What do you multiply each term of an equation by to clear fractions?


Answer 1



When equations have a lot of fractions in them, the easiest way to solve them is to first clear all the fractions. In order to do this, you must multiply every term by the LCD (least common denominator).

Related Questions

Study the two maps. Then, use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

What part of ancient and modern China has a high population density?

How has the population of the Yangtze River valley changed over time?

What area is least populated, both in the present and in the past?




The North China Plain

It has increased

Western China


For the first drop down menu it's, the North China Plain. For the second drop down menu it's, It has increased. For the third drop down menu it's, western China.


on my assignment I had duplicates of the answer if you have the same problem just pick the other one if it says it's incorrect.

                                                       hope it helps

What forms when two convergent oceanic-continental plates interact?
pls help this is timed




As with oceanic-continental convergence, when two oceanic plates converge, one is usually subducted under the other, and in the process a trench is formed. The Marianas Trench (paralleling the Mariana Islands), for example, marks where the fast-moving Pacific Plate converges against the slower moving Philippine Plate.


What are ten basic beliefs of Christianity and list 3 ways it has had an impact on the world



Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God – fully human and fully divine – and that through believing in him and following his teachings they can inherit eternal life. Christians believe that Jesus died for humanity, that God raised him from the dead, and that Jesus will come again at the end of time. In addition, Christians believe in the Trinity, or the three parts of God: God the Father or Creator, God the Son (Jesus) or Redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit or Sanctifier. The Holy Spirit is God's presence in the world.



Can I have BRAINLIEST. And the answer is Christians believe god sacrificed his sons life to save us from our sins. It has an impact on the world because it gathers people together

Analyze the map below and answer the questions that follow.

A satellite map of the Arabian Peninsula with the Rub al Khali circled.
Image courtesy of NASA

The area circled above is called __________.
the Great Salt Desert
the Iranian Plateau
the Empty Quarter

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



I believe its C from what I remember..?


How did the Roman conquest affect the Jews?


The revolt was put down by the future Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus. In the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, the Romans destroyed much of the Temple in Jerusalem and, according to some accounts, plundered artifacts from the Temple, such as the Menorah.

please answer question


duhhh it would be three

3 I thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Why do some islands have regions that receive large amounts of rain annually and other regions of the same island have desert like conditions



The reasons for such big climate differences on the same island are topography, shape, and size of the island, wind patterns, and ocean currents.


While many islands around the world tend to have the same climate conditions across all of their territory, there are some that stick out by having total contrasts from one to the other side. A good example of such an island is Madagascar, where one side of the is covered with tropical rainforest, while the other is desert and semi-desert.

Such things occur because of numerous reasons, such as topography, size and shape of the island, wind patterns, and ocean currents. Since we took Madagascar as an example, we can continue with it. It is an island that has an elongated shape in a roughly north-south direction. The central part is dominated by mountains in a north-south direction, while the western and eastern parts are lowlands. The wind generally blows from the northeastern and northwestern directions.

This leads to a situation where the winds and the humidity they bring are blocked by the mountains, so there is intense rainfall on the windward sides, but very little precipitation on the leeward sides. The windward side thus has lush vegetation while the leeward has most barren land and the occasional desert plant here and there.

Before proceeding to the content of this module, let us first have a review on the
learnings that you gained in our previous lesson related to rocks and rock cycle.
Try to complete the rock cycle using the terms and the processes given. Write the
term/s in the box/circles and processes/events in between arrows to show the
connections in the rock cycle.

Weathering and Erosios
Deposition and Burial-
Compaction and Cementation
Heat and pressure


The rock cycle, illustrated in Figure below, depicts how the three major rock types – igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic - convert from one to another. Arrows connecting the rock types represent the processes that accomplish these changes.

Rocks change as a result of natural processes that are taking place all the time. Most changes happen very slowly. Rocks deep within the Earth are right now becoming other types of rocks. Rocks at the surface are lying in place before they are next exposed to a process that will change them. Even at the surface, we may not notice the changes. The rock cycle has no beginning or end.

The rock cycle that was shown illustrated how the igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks change to one another.

Igneous rock is formed when magma or lava cools or solidifies. Examples of igneous rocks include diabase, granite, and gabbro.

Sedimentary rocks are formed when organic particles or minerals accumulate on the surface of the Earth.

Metamorphic rock is when a rock undergoes transformation by pressure or heat. This leads to the formation of a new rock. The rock that transforms can be igneous or sedimentary rock.

