What does Crevecoeur believe is the proper relationship people should have with the land and nature?
They should preserve nature.
They should cultivate and use nature.
They should admire nature from a distance.
They should view nature as dangerous.


Answer 1



People should still be able to admire nature but not take advantage of it.

Related Questions

10. Which of the following are examples of freeway interchange configurations?
A. Flute, harp, and violin
B. Diamond, trumpet, and cloverleaf
C. Diamond, trumpet, and leafy
D. Diamond, Merge, and Deceleration


Examples of freeway interchange configurations are: B. Diamond, trumpet, and cloverleaf.

What are Interchanges?

Road interchanges are intersections of two roads. There are four types of road interchanges, namely;  Diamond, trumpet, frontage, and cloverleaf.

The Diamond interchanges, for instance, allow an interchange to occur between a major roadway and a second dual roadway. So, option B captures the examples of interchanges.

Learn more about Interchanges here:


Which step to writing an essay is to alter your work to amend any errors that you have noticed?



It is called Text Proof reading

Help me please..
Create dialogs from 2 pictures above…
I hope you answer it correctly!!! Thank you!!



No because yeah

Explanation: No because this is written wrong

Nuclear energy can provide electricity for the world needs, but it is __________
(4 Điểm)

A. cheap

B. unlimited

C. dangerous

D. safe


I think the answer is C

Imagine you are going to conduct a research project based on this excerpt. Which research question is the most effective for this topic?

What grievances, complaints, and injustices did the women’s rights activists at the Seneca Falls Convention include in A Declaration of Sentiments when they wrote it in 1848?
How did suffragettes work to obtain the rights outlined in the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments?
Did any other women’s rights conventions occur in 1848?
How has A Declaration of Sentiments affected America?



I think the answer might be B.



I hope this helps!!! :D :DDDDD

Your best friend has just been suspended from school for truancy.write a letter to her expressing your displeasure and advising her to turn a new leaf




1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud 1. A. Volunteer B. Committee C. Guarantee D. Degree 2. A. Chemistry B. Chemical C. Charity D. Mechanic 3. A. Architect B. Church C. Childhood D. Change 4. A. Collage B. Cave C. Cycle D. Cancel 5. A. Child B. Provide C. Mind D. Think



There's no underlined part.


"What would happen if we waited a week before trying this idea?" What kind of language is this?
A. Blocking
OB. Speculative
OC. Hypothetical
OD. Exploratory



What idea?


The answer is OC. Hypothetical

Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why​



I agree


I believe that if you don't like what you do, then you will start to slack off, and won't get any better at it. You work harder if you like your work, and therefore you need to like what you do. Don't go the path others what you to go, unless you want to.


Write a two-paragraph objective summary of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow
Wallpaper." Identify a theme of the story and explore how characterization and setting
develop that theme. One paragraph will be about character and the other
paragraph will be about setting, but both paragraphs must be about the same theme. Your
story should include the following elements:
Two paragraphs, each about a different detail (character or setting) that shows the theme
Objective summaries that emphasize details related to each paragraph topic
Clear, formal, academic language that shows your professionalism



   According to "The Yellow Wallpaper," a person's labor and self-expression can assist overcome a difficulty while failing to do so might aggravate the situation. Throughout the novel, the main heroine discreetly writes in a journal without telling her spouse. Her spouse, a doctor, advises her to relax and avoid activities in order to recover from her depressive disorder. As she is unable to accomplish what she wants, her mind wanders to the awful yellow background and the imprisoned lady. His objection to her writing worsens her mental state until he faints when he realizes the degree of her craziness.

 When it comes to the fundamental subject of labor and self-expression, the location of the narrative plays a major role. The narrative is set in a tiny room with bars on the windows and dirty yellow wallpaper, which contributes to the narrator's despair and mental decline. This leads her to believe that a lady is trapped behind the wallpaper. She rips the paper to liberate the woman. The narrator feels she is the imprisoned lady, locked in the wallpaper, crawling about the room.


I hope this is helpful, and remember that as long as you try, you will never fail.

the synonym of the word ask ​



The synonym of the word ask is inquire. look up if you don't believe me!

Have you any idea............ ? a. What is his name b. what his name is My friend prefers coffee C. what name tea​





Help me please I need it



not sure



Can someone help with the questions (1 and 2) please. ASAP


the asnwer is letter b


What is the mood of the poem The Black Man's Plea for Justice?
A overwhelmed
C. indignant
D. conciliatory



The answer is { Indignant }


Answer:What is the mood of the poem The Black Man's Plea for Justice?

