What is 1/3 by the power of 4 in the simplest form. No links.


Answer 1

(1/3)^4 = 1^4/ 3^4 = 1/81

Answer: 1/81

Answer 2

The expression 1/3 by the power of 4  when evaluated has a value of 1/81

How to evaluate the expression

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

1/3 by the power of 4

Express as an equation

So, we have

1/3 by the power of 4 = 1/3⁴

When expanded, we have

1/3 by the power of 4 = 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3

Evaluate the products

This gives

1/3 by the power of 4 = 1/81

Hence, the solution is 1/81

Read more about expression at



Related Questions

0.1 x 0.01 x 0.001
ans ???


>> Answer


[tex] \: [/tex]

[tex]0.1 \times 0.01 \times 0.001 = ...[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{10} \times \frac{1}{100} \times \frac{1}{1.000} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{10 \times 100 \times 1.000} [/tex]

[tex] = \bold{ \frac{1}{1.000.000}} [/tex]


[tex]0.1 \times 0.01 \times 0.001 = 0.000001 \\ \\ \\ \\ i \: hope \: it \: is \: helpfull[/tex]

if 20 articles cost $90,then the cost of 9 articles is




Step-by-step explanation:

90 divided by 20 is 4.5. then you multiply that times 9 and that's your answer.  

What is the first step in solving this equation?
3(2x + 6) - 4x = 2(5x - 2) + 6
Use the subtraction property of equality to subtract 6 from both sides.
Use the addition property of equality to add 4x to both sides.
Combine the like terms on each side of the equation.
O Use the distributive property on each side of the equation.


Answer: use distributive property

Step-by-step explanation:

you must always start from the numbers in the parentheses

The height of a tree is 8.2 meters.
What is the tree's height in centimeters?



820 centimeter :3

Step-by-step explanation:

8.2 meters

move the decimal back twice because of KiloHecaDecaBase (m,l,g)DeciCentiMilli

As we know 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters so the height of the tree 8.2 meters is equal to 820 meters

What is unit conversion?

The same attribute is expressed using a unit conversion but in a different unit of measurement.

For instance, time can be expressed in minutes rather than hours, and distance can be expressed in kilometers, feet, or any other measurement unit instead of miles.

Measurements are frequently offered in one set of units, like feet, but are required in another set, like chains.

A conversion factor is a mathematical equation that facilitates an equal exchange of feet for chains.

Given, The height of a tree is 8.2 meters, now we know 1 meter is equal to 100cm so to convert some quantity from meters to centimeters we multiply by 100.

∴ 8.2 meters is equal to (8.2×100) = 820 centimeters.

learn more about unit conversion here :



Which of the following is a solution to the inequality below?19 ≥ 5k + 6



k ≥ 13/5 or k ≥ 2.6 ( same thing )

Step-by-step explanation:

symbol stays the same throughout (≥)

subtract 6 from both sides of the symbol ( 13 ≥ 5k)

divide both sides by 5 (13/5  ≥ k )

your answer can be written as k ≥ 13/5 or k ≥ 2.6

Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeee




Step-by-step explanation:

First term in the sequence is given as 30. The common difference (difference between first term and next term) is -7. Since we are looking for the 12th term we can do 30 - (11 * -7) = -47. It's 11 * -7 because we already are given one term in the problem statement.

3x^3 -5x^2 -x+3 when x=4 help I'm stuck on this


The value of the expression [tex]3x^3-5x^2-x+3[/tex] when x = 4 is 110

The given equation is:


To find the value of [tex]3x^3-5x^2-x+3[/tex] when x = 4, substitute x = 4 into the expression [tex]3x^3-5x^2-x+3[/tex]

When x = 4:

[tex]3x^3-5x^2-x+3 = 3(4^3)-5(4^2)-5+3\\\\3x^3-5x^2-x+3 =3(64)-5(16)-2\\\\3x^3-5x^2-x+3 =192-80-2\\\\3x^3-5x^2-x+3 =110[/tex]

Therefore, the value of the expression [tex]3x^3-5x^2-x+3[/tex] when x = 4 is 110

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/25691329

plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

Use DESMOS to plot both lines (attached).

