What date is it today?


Answer 1


12 Agust 2021( Thursday )


Related Questions

Who was a follower of the teachings of Charles Darwin?



i`m pretty sure william browne was one

trends in Supreme
Court rulings from the
1960s and 1970s
interpretation of
the Constitution
Election of
Ronald Reagan
Which of the following best completes the diagram above?
O A. Popularity of affirmative action
B. Congressional gridlock over the federal budget
O C. Appointment of Antonin Scalia
D. Revival of the women's rights movement



D.Revival of the women`s rights movement.

The statement best completes the diagram above is the Revival of the women's rights movement. Thus option D is correct.

What was Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is the highest judiciary body in the country which evaluates whether the laws are practiced properly or not. It helps to check the activities that are unconstitutional in the country and take strict actions against them.

The election refers to the procedure through which an individual participates in the process of voting in order to establish a government with their chosen representatives by supporting them.

Women and women's organizations fought for more than only the ability to vote in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The labor force participation rate is up, and access to higher education is improving.

Therefore, option D is   Appropriate.

Learn more about Supreme Court, here:



Election are chosen by





A democracy allows the citizens to elect a leader of their choice.

đại hội giữa nhiệm kỳ VII đảng đã đề ra những khó khăn và thách thức liên hệ hiện nay



Đất nước ta cũng phải đương đầu với các hoạt động phá hoại của các lực lượng thù địch ở cả trong và ngoài nước. Tình hình kinh tế và đời sóng của nhân dân vẫn còn khó khăn, đất nước vẫn trong tình trạng khủng hoảng kinh tế xã hội. Tuy nhiên, công cuộc đổi mới được Đảng ta đề ra từ Đại hội lần thứ VI (12/1986), bước đầu đã đạt được những thành tựu đáng kể, nhờ đó mà nước ta đã đứng vững và tiếp tục phát triển.


The Grand Council of
Native Americans was
formed to
A. settle disputes
B. decide how to share land
C. decide how to govern people
D. all of the above



D. all of the above


The Grand Council of Native Americans which has 50 chiefs, was formed to serve as the group or council that is responsible for maintaining peace among the members.

The council is also responsible for handling political and military matters including forging treaties with other Indian nations and declaring war.

Hence, the correct answer is option D "All of the above, " as they are responsible for settling disputes, deciding things of economic and political importance like how to share land and how to govern people.

When did the CIA
write this brief? What was going on in the U.S. at
this time?


Answer: Aug 2nd 1981

Explanation: Sorry if it is wrong, good luck.

Due to the side-effects of industrialization, Roosevelt passed many conversation efforts, such as:


Answer:The Sierra Club


bad effects of industrialization

what do you mean by occupation??​



a person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation: Her occupation was dentistry. any activity in which a person is engaged. possession, settlement, or use of land or property. the act of occupying, possessing, or settling.


who was the first brain special​



Pythagorean Alcmaeon of Croton was the first brain special.

Geography can be described as?



Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth's surface and the human societies spread across it.



geography is the study of places And the relationship between people And their environment

corto análisis filosófico sobre qué es alienación



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The term alienation refers to a certain type of psychological or social ailment that involves a troublesome separation between such a self and another that should be united. The empirical problems that are frequently produced by apparently philosophical theories of estrangement are recognised but not overcome.

The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the system theory is empty rhetoric. Discuss​



The assertation is valid since systems theory classifies processes by assessing interdependence and interlinks among accounts and systems for the nature of open systems which interrelate with their vicinities. It should be noted that systems are influenced by a vicinity, thus non-formal institutions by playing a role in the formation of a complex whole.


What are notable/important achievements during his presidency of our Rodrigo Duterte in her Sixth Sona?



Duterte's bold statements

September 30, 2016

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is known for speaking out loud what many consider unspeakable.

But his loud speech and criminal record made him popular with many Filipinos.

Here are some of his controversial statements :

-Praise Hitler

-insult the United States.......


From 1871 until 1921, where did most immigrants coming to the United States come
O Eastern Europe and South America
O Southern Europe and Africa
Western Europe and South America
Northern Europe, China, and Japan



eastern and southern Europe


What are some long-term effects in the slaughterhouse cases



Slaughterhouse Cases


, in American history, legal dispute that resulted in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1873 limiting the protection of the privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Which is NOT a reason to target Japan as a new market? A. Proximity to China and other Asian markets B. Chance to create a refueling station for ships C. New and wealthy market for trading surplus goods D. Easy to attack and target due to small size



D. Easy to attack and target due to small size


Japan was targeted by many large powers in the West as a new market.

It was seen as a profitable location due to its proximity to other Asian markets that had luxury goods which were desired.

Japan would also be a helpful new market because it could serve as a refueling station for other ships belonging to the Western powers.

However, its small size was not a reason to target Japan. If Japan was too easy to attack, then the Western powers would not want to occupy it.

So, the correct answer is D. Easy to attack and target due to small size

John White led the group of settlers in 1587. He brought his daughter with him to America. His daughter gave birth to the first English baby born in America. What was the baby's name?




