what does the word Feudalism mean?


Answer 1


the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.


i have had this on edgenui ty before. it should be muliple choice, if it is not the answer up there might be able to help you. but if it is multiple choice tell me in the comments below.

Answer 2

feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval europe that flourished between the 9th century to 15th century

Related Questions

Should America pay reparations for slavery?


Answer: Reparations would compensate Black Americans for the lost wages and suffering of their ancestors, American slave laborers.


It had the opposite effect on enslaved people and their descendants, stripping them of wages, property, civil rights, and freedom.

Read this quotation by G. W. Plunkitt, a Tammany Hall boss and New York senator. What does Plunkitt describe as honest graft


The correct answer to this question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the quotation. Without it, we do not know what is its content, just you know it.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

What G. W. Plunkitt describes as honest graft is "using inside knowledge to profit from city construction projects."

Plunkitt and Boss Tweed achieved great power through political corruption.

This political machine was based on corrupt practices. Too much money and concessions were given to maintain its political power. The political machine had a big influence in the Democratic political circles and dominated New York City from the mid-1800s to 1934.




cuz its c

Who became the richest from the Gold Rush in 1850?



"Brannan" is the appropriate answer.


The wealthiest individual named "Brannan", the most powerful families throughout California were recognized throughout the centuries the 1850s as well as 1860s.The turmoil of something like the surge of riches was playing against his temperament as well as entrepreneurial sensibilities or skills, but perhaps a player cared for him.

Thus the above is the correct answer.

What industry did not suffer during the Great Depression? O A. The banking industry B. The manufacturing industry O C. The movie industry D. The farming industry​



The correct answer would be C. The movie industry

Cameron is a US citizen. He had certain ideas that could take the form of laws and bring about reforms in the country's agricultural sector. Which step should Cameron take?




Why did people in France want a Revolution?


bcoz of the following reasons --

#1 Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System.

#2 Tax Burden on the Third Estate.

#3 The Rise of the Bourgeoisie.

#4 Ideas put forward by Enlightenment philosophers.

#5 Financial Crisis caused due to Costly Wars.

#6 Drastic Weather and Poor Harvests in the preceding years.


plz mark it as brainliest

How did the fire-eaters differ from the Unionists?
They supported Henry Foote for governor.
They wanted to secede over the issue of slavery.
They wanted to uphold the Compromise of 1850.
They opposed the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision.



They wanted to secede over the issue of slavery.


Unlike the Unionists who believe that the United States of America should remain together as one larger entity, the fire-eaters, however, believe in the secession of the United States. Fire eaters also favor slavery

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is, the fire-eaters differ from the Unionists in the sense that "They wanted to secede over the issue of slavery."

if you were born in the middle ages, which of the following would you not be able to do?

a. freely buy and sell property
b. enjoy the rights and duties of your group membership
c. inherit property


b. Enjoy the rights and duties of your group membership

Hope this helps


I would say between A or C

can anyone explain what is Bermuda triangle?



Hi , so your answer is that The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any mystery.


i really hope i helped , pleaseee mark me brainliest , have a nice day and thank you in advance :) .

The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean in which ships, planes, and people are alleged to have mysteriously vanished.

For decades, the Atlantic Ocean’s fabled Bermuda Triangle has captured the human imagination with unexplained disappearances of ships, planes, and people.

Some speculate that unknown and mysterious forces account for the unexplained disappearances, such as extraterrestrials capturing humans for study; the influence of the lost continent of Atlantis; vortices that suck objects into other dimensions; and other whimsical ideas. Some explanations are more grounded in science, if not in evidence. These include oceanic flatulence (methane gas erupting from ocean sediments) and disruptions in geomagnetic lines of flux.

Environmental considerations could explain many, if not most, of the disappearances. The majority of Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes pass through the Bermuda Triangle, and in the days prior to improved weather forecasting, these dangerous storms claimed many ships. Also, the Gulf Stream can cause rapid, sometimes violent, changes in weather. Additionally, the large number of islands in the Caribbean Sea creates many areas of shallow water that can be treacherous to ship navigation. And there is some evidence to suggest that the Bermuda Triangle is a place where a “magnetic” compass sometimes points towards “true” north, as opposed to “magnetic” north.

The U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard contend that there are no supernatural explanations for disasters at sea. Their experience suggests that the combined forces of nature and human fallibility outdo even the most incredulous science fiction. They add that no official maps exist that delineate the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. The U. S. Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area.

The ocean has always been a mysterious place to humans, and when foul weather or poor navigation is involved, it can be a very deadly place. This is true all over the world. There is no evidence that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large, well-traveled area of the ocean.

