what does precisely mean? in your own words


Answer 1


precisely mean Exactly and perfectly

Related Questions

Which sentence contains an action verb?
Leslie was the best swimmer in the group.
I am usually the quietest person in the room.
My cat is always on the windowsill.
Bert swallowed the worm with a grimace,


first, swimmer is an action , i ain’t 100 percent sure but i’m pretty sure

Select all the correct answers.
Which beliefs are important in Judaism?

1. A person should do good deeds or mitzvahs.
2. A person should focus only on his or her relationship with God and not with other people.
3. There are other gods, but God is all-powerful.
4. A person should practice self-control when following Jewish laws.
5. The messiah is a God who has already come.



1.    3.   4. I believe


I may not be right but i beileve i am.... good luck!!

The answer to this question is going to be #3 and #4

What is ironic about this short story? What type of irony is it? How does it add to the main idea theme in the passages? The book gift of Magi


The book Gift of Magi was written by O.Henry in 1905. The irony about this story is that how a young poor couple manages to keep their partner happy, despite being poor they both purchase beautiful gift for their spouse.

The story revolves around the couple of James and Della Dillingham Young. James sells his watch to purchase tortoiseshell comb for Della while Della Dillingham sells her beautiful long hairs to purchase a platinum chain for Jim's antique gold watch. They exchange their gifts on the Christmas Eve.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24364774

Write a diary of a day including important activities you did? Answer for class 8​


I woke up at 7.00 a.m took my online classes. Then my mom give me breakfast I ate that. My classes completed at 2.00 pm then I had a nap for 1 hour. I woke up again and I had my lunch. I watched TV for an hour and then I went out and took some rides on my bicycle. I played cricket with my friends. I came back at 7:00 p.m and then I did my homework which were due. I completed them till 10. My mom got me my dinner and then I spent sometime with family. After that I went for sleep.

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone”?



The best and the correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the second choice. The author's viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone” is that it is a historical artifact that scholars spent too much time trying to understand.

In poetry, what is the use of an object to represent an idea or emotion?
O A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
O D. Symbolism



c . personification


Please write an SOP (Supported Opinion Paragraph) based on the story the flying machine



My opinion is against the emperor.


My opinion about the story ''the flying machine'' is in against of that emperor who executed such a brilliant mind instead of using it for the welfare and development of his empire. He can use this machine for the spying purpose or transport aid to their troops that are present in far places. The advantages of this invention is more than its disadvantages so in my pinion the execution of the inventor and the burning of machine should not be done by the king.

Monday, September 28, 1942
"I'm dying to tell you about another one of our clashes, but before I do I'd
like to say this: I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often
and about such petty matters."
- Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
O Metaphor


Hyperbole because she says she dying it tell someone something, it’s an exaggeration


the answer should be hyberbole

ASAP please help me please



the 3rd one, even the smartest people need help sometimes


Allegra claimed to be too smart for getting help from a little girl but she actually helped Allegra so its pretty obvious and the hint sentence in this paragraph could be "thanks to some assistance from a young girl"


The answer is C.


The passage is telling us that no matter how smart you are, even a little help from anyone can benefit you, even if you think you don't need it. Such was the case with Allegra.

And it best describes the main theme of the story.

Write to a friend to tell him/ her that you haven't got the book they want to borrow from you because you have lent the book to your cousin. Tell him/ her that in two weeks your cousin is supposed to bring the book back and once you get the book, you will immediately give to them. come up with names, use an informal style of writing.



Dear Felisha

I already got your letter asking me to let you lend a book. I'm sorry but, my cousin has already asked me to lend the book you asked for, and I'm supposed to get it back in two weeks' time. Once I get the book back, I will immediately give it to you.

Yours faithfuly,


Dear Solana,

It’s just now been brought to my attention that I do not have the book you asked for. I lent it to my cousin, Zara, and she has not yet to return it. She’s coming over in about 2 weeks, and she will return my book then. If you still want it then, i’ll give it to you as soon as I can. I’m sorry about the confusion.


