what can be the basis for the division of a country in Federal structure give the introduction to each of them ?​


Answer 1


The clergy first estate second estate is the third estate on the basis of the division of the country into a federal structure

The First estate is also known as a privileged class they enjoy freedom 2nd estate is also termed a privileged class and they also have a feudary system III state, which is considered an unprivileged class.


Nepal is a country that is diverse. There is a variety of topography in Nepal. Himalayas, hills, and the terai we've got. We have diversity ethically as well as culturally. We have Sherpas, Thakalis, Bhotes e.t.c. in the Hills and, like Yadavs, Tharus, and various other Ethnic groups in the Plains. Sherpas and Kirats, Bhramins, Chhetiro, and Chhetri are located here. It's the same language for hills and mountains. We are equally diverse as all of the people in the Terai don't speak the same language. And also randomly distributed natural resources.

So topography, ethics, resources, and language were the foundations of a federal structure country's division.

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- Violation of personal rights


As per the details provided, the given situation would exemplify a 'breach of personal rights.' It would be considered 'Larceny' meaning 'unlawful taking of the personal property as an attempt to deprive the legal owner of it permanently,' Says the FBI. Therefore, the couple can be charged under the violation of the man's individual/personal rights as they took his money without even asking for his consent. Such a crime has a punishment of imprisonment of the guilty for five years along with the fine depending on the amount or amount of property is taken over and how.

explain briefly about florence nightingale​



Florence Nightingale, OM (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910), was an English nurse. She helped create the modern techniques of nursing. She became a leader of the team of nurses who helped wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. ... Nightingale was a prodigious and versatile writer, and lived to be 90 years old.

Florence Nightingale, was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople.

True or False: This funding structure incentivizes schools to seek out and serve lower-performing students. True False





hope this helps you out

Select the correct answer.
Which level of government should a citizens' group petition if it wants to change the requirements for receiving a driver’s license?

county government
local government
federal government
state government


D. State government.

State governments issue several kinds of licenses, such as businesses licenses, and driver's licenses.

What is the best way to solve conflict​





Calming down, realizing what it is about, talking

How far is your home from the federal capital ?(Measure the distance using measurement scale and write it is kilometres)​





Federal Capital is the capital city of a country, which is also a political entity, and also works as the seat of the federal government.

The federal capital of India is New Delhi, so the distance from Kolkata to New Delhi is 1541. 5 km.

What is Federal Capital?

Federal Capital remains the capital city of a country, where all the major operations regarding the government take place, and this particular city tends to conduct all the meetings regarding constitution and law accordingly.

What is Federal Government?

Federal government of a country works on the process where all the decisions regarding the constitution or law are taken in the federal capital of the country, by the people present in the government board.

To learn more about Federal Capital here:



0.1v²=0.3-0.125 please explain step By step​



[tex]v=\sqrt{1.75} ,-\sqrt{1.75}[/tex]


In general, coping with stress includes __________. A. negative coping strategies B. positive coping skills C. positive attitudes D. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D





positive coping skills are the best way of dealing with stress and many other things

hope this helps ❤


D: all of the above



Mr. Lee is having trouble helping one of his students master a new math skill. The student, Patrick, is consistently applying the skill learned last week to this new mathematical problem. Mr. Lee understands that Patrick is confident in using this strategy because he mastered it so thoroughly on homework assignments. However, to correctly master the current problem, Patrick must understand which strategy is appropriate to apply in each situation. Which of the following most specifically describes the problem Patrick is experiencing?
a. Fixation
b. Subgoaling
c. Problem-based learning
d. Mental set


The term that specifically describes the problem Patrick is experiencing is mental set

To understand why the mental set is the answer, we have to explain the term mental set and its related components

Mental set as the term is a type of fixation. What then is fixation.Fixation simply known as the tendency or the inability of an individual to see a problem from a new perspective. This can hinder the learning process. A  common type of fixation is called mental set.Mental Set is simply referred to as the ability of an individual to solve a number of problem in a particular way and mostly in the past but it can or cannot be helpful in solving a new problem. Example is  when a teacher gives a student a problem on a test, He or she immediately try it out on the calculator to find the solution. Mental Set usually put aside how we think.

Conclusively, we can therefore say that the term that best explain Patrick behavior as mental set.

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Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendon’s therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using ________ to help Brendon.




Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendon’s therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using cognitive retructuring to help Brendon.

What do you mean by Belief?

An concept that we regard to be true is referred to as a belief. Whether there is evidence or proof, it is an acknowledgment that something is real or true.

