what find of spider of this kind of spider is this?

What Find Of Spider Of This Kind Of Spider Is This?


Answer 1


Fishing Spider


Dolomedes is a genus of large spiders of the family Pisauridae. They are also known as fishing spiders, raft spiders, dock spiders or wharf spiders

Answer 2
That is a fishing spider!! Hope this helps!

Related Questions

pleeaasee help me its about plants and i dont know how do itttt


Petunia = perennial

Fescue grass = perennial

carrots = biennial

sweet corn = annual

tomato = annual

blueberry = perennial

cabbage = biennial

zinnia = annual

sugar maple = ??

blue spruce = annual

ur welcome xx

The guy above did a good job those are the answers

Luisa went into the bathroom after her sister had a bath. It was full of mist and the mirror was covered with the a lot of liquid drops. What was the mist made of?



Mist is made of water vapor.


The bathroom mirror and the fog that the bathroom presents after someone takes a shower, is formed by water vapor. This water vapor is formed by the hot water from showers, which evaporates. This water vapor is what forms the mist, however, when this mist touches the surfaces of the bathroom, such as the mirror, it becomes water again and that smothers the mirror. The mist becomes water when touching the mirror because of the difference in temperature between them, as the mist is hot and the mirror is cold. This happens through the condensation of water.

Study the image of ammonia. How many atoms of each element bond together to create this molecule?
please help..
its sciences


One nitrogen and then 3 hydrogen

From the image, we can see that:

3 atoms of Hydrogen element and 1 atom of Nitrogen element bond together to create Ammonia molecule.

What is the name of the organelle labeled with the letter A?
ה ס ד ה I
Animal cell



the label letter A is lysosome

Which type of junctions must there be between cells to form a barrier?


Gap junctions serve to communicate information between cells. It forms a channel that allows for the rapid movement of molecules from one cell to the next. Tight junctions make solid connections between adjacent cells. These cells form a solid barrier.

Which statement is a hypothesis?
A. The presence of an enzyme increased the reaction rate
B. The reaction rate increase 100% once the enzyme was introduced
C. Introducing an enzyme into a reaction did not increase the rate of reaction
D. When an enzyme is introduced into a reaction the reaction rate will increase by 100%


The answer to this question is B

What are the chances a
heterozygote passes on
either a dominant or
recessive allele?



A parent with one copy of a dominant allele and one recessive coded Ww for the widow's peak  is called heterozygous for a trait and has a 50 percent chance of passing on the dominant allele to each of his or her offspring, regardless of the gene inherited from the other parent.


hope this helps in some way sorry if it does not

a increase in breathing rate can be triggered by an increase in the carbon dioxide containing in the blood. the increase in breathing rate is caused by a mechanism called​


when there is high concentration of co2 in our body then respiratory centre ( medulla and pons) get activated and it increase rate of respiration which decreases co2 concentration

The apneustic (stimulating) and pnuemotaxic (limiting) centers of the pons work together to control rate of breathing.

What is medulla?

Medulla is defined as the lowest part of the brain and the lowest portion of the brainstem. The medulla oblongata is connected by the pons to the midbrain and is continuous posteriorly with the spinal cord, with which it merges at the opening (foramen magnum) at the base of the skull.

The medulla sends signals to the muscles that initiate inspiration and expiration and controls nonrespiratory air movement reflexes, like coughing and sneezing.

For more information regarding medulla, visit:



How is grazing food chain different from detritus food chain? Explain with examples.​


Thank you lord lord please thank you lord lord
A grazing food chain is a food chain which starts with green plants as the main source of energy. A detritus food chain is a food chain which starts with the dead remains of organisms as a main source of energy.

How do particles move when a surface wave passes through a medium?
A. Parallel to the direction of wave motion
B. Perpendicular to the direction of wave motion
C. Both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of wave motion
D. Neither parallel nor perpendicular to the direction of wave motion



perpendicular to the motion of the wave.


when in a medium, they only go up and down or back and forth meaning the wave won't ever move the left or right side of the particles, so it is perpendicular

hope this is trusted helper for brainly material

Answer: it’s both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of a wave motion


Which is not a major reservoir of carbon?
O rivers and lakes
O oceans
O living things
O fossil fuels



i think its fossil fuels but dont dont quote me on that

How is gene cloning helpful in biological research??