When giving an informal presentation, speakers can best prepare by

dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut.
creating graphs and maps to show.
adding scientific language to the speech.
finding a humorous story to use in the opening.



dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut




“Lightning danced across the sky” is an example of which literary device?





hope this helps :)




Personification is giving non living things human like characteristics

Lighting is an example of a non living thing

In the expression "Lightning danced across the sky” lightning is given a human characteristic which is dancing.

Because lightning is a non living thing and is given a human characteristic in the saying the literary device being used is personification

Hello, what will happen if i do not get all my work done in summer school?



I don't know, but work hard!


I predict you may get held back, or have to do the class during school but you can do this! I'm in summer school right now, but don't worry!!

Answer: you gon have to finish the work during the school year

Which inference can be best drawn about Ray Bradbury’s work from his commencement speech?


Answer: He was very successful writing novels.


Ray Douglas Bradbury was an screenwriter and author. His works included mystery, horror, fantasy, science fiction and realistic fiction.

In the commencement speech, he spoke about his humble beginnings and how he was determined. He was very successful writing novels.

Write a story which ends with the expression what a dream


ahi que sueño

espo er

lndependence day was celebrated in your school and your headmaster was the chief guest speaker. write a report on the function describing all the activities that took place in not less than 250 words​



bro not gonna cap u on your own on this.

if i shave my stomach will it grow back darker and thicker??


No it won’t. That’s a myth
Shaving things such as pubes leg hair or armpit hair will grow back thicker but not necessarily darker because it just appears that way because its a new healthier hair but for other places like eyebrows and stomach that have thin hair or little hair shaving them can actually stop them from growing back in some cases -to stop hair from growing back thicker u would pluck or wax removing the hair root from its follicle and shaving this can rarely remove the hair root but shaving most of the time only trims the hair for a short period of time because you didn’t completely remove the hair root which causes the hair root to get stronger because you let it stay and absorb more nutrients from your skin and oils and that sometimes makes your hair thicker and healthier and newer giving the appearance of darker hair depending on the area you shaved but the only reason shaving makes hair stronger is because it is new healthy hair compared to when u never shave and leave old hair that over time dies and appears thin. But the hair root can usually make more healthier new hair if not constantly removed

Why would an author write a story in the second person


To make the reader feel more involved and/or more immersed.

Thank you so much thank y’all



The answer is 4. Antithesis

Thank You! Please mark me Brainliest!

13. You............both ways before you cross the road. a) look b) should look c) looked

14. You............the bill until you have checked it.
a) pay b) paid c) shouldn't pay

15. You.........your door before you go out
a) closed b) close c) should close

16. My father told me..........so much money on clothes.
a) don't spend b) not to spend c) not spend

17. Rita asked me where............
a) is my brother b) my brother was c) my brother were

18. My science teacher told me that..........
a) water freezes at 0 c b) water froze at 0 c c) water has frozen at 0 c

19. Sampada advised me..........
a) don't be rude b) not to be rude c) to be not rude

20. ...............he saw the garden, he fell in love with it. a) after b) As soon as c) because

21. ..............her illness, she didn't give up working.
a) Inspite of b) because of c) because

22. He passed maths............he failed english.
a) However b) but c) and

23. 10 Miles..............a long distance.
a) is b) are c) have

24. Shyam along with his friends..........gone to Pokhara.
a) is b) has c) have

25. Ram always helps us. We...........always helped by Ram.
a) are b) was c) have been

26. People were laughing at him. He..........laughed at.
a) is being b) was being c) have been

27. I hate people telephoning me early in the morning. I hate ...........early in the morning.
a) being telephoned b) been telephoned c) telephones

28. He did they..............the employee?
a) selected b) select c) selects

29. They.............yet.
a) haven't arrived b) didn't arrive c) hasn't arrived

30. He goes to the school everyday. The yes/no question of this statement is................
a) Is he go to the school everyday? b) Does he go to the school everyday? c) Do he go to the school everyday?