A overwhelmed


C. indignant

D. conciliatory

The answer is C. indignant


Samus drank tea with a polite, gnome in the forest.




Samus drank tea with a polite gnome in the forest.

Because polite is an adjective describing the noun "gnome", you don't need the comma between the adjective and noun.

Hope this helps!

5 sentences please I need help!



Police can get involved in a car accident.

Police can get involved in a fund raiser.

Police can get involved in a domestic situation.

Police can get involved in a wellness check.

Police can get involved in a parade.


They get involved in these situations by either just showing up or actually doing something to help others.

had to sing correct grammar please



had to sing


this option makes the most sense as the structure of the words is parallel.

If a bus travel 6 km in 10 minutes , what dustance does it travel in 1 second ?​





because it is a short time




10minutesx60 seconds= 600 seconds

6km/600seconds =0.1km

Explain why each is an example of personification
Soft silence of the summer night!
Alive with wistful murmurings,
Enfold me in thy quiet might:
The peace of heaven is stealing now



The following explanation are based off of each provided sentence:


1) Silence is not an object that can be physically felt, and therefore it is impossible for it to be "soft."

2) "Wistful murmurings" are sound waves that reach your eardrum (allowing them to be heard) are not "alive."

3) The "quiet night" cannot "Enfold" you as it has no way of touching you or acknowledging you.

4) Heaven cannot "steal."

Hope this is helpful! Have an amazing day!

place to sit in a staduim called​


A place to sit in a stadium is called: Bleachers
Bleachers? Seats? Could be a multitude of things.

She got married __ the age of 40.




At is the correct answer

Which of the following is true? A. A strong argumentative essay should contain secondary sources and not primary sources. B. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary sources and not secondary sources. C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. D. A strong argumentative essay should never contain primary and secondary sources.



C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources


A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. The statement is true. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is argumentative?

The term argumentative refers to the someone or something that is not agree to point of view. The someone is started disagreements with particular topic. The instances of exchange of arguments is argumentation.

In research, argumentative essays are crucial since they evaluate the information, gather the topic, produce ideas, and succinctly state a perspective.

Primary and secondary materials should both be included in the research for a solid argumentative essay. The collection of primary and secondary data formed the basis for the research. The argumentative data collection uses secondary sources like journals, newspapers, and books along with primary data like sample bases.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on argumentative, here:



13. Write a letter to your Principal asking for his/her permission to take part
in an inter-school debate.
to imnrnye snaken English


To The Principal

(school) (date)

Subject- seeking permission to take part in inter school debate.

Respected Sir,

With due respect i want to state you that I (name,class,sec) of your school wants to take part in inter school debate competition which is going to be held in our school. Sir I have been a regular student at this competition and i had also won the first position last time. Hence, this year too i would like to have the opportunity to represent my school with my fellow students and win the competition. Sir i hope you will be kind enough to allow me to take part in the competition considering my


Thanking you,

Yours obediently (name)

I hope it helps you. Let me know

Which synonym best replaces the
underlined word in the following
In the scenario I developed, I
never thought this would happen!
A. mood
B. synergy
C. aftermath
D. plan


It has to be c aftermath
Mood is correct answer

Should global population growth be restricted?



Yes in some cases it should to prevent orphans and stuff.


How would you describe the Nazi soldiers who carried out the torture and murder of the Jewish people in World War Two





because although they were following the orders it was affecting the people live ( jewish)

Answer:people with no hearts .


who can bear seeing blood and the pain of others ?

PLEASE HELP QUICKLY Which root is used in each of the following words? manual: manage



The word manual comes from Latin root words meaning "of the hand ,,,, here is your ans bro

1 only? Subject : English Put the verbs in brackets forms: 1. The earth.....(move) round the sun. He generally ....( sing) in Hindi. 3. This paper ......(appear) twice weekly. 4. Milk ...(be) white. 5 The match....... (start) at 3p.m. tomorrow. 6. Don't disturb me. I ....(do) my homework. am 7 Look ! Your father ... (come) to see you. O 1... (do) anything at this moment. He still... (dance) an The old man .. (die) recently. died ​


1. Moves
2. Sings
3. Appears
4. Is
5. Starts
6. Am doing
7. Came
8. Are you doing (I’m not sure, the sentence isn’t very clear)
9. Dances
10. Died


1) moves

2) sings

3) appears

4) is

5) starts

6) am doing

7) has come

8) (question not clear)

9) danced

10) died

build an argument for is deportation an effective solution for illegal immagrants



— The solution must be in the rational middle ground between mass deportation and amnesty. Report by Laura Collins January 19, 2021.

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