What diagnosis involves an abnormal collection of blood? a) Cancer b) Aneurism c) Angina O d) Carcinoma


Answer 1




An aneurysm is the collection of a blood vessel due to a weak spot in the artery wall.  Aneurysms can occur in any artery in the body. These places can be in the brain, heart, kidney, or abdomen. When an aneurysm increases, it can rupture and generate uncontrolled internal bleeding, which can become lethal in many cases.

Answer 2



The diagnosis that involves an abnormal collection of blood is:

Aneurysm : ( is the abnormal dilation of an artery.)

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Sai , phải cả hai đạt được lợi ích gọi là lợi ích song phương mới đi đến được thỏa thuận chung chứ không thể một trong hai nước có lợi thế tuyệt đối

A patient who is prescribed a dose inhaler will find that it must be filled with a) medicine in powder form only. Works with lower (not upper) respiratory diseases only. Full of medicine used to give a fixed amount of medicine per oral inhalation. d) Medication in the form of a spray only.


d, medication in the form of spray only

the husband speaking for his wife to what appears to be the exclusion of her input is actually



Him being over assertive. There is no way for the husband to know what ailment the wife is dealing with.


1. Discuss the process of the production of T lymphocytes.​


T lymphocytes originate from haematopoietic stem cells within the bone marrow. T lymphocytes that survive thymic selection will mature and leave the thymus. After that, They circulate through peripheral lymphoid organs, ready to encounter their cognate antigens and become activated.

Basophils are O granules a) involved in the process of making hemoglobin. b) involved in the allergic process. Q) that resist infection by microorganisms. D) It fights infection with parasites.



Basophils are granulocytes:

b) involved in the process of allergic reactions.




x = -6


[tex]6x(8x - 3) - 2x(24x - 6) = 36[/tex]

➡️ [tex]48 {x}^{2} - 18x - 48 {x}^{2} + 12x = 36[/tex]

➡️ [tex] - 6x = 36[/tex]

➡️ [tex]x = - 6[/tex] ✅

Explain why you agree or disagree that emotional health can improve physical health.





because if we say fit and strong then our body can be healed very fast and enzyme can be more effective

Christi Brown is meeting with you regarding the bill she received in the mail. When she called to make the appointment, she voiced her confusion about the bill, stating she thought her insurance covered everything. You check her record and see that she met her deductible and now needs to pay 20% of the billed amount of $850. How can you explain how much she owes, as well as the difference between deductible and coinsurance?



The correct answer is - she owes $170.


Health care beneficiaries bills can be divided into two different criteria, they include Co-pay or Co-insurance and deductibles. Co-insurance is an amount that should be born by the patient and the rest will be paid by the insurance companies. On other hand, Deductible is a criterion in which deductible fixed amount a patient must pay each year before their health insurance benefits begin to cover the costs.

So in this question, the 20% of hospital/health care bills is the co-insured amount that should be paid by Christi Brown and the rest will be born by the insurance company.

so she owes:

20*850/100 = 170.

Being 65 or older, being under 65 years of age with certain disabilities for more than 24 months, and being any age with ESRD or ALS are each eligibility requirements for which program?


No se amigos pa tu casa Que!?...................................................


Original Medicare


56 yr old with fatigue polyuria polydipsia A1c of 9.2 hypertension high LDL. treat with?





bicas3 ns,ddddlmeisnc6heeshsjwl wehsjsjsk


xây dựng công thức mỹ phẩm chế phẩm dùng ngoài da chống lão hóa



lo siento no se que siginfiCA Y NECESITO PUNTOS :(


In choosing a benzodiazepam to treat anxiety the prescriber needs to be aware of the possibility of dependence. The benzodiazepam with the greatest likelihood of causing rapidly developing dependence is:____.
a. Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
b. Clonazepam (Klonopin).
c. Alprazolam (Xanax)
d. Oxazepam (Serax).



Alprazolam (Xanax)


First responding nurses would NOT use _____ as an indicator to identify victims of human trafficking.

(1)- unwanted pregnancy
(2)-childhood vaccination records
(3)-trauma similar to domestic violence


I believe it is 4 as well! Good luck!


Childhood vaccination records.