Read related link on:


NEED HELP ASAP....→←Gender inequality is serious issue faced by women in japan and china.Explain the challenges that women face in these countries.



In Japan, gender inequality is apparent in the different aspects of social life. It ranked 21st our 188 countries in the gender inequality index. From family to political representation, women face difficulties. The country's family values has been shaped by the female as the homemaker and the male earner. It makes it challenging for women to break from what is historically typical and rise to be part of the "visible" paid economy.

In China, earning inequality has become a notable issue as the women were paid only 75.4% of what men were paid. The women have not been given the same education and work opportunities as the men do. The women have suffered occupational segregation, unemployment or retained in care-oriented career fields. There is also great pressure from family as the women were considered "surplus" if they do not get married by their late twenties.


Hope this helps if so

please mark brainlist!


Anna oop


Which of the following is the most responsible for air pollution in the US and Canada



What are the following?



a. vehicle and industrial emissions


I did edge 2021

Due to the monsoon seasons and the tropical environment for much of South Asia, many people practice rice farming with what technique?


Answer: The two main practices of establishing rice plants are transplanting and direct seeding.

Transplanting is the most popular plant establishment technique across Asia.

Direct seeding involves broadcasting dry seed or pre-germinated seeds and seedlings by hand or planting them by machine


The Mississippi River is __ of Washington, DC. north south east west





World War II began with the invasion of ___ by ___



German troops/to regain lost territory and ultimately rule their neighbor to the east.


Hope this helps UwU

Resuelve el siguiente crucigrama sobre los recursos naturales y la población mundial. Horizontales 1. Son recursos que se regeneran de manera continua, pero no deben ser alterados. 3. Es el continente con menor población en millones. 5. Es el continente con mayor población. 8. Es el continente con mayor índice de natalidad. Verticales 2. Es uno de los continentes con mayor índice de mortalidad. 4. Es un recurso natural muy importante para la vida, se aprovecha en muchas actividades. 6. Son los recursos que son transformados por medio del trabajo del ser humano. 7. Actividad económica dedicada a la extracción y aprovechamiento de los recursos. 9. Actividad que se encarga de la distribución y venta de los productos. 10. Recursos utilizados para producir energía, tales como el petróleo o el gas.


its 9 because the dot on the line is starting from the line

The term "global warming" refers to
A. the warming of regions of the Earth during the summer
increased average temperatures on the Earth's surface
C. changes in temperature as a result of decreased ozone
D. daily changes in temperature, from sunrise to sunset



B.  increased average temperatures on the Earth's surface


Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of earth surface as a result of greenhouse gases.

When the greenhouse gases accumulates in sufficient amount in the atmosphere, they lead to global warming. These gases permits long wave radiation to pass through to the earth surface. They interact with short wave radiation and in the process, causes heating.


B.  increased average temperatures on the Earth's surface


I would show evidence  on why increased average temperatures on the Earth's surface is referred to global warming. But i'll leave a screenshot of the test ↓

Panama is known because it has ... many freshwater fish. a tropical medicine hospital. a large indigenous population. the largest lake in South America.



a tropical medicine hospital


Panama is located in Central America,having boarders with the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It lies  between Colombia and Costa Rica.

In 1903, the United States took over Panama in order to build a canal there. However, The control of yellow fever, malaria, and other tropical diseases had to be given premium consideration if the completion of the canal in Panama was going to succeed.

U.S. General William Crawford Gorgas, a tropical medicine pioneer eradicated yellow fever  and other tropical diseases from Panama during the construction of the canal.

The tropical medicine hospital in Panama was highly instrumental in the control of tropical diseases in Panama. It was later renamed after U.S. General William Crawford Gorgas, chief sanitary officer of Panama.

mance Matters
Question of 10 -
Jonathan and Sarah are running for the office of city mayor
Their qualifications and views are summarized in the table below
Has a college degree in civil
engineering: worked 10 years in the
town planning office.
Has a college degree in civil
engineering: worked 10 years in
the town zoning office
Served on the city council for 5 years
Views on the
Served as a volunteer in the local
public library for 5 years.
Favors higher property taxes to
increase funding for local schools:
opposes construction of a sports
Favors raising local sales taxes
and borrowing money to build a
sports stadium.
Based on the table, which of Jonathan's attributes might give him a clear advantage over Sarah to be elected mayor?
his volunteer experiences
his experience serving in government
his occupation
his college major


Answer:i put his experience in gov


i took the test

What is one weather or climate condition that might affect the level of your water table underground?



