What does Chronology mean?


Answer 1


An arrangement of events and or dates in order of there occurrences


Answer 2


the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.



Related Questions

Who was the Greek god of rainbows?


Answer: Iris


Iris was the goddess of Rainbow, and a messenger of the gods.  


Iris, the goddess of the rainbow and messenger of The Gods and then the Titans

Which governing principles are identified in the Constitution?



- Popular Sovereignty.

- Separation Of Powers.

- Judicial Review.

- Limited Government.

- Checks and Balances.

- Federalism.


what opportunity did many colonial countries have after world war ll



After World War ll, many colonial countries had the opportunity to decide their own goverment.


What was NOT associated with the 'New Immigrants' who came to the United States after the Civil War?

A) waves of nativism
B) establishment of ethic neighborhoods
C) anti-semitism
D) rapid cultural integration


The answer would have to be b

Who is your favourite person in the Bible? 1. Find a video about the person you like most. 2. Write a short description of what that person was admired for. 3. Explain why you think that person is so great.



Mine is Esther


Esther was wise and figured out quickly how to utilize the skills she had learned while living with the King to negotiate/manipulate him into both getting rid of a man who was single-handedly responsible for killing many Jews due to his own selfishness and power hunger, as well as saved her people by convincing the King to allow the Jews to protect themselves at all costs if need be.

Esther was smart and beautiful, humble yet fierce. Her story is only a few pages long, but is truly worth looking into,

in this chapter, we meet Cinna, Katniss's stylist. Cinna is not like the other people in the
capitol. What makes him stand out? How does he help Katniss and Peeta to also stand
out among the other tributes? Why is this an important strategy?



Haymitch advises Katniss to keep her bow skills a secret during the general training sessions, and to wait and reveal them to the Gamemakers. He also suggests that Katniss and Peeta stand beside each other and refrain from showing off during training sessions.

hoped i helped


c yourself


Describe Southern resistance to the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Give examples of what the South did to "get around" each of these amendments.


The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were established after the civil war, during the period of reconstruction and intensely displeased the southern white population, because it revoked their supremacy over blacks and placed them on an equal footing with them.

These amendments prohibited the involuntary servitude of blacks, placed them as citizens and allowed them to be given the right to vote. The southern white population, in addition to seeing these amendments as an affront to their superiority, saw this as a way of using blacks to achieve northern goals to the detriment of the former Confederates.

To circumvent each of these demands, the southern white population initiated a series of racist and segregationist guidelines, which reaffirmed white supremacy and sought to strengthen the inferiority of blacks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using price controls and subsidies to support American agriculture?



   The advantage is that they will lead to lower prices for consumers.

   This may be important if the supplier has monopoly power to exploit consumers.

   Maximum prices are usually reserved for socially important goods, such as food and renting.


   The disadvantage is that it will lead to lower supply. If firms get a lower price, there may be less incentive to supply the good, and the number of properties on the market declines.

   A maximum price will also lead to a shortage – where demand will exceed supply; this leads to waiting lists. In housing it could lead to a rise in homelessness.

   A maximum price can lead to the emergence of black markets as people try to overcome the shortage of the good and pay well above the market price.


   Higher prices for consumers. We had to pay more for food.

   Higher tariffs necessary on imports. .

   Minimum prices encourage oversupply and are inefficient. The CAP encouraged farmers to produce food that no one actually wanted to eat. This included using more chemicals to increase yields


Which of the rights included in the bill of rights included in the English bill of rights has the most influence on our government?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can answer the following.

Which of the rights included in the bill of rights included in the English bill of rights has the most influence on our government?

Correct answer: the right to free speech.

This is one of the foundations of the United States, one of the pillars of the United States democracy and one of the most renowned values for all Americans.

The English Bill of Rights influenced the creation of the US Bill of Rights, which was drafted by James Madison. This Bill of Rights was the factor that created an agreement between federalists and antifederalists to approve the new Constitution of the United States during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Sample response: The most important right in the English Bill of Rights is that the government should protect the right to free speech: "The freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament." Freedom of speech stops powerful people from taking control of the government and allows people to feel comfortable with speaking up for what they believe in. It also gives people the opportunity to hear different sides of an argument and to perhaps change their own opinion. While other rights are important, the right to free speech affects all and is one that is cherished by all. For this and the above reasons, I believe the right to free speech is most important to my government today.


edge2022 sample response

please mark brainlest

i hope you have a good day!

How did the development of the printing press affect the Protestant Revolution?



The printing press helped to strengthen and spread the Protestant Reformation across Europe.


The invention of the printing press allowed for ideas to spread rapidly, as things could be printed in mass quantities for cheap prices.

