What heritages of your community make you feel proud ? Write a paragraph​


Answer 1


join me. i'll explain an example


Answer 2



Heritage sites and buildings can have a very positive influence on many aspects of the way a community develops.  Regeneration, housing, education, economic growth and community engagement are examples of the ways in which heritage can make a very positive contribution to community life.   This is because:

• The historic environment is a proven source of benefit to local economies, particularly through tourism.

• An attractive heritage environment assists in attracting external investment as well as maintaining existing businesses of all types, not just tourism-related.

• People are very proud of their local history, but don’t always express how much they value a place until it’s threatened. Because it adds character and distinctiveness to an area, heritage is a fundamental in creating a ‘sense of place’ for a community.

• Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings is an important factor in creating sustainable communities.

• Heritage buildings add value to regeneration projects, both in terms the economic and environmental advantage of reuse over new build and in adding character to a precinct.

• Heritage places can be a potent  driver for community action.

• Increased community values and greater social inclusion can be achieved through a focus on heritage matters.

• The heritage places are an excellent local educational resource for people of all ages. Learning about the history of a place is a good way of bringing communities together through a shared understanding of the unique cultural identity heritage places give to an area.

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Johanna should consider what a potential _____employers_____ might think about the blog.


Hiring managers and employers may be attracted to Johanna after reviewing her blogs.  Therefore, there are employment security risks and opportunities which Johanna must consider in deciding whether to make her blog anonymous or not.  Blogs, no doubt, provide opportunities for online interactions and sharing of knowledge.  Johanna can use her blogs to propel her LinkedIn profile to limelight.  She can also use the blogs to blot her chances of being given job interviews.  The use of her name should be a balancing act, depending on how she balances her online presence and perspectives.

Why Is Nepal divided into 77districts​



Nepal is divided into 77 districts because lot of population is increasing day by day and they are living in a single district among them and calling various names of district.

Discuss the assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the systems theory is an empty rhetoric.



The assertion occurs when non normal institutions who want to work are unable to find work, which reduces economic productivity. However, Institutions still need care. High institutions levels are a sign of economic stress, but the lowest processing stage levels can be a sign of overheating. Unemployment can be classified as a structural or institutional cycle. Assertion data is collected and published by government agencies in various ways.


The best technique for obtaining information regarding student entry skills and readiness levels to be successful for a planned activity is Group of answer choices classroom observations. sociograms. administering a pretest. review of the cumulative folder.



administering a pretest.


Administering a pretest helps teachers learn where students stand in terms of their class and grade.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The best technique is administering a pre-test.

A pre-tests is an assessment tool used in school to determine the pre-existing knowledge of a student.

The assessment tools helps to obtain information about the intelligence level of a students.

In conclusion, this technique is very effective because its helps to see the level of proficiency of a student(s) as well as readiness levels to be successful for a planned activity.

Learn more about Pre-test administering here


A group of preogressives that worked to coreect problems in American life were called



They were called muckrakers.

1/ Bằng kiến thức đã học trong tâm lý học; hãy lý giải và phân tích, tại sao trong bài thơ “Trăng của mỗi người” của tác giả Lê Hồng Thiện, mỗi người lại có một cảm nhận khác nhau về hình ảnh Trăng .
Trăng của mỗi người

Mẹ bảo trăng như lưỡi liềm
Ông rằng trăng tựa con tuyền cong mui
Bà nhìn như hạt cau phơi
Cháu cười quả chuối vàng tươi ngoài trời
Bố nhớ khi vượt Trường Sơn
Trăng như cánh vọng chợp chờn trong mây.

2/ So sánh quá trình tư duy và tưởng tượng. Cho ví dụ minh họa






What happens if cocoon is not boiled?



Boiling the cocoon helps to dissolve the adhesive that sticks the fibres together. If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.


If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.

What are the reason behind the positive seen in the development ? ​




ý nghĩa của công nghiệp hóa trong thời kỳ đổi mới



the meaning of industrialization in the doi moi period

When Henry's little brother accidentally locked himself inside his mother's car, Henry used his mother's car key to unlock the door. Henry's action could best be described as a



Henry's action could best be described as a(n):operant behavior


According to the American psychologist Frederic Skinner, operant conditioning occurs when an organism interacts with a system that provides rewards in response to a type of behavior. That is why we can say that operant conditioning is the learning process that is based on the fact that the probability of a given response depends on the expected consequences. In operant conditioning, behavior is controlled by discriminative stimuli present in the learning situation that convey information about the likely consequences of the response.

what are the central problems of an economy?​



what to produce

how to produce and for whom to produce


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Heavy light and medium

Children depend on adult to help develop their self conscious emotions



That is soo true


write a short message for a youth that how they can pay back to Pakistan



like they can try to foregin country so that they can eaeb and pay it fastly

vật chất tồn tại khách quan hay chủ quan? vì sao?