Biologists frequently utilize DNA cloning in basic research labs to create fake, recombinant versions of genes to better understand how normal genes in an organism function.


Took the lesson on Khan Acdemdy, its from my notes i took

Which term refers to the energy an object has due to its position?



Potential Energy.


Potential energy, stored energy that depends on different parts of the system's relative position. When compressed or stretched, spring has more potential energy.

A stainless steel ball has more energy than it had when it fell to the world. It is able to do more work in the raised position.

Potential energy is a system's property and not a single body or particle. The earth-consistent system and raised ball, for instance, have greater potential energy as the two are more distinct.

Entre una planta alta de color purpura (AABB) con otras planta enana de color blanco (aabb), ¿cómo será el genotipo y el fenotipo de la F1 Y F2?



- Alelos:  

Locus 1: A (alto); a (enano)

Locus 2: B (púrpura); b (blanco)

- Cruzamiento parental: AABB  x aabb

Genotipos F1: AaBb

- Cruzamiento F1: AaBb x AaBb

Fenotipo: 100% plantas altas púrpuras

- Genotipos F2:  AABB (1/16); Aabb (1/16); aaBB (1/16); aabb (1/16); AaBb (4/16); AABb (2/16); aaBb (2/16); AaBB (2/16); Aabb (2/16)

- Fenotipos F2: 9/16 A-B- (altas púrpuras); 3/16 A-bb (altas blancas); 3/16 aaB- (enanas púrpuras); 1/16 aabb (enanas blancas)


Un cruzamiento dihíbrido refiere a un tipo de cruzamiento entre dos parentales que difieren para  dos pares de alelos (AABB x aabb). Si consideramos dos loci de dominancia completa, un cruzamiento dihíbrido producirá una F1 heterocigota para ambos genes donde la progenie expresará ambos rasgos dominantes. Como resultado de la distribución independiente expresada en la segunda ley de Mendel, La F2 de este tipo de cruzamiento producirá un proporción fenotípica 9:3:3:1; es decir 9 individuos con ambos rasgos dominantes (A-B-), 3 con el rasgo uno dominante (A-bb), 3 con el rasgo dos dominante (aaB-) y 1 con ambos rasgos recesivos (aabb).

Explain the difference: a myelinated axon conducts impulses faster than non-myelinated axon of the same diameter



A myelinated axon conducts impulses faster than a non-myelinated axon. ... Therefore, in myelinated neurones, the nerve impulse is said to jump from node - to - node, a impulse pathway known as Saltatory Conduction. This means that the action potential does not have to travel along the whole length of the myelinated axon


For each phrase below, choose the most appropriate key term from the list above
a. The improper or unsafe use of a drug
b. A drug that is inhaled as vapors
c. a drug that temporarily increases energy and alertness
d. drug withdrawal occurring in newborn infants
e. laboratory made drugs that closely resemble common illegal drugs in chemical structure and effect
f. a drug that slows the body and the brain



a. Drug abuse

b. Inhalants

c. Stimulants

d. Neonatal abstinence syndrome

e. Club designer drugs

f. Depressants


Drug abuse can be defined as the excessive use of drugs that can be harmful to the individual or to others, which is associated with social, behavioral, physical and job-related problems. Inhalants drugs (e.g., glue, cocaine) are volatile drugs whose inhalation may induce psychoactive and/or mind-altering effects. Stimulant drugs (e.g., cocaine, amphetamines) are drugs that excite body functions by accelerating the activity of the central nervous system (CNS), while depressant drugs (e.g., alcohol) slow down the CNS. Neonatal abstinence syndrome occurs when a neonate withdraws from certain drugs (usually opioid drugs which interact with opioid receptors) to which he/she was exposed before birth. Finally, designer drugs (e.g., ecstasy, ketamine, LSD) are drugs synthesized in illegal labs which are commonly known as “club drugs” because they are often used and sold in nightclubs.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of life? Also, explain why and I give you a 5 stars.
A.Made of one or more cells
C.Requires Energy
D.Adapts over time





a b and c are all signs of life but energy can be in objects not just life.

Why are third parties important in a political system?



Third parties are important in a political system because they serve an important role in our political system by forcing major political parties to address new issues they might not have previously addressed very much. And third party candidates can also greatly impact an election by taking away votes from one of the major political party candidates.