Virginia Dare

What ideologies were at the heart of the anti-American wave that swept Latin American in the revolutionary period?

Help ASAP please




The American Revolution influenced Latin America because it was the first modern movement of anticolonialism. Drawing its ideology from the Enlightenment, it manifested a deep faith in the ability of people to advance their rights.

In your own opinion, which government functions would be best handled by state governments? Check any that
O making treaties with foreign countries
O running schools
D issuing driver's licenses
O fighting wars against foreign enemies
O borrowing money



the answer is O. running schools

I would say running schools and issuing drivers licenses.

Why did a conflict develop between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the years
leading up to World War I?
A. Serbians believed that Austro-Hungarian lands with large Serb
populations should join Serbia,
B. Austro-Hungarians began a campaign of genocide against Serbs
in their territory
O C. Serbian military forces joined the Ottoman Empire in its attacks
against Austria-Hungary.
D. Austro-Hungarian nationalists assassinated the leader of Serbia's
ruling political party.



A. Serbians believed that Austro-Hungarian lands with large Serb

populations should join Serbia,


The Serbians who were trapped in Austria-Hungary believed that they should have all the land of Austria-Hungary and give it to Serbia, so that they would have more land, and more natural resources.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Conflict developed between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the years leading up to World War I because Serbians believed that Austro-Hungarian lands with large Serb populations should join Serbia. Thus, option A is correct.

What was the conflict between Serbia and Austria?

Austria-Hungary officially starts the First World War on July 28, 1914, exactly one month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist.

Austria-Hungary decided that the appropriate reaction to the assassinations was to get ready for a potential military invasion of Serbia because it felt threatened by Serbian ambition in the turbulent Balkans region of Europe. Austria-Hungary issued Serbia a strict ultimatum on July 23, 1914, demanding, among other things, that all anti-Austrian propaganda within Serbia be suppressed and that Austria-Hungary be permitted to carry out its own investigation into the archduke's killing. Austria-Hungary did this after securing the unconditional support of its powerful ally, Germany.

Learn more about Serbia-Austria conflict here:



Although Britain won the French and Indian War it came at what cost?



Britain had accumulated a large debt from funding the war


After Britain had won the French and Indian War, they had accumulated a mass debt which led to taxing the British colonies.

In what part of the world did France and Britain go to war as part of the French and Indian War?
South Asia
O West Africa
O North America
O Western Europe


The answer: North America

Following the Peloponnesian War, which country conquered Greece?
A Carthage
B Persia
C Egypt
D Macedon



D. Macedon


what does it mean by "How many countries are there in the united states?"​



that's means how many countries are in United States you have to write name about it

It is a question asked to find out the total quantity of countries in the US.

Which is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem? O a) "Do you have a problem you'd like addressed today?" b) "Is there a problem? C) "What seems to be the problem?" O d) "Can I help you?"



short and long question

donon mein se koi bhi karo always question

is correct

ok friend

please like comment ok

"Can I help you?"  is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem. Hence, option D is correct.

What is open-ended question?

Open-ended inquiries are those that permit a person to provide a creative response. Closed-ended questions contain a limited range of possible responses, or can only be replied with "Yes" or "No." Open-ended question helps the children to give the longer answers which enhance the range of vocabulary of the children.

To adequately answer the issue posed, they should reflect on their responses and provide specifics. Describe specifics in detail and offer your ideas and opinions. Some of the best open-ended questions are-

Could you please let me know what's on your mind?How did you perform this assignment so expertly?What do you consider to be leading a decent life?

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about open-ended question, click here:



Identify the us path to world war 2



World War II (1939-1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. ... Although the war began with Nazi Germany's attack on Poland in September 19

What are oromo's cultural values?​



Oromos respect their elders and value social responsibility, helping others, bravery, and hard work. Knowledge of history and culture is admired. Oromos can count their family trees through ten generations or more.

4. The following excerpt is about the Neutrality Act of 1937.

The Neutrality Act of 1937 did contain one important concession to [President Franklin)
items except arms from the United States, so long as they immediately paid for such items and
carried them on non-American-ships--the so-called “cash-and-carry” provision.
Source: United States Department of State

Why was the “cash-and-carry” provision important to President Roosevelt?

A. It allowed the United States to make loans to countries that were considered allies.

B. It allowed the United States to aid France and Britain while maintaining neutrality.

C. It made it easier to tax luxury goods that Europeans had purchased in America.

D. It encouraged European companies to invest in American businesses.



The "cash and carry" legislation enacted in 1939 effectively ended the arms embargo that had been in place since the Neutrality Act of 1936, and paved the way for Roosevelt's Lend-Lease program.


Which factor helped President Kennedy negotiate with Congress?
his vice-president
his charm
his religion
his landslide victory



His vice- president


A patient prescribed a metered dose inhaler will find it
A. works for lower (not upper) respiratory diseases only.
B. should be filled with medication in aerosol form only.
C. is filled with medication used to administer a fixed amount of medication per inhalation through the mouth.
D. should be filled with medication in powder form only.





fixed amount of medication

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