what is 1 st genaration of computer ​


Answer 1


The period of first generation computer was from 1946-1959 AD .The computers of first generation used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU ( Central Processing Unit).These tubes, like electric bulbs, produced a lot of heat and were prone to frequent fusing of the installation.

Hope it helps...............

Related Questions

Which describes the relationship between enterprise platforms and the cloud?



All enterprise platforms are cloud based.

What do LinkedIn automation tools do?



Most of the tools are used to perform simple repetitive tasks that take a lot of time if done manually.


1. Sending Connection requests  

2. Running Direct messaging campaigns  

3. Endorsing people’s skills.  

4. Collecting leads data  

5. Extracting data from LinkedIn  

With automation, it may seem like you’ve been dealt the ultimate hand.    

In addition, some of the latest LinkedIn automation tools run personalized campaigns that result in increasing:


1. Increasing networks  

2. Connections  

3. Leads  

4. Sales

Saji was exploring the Themes menu for a presentation she just started working on. She found one she really liked, but wanted to look at the next one just to check it out. Nope, she still likes the previous one better. What's the quickest way to get it back?

a. scroll up to the beginning of the Themes menu and click through until she finds it again
b. click Ctrl+Z and the cool theme will be restored
c. click Ctrl+F and type in the name of the theme



Probably CTRL-Z because the action can be undone.


Hope this helped. If it is not CTRL-Z well then it is CTRL-F. But it should be CTRL-Z.

write a program to input 3 numbers and print the largest and the smallest number without using if else statement​



def main():

   # input

   num1 = int(input("Type in a number: "))

   num2 = int(input("Type in another number: "))

   num3 = int(input("Type in another number: "))

   list1 = [num1, num2, num3]

   # sorts the array


   # list1[-1] prints the first element in the array

   print("The largest number is: " + str(list1[-1]))

   # -len(list1) takes the length of the list, in this case 3, and makes it a negative number.  

   # That negative number is then used as an index for the list1 array in order to print the lowest number.

   print("The smallest number is: " + str(list1[-len(list1)]))



Hope this helped :) I left some comments so you know what's going on. You can also use max(list1) and min(list1) but I chose indexing because indexing is the better way of doing stuff like this.

Have a good day!

Given two integers that represent the miles to drive forward and the miles to drive in reverse as user inputs, create a SimpleCar object that performs the following operations:Drives input number of miles forwardDrives input number of miles in reverseHonks the hornReports car statusThe SimpleCar class is found in the file SimpleCar.java.100 4the output is:beep beepCar has driven: 96 milesimport java.util.Scanner;public class LabProgram { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); /* Type your code here. */ }}




The following code is written in Java. It creates the SimpleCar class with the variables for position, milesForward, and milesReverse. It contains the constructor, Honk, reportStatus, and setter methods needed and as requested. The scanner object is created in the main method and asks the user for the number of miles forward as well as the number of miles in reverse. A test case was created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("How many miles forward did the car drive?");

       int forward = in.nextInt();

       System.out.println("How many miles in reverse did the car drive?");

       int reverse = in.nextInt();

       SimpleCar beep = new SimpleCar(forward, reverse);





class SimpleCar {

   int position;

   int milesForward;

   int milesReverse;

   public SimpleCar(int milesForward, int milesReverse) {

       this.milesForward = milesForward;

       this.milesReverse = milesReverse;

       this.position = 0;


   public void Honk() {



   public void reportStatus() {

       position = milesForward - milesReverse;

       System.out.println("Car is " + position + " miles from starting point.");


   public void setMilesForward(int milesForward) {

       this.milesForward = milesForward;

       this.position += milesForward;


   public void setMilesReverse(int milesReverse) {

       this.milesReverse = milesReverse;

       this.position -= milesReverse;



The Janitorial and Cafeteria departments are support departments. Samoa uses the sequential method to allocate support department costs, first allocating the costs from the Janitorial Department to the Cafeteria, Cutting, and Assembly departments. Determine the proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department by the:


