what is 84 divided by -12


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2



Step-by-step expla

-7 times -12 is 84

Related Questions

The table below represents a linear function. Identify the rate of change of the function.
(0,4) (4,-3) (8,-10) (12,-17)


Step-by-step explanation:

the rate of change is the slope of the line y/x. it is always the factor of x in the equation.

it indicates how many units y changes, when x changes a certain amount of units when going from one point to another.

we only need to look at 2 points.

to go from (0, 4) to (4, -3)

x changes by +4 (from 0 to 4),

y changes by -7 (from 4 to -3).

so the rate of change is -7/3

The size of an insect population doubles every week. If there are 25 insects initially present, how many insects will there be in eight weeks?



tence there will be 6,00 insects abter 8 weeks.

Step-by-step explanation:

please give me the answer


Answer: z=-1

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \rm -2z+3-z=-4z+2 \\\\ -3z+3=-4z+2 \\\\ 4z-3z=-3+2 \\\\ \underline{z=-1 \ \ \ \ } \\\\[/tex]


Given to solve: -2z+3-z = -4z+2

⇛ -3z + 3 = -4z + 2

⇛ -3z + 4z = 2 - 3

z = -1

Required value of z is -1. The steps we followed are: We shifted z to a single side and other numbers to other side. Then we equated to get the result.

I will mark braniliest



x = 11

Step-by-step explanation:

∠ EAB = ∠ AED = 4x ( alternate angles )

∠ AEB and ∠  GEB are adjacent angles on a straight line and sum to 180° , so

∠ AEB + 125° = 180° ( subtract 125° from both sides )

∠ AEB = 55°

The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the 2 opposite interior angles.

∠ EBC is an exterior angle of the triangle , then

∠ EBC = ∠ AEB + ∠EAB , that is

9x = 55 + 4x ( subtract 4x from both sides )

5x = 55 ( divide both sides by 5 )

x = 11

(-9,6) and (-3,2) help pls


If u wanna know the slope then it’s -4/6

(-9,6) and (-3,2) help pls

Answer : -12.8

How many video games were sold in the year 2001




Step-by-step explanation:

you only need to do is simplify the expression.

You are recently promoted as the chief traffic management officer of a major city in the country. Based on recent data, you learned that one of the leading causes of road accidents is over speeding.

In your desire to minimize road accidents, you went out to observe how traffic management rules are implemented on the streets. Your attention was caught by a fast - moving car that seemed to be breaking the speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour(km/hr.), and so you followed it along the highway. After a short time, the driver of the car noticed you and started to slow down. Eventually, he stopped on the side of the road.

Supposed the speed of the car had been noted during this time and is modeled by the quadratic equation y = 3x² + 17x - 20, where y represents the speed of the car in km/hr. and x represents the number of minutes after you started following the car. How long did it take for the car to be under surveillance before it could finally stop on the side of the road? Did the driver of the car really break the speed limit of 100 km/hr.? Explain. The result of your observation will be presented to the students in your section and will be graded by your teacher.


Step-by-step explanation:

3(100)2 + 17(100) - 20

3(10000) + 1700 - 20

30000 + 1700 - 20


Write the equation of the arithmetic sequence “24, 34, 44, 54...” and then Find the 100th term.

show your work.




Step-by-step explanation:

Remember this formula to find certain terms in arithmetic sequences:

[tex]t_{n} =t_{1} +(n-1)d[/tex]

n = term number

[tex]t_{1}[/tex] = term #1

d = common difference

Sequence = 24, 34, 44, 54...

We are looking for term #100

So we do

[tex]t_{100} = 24 + (100-1)10\\t_{100} = 24 + 1000 - 10\\t_{100} = 24 + 990\\t_{100} = 1014[/tex]

independent practice write linear equations lesson 6




2) unsure what the question is due to blur




Step-by-step explanation:

1) (1,9) ; slope = 2

Point slope form:

y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)

y - 9 = 2(x - 1)

Slope intercept form:

y - 9 = 2x - 2

    y = 2x - 2 + 9

 y = 2x + 7

3) (-4 , -5)  ; slope = 3/5

Point slope form:

y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)

[tex]y - [-5] = \dfrac{3}{4}(x - [-4])\\\\\\y + 5 = \dfrac{3}{4}(x + 4)[/tex]

Slope intercept form:

[tex]y + 5 = \dfrac{3}{4}x + 4*\dfrac{3}{4}\\\\y + 5 =\dfrac{3}{4}x + 3\\\\y = \dfrac{3}{4}x +3 -5 \\\\\\y = \dfrac{3}{4}x - 2[/tex]

am i correct ?? for a brainly and pls explain




Step-by-step explanation:


6*4 =24

and 4*0 = 0,


have a nice day!!!

Which equation demonstrates the additive identity property?
0 (7+4i)+(7-4i) = 14
O (7+4i)+ 1 = 7+4i
(7+4)(1) = 7+4)
O (7+4i)+(-7-4i)= 0




Step-by-step explanation:

The Explication 0 (7+4i)+(7-4i) = 14

The correct equation which demonstrates the additive identity property is,

⇒ (7 + 4i) + 0 = 7 + 4i

What is Addition?

