what don't you like about creating a new document using Microsoft office button​


Answer 1
It takes too long to load sometimes.

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Please describe how you can use the login page to get the server run two SQL statements. Try the attack to delete a record from the database, and describe your observation.


The only sure way to prevent SQL Injection attacks is input validation and parametrized queries including prepared statements. The application code should never use the input directly. ... Database errors can be used with SQL Injection to gain information about your database.

how can computers be a threat to public safety??

help asap marking brainiest ​


Loss or theft of your computer, smartphone or tablet. Malware, including spyware, on public computers. Theft of personal information from, or access to browsing history on public computers.

What is the best data type for traveling day?


here if its wrong sorry

computer Graphics:
B. Arbitrary reference point:
1) Apply a rotation by 60° on the Pivot Point (-10, 10) and display it.
2) Apply a rotation by 270° on the Pivot Point (10, 0) and then translate it by tx
= -20 and ty = 5. Display the final result.


Thanks hope it helps

What is primary difference between the header section of a document and the body



A HTML file has headers and a "body" (payload) — just like a HTTP request. The <body> encapsulates the contents of the document, while the <head> part contains meta elements, i.e., information about the contents. This is (typically) title, encoding, author, styling etc.



camera mount that is worn over the shoulders of a camera operator. What is it called?


It is called a camera stabilizer.
I hope this helped :)

30th Nov 2020. Difference between Data and Information



Data is a collection of unstructured or unorganized facts and figures.

Information is a collection of processed data.

Hope it helps...............

What is the difference between (IF instructions & WHILE instructions )
를 들



While statements determine whether a statement is true or false. If what’s stated is true, then the program runs the statement and returns to the first step. If what’s stated is false, the program exits the while and goes to the next statement. An added step to while statements is turning them into continuous loops. If you don’t change the value so that the condition is never false, the while statement becomes an infinite loop.

If statements are the simplest form of conditional statements, statements that allow us to check conditions and change behavior/output accordingly. The part of the statement following the if is called the condition. If the condition is true, the instruction in the statement runs. If the condition is not true, it does not. The if statements are also compound statements. They have a header (if x) followed by an indented statement (an instruction to be followed is x is true). There is no limit to the number of these indented statements, but there must be at least one.

Should people who are able to break a hashing algorithm be allowed to post their findings on the Internet?



Cyber security is a very important aspect of digital world. Without cyber security our sensitive data is at risk. Its very important that companies keep our system safe by spotting any security vunerabilities. SO ACORDING TO ME I DO NOT THINK THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO POST THEIR FINDINGS ON THE INTERNET As it may contain viruses

You work in an office that uses Linux and Windows servers. The network uses the IP protocol. You are sitting at a Windows workstation. An application you are using is unable to connect to a Windows server named FileSrv2. Which of the following commands would work BEST to test network connectivity between your workstation and the server?

a. arp
b. dig
c. tracert
d. nslookup
e. ping





its ping. im a computer science nerd :')

Just a quick question, how do you set something == to char and int in an if statement (java)
Write a method checkCharacter() which has 2 parameters: A String, and a specified index (an int). Method checkCharacter() checks the character at the specified index of the String parameter, and returns a String based on the type of character at that location indicating if the character is a letter, digit, whitespace, or unknown character.

Ex: The method calls below with the given arguments will return the following Strings:

checkCharacter("happy birthday", 2) returns "Character 'p' is a letter"

checkCharacter("happy birthday", 5) returns "Character ' ' is a white space"

checkCharacter("happy birthday 2 you", 15) returns "Character '2' is a digit"

checkCharacter("happy birthday!", 14) returns "Character '!' is unknown"

Your program must define the method:

public String checkCharacter(String word, int index)

this is what i got to but im stuck on how to find out if its a char or int

public class TollCalculation {

public double calcToll(int hour, boolean isMorning, boolean isWeekend) {

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

int timeHour; // Time of travel hour (24 hour format)

int timeMinute; // Time of travel minute

int inputColon; // Used to read time format

String userInput; // User specified time

double tollAmount;


public static void main(String[] args) {

TollCalculation tollObj = new TollCalculation();

// Test the three samples from the specification.

System.out.println(tollObj.calcToll(7, true, false));

System.out.println(tollObj.calcToll(1, false, false));

System.out.println(tollObj.calcToll(3, true, true));




This is the requested code in java.

public class CharTest {

   public static String checkCharacter(String text, int index) {

       if (0 <= index && index <= text.length()) {

           char ch = text.charAt(index);

           if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {

               return ch + " is a letter";

           } else if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {

               return ch + " is a digit";

           } else if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {

               return ch + " is a whitespace character";

           } else {

               return ch + " is an unknown type of character";


       } else {

           return "index " + index.toString() + " is out of range";

       } // end if

   } // end function checkChar()

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Test the three samples from the specification.