The method of cognitive restructuring has been effective in assisting people in altering their thinking patterns. The purpose of using this technique to manage stress is to swap out cognitive distortions—thoughts that cause tension—for more rational, stress-free ones.

A crucial component of cognitive behavioral therapy is cognitive reorganization (CBT). For common issues like depression, anxiety disorders, and binge eating, CBT is among the most successful psychological therapies. You can use some of these CBT procedures at home to lessen issues with your mood, anxiety, and stress.

Therefore, The therapist is using cognitive retructuring to help Brendon.

Learn more about Belief, here;



explain how supply side economics has led to lower relative taxes on higher earning citizens in America.



It shows that higher tax rates can sometimes decrease the tax base, which will lead to the decrease in tax revenues even if the tax rates are high. ... This led supply-siders to advocate large reductions in marginal income and capital gains tax rates to encourage greater investment, which would produce more supply.

4 ways to improve human development​



equity, efficiency, participation and sustainability.




4 ways to improve human development​ are :

i)  Health sector should be developed to prepare healthy manpower.

ii)  Education should be provided to people to make them able to utilize available resources.

iii)  Proper utilization of available means and resources should be done.

iv)  Reducing corruption from all the sector.

(a) State two rules and three regulations



Simple squamous epithelium

This type of epithelia lines the inner surface of all blood vessels (endothelium), forms the wall of alveolar sacs in the lung and lines the body cavities (mesothelium). The primary function of simple squamous epithelia is to facilitate diffusion of gases and small molecules.

one is the product of mainly socialization.justify this statement with example



Going over and meeting new people or spending time with friends may also be considered socialisation. The term "socialisation" can refer to "the process of becoming social." Social interaction of a dog or cat with people and other dogs or cats can help pets develop beneficial habits. It's also not a terrible concept for folks.

Communicating with family and friends, getting reminded to follow norms, being rewarded for performing tasks, and being taught manners in society are all instances of socialisation that allow a person to operate in his or her community.

"Human wants are greater than the resources that are available to satisfy them." This implies the need for
es )
working harder.
asking for less.
leaving decisions to fate.
making choices to allocate resources.



making choices to allocate resources.

in what ways can the government combat child abuse.​



by taking away hard beating like beating with cane and belt to avoid injuries on the body,this will take away child abuse.


show the constitution development in nepal in a timeline​



In modern political science, a constitution lies at the heart of a nation, giving it energy, opportunity and most importantly, life. Nepal has come a long way from an era of absolute monarchy to a Federal Democratic Republic nation. Our seven constitutions teach us important lessons and as we move towards a new system, these can act as our guiding force.


I hope it helped u

stay safe stay happy

How does a folk song represent the place and contemporary society?



l totally agree that folk music reflects culture and tradition of a certain place or country in a bigger perspective. Folk music reflects culture and tradition by: presenting messages that talks about the life of the past which are forgotten or on the verge of disappearing.

why is the demand of drinking water increasing in Nepal?​



The demand for drinking water is growing with population growth and urbanization. It is the prime duty of the government to make the proper supply of drinking water to its citizens while it is consumer's duty to cooperate with the distribution system and help make proper utilization.

logically justify that an individual is essentially a biological creature?​



Human beings appeared on earth as a result of a long process of development. As biological creatures, they still retain a close genetic connection with the animal world. ... The human being is also a natural being and, as such, is endowed with natural vital forces, which take the form of inherited qualities.


I Hope it helps you .

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Show a difference between managed and unmanaged development,?​



managed is an environment where you have automatic memory management garbage collection, type safety,...

unmanaged is everything else. so, for example. NET is a managed environment and C/C++ is unmanaged .

Political parties in Texas are defined as ________. a. organized interests focused on a few narrow issues b. any group, however loosely organized, seeking to elect governmental officeholders under a given label c. organizations of political elites and elected officials who choose candidates and policy stands for members d. grassroots organizations seeking to resolve community issues



C). organizations of political elites and elected officials who choose candidates and policy stands for members


Political Party: An organized group of people with common values and goals, who try to get their candidates elected to office. The Democrats and the Republicans are the two major political parties in the USA today. Other political parties with ballot access in Texas include the Green Party and the Libertarian Party.

A researcher administers a critical thinking test to a group of employees in an organization. They are then made to go through an intensive workshop on critical thinking skills. At the end of the workshop, the critical thinking test is given again and a large improvement in test scores is discovered. This is an example of a control series design. nonequivalent control group design. one-group pretest-posttest design. Solomon four-group design.



c). one-group pretest-posttest design


'One-Group pretest design' is depicted as the research pattern in which the researcher examines the impact of an intervention or manipulation in the independent variable on the provided sample. Such a method includes only one research group and is primarily employed for examining behavioral changes post manipulation in the variable.

