What industry was a primary driver behind westward American expansion in the early 1800s?
The timber trade
The fur trade


Answer 1


Choice B. The timber trade


Mining was in the mid-1800s.The fur trade was already past its utility value.Mapmaking did not employ vast amounts of workers.Timber work involved almost every industry as wood was a vital necessity to construct and operate businesses.

Related Questions

Question 1 of 10
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin believed that society
was best served by:
A. letting government make household decisions.
B. letting children decide what they think is right.
C. valuing reason over desire.
D. allowing women to serve in public office.


C. Valuing reason over desire

If you look at a graphical representation of at least a 50-year period between 1920 and 2014, you would see __________.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

If you look at a graphical representation of at least a 50-year period between 1920 and 2014, you would see "increasing global temperatures, melting ice caps and glaciers, and rising sea levels."

Climate change or global warming is not new for planet earth. It is a phenomenon that has happened in the past according to scientists and national agencies. It is believed that global warming had caused natural disasters such as the melting of ice caps and the flooding of many lands on Earth, destroying life forms.

That is why right now, many agencies are closely researching climate change. Among those institutions are the US National Academy of Sciences, the Geological Society of America, the American Meteorological Society, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

What were native Americans groups most threatened by?



They were threatened by diseases, poverty, land seizure and deportation.


Hope this helps!

which of the following resulted in tensions between louis XVI and french aristocrats before the french revolution



Louis XVI wanted to force aristocrats to pay taxes for the first time


find the word that most closely matches the denotation He told her all; only he forbore to mention how sick and pale her darling looked



Answer: forbore- to refrain from

Eking out to make a supply...

Disencumber-To free from


Persona enviada a un lugar para llevar mensaje dentro buscando la Independencia del Perú​





Mensajero es la persona o empresa que entrega mensajes o paquetes. Los bienes de mensajería se refieren a bienes que son acompañados o transportados por un mensajero, a menudo para garantizar que ninguna persona no autorizada pueda acceder a los contenidos. En un principio, el mensajero más clásico era el que viajaba en diligencia de mensajes entre dos príncipes, o dejaba mensajes entre dos frentes diferentes en la guerra.

Racism may materialize in various ways simultaneously, including environmentally. True or false





experience, lol. also. like creating railroads, dump sites and factories near certain areas in particular.

Despite the Fourteenth Amendment, which group was still being denied United States citizenship?
O a. Africans.
Ob. Russian Jews.
O c. Asians.
O d. Irish Catholics.
e. African-Americans.



The group that was still denied United States citizenship are asians.

Despite the Fourteenth Amendment, Asian group was still being denied United States citizenship. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

How did the 14th Amendment affect citizenship in the United States?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which was approved by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later, on July 9, 1868, extended the protections of the Bill of Rights to the states and gave citizenship to all individuals "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people. The amendment gave the government the power to proportionally lower the representation of those states in Congress, which restricted people's ability to vote.

It made it illegal for anybody who "engaged in rebellion" against the United States to occupy any elected or civil office without the consent of two-thirds of the House and Senate. Due to the liberation of the slaves, the amendment forbade former Confederate states from paying back war costs and compensating former slave owners.

Learn more about the 14th Amendment here:



3) Article 2, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution says this:

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors

a. Which principle best applies to this section?
1.Popular Sovereignty

2.Checks and Balances

3.Limited Government

4.Rule of Law

5. Separation of Powers

C. Explain the connection between what this section says and the principle you selected:

b. Underline the words or phrases that helped you decide which principle to choose.​


Limited government

Because the people in America was so mad at the government

Catherine the Great ended serfdom in Russia.
O True





Catherine the Great attempted to end servitude but the laws she was to reform were not passed.

Read this excerpt from Nelson Mandela's speech at trial in 1964:
Political division, based on colour, is entirely artificial and,
when it disappears, so will the domination of one colour
group by another. The ANC has spent half a century
fighting against racialism. When it triumphs it will not
change that policy
Which statement best describes how this excerpt relates to Mandela's policies as South
African president?

A. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would work to
fulfill when he became president.
OB. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans that
Mandela would reject when he became president
O C. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans that
Mandela would work to fulfill when he became president,
XOD. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would reject when
he became president

*I know it’s not D*



What were the problem of people in the primitive age

In this excerpt, Nelson Mandela argues against racial division and emphasizes the importance of fighting against racialism. He suggests that when racial divisions disappear, so will the domination of one group by another. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is racial division?

Racial division refers to the separation of people based on their race or ethnicity, often leading to unequal treatment and limited opportunities for certain groups. Racial division can manifest in many ways, including discrimination, segregation, prejudice, and stereotypes.

It can lead to tensions, conflicts, and inequalities within societies and can be a significant barrier to social cohesion and progress. Racial division can be both overt and subtle, and it is a complex issue that requires understanding, awareness, and action to address.