       System.out.println(checkCharacter("happy birthday", 2));

       System.out.println(checkCharacter("happy birthday", 5));

       System.out.println(checkCharacter("happy birthday 2 you", 15));

   } // end function main()

} // end class CharTest

The function checkcharacter(text, index) returns a string value describing the kind of character found at the position in text specified by index; whether it was a letter, digit, whitespace, or an unknown kind of character.

How it does that is to make use of respective functions defined within the Character class in java. That is

isLetter(char) returns a bool specifying if the char parameter is a letter.isDigit(char) returns a bool specifying if the char parameter is a digit.isWhitespace(char) returns a bool specifying if the char parameter is a whitespace character.

It calls these functions in an if statement. These else part of the if statement is then executed if the character is neither a letter, digit, or whitespace.

Finally, the function main() calls checkCharacter() three times to test the function and return the results to the console.

Another example of a java program on characters is found in the link below


What are 3 things message timing must include



1)Message Timing. Another factor that affects how well a message is received and understood is timing. ...

2)Access Method. Access method determines when someone is able to send a message. ...

3)Flow Control. Timing also affects how much information can be sent and the speed that it can be delivered.

Tamanika got a raise in her hourly pay, from $15.90 to $17.65. Find the percent increase


15.90/17.65 = x/100
1590 = 17.65x
x = 90.08%
So this means the increase would be 9.92%

what are the main barriers to the adoption of an industry standard for internet system



Industry experts say that although many companies find the potential of the Internet of Things very attractive, they either lack a clear value proposition for end-users or lack interoperability.

Write a recursive function called DigitCount() that takes a positive integer as a parameter and returns the number of digits in the integer. Hint: The number of digits increases by 1 whenever the input number is divided by 10. Ex: If the input is:


Recursive functions are functions that are called from within itself

The recursive function DigitCount() in Python where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This defines the function

def countDigits(n):

   #If the integer is less than 10

   if n< 10:

       #Then the integer has 1 digit

       return 1



       #Count the number of integers

       return 1 + countDigits(n / 10)

At the end of the function, the count of integers is returned to the main function

Read more about similar programs at:


Why do some computer systems not allow users to activate macros?
O Amacro can be used by only one person.
0 You must close all other programs to run a macro.
O The Word software does not work well with macros.
O Macros can carry viruses that can harm a computer.


Macros can carry viruses that can harm a computer.

Today we see the advantages as well as disadvantages of a wired network. In comparison what technology would you recommend Wired Ethernet or a Wireless network technology for home and what would you recommend for business? Explain your answer



wired network


Wired networks are generally much faster than wireless networks. ... This is mainly because a separate cable is used to connect each device to the network with each cable transmitting data at the same speed. A wired network is also faster since it never is weighed down by unexpected or unnecessary traffic.

hope that helps your welcome

The capability of moving a completed programming solution easily from one type of computer to another is known as ________. Group of answer choices


Answer: Portability

Explanation: I hope it helps you!

How does a computer work?



A computer is a Device that can run multiple applications at a time and access the internet where you can find online stores and more also used to make video calls and more.

A computer system works by combining input, storage space, processing, and output. ... It is known as Computer Memory that keeps the data into it. A computer uses a hard drive for storing files and documents. It uses two types of memory, i.e., internal memory and external memory.

How does tracking changes relate to sharing a workbook in Excel?


Answer:When you highlight changes as you work, Excel outlines any revisions (such as changes, insertions, and deletions) with a highlighting color. On the Review tab, click Track Changes, and then click Highlight Changes. Select the Track changes while editing. This also shares your workbook check box.


A workbook in excel is a file that contains one or more worksheets to assist you with data organization.

What is a workbook?

A workbook in excel is a file that contains one or more worksheets to assist you with data organization. A blank workbook or a template can be used to build a new workbook.

The Advanced tab of the Share Workbook dialogue box gives further choices for changing how Excel records change. For example, you may choose the "Automatically Every" radio option and enter a value in the "Minutes" text box. If you enter 10, Excel will store changes made by users every 10 minutes.

When you highlight changes while you work, Excel highlights any modifications (such as updates, insertions, and deletions) with a highlighting colour. Track Changes and Highlight Changes may be found on the Review tab. Select the Track changes while editing.