Chất của sự vật là khách quan, vì đó là chất của sự vật, không do ai gán cho sự vật. Nó do thuộc tính của sự vật quy định. Lượng là phạm trù triết học chỉ tính quy định khách quan vốn có của sự vật, hiện tượng về mặt quy mô, trình độ phát triển, biểu thị con số các thuộc tính, các yếu tố cấu thành sự vật.


A test tube can be used to hold
more concentrated solutions than a beaker holds.
larger amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
smaller amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
less dangerous substances than a beaker holds.


c because they aren’t as large in volume
The answer is c because when you test and substance, you have to use a small amount.

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under the Constitution of India under article 23 (1) the immoral traffic (prevention ) act, 1955 (ITPA) is the Premier legislation for prevention for prevention of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.



stereotype ab and d do not fit

Water awareness campaign ??



Public water conservation campaigns


Public water conservation campaigns raise awareness in all levels of society about the importance of saving water to cope with its scarcity and ensure sustainability. The aim is to change citizen attitudes and behaviour to improve water use efficiency i think these are the answer

Several days into the study, some of the students in the math-based reading program were getting frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher. The students wanted to see the story in the books progress quickly, and they began acting out. The teacher decided it was best to either let these students join the control reading program or to try reading on their own in a different part of the classroom. Thus these students no longer participated in the math-based reading program. The researchers found that students in the math-based reading program performed much better on the PICO post-test than students in the control reading program. Which internal validity threat is most likely occurring in this scenario



The internal validity threat that is most likely occurring in this scenario is:

Selection threat.


Selection threat or bias results from how groups were selected for the test, especially when the different groups were not comparable before the study.  For example, some of the students were frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher.  They wanted quick progress, and as a result, started acting out.  Grouping these students together as a control group creates a threat called a selection bias or selection threat.  It shows that any other factor (reading on their own and no participation in the math-based reading program) than the reading program leads to the post-test differences between the groups.

Trong các xí nghiệp không phải độc quyền, tại sao phần lớn các nhà tư bản công
nghiệp phải nhường một phần giá trị thặng dư cho nhà tư bản thương nghiệp để nhà
tư bản thương nghiệp thực hiện chức năng lưu thông?




Who is the father of nation Nepal



king thribuwan shah dev


King Tribhuwan shah Dev


meaning of indicator of development​



Definition: Usually a numerical measure of quality of life in a country. Indicators are used to illustrate progress of a country in meeting a range of economic, social, and environmental goals.

Match the following items.

1. get information from a number of different sources
plain folks
2. use facts in their presentation
3. "Governor Tyson is a family man that has lived and worked in our community for years."
avoid bad propaganda
4. using nationalistic terms to give the impression of being zealous for the country's welfare.
debate team


4. Patriotism
3. Plain Folks
2. Debate Team
1. Avoid Bad Propaganda

I believe these are the answers, hope it helps

why we study economics? Explain briefly?​



The study of economics helps people understand the world around them. It enables people to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change.

The assertion that non formal institution have no role to play in the processing stage of the system theory is an empty rhetoric


Assertions are forceful statement which represent a fact of belief. These statements often require some strong evidence which validates their truthfulness.

In the given question the assertion is made that non formal institutions have no role to play in processing stage of system theory is an empty rhetoric. The reader of this statement will need strong evidence or supporting statement backing up this statement so that they can have believe in this statement.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/13849286?referrer

Dollar bills are legal tender in the U.S.



The answer is True.

Good luck!




2. write the names of any
two important
heritage Sites lying in province no 5




Ajanta Caves

Ellora Caves

Agra Fort

Taj Mahal

Konark Sun Temple

_________reflexes are stimulated by stretching or chemical stimulation of the myenteric plexus, which can result in peristaltic contractions. ________ reflexes utilize the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the nerve. Hormonal secretions like _______ and _______ secretin are released into the blood and stimulate relatively distant parts of the digestive tract. Paracrine secretions like and prostaglandins diffuse through the tissue fluids and stimulate nearby target cells.




1. Short reflexes are stimulated by stretching or chemical stimulation of the myenteric plexus, which can result in peristaltic contractions.

2. Long reflexes utilize the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the Vagus nerve.

3. Hormonal secretions like gastrin and secretin are released into the blood and stimulate relatively distant parts of the digestive tract.

4. Paracrine secretions like histamine and prostaglandins diffuse through the tissue fluids and stimulate nearby target cells.

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