For example, Luther's 95 theses and his ideas were able to spread rapidly throughout Europe since distribution was much easier.

So, the Protestant Revolution was greatly affected by the invention of the printing press, as it strengthened the movement by spreading the ideas quickly to reach new followers.

the development of the printing press made literature (such as religious texts and newspapers) more accesible to the public. the literacy rate skyrocketed because of this. this is the reason why the protestant reformation went into action, because people started to read the bible more and question the church, hence the 95 theses.

Often, myths are based on events that actually happened. How does a story become a myth rather than history? Historians decide that the event actually could have happened that way. As people retell the story, they add extra details to make the story more impressive. Once the story becomes part of history, people decide to add parts to it. A mythologist writes a book that includes a factual description of the event.



As people retell the story, they add extra details to make the story more impressive.


"The statement “it's a myth” means that a tale or story may be based on some truth, but that it is also based on fiction. ... Within the academic setting, a myth is known as a true fact and over time has been changed through the many different views within a society as an effort to answer the questions of human existence."

*I am pretty sure this is correct....Sorry if it's not :)

Which two social changes of the Magna Carta influenced the US Constitution?

1: It made unreasonable searches and seizures of homes and property illegal.

2: It declared that government taxes were unlawful.

3: It gave the right to defend oneself against the government when needed.

4: It limited the power that the government could hold and use.

5: It guaranteed the right to a trial by a jury of peers.



I belive it is options 3 and 4


because this magna carta made by thy people to defend themselves from overpowered governments and limits poowers of certain branches


here a picture of the answers

What led to the Battle of Bunker Hill? The Boston Massacre created tense unrest throughout the colonies. Members of the Boston militia dumped tea into Boston Harbor. Colonists began to launch protests against the Quartering Act. The British spotted fortifications by militiamen on Breed’s Hill.



an effort to save bullets, during the fighting at Breed's Hill, shouted to the colonists - "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." ... What caused the colonists to retreat from Breed's Hill? They ran out of ammunition.

please help :) Bones and blank preserved in rock are examples of fossils. (footprints/arrowheads)





Bones and footprints are evidence of prehistoric or dead life whereas an arrowhead is an already manmade object lost and found in the form of being somewhat fossilized.




A fossil is a trace of a plant or an animal preserved in earth or rock. An example of a fossil is a preserved tooth or nest.

A footstep from a former animal can be preserved in the earth and give us clues about that life form. An arrowhead was made by a person. Therefore, it can't be a fossil. It is an artifact.

Remember, fossils are the remains of living things. Artifacts are the remains of objects that were created. Therefore, the best choice is footsteps.

Southerners thought that European nations would recognize and support the Confederacy because of the Europeans' desire to upset the global balance of power. wish to back the winning side. lack of economic ties to the North. dependence upon southern cotton.



dependence upon southern cotton.


The confederacy were majorly involved in the production of crop such as cotton which were used to make textile materials and European countries were majorly dependent on them for this item.

This made the Southerners during the war to think that European nations would recognize and support the Confederacy because of the Europeans' dependence on the cotton.

All of the following contributed to colonists' call for independence from Britain EXCEPT: a The Boston Massacre b lack of representation in the British Parliament c enforcing taxes to pay for British war debts d protecting rights for voters



d protecting rights for voters


Not many people had the right to vote in the American colonies, so the protection of rights for voters was not a leading cause of the American Revolution.

The other three statements do refer to specific causes of the revolution: higher taxes, lack of political rights, and violent events such as the Boston Massacre made people furious, and resulted in the unfolding of the events that would give way to the independence of the colonies.

French revolution class 9
Q.what was the estates general?
A.head of the army
B.head of the church
C.a political body
D.a person of high rank in the state administaration.



The answer is - C) A political body


Hope it helped you. Mark my answer as the brainliest answer


Estates-General, also called States General, French États-Généraux, in      France of the pre-Revolution monarchy, the representative assembly of the  three “estates,” or orders of the realm: the clergy (First Estate) and nobility (Second Estate)—which were privileged minorities—and the Third Estate, which represented the majority of the people.    

Q3 Who did babur deafet In the first Battle of panipat ?​



Ibrahim Lodi

In 1526, the Mughal forces of Babur, the Timurid..

please help :) One example of people interacting with their environment is a. trade between geographic regions. b. clearing away trees to plant crops. c. mapping the roads of a region. d. reading about regions that have a mild climate.


I'd say it's B. because it's the only option that I see that physically interacts with the environment.

Hope this helps!