Learn more about Workbook:



You modified the GreenvilleRevenue program to include a number of methods. Now modify every data entry statement to use a TryParse() method to ensure that each piece of data is the correct type. Any invalid user entries should generate an appropriate message, and the user should be required to reenter the data.
using System;
using static System.Console;
class GreenvilleRevenue
static void Main(string[] args)
const int fee = 25;
int lastYearsContestants;
int thisYearsContestants;
const int LOW = 0;
const int HIGH = 30;
int other = 0;
int dancer = 0;
int musician = 0;
int singer = 0;
WriteLine("* The stars shine in Greenville. *");
lastYearsContestants = getContestantsNum(message, LOW, HIGH);
string[] contestant = new string[thisYearsContestants];
string[] talent = new string[thisYearsContestants];
getContestantsInfo(contestant, talent);
for (int x = 0; x < talent.Length; ++x)
if (talent[x] == "O")
else if (talent[x] == "S")
else if (talent[x] == "D")
else if (talent[x] == "M")
WriteLine("Currently signed up, there are..");
WriteLine("{0} dancers", dancer);
WriteLine("{0} singers", singer);
WriteLine("{0} musicians", musician);
WriteLine("{0} everything else!", other);
contestantByTalent(contestant, talent);
contestantInfo(thisYearsContestants, lastYearsContestants, fee);
static int getContestantsNum(string message, int LOW, int HIGH)
WriteLine("Please enter the number of contestants for last year.>>");
string input = ReadLine();
int contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(input);
while (contestantsNum < LOW || contestantsNum > HIGH)
WriteLine("Valid numbers are 0 through 30, Please try again.>>");
contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(ReadLine());
return contestantsNum;
WriteLine("Please enter the number of contestants for this year.>>");
string input = ReadLine();
int contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(input);
while (contestantsNum < LOW || contestantsNum > HIGH)
WriteLine("Valid numbers are 0 through 30, Please try again.>>");
contestantsNum = Convert.ToInt32(ReadLine());
return contestantsNum;
static string getTalent(int contestantsNum)
bool correct = false;
string talentType = "";
while (!correct)
WriteLine("What is contestant " + contestantsNum + "'s skill? Please enter 'S' for Singer, 'D' for Dancer, 'M' for " +
"Musician, 'O' for Other.>>");
talentType = ReadLine().ToUpper();
if (talentType == "S" || talentType == "D" || talentType == "M" || talentType == "O")
correct = true;
WriteLine("Please enter a valid response.>>");
return talentType;
static void contestantByTalent(string[] contestant, string[] talent)
WriteLine ("To see a list of all contestants with a specific talent, Please enter a talent code.talent codes are(S)inger, (D)ancer, (M)usician, (O)ther; altenatively, you may type (E) to exit.>>");
string entry = ReadLine().ToUpper();
while (entry != "E")
if (entry != "S" && entry != "D" && entry != "M" && entry != "O")
WriteLine("That wasn't a valid talent code. Valid talent codes are (S)inger, (D)ancer, (M)usician, (O)ther; altenatively, you may type (E) to exit.>>");
entry = ReadLine().ToUpper();
if (entry == "E")
for (int x = 0; x < talent.Length; ++x)
if (entry == talent[x])
WriteLine("Contestant " + contestant[x] + " talent " + talent[x]);
WriteLine("To see a list of all contestants with a specific talent, Please enter a talent code. talent codes are (S)inger, (D)ancer, (M)usician, (O)ther; altenatively, you may type (E) to exit.>>");
entry = ReadLine().ToUpper();
static void getContestantsInfo(string[] contestant, string[] talent)
for (int x = 0; x < contestant.Length; ++x)
WriteLine("What is the name for Contestant " + (x + 1) + "?");
contestant[x] = ReadLine();
talent[x] = getTalent(x + 1);
static void contestantInfo (int thisYearsContestants, int lastYearsContestants, int fee)
if (thisYearsContestants > lastYearsContestants * 2)
WriteLine("The competition is more than twice as big this year!");
WriteLine("The expected revenue for this year's competition is {0:C}", (thisYearsContestants * fee));
if (thisYearsContestants > lastYearsContestants && thisYearsContestants <= (lastYearsContestants * 2))
WriteLine("The competition is bigger than ever!");
WriteLine("The expected revenue for this year's competition is {0:C}", (thisYearsContestants * fee));
if (thisYearsContestants < lastYearsContestants)
WriteLine("A tighter race this year! Come out and cast your vote!");
WriteLine("The expected revenue for this year's competition is {0:C}.", (thisYearsContestants * fee));


Doin it for points sorry

Problem: For multi access control, there are two approaches, those based on channel partitioning, and those based on random access. In packet switching, there are two rather similar approaches as well, namely, circuit switching and package switching. Discuss the similarities and differences in these two problem domains and the corresponding approaches g


The similarity between the two systems is the ability to connect many different communication devices and transfer data between a sender and a receiver. The main difference is the need for a connection for both to work.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Circuit and package quotation is very important for the connections of different communication devices.Furthermore, these two systems are used efficiently when a data transfer is required.However, even being used for the same purposes, they have many differences between them.The biggest difference is the need for a connection, as package switching is done without the need for a connection, while circuit switching needs a connection to act.

