What does it mean to make "difficult choices" when creating a federal budget? deciding how to keep interest rates on the national debt low deciding which country to borrow from to finance spending deciding how much to lend and how much to tax deciding what will be funded and what will be cut


Answer 1

The correct answer is "deciding what will be funded and what will be cut."

What does it mean to make "difficult choices" when creating a federal budget?

The correct answer is: "deciding what will be funded and what will be cut."

The main job of the Office of Management and Budget is to create the federal budget based on the needs of various agencies.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) supports the President of the United States when elaboration on the annual budget for government agencies. This office prepares the budget, elaborates the regulatory policies of the executive agencies, coordinates with the legislative branch because Congress has to approve the budget, and oversees all the processes.

For this office, it is always a difficult moment when they have to decide what will be funded and what will be cut, depending on the different necessities.

Answer 2




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kullabs:I n the history of Nepal, altogether 6 constitutions were promulgated. They were made by a single authority. All of them did not comprehend the sentiments of the people and their aspirations due to which Mass Movement 2062/63 took place and Loktantra was established. After the establishment of Loktantra in Nepal, the constituent assembly was conducted and thus, a constituent assembly was formed. It was formed to ensure better rights and freedom to the people.


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This answer would end in state prison

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The problem is not that the economy is not generating enough jobs; it is. The problem is that the vast majority of the jobs that are being created are of extremely low quality. The employment problem in India is not about the quantity of jobs but rather about the quality of jobs.

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Validity of the grade.


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The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society. ... The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society




The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society. ... The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society.

The formation of society takes place through the interaction of different norms, rituals, and cultures.

1. People from different cultures and norms possess different and varied values that help to build a new society.

2. Society and culture have a great relationship with each other.

3. People cooperate and interact with each other at different levels.

4. The exchange of art, beliefs, laws, and customs leads to the formation of society.

how Democracy do
improve the quality of decision making?​


Democracy allows for citizens to create a nation in which they can choose a better environment. Without it, most people will feel as if the government they are living in is unfair.

The Crusades had which effect on Muslims in Europe?

A. Muslims became powerful nobles in European kingdoms
B. Muslims were pushed out of many parts of Europe.
C. Muslims were killed in pogroms across Europe.
D. Most Muslims in Europe became Christian.


The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages. Western European Christians sought to gain control of Palestine, the land where Jesus lived, died, and according to Christians, was resurrected, from the Muslims. While Christian Crusaders never achieved more than temporary control of Jerusalem, the Crusades had many lasting effects on Western European societies. These effects profoundly changed the lives of Western Europeans. One of the many effects of the Crusades was that the pope and the kings of Western Europe became more powerful. In addition, Europeans began to trade with the Middle East. Trade increased as Western Europeans began to buy products like sugar, lemons, and spices. Naturally, increased trade led to increased cultural diffusion. Crusaders and traders learned about Arab art, architecture, medicine, and mathematics. Since the Arabs were very advanced in science and mathematics, Western European knowledge increased. Finally, after traveling to the Middle East, may Western Europeans began to see their small villages as uninteresting and even boring. Many Western Europeans began to seek adventure. Exploration increased.

How did early civilizations in the Americas differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere?



they develop slower due to the fact that civilizations in the Americas were farther spread apart than civilizations in the eastern hemisphere.

I hope this helps.

Mention any four challenge of sustainable development in nepal



1)A mission to clean food

2)Why do we need biofuels?

3)About us

4)Automated logistics


Progress is always possible. Explore insights from true changemakers. We support changemakers. People leading sustainable change in the world.

What is the purpose of the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is an actual line. It marks the southernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It marks the northernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It marks the southernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.

The Arctic Circle is an actual line. It marks the northernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.



The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It marks the northernmost latitude at which the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. This makes for long days in summer and long nights during winter.


An Arctic Circle can be defined as an imaginary line of latitude that is drawn parallel to the equator around the Earth, at approximately 66°30′ North.

Basically, the Arctic Circle is described by scientists as the most northerly of the five major circles of latitude and one of the two (2) polar circle of the Earth.

The zone (region) to the South of the Arctic Circle is generally referred to as the Northern Temperate Zone while the zone (region) to the North of the Arctic Circle is called the Arctic.

Furthermore, the Arctic Circle represents or depicts the northernmost latitude at which the centre of the noon is only visible in the winter solstice in December i.e the sun does not rise at least one day a year, and does not set at least one day a year. The above describes the polar night (24 hour sunless night) of the December winter solstice.

In conclusion, the Arctic Circle causes long days in summer and long nights during winter.

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Nepalese are interrelated with each other because of peace , harmony ,humanity and patriotism.

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