This excerpt reflects Mandela's commitment to ending racial divisions and promoting equality, which were also the core principles of his policies as South African president. During his presidency, Mandela worked towards dismantling apartheid and promoting reconciliation and unity among South Africans, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Learn more about  Nelson Mandela here:



pls help don’t what the answer is



Reflected an unequal society


Severity of punishment varies based on social class and gender.

I really need help on this. What’s the answer



Negative Affects of The Industrial Revolution


The text describes how the industrial revolution started polluting water sources, thus proving to be a negative effect.

checa mi question for answers with a lot of points​



D-Day was one of the most remarkable military campaigns in history. One of the strategies in Operation Overlord was to prepare the beaches for incoming allied troops by heavily bombing Nazi gun positions at the coast. As well as destroying key bridges and roads to cut off Germany's retreat and reinforcements. The paratroopers were told to then drop in to secure inland positions ahead of the land invasion.

consecuencias de las reformas borbonicas raído pliss en el 30 min



onsecuencias de las reformas borbónicas

Disminución del poder y riqueza eclesiástica tanto en España como en América. ...

Mayor control desde la península de los que sucede en las colonias, la idea era centralizar de alguna forma la administración de la región y todo se decidiera desde el gobierno central peninsular.


Which statement best completes the diagram related to the Russian revolution of 1917?



I believe it was the food shortages.


i read animal farm which is an analogy of the Russian revolution and I clearly remember food shortages being a big consequence of Czar giving up control.


Food shortages


Of the following government types, which two are the most opposite?
A. a dictatorship and a democracy
B. a monarchy and a dictatorship
C. a monarchy and an aristocracy
D. a republic and a democracy


the answer is A. a dictatorship and a democracy

Which of the following describes the major characteristics of Hammurabi's
A. It provided a history of the king's rulings.
B. It established the “presumption of guilt" that is used today.
C. It is the world's first “declaration of independence."
D. It established a public record of consistent laws.


Option D would be correct

Answer: it established the presumption of guilt that is used tody


It code this " presumption of guilt"

anong maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ninyo na mahirap mabago​



Ang maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ko ay mahirap na mabago ay ang pagiging mapanghusga.


Hi po! I think you should connect to brainly.ph para mas mabilis makuha yung answers and para locals na di yung sumagot.

Just a suggestion though. It's still up to you.

Hope it helps



Examine the cartoon and read the annotation. Then respond with a brief essay giving your personal reaction to Johnson's approach to Reconstruction. Present at least three specific points in your analysis.

Link o the website they gave us about the cartoon (with the annotations):




examine the cartoon and read the commentary Explain your response to Johnson's approach to Reconstruction with a short essay. provide three concrete pieces of information

This caused an uproar in Congress. Although the majority of Republicans in Congress backed the president's Reconstruction program, some Republicans were worried that the planter aristocracy would be reinstated and that the freedmen would be re-enslaved.

The Radical Republicans rejected Lincoln's proposal because they felt it was too kind to the South. To conservatives, Lincoln's Reconstruction plan was too soft since, in their opinion, the South was responsible for initiating the war and needed to be punished. Radical Republicans sought to dominate the Reconstruction process, change Southern culture, dissolve the planter class, redistribute land, and create industry.

“‘The Machine.'” 1864 political cartoon, which included many major political figures during the Civil War, criticized Lincoln's government.

The Radical Republicans succeeded to influence many centrist voters and quickly gained influence in Congress after the end of the Civil War. The Republicans approved a new measure in response to the "Wade-Davis Bill" in the summer of 1864. This new law would make it more difficult to rejoin the union. To be readmitted, the majority of the state had to swear a loyalty pledge, not simply ten percent. Lincoln subsequently vetoed this revised measure.



boa noiteeeee

como ces ta?


Answer:Boa noite

Explanation:Eu ta bom


como ces ta?


Eu sou bom :)

Why would railroad customers like the Hepburn Act ?​



Railroad customers like the Hepburn Act because they provided the ICC with the ability to control the prices that the railroads charged.


The Hepburn Act provided the ICC with the capacity to control the prices railroads could charge, by setting maximum rates. 

10. Watermelons were a gift of the:
None of the





Background and Aims Watermelons, Citrullus species Cucurbitaceae, are native to Africa and have been cultivated since ancient times.

How would a new advance in manufacturing technology most likely affect the
supply of the good being produced?
A. The supply of the good would remain the same.
B. The supply of the good would not be affected.
C. The supply of the good would fall.
D. The supply of the good would increase.


D.....the supply of food would increase

The governor's veto power is part of ________________________



Legislative power


The governor's veto power is part of "Legislative power."

The above statement is TRUE because the evidence can be fornd in the Article III, Section 12, of the State of Washington Constitution.