The process of combining two or more numbers is called the Addition. The 4 main properties of addition are commutative, associative, distributive, and additive identity.

Now, If we add a real number to zero or add zero to a real number, then we get the same real number back.

Hence, The number zero is known as the identity element, or the additive identity.

For example: a + 0 = a

Hence, we can see that;

⇒ (7 + 4i) + 0 = 7 + 4i

Since, 0 is the additive identity here.

Thus, The correct equation which demonstrates the additive identity property is,

⇒ (7 + 4i) + 0 = 7 + 4i

Learn more about the addition visit:



The family purchased refreshments and spent a total of $18.50. If the total amount of money spent
on tickets and refreshments was $94.50, use an equation to find the cost of one regular admission

How would you write the equation?


(94.50 - 18.50) ÷ f = a

f=family members


I don't know how many family members there are, but you would just replace f with the amount.

wus 9 + 10 equal please help wus 9 = 10




Step-by-step explanation:

it is 19


wait no its 100000000000

I big brain UwU


Step-by-step explanation:its 21

A company has 24 employees. Each employee volunteers to bring 1 item to the local school fundraiser.

One-fourth of the employees bring pencils.
One-third of the employees bring paper.
The rest of the employees bring notebooks.
How many employees bring notebooks?



6 employees bring pencils

8 employees brings paper


Company:24 employees- 14 employees who brong paper and pencils.=10 so 10 employees brings notebooks.

Step-by-step explanation:


6 employees bring pencils

8 employees bring paper

10 employees bring notebooks

Step-by-step explanation:

1/4= 6

1/3= 8

the rest = 10

Complete the equation to calculate the cost of the portable speaker, including sales tax.
% of $50


Answer: The answer to this math question about completing the equation in order to calculate the cost of the portable speaker, including the sales tax is $94.34.

Step-by-step explanation: I don't have any step-by-step explanation, I'm sorry about that, but anyway, I hope that my given short answer is very helpful to your own math question about completing the equation in order to calculate the cost of the portable speaker, including the sales tax, please mark me as Brainliest, take care, always be safe, and have a great rest of the day! :D


Jason Ta,

The Ambitious of The Brainly And The Role of The TDSB And WHCI Student of The High School.

A jar contains 0.25 liter of apple juice and 0.30 liter of grape juice. Melissa poured 0.75 liter of pineapple juice into the jar. She then drank 0.20 liter of the mixture. Part A: Write an expression to represent the total amount of juice left in the jar. (5 points) Part B: Simplify the expression and identify which property is used in each step. (5 points)



Part A: Total amount of juice left = 0.25 + 0.30 + 0.75 - 0.20

Which is equivalent to 4√3

will mark brainlist if right



The result can be shown in multiple forms.

Exact Form: 4√3 = √48

Step-by-step explanation:

4√3 is equivalent to √48

170 students or 85% of the students went to attend college what are the total number of students?




Step-by-step explanation:

I think sorry if I am wrong

-18 = 3 (-z + 6) + 2z



z = 36

Step-by-step explanation:

1) Distribute

-18 = -3z + 18 + 2z

2) Combine like terms

-18 = -z + 18

3) Subtract 18 from both sides of the equation

-18 - 18 = -z + 18 - 18

4) Simplify

a. Subtract the numbers

-36 = -z + 18 - 18

b. Subtract the numbers

-36 = z

5) Divide both sides of the equation by the same term

-36/ - 1 = -z/-1

6) Simplify

a. Divide the numbers

36 = -z/-1

b. Cancel terms that are in both the numerator and denominator

36 = z

c. Move the variable to the left

z = 36

which one is greater


[tex]\huge\text{\bf Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{GUIDE} \ \boxed{\downarrow}\\\large\boxed{\mathsf{>: is \ \bf greater \ than }}\\\\\large\boxed{\mathsf{<: is \bf \ less\ than}}\\\\\large\boxed{\mathsf{\geq: is \ \bf greater\ than\ or\ equal\ to}}\\\\\large\boxed{\mathsf{\leq: is\ \bf less\ than\ or\ equal\ to}}\\\\\large\boxed{\mathsf{=: is \ \bf equal \ to}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{GUIDE \#2}\ \boxed{\downarrow}\\\large\text{When you are working with greater than, you're basically shows}\\\large\text{when a number is BIGGER than the other number.}\\\\\large\text{When you are working with less than you are finding the opposite}\\\large\text{of greater than. (it shows when a number is SMALLER than the}\\\large\text{number.)}[/tex]