Childhood vaccination records are not typically used as an indicator to identify victims of human trafficking because they do not directly provide information about a person's trafficking status. While vaccination records can be important for assessing a person's overall health and medical history, they do not specifically point to human trafficking. Other indicators, such as signs of trauma similar to domestic violence, the presence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, and indicators of unwanted pregnancy, may be more relevant in identifying potential victims of human trafficking. These indicators are often considered in conjunction with other factors and a comprehensive assessment of the individual's situation.

Gary takes a diuretic to control his blood pressure, aspirin to prevent his blood clots, and an antibiotic for a recent sinus infection. Which of these may affect his vitamin K needs


The diuretic will affect vitamin K (potassium)

ANTIBIOTICS may affect his vitamin K needs.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that may be obtained from the diet and synthesized by the body.

Antibiotics are drugs used to fight against bacterial infections both in people and animals.

It is well known that prolonged use of antibiotics (especially antibiotics called cephalosporins) can drastically reduce the absorption of vitamin K.

In conclusion, ANTIBIOTICS may affect his vitamin K needs.

Learn more in:


Phillip || dreamed of conquering Perisa but did not do so because​


[tex]\huge\bold\pink{ANSWER} [/tex]


tsurezure children


Management has to ensure compliance with local and federal laws. Which function includes ensuring compliance with labor laws? includes ensuring compliance with labor laws.


Answer: institutions operate in a dynamic environment influenced by industry  

consolidation, convergence of financial services, emerging technology, and market  

globalization. To remain profitable in such an environment, financial institutions  

continuously assess and modify their product and service offerings and operations in the  

context of a business strategy. At the same time, new legislation may be enacted to  

address developments in the marketplace.  

All these forces combine to create inherent risk. To address this risk, a financial  

institution must develop and maintain a sound compliance management system that is  

integrated into the overall risk management strategy of the institution. Ultimately,  

compliance should be part of the daily routine of management and employees of a  

financial institution.  

This chapter discusses the elements of an effective compliance management system --  

board of directors and management oversight, the compliance program, and the  

compliance audit.  


A compliance management system is how an institution:  

¾ learns about its compliance responsibilities;  

¾ ensures that employees understand these responsibilities;  

¾ ensures that requirements are incorporated into business processes;  

¾ reviews operations to ensure responsibilities are carried out and requirements are met;  


¾ takes corrective action and updates materials as necessary.  

An effective compliance management system is commonly comprised of thre


Mr. Ziegler is turning 65 next month and has asked you what he can do, and when he must do it, with respect to enrolling in Part D. What could you tell him?



The answer is below


Considering his age and situations, I will let Mr. Ziegler know that, he is at the moment in the Part D Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) already. And at this point in time, he has the option of picking between different Part D enrollment choices available at his disposal, including enrollment in a stand-alone Part D plan or a Medicare Advantage -Prescription Drug plan.

While giving discharge instructions to a patient who will be taking cholestyramine [Questran], the nurse wants to assess the patient's understanding of the treatment. Which statement made by the patient best demonstrates a need for additional teaching


i think the answer is to give the patient a healthy dose of cosine

Due to the small size of the rabbit’s oral cavity, a ____________________ may be needed to perform a thorough dental exam under anesthesia.




The oral cavity of animals such as rabbits can be examined when cases of dental diseases are suspected. Dental diseases in rabbits may be due to congenital or traumatic origin. A proper oral examination can help in the prevention, onset, and treatment of dental disease.

The oral cavity of rabbits is small, making it impossible to examine the cheek teeth without instrumentation and sedation. To reduce stress and for proper examination of the oral cavity, radiographic examinations are used under anesthesia. This is the best option for a thorough dental examination because:

--> The bulk of the teeth and the supporting structures is below the gumline, HIDDEN from view during gross oral examination,

--> Proper positioning of the rabbit can be obtained which is vital for correct interpretation of radiographic images.

--> It provides the veterinarian with information on treatment options and long-term prognosis.

About lasiks eye surgery, Provide an example of changes over the years that may have prompted the public to opt for this procedure to correct their vision.


for one they are very precise with it and have to be very gentle

if digoxin has a half life of 35 hours. how long will itake from a toxic level of 8ng/ml to 2 ng/ml



Digoxin is absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract with a bioavailability of between 75% and 95%. It is eliminated primarily through kidneys; therefore, it has a half-life of 36-48 hours in patients who have normal kidney function and 3.5-5 days in patients who are anuric.