Complete Question:

Departmental information for the four departments at Samoa Industries is provided below. Total Cost Cost Driver Square Feet Number of employees Janitorial $150,000 square footage serviced 200 Cafeteria 50,000 Number of employees 20,000 Cutting 1,125,000 4,000 120 Assembly 1,100,000 16,000 The Janitorial and Cafeteria departments are support departments Samoa uses the sequential method to allocate support department costs, first allocating the costs Department to the Cafeteria, Cutting and Assembly departments Determine the proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department by the a. Cafeteria Department b. Cutting Department c. Assembly Department


Samoa Industries

Proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department:

Cafeteria = 50%

Cutting = 10%

Assembly = 40%


a) Data and Calculations:

                 Total Cost         Cost Driver             Square Feet       Number of


Janitorial   $150,000 Square footage serviced          200                40

Cafeteria      50,000 Number of employees        20,000                 12

Cutting     1,125,000                                                 4,000               120

Assembly 1,100,000                                               16,000                 40

Proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department:

Cafeteria = 50% (20,000/40,000 * 100)

Cutting = 10% (4,000/40,000 * 100)

Assembly = 40% (16,000/40,000 * 100)

Cost Allocation of the Janitorial Department:

Cafeteria = 50% * $150,000 = $75,000

Cutting = 10% * $150,000 =        15,000

Assembly = 40,% * $150,000 = 60,000

Total =                                    $150,000

Write a function named multiply_by_20. The function should accept an argument and display the product of its argument multiplied by 20



def multiply_by_20(num):

   print(num * 20)


def multiply_by_20(num):

   print(num * 20)

# Testing the function here. ignore/remove the code below if not required




Coral Given three floating-point numbers x, y, and z, output x to the power of y, x to the power of (y to the power of z), the absolute value of x, and the square root of (x * y to the power of z).
Output all results with five digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
Put result to output with 5 decimal places
Ex: If the input is:
5.0 2.5 1.5
the output is:
55.90170 579.32402 5.00000 6.64787
Hint: Coral has built-in math functions (discussed elsewhere) that may be used.



The program is as follows:

float x

float y

float z

x = Get next input

y = Get next input

z = Get next input

Put RaiseToPower(x,y) to output with 5 decimal places

Put "\n" to output

Put RaiseToPower (x,RaiseToPower (y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places

Put "\n" to output

Put AbsoluteValue(x) to output with 5 decimal places

Put "\n" to output

Put SquareRoot(RaiseToPower (x * y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places


This declares all variables

float x

float y

float z

This gets input for all variables

x = Get next input

y = Get next input

z = Get next input

This prints x^y

Put RaiseToPower(x,y) to output with 5 decimal places

This prints a new line

Put "\n" to output

This prints x^(y^z)

Put RaiseToPower (x,RaiseToPower (y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places

This prints a new line

Put "\n" to output

This prints |x|

Put AbsoluteValue(x) to output with 5 decimal places

This prints a new line

Put "\n" to output

This prints sqrt((x * y)^z)

Put SquareRoot(RaiseToPower (x * y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places

Suppose you are among those who believe that the NLRA should be transformed. What arguments support the claim that a complete overhaul is necessary



See explanation below.


Note: This question is not complete. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question follows:

Suppose you are among those who believe that the NLRA should be transformed. What arguments support the claim that a complete overhaul is necessary? What alternative models might be considered as a replacement for the NLRA model of exclusive representation?

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

a. What arguments support the claim that a complete overhaul is necessary?

The adversarial nature of labor relations in the United States, which many claim is produced by the National Labor Relations Act's (NLRA)'s very existence, is the fundamental reason for its transformation. In a global economy, supporters of transformation say that adversarialism is undesirable for employees and employers because it makes representation and profit maximization more difficult. The principles of exclusive representation and majority support are specific aspects of the NLRA that promote adversarialism.