The town meeting is practiced by several small towns in the United States. In a town meeting, any voting citizen
may vote on new laws. This form of democracy is called a
A. direot democracy
B. intense democracy
C. immediate democracy
D. representative democracy


It is D hope This help
It’s c and I hope it is right

What was the impact of sharecropping on African Americans in Mississippi?

It helped them develop wealth.
It deprived them of work.
It increased their political power.
It trapped them in a cycle of debt.


Answer: B

Explanation: It deprived them of work

How did the roles of different classes play a part in the development of the government in the Roman Republic?

If you can (I'll mark brainliest), write a paragraph like 6-8 ish sentences. If you can't, please just list some points.


Answer:  Citizenship and the government varied greatly over time. The patricians class dominated the Republic. The highest positions were the two consuls. The senate, made of patricians, elected these consuls. During most of the Republic the Senate was the most powerful governing body.  Senate power was diluted by Sulla  and Julius Caesar leading to the end of the Republic.  Full citizens could vote, marry and trade, but lower class plebeians could not.  Patricians were able to use their wealth to control the Republic but gradually, plebeians gained the power to elect tribunes.  Tribunes could veto Senate acts.  Eventually plebeians even held the position of consul.   During times of war The Senate could appoint a dictator with the power of absolute control over the military.  

Read the paragraph below from the section "What practical factors did you consider when thinking about food production on Mars?"

Mars has almost no atmosphere. The atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the planet. The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than Earth's atmosphere. Mars is also very cold.

What conclusion can the reader make based on this paragraph?

(A) Conditions are much harsher on Mars than on Earth.
(B) People will be unable to grow their own food on Mars.
(C) Structures on Mars will be bigger than structures on Earth.
(D) There is a limited amount of land to use to grow food on Mars.


The answer is A) condition are much harsher on Mars than earth.

Help me plssss thank youuu



sorry i would help you but i can't see the pic


I think it’s the 3rd answer, but I’m not sure

give five reasons why slaves were needed.



Large plantations had field hands and house servants. House servants performed tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and driving, while the field hands labored for up to 20 hours a day clearing land, planting seed, and harvesting crops.

Slaves where not needed they only came about because people were to lazy to do their own work. Also slaves came to be because back then and still today people don’t like different and black people were different so the white people had to make sure that they stayed at the top of the food chain so then they made slaves to keep the different people in their places.

Who wanted a limited or constitutional monarchy?

the Conservatives
the Jacobins
the Church
the king


Answer: The conservatives


Answer: The conservatives

Explanation: Just took the test

How has the government created change within American society?


Answer:The government created change within American society by, changing societal attitudes about slavery and equality repeatedly forced by the government.

Explanation: For example; Ethical changes: Since before the United States was founded, slavery was looked upon as a necessary evil. Changing societal attitudes about slavery and equality repeatedly forced the government to address this issue, from the three-fifths compromise at the Constitutional Convention in 1787; to passage of the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1870, giving black citizens the right to vote; to the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, which ruled that forced racial segregation was unconstitutional. Each of these changes was driven by the prevailing ethical beliefs of the time.

Changes in gender roles: Gone are the days when women were expected to be compliant housewives and mothers. Over time, social mores concerning what women can do and should be able to do have changed, and the government has changed right along with them. One hundred years ago, women didn't even have the right to vote, but now, women sit in Congress, on the Supreme Court, and in the Space Shuttle.

Religious changes: The government hasn't handled all new issues with as much success. During the second half of the nineteenth century, the widely growing temperance movement called for the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and garnered some successes in particular states. The federal government was eventually forced to deal with the issue and passed the 18th Amendment. For 14 years, it was a federal crime to manufacture, transport, or sell liquor in the United States. The result: speakeasies, bootleggers, and a rise in organized crime. Congress repealed the 18th Amendment with passage of the 21st Amendment, and the so-called Noble Experiment was deemed a failure.

Technological changes: Perhaps the most volatile aspect of American society these days is the rate of technological growth, and the U.S. government has responded to new technological issues as well. In many cases, whole new sectors of government have been created to deal with technological change, such as the Federal Communications Commission (founded in 1934), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and NASA (both in 1958), and the Federal Department of Transportation (1966). One recent government response to technological change (and a direct result of American society's passion for wireless technology) is the FCCs ruling that television stations must transmit all-digital signals by June 12, 2009.

i hope this helps you. Have a good day

All of the following statements about the Declaration of Independence are TRUE except:
It was called "an expression of the American mind."
It was a document in which the colonists declared their freedom from Britain.
It divided power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government.
It stated that people have the right to overthrow their government when their basic rights are being violated



D. It stated that people have the right to overthrow their government when their basic rights are being violated.


Why was Ancient Zimbabwe referred aa "Great Zimbabwe"? Explain with three examples​



With an economy based on cattle husbandry, crop cultivation, and the trade of gold on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Great Zimbabwe was the heart of a thriving trading empire from the 11th to the 15th centuries. The word zimbabwe, the country's namesake, is a Shona (Bantu) word meaning “stone houses.”