What was the relationship between Johnson’s Great Society and poverty trends between 1960 and 1980? poverty increased significantly as a result of the Great Society it did not affect poverty much over that time poverty was eliminated by the Great Society the level of Americans living in poverty decreased significantly during that period



When Johnson announced his Great Society program in 1964, he promised to reduce poverty, alleviate hunger and malnutrition, expand community medical care, provide adequate housing, and enhance the employability of the poor. ... Thirty-three million poor people competed for just 600,000 public housing units.


Which route did the Northern Pacific Railway follow to Washington?
a. It ran along the western United States to Seattle.
b. It ran across the northern United States to Seattle.
c. It ran along the western United States to Kalama.
d. It ran across the northern United States to Kalama.



Throughout the mid-1880s, the Northern Pacific pushed to reach Puget Sound directly, rather than by means of a roundabout route that followed the Columbia River. Surveys of the Cascade Mountains, carried out intermittently since the 1870s, began anew.

A lorry can safely carry 90 boxes each of mass 75kg . how many boxes each of mass 27kg .can it carry safely ​







I NEED ANSWERS FAST PLEASE!!! <3 Which is the best example of how geography influences history? A.The Sumerians built ziggurats. B. The Greeks used the human form in art. C. The earliest civilizations all developed near rivers. D. Confucianism emphasized the importance of relationships.



c :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Answer: C

Explanation: The reason why those civilizations prospered was that built their homes next to rivers that flooded regularly which in turn provided rich soil for their crops. If they were to build next to dry land they would have problems growing their crops.

How wrote the first Holy Quran??? And when???



Prophet Muhammed

He started writing it in 610-632.


610 in the month of Ramadan.

He wrote the Quran through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril).

It took almost 23 years.

It was complied into a book by Abu Bakar.

Caliph Uthman established the modern version after the death of Muhammed.

Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤

How did the US foreign policy change or not change over time



The United States exercises its foreign policy through economic aid. ... In the years after World War II, the United States was guided generally by containment ... With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, containment no longer made sense, ... deal with foreign, military, and economic policies that affect national security.


5. Which one of the following does not characterize Christianity in western Europe between 600 and 1000 CE? B. Augustine of Hippo emphasized that the "City of God" was represented on earth by the Catholic Church. C. The strength of the Catholic Church derived in large part from the fact that nearly all Christians lived in the European lands under its religious authority.



Option:  The strength of the Catholic Church derived in large part from the fact that nearly all Christians lived in the European lands under its religious authority.


Christianity spread throughout the Roman empire and reaches beyond its borders and places like England, Ireland and among Franks. During this period, Christian monasticism began to come up. It was a devotional practice where individuals lived a life of a hermit and dedicated to worship

After the collapse of the Western Empire, the involvement in papal affairs replaced by Germanic rulers. Popes forced to make grants to authorities in exchange for security. In 590, during Pope Gregory I Papacy, Europe was under famine, plague, and faced threats from outsiders. Gregory turned the papacy’s attention to the Germanic peoples, in this way the West entered into the papacy.

Importance of vegetation to man



Explanation: Vegetation is important because it helps regulate the flow of numerous biogeochemical cycles.

What made Judaism different from the religions that came before it?

It was monotheistic.
It introduced prayer.
It required sacrifices.
It had special holidays.



It was monotheistic.

Monotheistic involves the belief that there is only one God. This is the general principle and philosophy of the religion of Judaism . This is different from other religions which practice polytheistic religion.


Monotheistic involves the belief that there is only one God. This is the general principle and philosophy of the religion of Judaism . This is different from other religions which practice polytheistic religion.


It was monotheistic


The religion of Judaism is a monotheistic religion. All the other religions have prayers, sacrifices, and special holidays. However all of the other religions are polytheistic

Why were nations such as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, and Poland called satellite states of the Soviet Union?


At the end of WW2, the USSR put puppet governments on the countries it occupied during the war with Nazi Germany; these countries were called "satellites" in the West as an analogy to, say, smaller moons revolving around larger planets. The "smaller moons" were the puppet states and the "larger planet" was the Soviet Union.

Satellite states were officially independent nations, but they were under heavy political, economic and military influence of daddy USSR. So they effectively "revolved" around it.

The text states that the Committee “expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2% over the medium term as the labor market improves further….” Why would the FOMC expect inflation to rise because of improvements in the labor market?



Because a better labor market means that more people are employed and earning a salary. This increase in the number of people employed will drive consumption, which in turn, will push prices of goods and services because supply is likely to fall short of demand in the short-term.

This in turn will cause a moderate rise in inflation, just like the FOMC expects.


The Committee expects inflation to rise because more people have jobs. When more people have incomes, the demand for goods increases. Increased demand increases prices, which causes inflation.



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