The fact that it is compulsory for a union to win the support of a majority of workers, the process of representation results into a tone of a "u versus. them". As a result, both sides try to make the other look bad in the eyes of the employees who will vote.

Based on the above, a  complete overhaul is necessary.

b. What alternative models might be considered as a replacement for the NLRA model of exclusive representation?

Giving nonmajority unions legal protection by requiring employers to negotiate with them is one alternative to replace the NLRA model of exclusive representation. Under this, the contracts would not cover all employees; only those who are union members would be covered.

Another alternative is that work councils could also be used to supplement or replace the certification process. Employee free speech rights, wrongful dismissal procedures, employee participation on business boards of directors, and the right to workplace information are all potential transformation factors that might be taken into consideration.

Consider the following generalization of the Activity Selection Problem: You are given a set of n activities each with a start time si , a finish time fi , and a weight wi . Design a dynamic programming algorithm to find the weight of a set of non-conflicting activities with maximum weight.



Assumption: Only 1 job can be taken at a time  

This becomes a weighted job scheduling problem.  

Suppose there are n jobs

   Sort the jobs according to fj(finish time)

   Define an array named arr to store max profit till that job

       arr[0] = v1(value of 1st job)

       For i>0. arr[i] = maximum of arr[i-1] (profit till the previous job) or wi(weight of ith job) + profit till the previous non-conflicting job

   Final ans = arr[n-1]

The previous non-conflicting job here means the last job with end timeless than equal to the current job.  

To find the previous non-conflicting job if we traverse the array linearly Complexity(search = O(n)) = O(n.n) = O(n^2)  

else if we use a binary search to find the job Complexity((search = O(Logn)) = O(n.Log(n))

Code Example 4-2 def get_volume(width, height, length=2): volume = width * height * length return volume def main(): l = 3 w = 4 h = 5 v = get_volume(l, w, h) print(v) if __name__ == "__main__": main() Refer to Code Example 4-2: If you add the following code to the end of the main() method, what does it print to the console? print(get_volume(10, 2))



Hence the answer is 4.


get_volume(3,4,5) returns 3*4*5 = 60

width is 3

height is 4

length is 5

Write a program that will generate a personalized invitation within a text file for each guest in the guest list file using the event information found in the event details file. Put all the generated invitation files in a directory called invitations. Ensure that the name of each invitation file uniquely identifies each guest's invitation




import os   # os module to create directory  

event_file = open("event_details.txt", "r") # Getting event file  

event_details = ""  # event details to be stored  

for row in event_file:  # traversing through the event_file  

   event_details += row    # appending event details  

os.mkdir("./invitations")   # make directory in the same parent directory  

names = open("guest_list.txt", "r") # getting names of the people  

for name in names:  # traversing through names in guest_list file

   name = name.replace('\n', '')   # removing the ending '\n' from the name  

   invitation_msg = "Hi! " + name + ", You are heartly invited in the Ceremony.\nAt " + event_details # Generating the invitation message  

   file_name = '_'.join(name.split(' '))   # Spliting name in space and joining with the '_'  

   file_path = "./invitations/" + file_name + ".txt" # Generating each file path  

   invite_file = open(file_path, "w")  # Creating the file for each name  

   invite_file.write(invitation_msg)   # Write invitation to file


Will has been asked to recommend a protocol for his company to use for a VPN connection to the cloud service provider that his company uses. Which of the following protocols could he rule out as options for this connection?
a. IKEv2
c. L2TP
d. GRE



The protocols that Will could rule out as options for this connection are:


d. GRE


A virtual private network (VPN) delivers encrypted connection over the Internet to prevent unauthorized data access, thereby facilitating remote work and the transmission of sensitive data.

IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2) and Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) are secure encryption protocols that enable virtual private network (VPN).


Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is not encrypted for receiving and sending files but a simple boot-loading File Transfer Protocol.

Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnels do not encrypt data and are not secure unless used with other secure tunnelling protocols.