The part of the Article III, Section 12, of the constitution state that "Every act which shall have passed the legislature shall be, before it becomes a law, presented to the governor. If he approves, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, which house shall enter the objections at large upon the journal and proceed to reconsider..."

Why was Carnegie Steel considered a vertical monopoly?
The company controlled every step of steel production, from raw materials to distribution.
The company controlled all the steel plants in the country.
The company became the only source of steel after competitors went out of business.
The company was able to produce more steel than any other steel company in the world.



The company controlled every step of steel production, from raw materials to distribution.


Andrew Carnegie introduces the steel industry in the late 19th century in the United States. Carnegie Steel Company revolutionised steel production in America. He built factories using technology that made producing steel faster, easier and more productive. The supply chain of the steel is checked and owned by that steel company. Carnegie Steel company control the raw materials and the finished products.


A. The company controlled every step of steel production, from raw materials to distribution.

Q: How was
impacted by industrial
growth and organized labor?


It was impacted because they started advancing technology

Explain the economic changes of the 1920s? Include in your discussion: the stock market, consumerism, installment plans, mass production, assembly line.


course hero :

a.In the early 1920s, the U.S. economy began to expand. Between 1921 and 1923, the nation's gross domestic product (GDP), rose sharply. Wages for non-farm workers were more than double those of 1915, and they continued to grow slowly over the next several years. People also earned a great deal of money investing in the stock market. In turn this allowed people to buy the new popular technologies that were coming out.

b.During the 1920s, consumerism became an important part of U.S. society. It emerged as an influential force and its advertising convinced Americans to buy things not because theyneeded them, but simply because they wanted them

c.During the 1920s, retailers and banks introduced installment plans. This arrangement, also called credit buying, allowed consumers to make small, regular payments toward the full purchase price of goods.Installment buying and easy consumer credit helped the economy boom.This "buy now, pay later

Which part of the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate commerce between the states, with Indian tribes, and with foreign nations?



The Commerce Clause


Overview. The Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.

The assertion that non formal institutions plays no role at the processing stage of the system theory is empty rethoric. comment​



Non-formal education is a way of helping societies to be more democratic and to respect human rights. They are able to develop their curiosity and enthusiasm, to learn to work together and to practise democratic decision-making and negotiation, which is an important step towards active democratic citizenship.

Other Questions
Match each equation to its graph. Use the drop-down menus to describe the equations. Graph the line that passes through the points (-5,1) and (5, -5) and determine the equation of the line. When increasing production from 12,000 computers to 15,000 computers, the company's average cost of production will A. increase from $10.10 to $10.40 due to the learning-curve effect. B. increase from $16.80 to $18.90 due to the learning-curve effect. C. decrease from $10.40 to $10.10 due to diseconomies of scale. D. decrease from $10.40 to $10.10 due to the learning-curve effect. E. increase from $16.80 to $18.90 due to economies of scale. I NEED HELP ASAP.TIME LIMITED>PLSSSSSS HELP ME 8a^3-36a^2+54a-27-64p^3 Uhm cell parts and functions Which best describes the relationship between the line thatpasses through the points (1, -6) and (3,-2) and the line thatpasses through the points (4,8) and (6, 12)?A. parallelB. same lineC. neither perpendicular nor parallelD. perpendicular what is meant by density How many dimes are there in four hundredand sixty-seven million dollars? You want to protect data on hard drives for users with laptops. You want the drive to be encrypted, and you want to prevent the laptops from booting unless a special USB drive is inserted. In addition, the system should not boot if a change is detected in any of the boot files. What should you do mi quy tc x s tn ti trn x hi c nh nc u l php lut ng hay sai? Gii thch A object of mass 200kg is pushed from rest by a force of 500N along a horizontal plane for 5.0 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the object cuales son los datos personales incluidos en un pasaportea. el apellido, el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la nacionalidad, el numero de pasaporteb. el apellido, el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, el numero de pasaporte, la direccionc. el apellido, el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la religion, el numero de pasaported. el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la religion, el number de pasaporte complete the table below? A factory used 99.19 kilograms of tomatoes to make 7 batches of pasta sauce. What quantity of tomatoes did the factory put in each batch? Point T is on line segment SU. Given ST = 4x 4, TU = 4x 10, andSU = 5x + 1, determine the numerical length of TU.Answer: TU = Find the value of x in each case: what is the danger of not passing on information from generation to generation? The 3rd and 6th term of a geometric progression are 9/2 and 243/16 respectively find the first term, common ratio, seventh term 1. A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer. What limited resource is responsible for this trade-off decision? A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product. B. The consumer has a limited amount of money available for purchases.2. What resources do consumers typically have in limited supply that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption?A. natural resources, land, and laborB. time, attention, and capitalC. time, money, and attentionD. money, labor, and capital