31. Someone has stolen my pen. My pen.............
a) has stolen b) has been stolen c) is stolen​



Please check your answer in the attachment

hope it is helpful to you








Should be right I've gotten similar problems on an Edge quiz like this.

l want a story that ends with indeed it is terrible to befriend bad people





Once there lived a horrible mother who treated her child named Ella awfully, she always wanted someone to love her. But she was trapped in a attic, (which was her room). There was absolutely no possible way on earth she could ever get out of there. She was lonely everyday on those nights when the star shimmered so bright, oh how she would wish to get out of this horrible dreadful place. The attic she lived in had dusty mud colored walls that had spider webs all over and cockroaches that flew and crawled around.

Since those awful creatures were the only thing she could socialize with she did. She would hold them lightly on her hand and sing a song her dad sang after he had passed away. She would cry to sleep on the dusty loose floors everyday night.

But one day she was exploring the attic to see if there was anything she could use to not be bored, and she found a vent that would lead to the outside world. So, she broke open the vent with a piece of wood and she crawled out through another vent. Finally, she found light and saw latters to climb of. She was outside but how would she get down? It was so awfully high, she found latters to Climb down of. she jumped down and saw a little boy, and she ran to him and said "Hey, would you like to be my friend and play?"

The was answered and said yes, he invited her to his home and then locked the door fast. He tied her up and took off a mask, he wasn't a little boy, he was a man! The girl was trapped there and never to be seen again...

Think and lethargic are synonyms.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


It is false, because lethargic means to be sluggish and apathetic




Locate the gerund phrase and identify its noun use.
We enjoyed riding on the bus.
Gerund Phrase:
Noun Use:


Ans: Riding on the bus

i think so

Gerund phrase: riding.

noun use: direct object.

What is the main event that takes place in the first chapter of the wizard of oz?



I believe it was the tornado


The tornado that leads Dorothy to the land of oz

make a 5 sentence of past tense and change it into direct speech​



1. i wrote a letter

2. they wrote a letter

3. i was writting a letter

4. they were writting a letter

5. i had written a letter



i hope that helps you...

i cant change into direct speech

Which of the following is NOT necessary to put on note cards or in your notes when doing research?

1. the page number on which the information was found

2. the main idea of the information on the card

3. the reason you chose the reference as a source

4. word-for-word quotations, complete with quotation marks



The reason you chose the reference as a source

The correct option is 3 i,e. The reason you chose the reference as a source


When you are faced with starting a research paper, the most important part of researching and beginning to write is ORGANIZING the information and your thoughts. With this method, you categorize the information you find by topic.


As you find interesting facts about your topic during your research, you should write them down.

This is how you can write the Note Card in this. The Reason you choose the reference as a source is not necessary.

Hence, the correct option is (3).

Learn more about Note Card here.

Link: https://brainly.com/question/24227291


choose the right word to complete each sentence in this expert from Bedes An Ecclesiastical History Of the English People





histery start from bc and ad before Christian and 720 establish mulim session

Which answer shares a word part with resplendent?
A. interrogate
B. repress
C. splendor



C. splendor


Let's first take a look at the word resplendent.

Resplendent is made up of the Latin roots re, and splendere.

A, interrogate, has none of these roots. Same goes for B.

C, splendor, however, includes the root splendere. Thus, this is the correct answer.

Hope this helps!

Note: the Latin root splendere means "to glitter".

paragraph writing about friend​


[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \huge\underline{\bf \orange{ ❥ \: \: ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ }}[/tex]

One of the purest relationships is the relationship of friendship. A person without a friend lives a hard life. Everybody needs a companion to deal with our experience. It is dependent upon you that how you define friendship. It can be sharing your food, taking care of that person, supporting them in their thick and thin. You may not be loud about it, but if you care for a person silently, that is what friendship is. Friendship is about laughing together on small things, cherishing every moment you share, standing together for each other even when the world turns their backs towards them.


Friendships are sometimes more durable than the relationship of love. Even though the definition of friendship varies from person to person, the core meaning behind it is the same for everybody. Life is empty without a friend. So when you gain a true friend, make sure you cherish it with all your heart. The person with a real friend, with whom all the things can be shared, are the luckiest in the world. A friend will never judge you, and they will never stop scolding you if you are wrong. But whatever the situation be, they will always be there to support you.



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