Write a program that solves the following problem:

One marker costs 80 cents. A package of five markers costs $3.50. This encourages people to buy complete packages rather than having to break packages open. The tax is 6.5% of the total. The shipping cost is 5% of the total (before tax). Your program will prompt for a number of markers (an integer). It will calculate and display:

⢠The number of complete packages of markers
⢠The number of separate markers (hint: use // and %)
⢠The cost for the markers before shipping and tax
⢠The cost of shipping
⢠The cost of tax
⢠The total cost of the markers after shipping and tax are added (the grand total)



def main():

   singleMarkerPrice = 0.80

   packageOfMarkersPrice = 3.50

   tax = 0.065

   shipping = 0.050

   userInput = int(input("How many markers do you want? "))

   amountOfPackages = 0

   singleMarkers = 0

   if userInput % 5 == 0:

       amountOfPackages = userInput / 5


       amountOfPackages = userInput // 5

       singleMarkers = userInput % 5

   # Just for syntax so if the single marker amount is one, it prints package instead of packages

   if amountOfPackages == 1:

       print("You have " + str(int(amountOfPackages)) + " complete package")


       print("You have " + str(int(amountOfPackages)) + " complete packages")

   # Just for syntax so if the single marker amount is one, it prints marker instead of markers

   if singleMarkers == 1:

       print("You have " + str(int(singleMarkers)) + " single marker")


       print("You have " + str(int(singleMarkers)) + " single markers")

   totalAmountBeforeTax = (amountOfPackages * packageOfMarkersPrice) + (singleMarkers * singleMarkerPrice)

   print("The total amount before tax comes out to " + str(float(totalAmountBeforeTax)))

   costOfShipping = float(round((totalAmountBeforeTax * shipping), 2))

   costOfTax = float(round((totalAmountBeforeTax * tax), 2))

   print("The cost of shipping is " + str(costOfShipping))

   print("The cost of tax is " + str(costOfTax))

   totalAmount = totalAmountBeforeTax + costOfShipping + costOfTax

   print("The total amount comes out to " + str(round(totalAmount, 2)))



This should be correct. If it isn't let me know so I can fix the code.

Suppose you were charged with putting together a large LAN to support IP telephony (only) and that multiple users may want to carry on a phone call at the same time. Recall that IP telephony digitizes and packetizes voice at a constant bit rate when a user is making an IP phone call. How well suited are these four protocols for this scenario



TDMA: Time-division multiple access (TDMA) will operate effectively.

CSMA: Carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA)  will NOT operate properly.

Slotted Aloha: Slotted Aloha will NOT perform effectively.

Token passing: Token passing will operate effectively.


Note: This question is not complete. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question as follows:

Suppose you were charged with putting together a LAN to support IP telephony (only) and that multiple users may want to carry on a phone call at the same time. Recall that IP telephony digitizes and packetizes voice at a constant bit rate when a user is making an IP phone call. How well suited are these four protocols for this scenario?



Slotted Aloha:

Token passing:

Provide a brief explanation of each answer.

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

TDMA: Time-division multiple access (TDMA) will operate effectively in this situation because it provides a consistent bit rate service of one slot every frame.

CSMA: Because of collisions and a changing amount of time to access the channel, Carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA)  will NOT operate properly in this situation. Also, the length of time it takes to access a channel is not limited.

Slotted Aloha: Just like CSMA, Slotted Aloha will NOT perform effectively in this situation because of collisions and a different amount of time to access the channel. Also, the length of time it takes to access a channel is limitless.

Token passing: Token passing will operate effectively in this case because each station has a turn to transmit once per token round, resulting in a service with an effectively constant bit rate.

Danielle is analyzing logs and baselines of the systems and services that she is responsible for in her organization. She wants to begin taking advantage of a technology that can analyze some of the information for her and learn from that data analysis to make decisions rather than relying on explicit programming for the analysis. Which of the following describes this technique?

a. Systematic processing
b. Machine learning
c. Cumulative wisdom
d. S.M.A.R.T.



b. Machine learning


The technique that is being described in this situation is known as Machine Learning. This is a fairly new technology that has become popular over the last decade. Machine learning uses artificial intelligence to analyze data and learn from it. Every time the system analyzes the data it learns something new, saves it, and implements it to its processes. Therefore, the more times it repeats the more it learns. These systems are continuously getting better and learning more, which makes them incredibly efficient.