If you make your own lines on the graph paper, pick two points for each line and connect them with a ruler.  Both are straight lines, so we only need two points.

Pick any two values of x and solve each equation for y.  I picked x = 1 and 3

EQ1:  y=2x-2

EQ2:  y=-x+4

Value of y    EQ1  EQ2

           x =1     0       3

           x =3    4        1

Plot the points (1,0) and (3,4) for EQ1.

Do the same for EQ2:  (1,3) and (3,1)

The attached graph shows these points.  Note that one can draw stright lines for both equations using only these two points.

If e
very day, Kim practices volleyball and clarinet. Each day, she practices volleyball for 2.5 hours. If after 8 days she practiced both volleyball and clarinet for a total of 36 hours, how many hours per day did Kim practice clarinet?




Step-by-step explanation:







In a math class with 26 students, a test was given the same day that an assignment
was due. There were 17 students who passed the test and 18 students who completed
the assignment. There were 15 students who passed the test and also completed the
assignment. What is the probability that a student who failed the test completed the



n a math class with 26 students, a test was given the same day that an assignment

was due. There were 17 students who passed the test and 18 students who completed

the assignment. There were 15 students who passed the test and also completed the



Step-by-step explanation:

Form a venn diagram. You can see that there are 3 students who failed the test but completed the homework.

Plz mark as brainliest

pasagot please
answer it please​



Step-by-step explanation:

Let's start by looking at the graph of the two equations.

Since you are not looking for where the lines cross, I have chosen any 3 points for each equation almost randomly. I have not used either the x or y intercepts except once.

As a sample for the method of calculation

Let x -2y = 4

Let x = -2.             Find y and put it in the table

-2 - 2y = 4             Add 2 to both sides

-2+2-2y = 4 + 2    Combine

-2y = 6                  Divide by -2

y = 6/-2

y = - 3

Put that in the table under the first equation.

The other 5 points are done the same way.

Which expression has both 8 and n as factors?

8 / n 8 + n 8n 8 - n




Step-by-step explanation:

I´m gonna fail
PLease and thank you



Step-by-step explanation:



-1 - 8y - 4x³


-8y - 4x³ - 1


4x³ - 8y - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

7 - 6y - 5x³ - 1 + x³ - 7 - 2y

add LIKE terms

- 6y - 2y

7 - 1 - 7

-5x³ + x³


-1 - 8y - 4x³

Hope this helps and a thank won't hurt! :)

-2(x -3) =88

A. 12
B. 18
C. -18
D. -12​


Your answer is -41 because you distribute -2 to x and -3 and then you get -2x+6=88 then you subtract 6 from 88 and get 82 and then divide 82 by -2x and get -41

I'm timed! can someone please help me solve this problem.. ​




Step-by-step explanation:

An art gallery is increasing the asking price of its paintings by 60%. A painting now costs $400.00. How much was the painting before the increase??




Step-by-step explanation:

The goal here is to find the cost of the painting BEFORE the 60% increase.

To find the cost of the painting, we must take in the information we already have:

Increase percent: 60%

Original price: unknown

Price after increase: $400

$400 is the price of the painting AFTER the increase has been added. So this equals the cost of the painting before the increase, plus the total amount of the increase (which is 60% of the original price).

The total must be (100% + 60% = 160%) 160% of the original painting price.

To find the original price, we must divide the increased price by the new percentage (160%). But how do we get here?

Well, we have 160% and our (fraction) $400/1%. We will have to switch the 160% and the 1%, giving us..

1% $400/160%

We take 400/160, which is 2.5. But this is only 1% of the original price! We want 100%.

So now, we multiply the 2.5 by 100 to get our answer: $250.

In the equation 80 divided by 10=8 the number 80 is the


80 is the number you just divided 10 with??

It costs $7 each way to travel to work each weekday by train. What is the weekly expense each way?



it could either be 35 or 70

Step-by-step explanation:

Someone help please




It appears that the answer is 6 1/10 and I know because I aced the test all answers correct lol

Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle where the perpendicular sides are 3 in. And 4in. In length



5 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the hypotenuse or any side of a right triangle, use the Pythagorean theorem. This is [tex]a^2+b^2=c^2[/tex] where a and b are the perpendicular sides and c is the hypotenuse. So, plugin  3 and 4 for a and b. This gives 9+16=c^2, which is equal to 25=c^2. Then, take the square of both sides to get c=5.

