Students who are enrolled on the high school level will not be required by school administrators to be in attendance in classrooms on the seventh day of December.

2. Children who have not yet celebrated their 12th birthday will not be allowed by the proprietors of this establishment to proceed beyond this point.

3. The assignment in literature for the class meeting scheduled for today is that students in that course read the material found on pages 137 through 161 in that order.

4. In the case of persons not making payment of their taxes for real estate bills by the first of the month in July a penalty in the form of a $100 fine will be assessed.

5. Any prospective team member who fails to receive approval from a member of the hospital's medical staff in regard to the status of physical health will not be permitted to continue in the capacity of a prospective team member.

6. That woman told the employee of the store who waited on her that the decision she had reached was that she wanted the color of the carpet for the floor of her home to be the color blue.

7. Attention drivers of automobiles passing through this area: do not allow your vehicle to come to rest at the point where the tracks of this railroad intersect with the roadway upon which you are driving your vehicle.

8. The team with the most pennants in the National League is that of the Cardinals from the city of St. Louis.

9. Should the need arise that you feel compelled to place a telephone call to the office of the local department of police, keep in mind that the sequence of numbers to dial is 555-4103.

10. This eating establishment boasts that its specialty appearing on its menu is the serving of chicken which has been fried prior to being brought to diners.



so many questoins!!!!


please help it would be appreciated



1. d

2. a

3. c

4. e

5. b


Who describes Maggie of “Everyday Use” in derogatory terms?
Maggie herself
Alice Walker
Maggie’s mother
None of the above.



A is the answer


Which revision is needed to correct the following sentence?



Add a comma after the word easy


the last option

Add a comma after the word easy.


the comma after easy is the correct way to list the adjectives

..............was a doctor at the Stoke Mandeville hospital in England.

a. Pierre de Coubertin
b. Sir Ludwig Guttman
C. Natalie du Toit​




Sir Ludwig Guttman was a doctor at the Stoke Mandeville hospital in England.




Pierre de Coubertin was French and Natalie Du Toit was a swimmer

list any five reasons behind the popularity of English language​



Sorry if this is multiple choice, but I have some answers!


-The British Empire conquered about a quarter of the planet while in their prime, so naturally they had brought their language with them.

-Post War in the U.S started a boom in international trade, making the language even more necessary to know to trade goods.

-There is a certain hip/coolness factor to other countries with the way English can be spoken, especially since most movies and popular media are based in English due to Hollywood's infamy.

-The internet and other modern electronics were invented within America as well as the most hardware coming from the same place and using the Latin alphabet, along with major scientific leads being documented in the same language.

-English only really can grow in popularity as people who don't already speak it gain some sort of interest in visiting English speaking countries, who desire to consume English media, it evolves and changes with time so the possibility of it going out of style is scarce.

(Hope this helps!^^)

Read the excerpt from a student’s essay.

From the beginning, Rainsford is an individual who enjoys the hunt and wastes no thought on the animals he kills. On the boat, Whitney expresses some empathy for the animals they hunt, while Rainsford scoffs at the notion that animals feel fear or any other emotion. In fact, Rainsford belittles Whitney, telling him that "[t]he world is made up of two classes—the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are the hunters.”

Which revision of the first sentence most effectively incorporates the literary term characterized?

At the beginning of the story, Rainsford characterized himself as a man who enjoys the hunt.
From the onset of the story, Rainsford is characterized as an experienced hunter who feels no remorse.
From the first scene, Rainsford is trying to be characterized as a good hunter with much experience.
Immediately, Rainsford has characterized himself as a very strong hunter without a conscience.


Answer:ok i red it wow there is a lot in this you didnt even tell us what to do


i hope it helps

Milkha was asked to take part in the Bridge Meet in Hyderabad
True or False





what any two characteristics of amphibia?​



they are cold blooded

skin is smoothy

breath through skin and sometimes with lungs

Is the setting of the book Little House on the Prairie located in North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, and Outer Space?


you’re answer is “ north america”

ask your parents about renowned person of your locality.collect as much information about him or her and write them in chronological order.after that write the short biography of that person​


Well, that’s something you need to ask your parents since we don’t know them.

A.The (sight/ site) of food made our mouth waters.
B. The tailor will have to (altar/alter) the dress.​



1 sight

2 alter


hope that helps you

please follow

please mark brainliest

The first is Sight.

The second is Alter.

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
Served as a warning against Native Americans.
Informed everyone of America's break away from Britain.
Was written only to Americans
Was a message sent to the troops fighting the war
Question 4 (5 points)



The main purpose of America's Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain.


Choose the best transitions to complete the passage.

In “Lather and Nothing Else,” the barber faces the challenge of shaving the enemy, a cruel captain.
, he reflects on all the terrible things the captain has done. Then, he explains his internal conflict over whether to kill the captain when he has a chance.
, he does not believe in murder.
, he takes great pride in his work.
, he controls his emotions and lets the captain live.
, overcoming his own emotions is his greatest challenge.



overcoming his emotions is his great challenge


essay on global warming​



The term 'global warming ' can be defined as the increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to different causes .