The function of an audio mixer is to _____. layer audio tracks at their ideal volume combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs process and edit pre-recorded audio signals automatically adjust volume for audio channe


Answer: combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs


A audio mixer is refered to as the sound mixer or the mixing console and it's an electronic device that's used for mixing, and combining several audio signals and sounds.

The input to the console is the microphone. The audio mixer can also be used in controlling digital or analog signals. These are then summed up in producing output signals.

Therefore, the function of the audio mixer is to combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs.

A backbone network is Group of answer choices a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles. a group of personal computers or terminals located in the same general area and connected by a common cable (communication circuit) so they can exchange information. a network spanning a geographical area that usually encompasses a city or county area (3 to 30 miles). a network spanning a large geographical area (up to thousands of miles). a network spanning exactly 200 miles with common carrier circuits.



a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles.


A backbone network functions just like the human backbone providing support for network systems by offering a network infrastructure that allows small, high speed internet connectivity. It is a principal data route between large interconnected networks which offers connection services spanning several miles. Most local area networks are able to connect to the backbone network as it is the largest data connection on the internet. This backbone networks are mainly utilized by large organizations requiring high bandwidth connection.


a. can boost server utilization rates to 70% or higher.
b. has enabled microprocessor manufacturers to reduce the size of transistors to the width of an atom.
c. uses the principles of quantum physics to represent data.
d. allows smartphones to run full-fledged operating systems.
e. allows one operating system to manage several physical machines.


The answer: A

If you would like to understand more on this, I have found an excellent quizlet.
Search this up: Using IS for Bus. Problems chp.5 practice quiz

Your organization network diagram is shown in the figure below. Your company has the class C address range of You need to subnet the address into three subnets and make the best use of the available address space. Which of the following represents the addressing scheme you would apply to the New York office and Toronto Office?





Prepare an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to compute the sum
and product of all prime numbers between 1 and 50.





Gimme Shelter Roofers maintains a file of past customers, including a customer number, name, address, date of job, and price of job. It also maintains a file of estimates given for jobs not yet performed; this file contains a customer number, name, address, proposed date of job, and proposed price. Each file is in customer number order.

Design the logic that merges the two files to produce one combined file of all customers whether past or proposed with no duplicates; when a customer who has been given an estimate is also a past customer.



Hence the complete implementation of python code that reads two files and merges them together.

def merge_file(past_file_path,proposed_file_path, merged_file_path):



   proposed_customer_name = []

   for row in proposed_file_contents:


   with open(merged_file_path,'w') as outputf:

       outputf.write("Customer Number, Customer Name, Address\r\n")

       for row in proposed_file_contents:

           line = str(row[0]) +", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) +"\r\n"


       for row in past_file_contents:

           if row[1] in proposed_customer_name:



               line = str(row[0]) + ", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) + "\r\n"


       print("Files merged successfully!")

# reads the file and returns the content as 2D lists

def load_file(path):

   file_contents = []

   with open(path, 'r') as pastf:

       for line in pastf:

           cells = line.split(",")

           row = []

           for cell in cells:

               if(cell.lower().strip()=="customer number"):




           if  len(row)>0:


   return file_contents

past_file_path="F:\\Past Customer.txt"

proposed_file_path="F:\\Proposed Customer.txt"

merged_file_path="F:\\Merged File.txt"


Predictive Algorithms Identify one use/application in which tprediction might cause significant ethical harms.

a. True
b. False


I do believe this would be true.

Suppose a company A decides to set up a cloud to deliver Software as a Service to its clients through a remote location. Answer the following [3] a) What are the security risks for which a customer needs to be careful about? b) What kind of infrastructural set up will be required to set up a cloud? c) What sort of billing model will such customers have?