[tex]\\\large\text{When you are working with greater than or equal to, you are }\\\large\text{basically finding out if the number is greater or equal to the other }\\\large\text{number.}\\\\\large\text{When you are working with less than or equal to you are trying to}\\\large\text{figure out if your number is less than or equal to the other}\\\large\text{number.}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{ANSWERING YOUR GIVEN QUESTION}\ \boxed{\downarrow}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\rm{-0.75 \ ? \ -\dfrac{3}{4}}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{I'm going to make this easier to solve for you. I will convert the}\\\large\text{fraction }(\rm{-\dfrac{3}{4}})\large\text{ into a decimal. To do so, you have to DIVIDE the}\\\large\text{numerator (the number on TOP) from the denominator (the}\\\large\text{BOTTOM number)}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{REMEMBER }\textbf{!}\\\large\text{Negatives are BELOW zero. (including decimals \& fractions).}\\\\\large\text{Positives are ABOVE zero}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{{\mathsf{- \dfrac{3}{4}}}}\\\\\\\large\boxed{\mathsf{\rightarrow - 3\div 4}}\\\\\\\large\boxed{\rightarrow\mathsf{-0.75}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{Therefore, -0.75 and }\rm{-\dfrac{3}{4}}\large\text{ are equivalent to each other}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\text{Therefore, your answer is: }}\ \huge\boxed{\mathsf{-0.75 \bold{\ =} -\dfrac{3}{4}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]



The number farthest to the right is the greater number.

Step-by-step explanation:

3(6x+2)<9 solve the inequality


3(6x+2) <9

Use distributive property:

18x + 6 < 9

Subtract 6 from both sides

18x < 3

Divide both sides by 18

X < 3/18


X < 1/6

if you help me you get brainly



3 ( 917 ) = 3 ( 900 ) + 3 ( 10 ) + 3 ( 7 )

5 ( 209 ) = 5 ( 200 ) + 5 ( 0 ) + 5 ( 9 )

6 ( 347 ) = 6 ( 300 ) + 6 ( 40 ) + 6 ( 7 )

9 ( 821 ) = 9 ( 800 ) + 9 ( 20 ) + 9 ( 1 )

11 ( 142 ) = 11 ( 100 ) + 11 ( 40 ) + 11 ( 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:


Hint(look at the first number in each part and math it with the first number in each answer.) For example, 3(937), the distributive property for that one would be 3(900) + 3(30) + 3(7). Then for 5(209) it would be 5(200) + 5(0) + 5(9), then for 6(342), it would be 6(300) + 6(40) + 6(2). Then for 9(821), it would be 9(800) + 9(20) + 9(1), and for the last one it would be 11(143), it would be 11(140) + 11(40) + 11(3). You basically distribute each amount into different place values.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps. Mark brainiest if it does!

Solve the math problem

Only solve 3 and 4



nothing is being showed

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

3) Cost of o balloons = 0

4) It represents a proportional relation ship.



How many times does the line y=-1 touch the graph? (Ensure to draw your line on the graph)



The answer is 2 times

Step-by-step explanation:

Well, the line y equals to negative 1 is a horizontal line that crosses through the y axis.

So, if we were to draw that line in how many times is that line intersecting or coming into contact with our graph well it's happening in these two places right here (shown in attached photo) so that would intersect two times.

Thus, The answer is 2 times

-TheUnknownScientist 72

A faucet can fill a bathtub in 6 minutes. the drain can empty the tub in 10 minutes. If both the faucets and the drain are open at the same time, this situation is represented by this expression, where t is the number of minutes it will take to completely fill the bathtub.

[tex] \frac{t}{6} - \frac{t}{10} [/tex]
which expression can also represent this situation?




Step-by-step explanation:

Please trust me

which is lower:-500 or-1000 feet?




Step-by-step explanation:

if you look on the number line


-1000 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

-1000 feet is lower than -500 since both numbers are negative and -500 is close to 0 than -1000

i need help fr!! ignore the writing lol




Step-by-step explanation:

Inputs are the x values and outputs are the y values. To find the output of a function, substitute the chosen value for x.

For instance, when the input is 5:


Then, the output is -40.

The volume of a cube is 751cm.3
Work out the length of its side rounded to 1 DP.



9.1 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

v = s^3

751 = s^3

Take the cube root of both sides

9.0896392166 = s


s = 9.1

What equation is graphed in this figure?
A: y−3=32(x+1)

B: y+1=−23(x−3)

C: y−4=−23(x+2)

D: y+2=−32(x−2)


The answer is B!! Have a good day

3. Consider the iterative rules you wrote in Problem 2. (a) Explain why the rules are functions. (b) Your friend says that because the rules are functions, they can be graphed and must have y-intercepts. How would you respond to your friend’s comment? (c) Your friend uses your rules to determine the outputs when the inputs are 18.5. Explain why her outputs are meaningless in this situation. What would you tell her about the inputs she can use? Answer:


The inputs which are required mention below in descriptive.

What is Function?

The functions are the special types of relations. A function in math is visualized as a rule, which gives a unique output for every input x. Mapping or transformation is used to denote a function in math.

(a) The rules are functions because each input has only one output. You can test this out, it's true.

(b) So we did have to find the "y-intercept" earlier. But you have to look at the domain. There won't be any amount paid on Week 0, payment starts at Week 1. So you would have to respond that yes, they can be graphed, but there's no y-intercept; the graph starts at week 1. Additionally, there are only data points at the integer values of x. Look at part c.

(c) The outputs are meaningless because you're counting the time by weeks. There won't be any amount paid in the middle of the week, so she can only use integer inputs.

Learn more about function from:



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