Explanation is in the attachment

Hope my answers is helpful to you

The environment club in your school has organized a lecture to introduce "the three R s.Write a notice informing about the lecture


Notice DATE
SS School,
City Name, Club Name
This is to inform to the all students from the environment club that a lecture in regards of the “three Rs” will be held on name of the day (mon-fri), 2021.
So, The students who wish to take part in the lecture must email their names to me by (date).

With Regards (position of club) of (club name)
Other Questions
Describe what essentially occurred, and how a culturally sensitive reaction could have been achievable if you or someone you know had used CIA. Look at the theories and suggestions in the readings regarding having success in cross-cultural settings and within your response, explain in detail what can specifically be done to ensure that these behaviors do not take place in the future. Use one of the theoretical frameworks of cultural interpretation (Hofstede, Hall, etc.) presented in our readings and apply this approach to the situation. As a manager, how would you have handled that situation differently write a magazine article about the importance of technical education 12 English 2(-n - 3) - 7(5+ 2n) what number is smallest 2,-3,-10,-5,-2-1 Please help me with these questions from AP Human Geography. (Take these questions seriously)1. Identify and explain 2 examples of how India is becoming Americanized. 2. Identify and describe 2 examples of the positive economic and/or social effects of globalization on the world. 3. Identify and describe 2 examples of the negative economic and/or social effects of globalization on the world. 4. Explain the pattern of population growth from 1800-2011. 5. Describe the projected population for 2045 and explain why that number. 6. Identify and discuss 2 examples of issues faced by the world due to the size of the population. 7. Identify the physical and cultural characteristics of the worlds most typical person today vs. in 2030. 8. Define scale and identify three examples of scale. 9. Explain 2 examples of the impact that events can have on peoples lives worldwide. 10. Describe 2 examples of the positive and/or negative power maps can have when delivering information. 11. For 3 religions, identify 1 example of a holy site found in Jerusalem. 12. Explain the purpose of the Green Line. 13. Discuss 2 examples of how the United States decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is significant. 14. Explain the issue of food deserts. 15. Describe the process in which Dollar Stores are built in towns and cities and how they contribute to food deserts. 16. Discuss 2 examples of the impact of living in food deserts in the United States. 17. Identify and describe the cultural and social causes of gendercide [why is there such a preference for boys in particular cultures?]18. Identify and describe 2 examples of the negative effects this skewed sex ratio has on countries. 19. Discuss the role that technology has played in INCREASING gendercide. 20. Describe Kurdistan. 21. Define Daesh and explain the impact it has had on Iraq. 22. Identify and describe the opposing ideas between Boston Sharbarzheri and Sami Hussein. (I NEED THESE QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY TOMORROW FRIDAY JULY 30 AT 12pm) At a time hours after taking a tablet, the rate at which a drug is being eliminated r(t)= 50 (e^-01t - e^-0.20t)is mg/hr. Assuming that all the drug is eventually eliminated, calculate the original dose. This equation shows how the total number of necklaces Denise owns is related to the amount of money she spends on additional necklaces.n = d + 74The variable d represents the amount of money she spends on additional necklaces, and the variable n represents the total number of necklaces she owns. With $16 to spend on new necklaces, how many total necklaces can Denise own? Best answer gets brainliest and 5 stars For a given sample size in hypothesis testing, a.Type II error will not be effected by Type I error. b.the smaller the Type I error, the larger the Type II error will be. c.the smaller the Type I error, the smaller the Type II error will be. d.the sum of Type I and Type II errors must equal to 1. QUESTION 5 - 1 POINTAn investment of $32,000 is worth $38,302 after being compounded monthly at 3%. How many years was the investmentfor? (Round to the nearest whole year). Miguel has lots of candy from Halloween. He has 42 lollipops. He has 6 times as many lollipops as he does chocolates. How many chocolates does he have? If you have a measurement of 234.005 k, how many significant figures does it have 3. In a school, there are 450 students in total. If 23 of the total students are boys, find the number of girls in the school. What percent of the students are boys? Show your work or explain how you calculated your answer what is personality? Write the equation in slope-intercept form. y=2(x8)+4x Why do plant cells have chloroplasts? How did the braceros assist the United States? How did the United States assist the braceros? If there were also negative consequences, what were they? Marking Brainliest. Can someone please how to do this with a fairly simple explanation? I'm not sure what to do. he following transactions are for Alonzo Company.1. On December 3, Alonzo Company sold $500,000 of merchandise to Artis Co. on account. The cost of the merchandise sold was $330,000.2. On December 8, Artis Co. returned $25,000 of merchandise purchased on December 3. The cost of the goods was $16,000.3. On December 13, Alonzo Company received the balance due from Artis Co.Prepare a tabular summary to record these transactions for Alonzo Company using a perpetual inventory system. (Enter negative amounts using either a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -45 or parentheses e.g. (45).)Assets= Liabilities+ Stockholders' EquityRetained EarningsDateCash+ Accts.Rec.+ Inventory= Accts.Pay.+ Common Stock+ Rev.- Exp. cotx - tanx +4sin2x = 2/ sin2x