In addition, circuit switching is more widely used because of its ability to transfer data from one point to another via message transfer, while package switching is used when circuit switching is not available as it does the sending data more slowly across one drive.

More information:


Turtle graphics windows do not automatically expand in size. What do you suppose happens when a Turtle object attempts to move beyond a window boundary


When a turtle object attempts to move beyond a window boundary, the turtle object stops because it cannot move outside the window boundary.

The turtle graphics window is simply a graphics window that is used as a playground when drawing turtles.

A turtle object is always in the turtle graphics window.

This in other words mean that, the turtle object cannot exceed the boundaries of the turtle graphics window

An attempt to move the turtle object outside its window will stop the turtle object;

This is so because the turtle object is always in the turtle graphic window, and it cannot move beyond it.

Read more about turtle graphics window at:


Five jobs arrive nearly simultaneously for processing and their estimated CPU cycles are, respectively: Job A = 2 ms, Job B = 12 ms, Job C = 15 ms, Job D = 7 ms, and Job E = 3 ms.

Using FCFS, in what order would they be processed? What is the total time required to process all five jobs? What is the average turnaround time for each of these five jobs?


This is an example with solution:

Five jobs arrive nearly simultaneously for processing and their estimated CPU cycles are, respectively: Job A = 12, Job B = 2, Job C = 15, Job D = 7, and Job E = 3 ms.

a. Using FCFS, and assuming the difference in arrival time is negligible, in what order would they be processed? What is the total time required to process all five jobs? What is the average turnaround time for all five jobs?

Answer: The order of processing for the given jobs = A->B->C->D->E.

Total time needed to process all the jobs = 12+2+15+7+3 = 39 ms.

Turn around time for job A = 12 ms.

Turn around time for job B = 15 ms.

Turn around time for job C = 30 ms.

Turn around time for job D = 37 ms.

Turn around time for job E = 40 ms.

Answer : Therefore, the average turnaround time = (12+15+30+37+40)/5 = 26.8 ms.

Order of processing is A, B, C, D, E and Total time to process and Average turnaround time is 39 ms and 24 ms

Turnover time and order of processing:

Order of processing = A, B, C, D, E

Total time to process all five jobs = Job A + Job B + Job C + Job D + Job E

Total time to process all five jobs = 2 + 12 + 15 + 7 + 3

Total time to process all five jobs = 39 ms

Average turnaround time = [(2-0) + (2+12-0) + (2+12+15-0) + (2+12+15+7-0) + (2+12+15+7+3-0)] / 5

Average turnaround time = (2+14+29+36+39) / 5

Average turnaround time = 24 ms

Find out more information about 'Turnaround time'.


Viewing digital content


Digital Content Creation Platforms offer content subscription or pay-as-you-go services for organizations. ... By offering access to this media, Digital Content Creation platforms make it so that organizations can share media of social interest while still complying with copyright laws.

3 3) Why computer is called non-inteligent , IN Dull machine?



Computers are dull: The CPU is the Central Processing Unit or the brains of the computer. The CPU knows what to do with machine language instructions. It doesn't understand them; it just knows what to do with them.


Hope I could help.

                                 please mark as brainliest

.tag is used to draw a horizontal line



<hr>  tag.


<hr> tag makes a line along the webpage :)

Fill in the blank: _____ data are statistical and numerical facts about a project.





Quantitative data are statistical and numerical facts about a project that can be counted, measured or expressed using numbers.

Quantitative data is statistical and its nature is usually structured, it uses numbers and values that are most suitable for the analysis of a project.

The collection of quantitative data offers the possibility of statistical analysis.

This type of data allows you to easily measure and quantify facts in an organized and accessible way within relational databases.

Therefore, we can conclude that quantitative data is data that comes from numerical information, quantities, percentages, proportions and statistics.

Learn more about quantitative data here: https://brainly.com/question/96076

Given an array of String objects, use streams to count how many have a length less than or equal to three. StringLengthDemo.java


The array of String objects, use to count how many have a length less than

or equal to three is as follows:

string_object = ["brainly", "mathematics", "boy", "girl", "us", "joy", "key"]

x = []

for i in string_object:

   if len(i) <= 3:



The code is written in python

The string array is declared.

Then an empty variable array is declared.

Then we loop through the array.

If any of the string length in the array is less than or equals to 3 , we append it to the empty array.

Then finally, we print the counted number of strings

learn more: https://brainly.com/question/22081416?referrer=searchResults

Which statement best explains how the main idea relates to taking notes?

The main idea is always included in effective notes.
The main idea is always easy to identify.
The main idea is rarely used as a title for notes.
The main idea is rarely identified by listening or reading



The main idea is always included in effective notes.




I did the quiz

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