What happens when a dataset includes records with missing data?



However, if the dataset is relatively small, every data point counts. In these situations, a missing data point means loss of valuable information. In any case, generally missing data creates imbalanced observations, cause biased estimates, and in extreme cases, can even lead to invalid conclusions.

It makes data analysis to be more ambiguous and more difficult.

Missing data is simply the same as saying that there are values and information that are unavailable. This could be due to missing files or unavailable information.

A dataset set with missing data means more work for the analyst. There needs to be a transformation in those fields before the dataset can be used.

Generally speaking missing data could lead to bias in the estimation of data.

A data scientist is a data expert who is in charge of data. He performs the job of data extraction, data analysis, data transformation.

read more at https://brainly.com/question/17578521?referrer=searchResults

Briefly describe the fundamental differences between project-based and product-based Software Engineering.



Product-based companies make a specific product and try to market it as a solution. But project-based companies create a solution based on many products and sell it as a packaged solution to a particular need or problem.


hope this helps

Product firms make and try to market a certain product as a solution. But projects are creating a solution based on many product lines as well as selling them for specific needs or issues as such is.

Project-Based Software Engineering:

Software developers based on projects follow a service-oriented strategy. At one time, not only software but multiple projects are being developed, operated, and delivered. It accomplishes a software development process from requirement collection to testing and maintenance. It is carried out in compliance with implementation methods or specified period for achieving the software package meant for use.

Product-Based Software Engineering:

A product-based business is a venture that produces a product that may or might not have software connections. Even before resulted in a demand, it will create or design its goods or applications ahead of time. Once the product is produced or applied, it is opened up for market use and only works if a client meets specific requirements and needs. It is used to start creating some goods including Oracle, Adobe, Samsung, etc.

Learn more:


How can using Prezi software for a presentation allow the presenter to better respond to audience needs?



The description of the given question is summarized in the explanation section below.


Prezi makes things simpler to move around freely from one location to another even though you may pass through slides conventional standard edition presenting. If users spend nearly the audience's listening that would be very useful.Unless the organization's crowd looks puzzled or makes a statement, you may backtrack to that same topic without navigating several slides expediently.

Discuss at least five ways of practicing good device care and placement



The points according to the given question are provided below.


Batteries are quite a highly crucial part of EVs and should be handled accordingly.Whenever a part becomes obsolete, it should have been substituted every year using an innovative version.Before using an electric car, it should have been fully charged and ready to go.Within a certain duration of time, the gadget needs to be serviced again.Be sure to keep your mobile device or another gadget in such a secure location.

1) Design a class named Axolotl that holds attributes for an axolotl's name, weight, and color. Include methods to set and get each of these attributes

2)Create a small program that declares two Axolotl objects (using the class above) and sets each axolotl's name, weight, and color attributes. The program must also output each axolotl's name, weight, and color after they are set


what subject is this exactly?

Write code that prints: Ready! numVal ... 2 1 Go! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: numVal = 3 outputs: Ready!
public class ForLoops {
public static void main (String [] args) {
int countNum;
int i;
countNum = 3;
/* Your solution goes here */



public class ForLoops {

   public static void main (String [] args) {

       int countNum;

       int i;  

       countNum = 3;  