A prolonged drought with very high temperatures can affect the water levels of the water table underground.


The water that is located underground is generally safer when it comes to climate or weather conditions, at least in the shorter run. They are not immune though, as even though they are underground, they are not very deep, and also their levels depend on the outside conditions. Several climate or weather conditions can have an effect on the water table of the underground water, but the one that sticks out the most is a prolonged drought with high temperatures.

A prolonged period of drought will mean that there will be no precipitation for a long period of time. Without precipitation, there will be no new water coming in the undergroung water table. On the other hand, high temperatures will result in intense heating up of the ground, and some of the heat will be reaching the water table underground, so the evaporation will increase. With no water coming in and increased evaporation, the levels of water will drop.

A map of the changing center of U.S population shows increased migration to the South in the last 60 years. What hypothesis for this movement is most likely?


Answer: The South is becoming more adaptive

Explanation:Like its climate is more warmer, its becoming more developed in stuff

Native Americans tribes were led by:

Thank you!



Native American tribes are led by a Chief


chief(i think)


Because the ________
of the Earth is pulling on air molecules and
pressing it against the ground, our _______
is thinner and thinner
the higher up you go.



Because the gravity of the Earth is pulling on air molecules and pressing it against the ground, our atmosphere is thinner and thinner the higher up you go.


Earth is a planet that has an active core, thus it has a reasonably strong gravitational pull. Gravity manages to keep all things on the surface of our planet and the ones that are in the atmosphere to pull them down or keep them near. This affects the atmosphere as well.

The atmosphere is composed of gases, all of which are made out of atoms and molecules. They are very light, so Earth is pulling them towards it. This has resulted in a situation where the majority of the gases are close to the surface, in the lowest parts of the atmosphere, and as we go up there is less and less of them, so the atmosphere is thinner and thinner as the elevation increases.

Which sentence describes a sex-limited trait?



One that gives physical descriptions.



One that gives physical descriptions.


hey guys, can u please tell me which one is the right answer!



Confirming that D is correct

If you give a good, explained answer I'll give you brainliest.

The Clean Air Act, which was last amended in 1990, requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (40 CFR part 50) for pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment. The Clean Air Act identifies two types of national ambient air quality standards. Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of “sensitive” populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards provide public welfare protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and buildings.

–“National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS),”
Environmental Protection Agency

Primary air quality standards are designed to protect the health of

People with asthma can expect clean air under the
standards in the Clean Air Act.

air quality standards provide protection of public welfare.

are covered under the act’s secondary air quality standards.



Primary air quality standards are designed to protect the health of  children and older people .

People with asthma can expect clean air under the  primary  standards in the Clean Air Act.

Secondary  air quality standards provide protection of public welfare.

Animals and crops  are covered under the act’s secondary air quality standards.



Primary air quality standards are designed to protect the health of  ✔ children and older people .

People with asthma can expect clean air under the  ✔ primary standards in the Clean Air Act.

 ✔ Secondary air quality standards provide protection of public welfare.

 ✔ Animals and crops are covered under the act’s secondary air quality standards.

convert 2 gallons per hour to liters per day


181.7 liters / day would be your correct answer




Match each term with the correct statement below.
a.mid-ocean ridge
d.subduction zone
b.convergent plate boundary
e.continental drift

____ 1. Earth's plasticlike layer is the _____.

____ 2. Plates collide together at a(n) _____.

____ 3. One plate is forced under another in a(n) _____.

____ 4. A(n) _____ is an underwater mountain chain.

____ 5. The main points of evidence for _____ are fossils, rocks, and climate.


1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A

A popular American hamburger chain successfully entered the fast food market in India by altering the menu to include vegetarian burgers instead of burgers made with beef. This can best be described as



stimulus diffusion


Stimulus diffusion is a type of cultural diffusion. That is a process where a trend spreads to a place and then changes to suit the new location and the cultural context of that location. Since they don't consume beef in India they changed the menu because of the culture and because they wouldn't be able to make money off of that product.

what is the acctual purpose of life, like why did god make the earth and why did god make us. but most importantly, what does he want us to accomplish or achive

will there be life beyond this solar system,

my biggest question is WHY?



No one knows, but you could always be the first person to find out.


Silicon Glen is a region of high-tech industries in Scotland.



ur answer is true mi amigx



True <3



taly and Niger have opposite population demographics: Italy has an aging population with a high life expectancy, and Niger has a very young population with a low life expectancy.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.








It’s true

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