According to the NHSLS, about _____ of men report always having an orgasm with their partner. Group of answer choices 75 percent 15 percent 55 percent 35 percent



According to the NHSLS, about _____ of men report always having an orgasm with their partner.

75 percent


Whereas 75% of the men reported having an orgasm with their partner, only 29% of the women experienced orgasm, according to the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) reports.  Female orgasm marks the climax of contraction of the vaginal walls or the general feeling of heightened warmth as a result of sexual stimulation.  It usually emanates from the pelvis, spreading throughout the entire female body with phases of sexual tension experienced during lovemaking.  Seminal fluids are also released at such lovemaking climax, especially by males.

While caring for a patient who is recovering from breast cancer surgery, the nurse observes
the patient's reaction to the surgical incision for assessment of what purpose?
The status of the incision
The patient's coping skills
The patient's functional ability
The patient's knowledge about the illness



The patient functional ability


The nurse observes how the incision is functioning is the patient

A repetitive dive is any dive:_____.
a. Made within 24 hours of a previous dive.
b. Made within 48 hours of a previous dive.
c. In which your computer indicates there is residual nitrogen left in your system from a prior dive.
d. Both the first and third answers are correct.


This is any dive that you make before you have completely offgassed from any previous dive or dives. Residual Nitrogen Time (RNT) This is the amount of time you must consider as already having been spent at a given depth for a planned repetitive dive.

Repetitive dive is any dive that you make before you have completely off gassed from any previous dive or dives.

What is repetitive dive?

This is any dive that you make before you have completely off gassed from any previous dive or dives. Residual Nitrogen Time (RNT) This is the amount of time you must consider as already having been spent at a given depth for a planned repetitive dive.

How do you calculate repetitive dive?

To calculate this figure, you add your residual nitrogen time to your actual dive time.

Repetitive dive is any dive that you make before you have completely off gassed from any previous dive or dives.

Hence , C is correct option

To learn more about  repetitive dive. ,here



What is The Drug Classification For The Medication Buspar / Xanax



Antianxiety Agents, Anxiolytics, Nonbenzodiazepines


that describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal​



Nonverbal communication types include facial expressions, gestures, paralinguistics such as loudness or tone of voice, body language, proxemics or personal space, eye gaze, haptics (touch), appearance, and artifacts.

The question is included in the image



The correct answer is - C. autoimmune Hashimotos.


Hashimoto disease is a condition of autoimmune disease where the person's own immune system attacks the gland located at the base of the neck known as the thyroid gland. It produces hormones like T3 and T4.


- goitre or large thyroid gland

- sensitive to cold

- high TSH

- low thyroid hormones

- fatigue

- infection

- can occurs at any age

Thus, the symptoms match with the Leah so the correct answer is - C.

You've learned a lot about wellness and want to share it with others. Which of the following is the best way to assist others in improving their own health, and why?


Offer Kindness Proactively. Pay attention to the people around you and what you can do to make their lives a little easier. ...
Volunteer Your Time. Community service is one of the best ways to improve the lives of others. ...
Donate to a Cause. ...
Donate Unused Items. ...
Say "Thank You"

If the hand cart that the delivery person is using to transfer food from the truck to the restaurant is supplied with food debris which action would prevent cross contact from the hand cart


Clean and sanitize the cart, and try to keep it away from any food.

The delivery person that transfers food from the truck to the restaurant, can prevent cross-contamination by washing the cart every time.

Cross Contamination:

The physical movement of harmful microbes such as bacteria and viruses from one person, thing, or place to another.

Prevention of cross-contamination can save the population many foods born diseases. The cross-contamination can be prevented by,

Washing the hands, and avoiding touching unnecessary surfaces or things during food handling.Use the sterile cart, or utensils to avoid cross-contamination.Always cover the food, while they are not in use.

Therefore, the delivery person that transfers food from the truck to the restaurant, can prevent cross-contamination by washing the cart every time.

To know more about Cross Contamination:


3 1,3 16 litis Advantge of posology​



Posology prevents patients from taking under dose or over dose.


Posology deals with dosage of medics as prescribed to the patient.

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