       for(i = countNum;i>0;i--) {







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The fence posts need to be painted Each post is round with a diameter of 50mm and length of 2.5m. The posts are hollow (no top or bottom) Now work out the surface area of a single fence post The act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability is called mercy killing, or Please help!Solve for x In a sample of 56 bags of fertilizer, the average weight was found to be 17.2lb with a standard deviation of 0.7. Give a point estimate for the population standard deviation of the weight of the bags of fertilizer. A random sample of 13 teenagers were surveyed for a hypothesis test about the mean weekly amount spent on convenience goods. Researchers conduct a one-mean hypothesis test, at the 1% significance level, to test whether the average spent per week on convenience goods is greater than 50 dollars. The leader of a political party in the legislative branch jas the power to A ten loop coil of area 0.23 m2 is in a 0.047 T uniform magnetic field oriented so that the maximum flux goes through the coil. The average emf induced in the coil is Imagine a typical website that works as a storefront for a business, allowing customers to browse goods online, place orders, review information about past orders, and contact the business. What would a testing process for a website like that look like? Expand and simplify3(4m - 3t)-2(m 2t) Find the area of the shaded regions.QUICKLY PLEASE Which of these is true about a sentence written in passive voice?A. All parts are equally important.B. The subject is the least important partC. The verb is the least important partD. The object is the least important part llahkdaclicka. ima answer this LAB: Parsing food data in C++Write the code in c++Given a text file containing the availability of food items, write a program that reads the information from the text file and outputs the available food items. The program first reads the name of the text file from the user. The program then reads the text file, stores the information into four separate arrays, and outputs the available food items in the following format: name (category) -- descriptionAssume the text file contains the category, name, description, and availability of at least one food item, separated by a tab character ('\t').Hints: Use the find() function to find the index of a tab character in each row of the text file. Use the substr() function to extract texts separated by the tab characters.Ex: If the input of the program is:food.txtand the contents of food.txt are:Sandwiches Ham sandwich Classic ham sandwich AvailableSandwiches Chicken salad sandwich Chicken salad sandwich Not availableSandwiches Cheeseburger Classic cheeseburger Not availableSalads Caesar salad Chunks of romaine heart lettuce dressed with lemon juice AvailableSalads Asian salad Mixed greens with ginger dressing, sprinkled with sesame Not availableBeverages Water 16oz bottled water AvailableBeverages Coca-Cola 16oz Coca-Cola Not availableMexican food Chicken tacos Grilled chicken breast in freshly made tortillas Not availableMexican food Beef tacos Ground beef in freshly made tortillas AvailableVegetarian Avocado sandwich Sliced avocado with fruity spread Not availablethe output of the program is:Ham sandwich (Sandwiches) -- Classic ham sandwichCaesar salad (Salads) -- Chunks of romaine heart lettuce dressed with lemon juiceWater (Beverages) -- 16oz bottled waterBeef tacos (Mexican food) -- Ground beef in freshly made tortillasFood.txt fileSandwiches Ham sandwich Classic ham sandwich AvailableSandwiches Chicken salad sandwich Chicken salad sandwich Not availableSandwiches Cheeseburger Classic cheeseburger Not availableSalads Caesar salad Chunks of romaine heart lettuce dressed with lemon juice AvailableSalads Asian salad Mixed greens with ginger dressing, sprinkled with sesame Not availableBeverages Water 16oz bottled water AvailableBeverages Coca-Cola 16oz Coca-Cola Not availableMexican food Chicken tacos Grilled chicken breast in freshly made tortillas Not availableMexican food Beef tacos Ground beef in freshly made tortillas AvailableVegetarian Avocado sandwich Sliced avocado with fruity spread Not available How is the mass of 1 mole of an element determined? O A. It is equal to the atomic mass times Avogadro's number. O B. It is the same as the element's atomic mass, but in grams. O c. It is equal to the atomic number times Avogadro's number. O D. It is the same as the element's atomic number, but in grams. y=5/3x + 3 in ordered pairs In maize, yellow kernel color is dominant to white, and wrinkled kernel shape is dominant to the smooth form. Considering both of these traits jointly in self- fertilized dihybrids, the progeny appeared in the following numbers: 193 white, genes assort independently? Support your conclusion using appropriate statistical analysis. wrinkled; 184 yellow smooth; 556 yellow, wrinkled: 61 white smooth Explain rural urban migration What is the x-intercept of the line with equation 3y - 8x = 10? Represent your answer as a point in (x, y) form.The solution is Figure out the pattern, and write the next number.2,6,21,88 find the equation of the median from b in ABC whose vertices are (1,5), B(5,3) and C(-3, -2)