Another way to solve this is to know the triples. Triples are right triangles that have integers for all of their sides. The triple 3,4,5 is the smallest and most common triple.

"Four is three times the sum of a number and two."
turn this into an equation



4=3(n+2) or if you want the unknown variable to be x, then 4=3(x+2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Four is  :  4=

3 times the sum  :  3(_+_)

sum of a number and two  :  n+2


Hello! :)



4 is means 4=

3 times the sum of a number and two. There's a hint that tells us that we should multiply 3 by both the number and two, and here's how we indicate that:


Let our number be z.

The sum of two numbers means we add the numbers together.

So, our equation looks like this:


Hope it helps you!

If you have any query, feel free to ask!

~An excited gal

[tex]MagicalNature[/tex] here to help

2 √7+3√7

can you guys give me the answer and explanation




Step-by-step explanation:

This is similar to collecting like term in algebra

2[tex]\sqrt{7}[/tex] + 3[tex]\sqrt{7}[/tex]

= (2 + 3)[tex]\sqrt{7}[/tex]

= 5[tex]\sqrt{7}[/tex]

Please complete this for me​


8x^3 + 87x^2 + 38x - 28

the perimeter of rectangle is 2x² + 4x - 4y. its length is (2x - 3y). find the breadth of rectangle

plz help fast plz plz​



Perimeter = 2 (l + b)

2x² + 4x - 4y = 2 {(2x - 3y) + b}

2x² + 4x - 4y = (4x - 6y) + 2b

2x² + 4x - 4y - (4x - 6y) = 2b

2x² + 4x - 4y - 4x + 6y = 2b

2x² + 2y = 2b

(2x² + 2y)/2 = b

x² + y = b

Breadth = x² + y

Represent the following expressions as a power of the number a (a≠0): (a^2*a^2*a^2)^3


The answer is a^18 following the law of indices

solve pls brainliest


1) No, because it is a repeating decimal

2) Yes, because it is neither terminating nor repeating

3) Yes, because it is a terminating decimal

4) No, because it is a repeating decimal



Just change -1/5 to a decimal and then plot them in the graph

can anyone please help me asap? thanks in advance.

1. In three minutes Alex typed 120 words. At this rate, how long would it take him to type a 4800 word assignment?

2. The ratio of the length to the width of the Canadian flag is 2:1. What is the width of a 50 cm long Canadian flag?

3. A bulk nut mixture is priced at $1.14 per 100 grams. How much is 600g of this mixture?

please show ur work for each. ​​



1. 2 hours

2. 25cm

3. 6.84

Step-by-step explanation:


4800÷40=120 so 2 hours

for the second one just divide 50 in half

for 3 just do $1.14×6


1. 120 min

2. 25 cm

3. $6.84

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 120 words : 3min

multiply each side by 40 because 120 words times 4 is 4800 words

4800 words : 120min

2.   2 : 1 = length : width

multiply each side by 25 because 2 times 25 is 50 cm

50 cm : 25 cm

3. $1.14 : 100 grams

multiply each side by 6 because 100 grams times 6 is 600 grams

$6.84 : 600 grams

A line that passes trough the point (7,3) with slope of -1 ( answer plesse I need help )



Slope-Intercept Form:

The equation of a line in slope-intercept form is y=mx+b. Since we know that the slope is -1, the equation so far is y=-x+b. To find the value of b, substitute in the given point.


Add 7 to both sides.


The equation of the line is slope intercept form is y=-x-10.

Point-Slope Form:

The equation of a line in point-slope form is y-y1=m(x-x1). Substituting in the given point and slope, the equation is y-3=-(x-7).

Hope this helps! :)


y= -x + 10

Step-by-step explanation:

3 = -1(7) + b

3 = -7 + b

10 = b

Since the slope is -1, that means it's just -x

So y = -x + 10

hi please help me with part b and can you see if i did a correctly pls?


a is right its 58

and in my opinion i think b would be 58*5=290 cents, since nickel is worth 5 cents.

but gotta check other people's answers

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