Which of the following is true about the group Archaea?
A. Archaea has more genetic similarities to Bacteria than Eukarya

B. Archaea and Bacteria both have a nucleus

C. Bacteria and Eukarya are both prokaryotes

D. Archaea has more in common genetically with Eukarya than Bacteria.



D. Archaea has more in common genetically with Eukarya than Bacteria.


Archaea are unicellular, prokaryotic microorganisms that differ from bacteria in their genetics, biochemistry, and ecology. Some archaea are extremophiles, living in environments with extremely high or low temperatures, or extreme salinity. Only archaea are known to produce methane.


D. Archaea has more in common genetically with Eukarya than Bacteria.


Yes, archaea has more in common genetically with Eukarya than Bacteria. Archaea constitute a domain of single -celled organisms.

प्र.नं. १ समूह'क' मा दिइएकोश

लेख्नुहोस् :

आशा गरिएको
पहिलेदेखि चलिआएको
सन्नाटा विद्युतीयपत्रवा चिठी
इन्टेरनटमा रही सूचनाआदानप्रदान गर्ने प्रविधि
नं.२ खाली ठाउँमा उपयक्तशब्दभर्नहोस ।
[tex]7788x \times \times 789[/tex]


plz attach photo .....


फोटो हाले बल्ला बुझिन्छ । यसरी त के के हो के के।।।।

मिल्छ भने क्रिपया फोटो राखेर प्रश्न न सोध्नु होला

question sodda photo rakhera sodnu vako vaye bujhna sajilo hunthiyo

Homologous structures, or shared detailed structures, shows us that we are _____.
A. unrelated organisms

B. bacteria

C. aliens

D. related



Hi, there the answer is D. related


Homologous structures are similar structures in related organisms.

Hope This Helps :)


it is d i think


interesting biology project topic ​



Vacina ( eu estou aprendendo sobre isso na minha aula, e acho que seria legal por que é uma coisa muito discutida atualmente)

Question 5 of 10
Which is caused by the uneven heating of air?
A. Altitude
B. Wind
C. Humidity
D. Rain
Need help ASAP



B. Wind


Wind is the movement of air, caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun and the Earth's own rotation. Winds range from light breezes to natural hazards such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

how meiosis turn one cell into four new sex cells?



A single round of DNA replication occurs in the parent cell, followed by two distinct nuclear division cycles. The process produces four haploid daughter cells, each with half as many chromosomes as the diploid parent cell.


During sexual reproduction, meiosis produces the sex cells that combine to make new children.

Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in the formation of sex cells (egg and sperm). And that is brought together to generate new progeny through the act of sexual reproduction.

Meiosis generally results in 4 haploid daughter cells, meaning half no chromosomes are contained in diploid cells.

What is prokaryotic cells??​



Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms of the domains Bacteria and Archaea. All prokaryotes have plasma membranes, cytoplasm, ribosomes, a cell wall, DNA, and lack membrane-bound organelles. Many also have polysaccharide capsules. Prokaryotic cells range in diameter from 0.1–5.0 µm.




The answer for the third picture I believe is decomposers


I believe that it's the last answer

An ecosystem is when plants and animals interact with each other in a specific area.

PLEASE HELP!!! Giving 20 points! Explain the MAJOR differences between single-celled and multi-cellular organisms and give examples of each.



Unicellular Organism (Single Celled Organism):

- They contain a single cell in their body.

- They are only visible under the microscope.

- Their life spam is comparatively short.

For example: Amoeba, Paramecium, etc.

Multicellular Organism:

- They contain numerous cells in their body.

- They can be seen with our naked eyes

- Their life spam is comparatively long.

For example: Human, Birds, etc.




it's d the answer they has ask me that cuestión ay school

What other major body system is a DIGESTIVE system working with closely?



circulatory system


Where do you think the nutrients from the food that you eat go after digestion? The entire point of eating is to get energy and nutrients tot he other parts of the body and to do that you need the circulatory system.

which value most closely represents the amount of freshwater on earth,as a percentage of the total water on earth


2 percent
The fresh water is only present in the form of glaciers and the water flowing in the lakes and the rivers. The fresh water source occupies approximately 3% of the total water present on the earth. Hence, the value closely related to the amount of the fresh on the earth is 2 percent.


that is the answer

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