Fun facts:

Great Zimbabwe is the name of the stone ruins of an ancient city near modern day Masvingo, Zimbabwe. ... The city was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, which was a Shona (Bantu) trading empire. Zimbabwe means “stone houses” in Shona. Great Zimbabwe was part of a large and wealthy global trading network.

Read the passage from Chief Joseph.

For a short time we lived quietly. But this could not last. White men had found gold in the mountains . . . . They stole a great many horses from us . . . . The white men told lies for each other. They drove off a great many of our cattle. Some white men branded our young cattle so they could claim them. We had no friends who would plead our cause before the law councils. . . . I labored hard to avoid trouble and bloodshed. We gave up some of our country to the white men, thinking that then we could have peace. We were mistaken.

–Chief Joseph,
Nez Perce

Which statement best sums up Chief Joseph’s point of view?

OThe arrival of settlers meant his people could live in peace.
OIt is wrong to steal horses or to brand cattle that are young.
OThe Nez Perces learned a great deal from the newcomers.
OIt was a mistake to welcome the Americans to Nez Perce land.


it was a mistake to welcome the Americans to Nez Perce land
The Answer to this is D

explain the uncertainty that existed in 1854 concerning the future of the balance of power between free and slave states.



Due to 11 free states and 10 slave states.


There was a great uncertainty that existed in 1854 which concern the future of the balance of power between free and slave states because there are 11 free states and 10 slave states. The numbers have little difference so there is great certainty about the balance of power that which would rule over the country i.e. free states and salve states. No one knows what was the outcome of this uncertainty.

True or false: according to Executive Order 8802, in 1941 it was the policy of the United States to encourage everyone in the country to help win the war no matter who they were or where they came from





It is FALSE that according to Executive Order 8802, in 1941 it was the policy of the United States to encourage everyone in the country to help win the war no matter who they were or where they came from.

This is because Executive Order 8802 was authorized under the administration of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941, and purposely created to eradicate racial discrimination in enlistment and employment of individuals in the U.S. defense industry. This Executive Order would later serve as a means upon which racial discrimination was also removed in the employment process in other federal government agencies, large corporations, and even smaller firms.

What happens in the labor market ?



The labor market, also known as the job market, refers to the supply of and demand for labor, in which employees provide the supply and employers provide the demand. It is a major component of any economy and is intricately linked to markets for capital, goods, and services.

What gets small when its older but it’s big when it’s young


[tex]\huge\color{purple}\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Candle. }}[/tex]

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]




Cuz you sharpen it and it gets small.

Where were the first Spanish colonies located in the New World?


Hispaniola hope this help

Ano ang unang metal na ginamit ng mga sinaunang tao sa pag-gawa ng armas?



With the beginning of the year 3500 BC, man knew by chance his ability to smelt copper metal and mix it with arsenic or tin, then hammer it and form it, thus becoming the first deadly weapon, although it was imperfect.

Weapons were various fine and sharp stone tools, small in size and incisive. This stage also witnessed the manufacture of weapons from other materials such as wood, ivory and bone. For their part, the Sumerians and Akkadians excelled in the manufacture of arrows, spears and fighting chariots drawn by animals, and used them in their military actions between the years 2800 and 2000 BC. M.

List of ancient weapons: a knife , dagger , Sword , Axe , whip , Spear , arrow (weapon) , shield , catapult .

I hope that helps you ^_^

Following the international trade model of development works best when countries are able to



C. expand their export market while restricting imports.


the international trade model of development works best when countries are able to expand their export market while restricting imports because more money comes to the outside word and very low amount of money were spend on the imports which automatically enhances the economy of the country. This type of model increases purchasing power of the country so  expand their export market while restricting imports is the best model.

what is biblical theology​



Biblical theology focuses on the teachings of the individual authors and books of the Bible and places each teaching in the Scriptures' historical development. It is a presentation of the Old and New Testament writers' theological teachings within their historical setting.

biblical theology is a discipline of theology which emphasises the progressive nature of biblical revelation.

Napoleon’s final defeat came at in Belgium against a combined
and British army.



The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.Nov 7, 2018

End date: June 18, 1815

Part of: Napoleonic Wars

hope I helped plz give BRAIN-LY-EST


Examine the dates in this timeline
Which te best describes the events in the timeline?
A The spread of British colonial power in India
B. The rise and decline of the Mughal Empire
C. The of Mughalous persecution
D. The way toutons of the Mughal Em


I think it’s D. Sorry if I’m wrong.
d is the best answer :) good luck
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