The given research exemplifies this 'one-group pretest-posttest design' as it involves a single group comprising of participants who would take part in the research and the impact of manipulation in the independent variable('going through an intensive workshop on critical thinking skills') on the participant's ability to think critically. This will allow assessing whether the workshop affected their outcomes or not. Hence, option c is the correct answer.

"Our country garden of mulb'pleca stes, language, cultures and civilization s! Explain.​



Yes.. the statement is correct.. Nepal is called to be a beautiful garden of various castes and religion and they follow theri own culture. Such diversity among various tribes makes nepal beautiful. Furthermore, the naturally beautiful floras and faunas, diverse wildlife and the mesmerising landscapes have added beauty to the nature of Nepal. Similarly, nepal is also believed to be a centre of various civilizations

The nation that Georgia belongs to:






ihzdfvy hdsstggvvr bgsssrtdrd


The nation that Georgia belongs to is Kartvelians.

The country of Georgia is a former republic of the Soviet Union. Georgians like to call their country not Georgia, but Sakartvelo. Georgians also call themselves the Kartvelians ---> this is what the nation is called in Georgia.

what are the different types of society on the basis of the successive development of hunan civilization ? briefly sketch the characteristics of the primitive society​



The major types of societies historically have been hunting-and-gathering, horticultural, pastoral, agricultural, industrial, and postindustrial.

As societies developed and grew larger, they became more unequal in terms of gender and wealth and also more competitive and even warlike with other societies.


The different types of societies are:

agricultural societiesindustrial societieshorticultural societiespost industrial societiespastoral societieshunting and gathering societies

the characteristics of a primitive society:

they lack written languagerelative isolationsmall populationrelatively simple social institutionsand technology.

I hope this helps

what is the meaning of chastity​



➜ Chastity is spiritual purity in relation to sex, thus meaning refraining from deviant sexual conduct as defined by the moral standards and guidelines of a culture, civilization or religion. The term can be associated with sexual abstinence, especially in the context of premarital and extramarital sex (and can be used interchangeably).

In the Abrahamic religions, chastity is one of the rules for keeping by God's side.

➜ In Eastern religions and beliefs, such as Buddhism, chastity is seen as the way to achieve liberation or enlightenment from human sufferings and disappointments.


I hope you understood!


[tex] \huge \boxed{ \boxed{ \red{ \rm{Hope \: this \: helps}}}}[/tex]


Temperance is linked to chastity, often known as purity. According to their condition of life, someone who is chaste refrains from either immoral or any sexual behavior. Chastity and celibacy are used interchangeably in some situations,  as when taking a chastity vow.

Can someone answer the question I uploaded yesterday, subject is social studies. All you have to do is read an article and answer questions. Giving brainliest.



I can


give a short introduction of the Simrounagadh and Baise and Chaubise​



Baise Rajya (Nepali: बाइसे राज्यहरू) were sovereign and intermittently allied petty kingdoms on the Indian subcontinent, ruled by Khas from medieval India, located around the Karnali-Bheri river basin of modern-day Nepal. The Baise were annexed during the unification of Nepal from 1744 to 1810. The kingdom's founder Prithvi Narayan Shah (ruled 1743-1775) did not live to see this, but his son and grandson annexed the entire collection by the end of the 18th century.

Simraungadh, Simraongarh or Simroungarh ( Devanagari: सिम्रौनगढ) was a fortified city and the main capital of the Tirhut Kingdom founded by Karnat King Nanyadeva in 1097.Presently it is a municipality of Nepal, located in Bara District, Province No. 2. Archaeological investigations of the fort also show that part of the walls extended into Bihar, India as the city was situated on the modern-day border. The municipality was created in 2014 by agglomerating the Village Development Committees of Amritganj, Golaganj, Hariharpur & Uchidih; and later on expanded to include Bhagwanpur, Kachorwa, Dewapur-Teta, and Bishunpur kamalpur.

How does the coronavirus relate to conservation?



The sustainability of the natural biodiversity can be retained, since people would be isolated in their homes. there would be less gas emissions in the atmosphere that is produced by vehicles. Research has shown that coronavirus doesn't really affect animal species which is quite beneficial for them. So in this way the different ecosystems may slowly heal and the food chain can perpetuate


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