what is a constitution​


Answer 1



It is a document that spells out how the governed (those being ruled) will have rights that should not be taken away by those doing the governing.

The American Constitution concerns itself with the rights of those being governed with the checks and balances that keeps the government from becoming a dictatorship.

Related Questions

In the 1600s, why didn't the King of England always know what was happening in the American colonies?



He felt that the colonies were too far away, plus the colonies governed themselves, so he felt that a routine report wasn't necessary.


Name six major islands of the Solomon?



1- santa






where did minute men get there name from



Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently formed militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies, comprising the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. They were known for being ready at a minute's notice, hence the name.

Write an editorial to a local newspaper on the topic 'importance of skilled human resource for development'


skilled manpower is essential to carry out several development activities. to carry out serveral development works may be difficult in the absence of skilled manpower they also play vital way for the systematic utilization of the natural resources and help to conserve them as well

At his other job John was the most popular guy on the team. Six months ago John was assigned to a new work group at New Millennium Enterprises. He continually out performs all of the other members of his new work group. Recently the other members of the group have begun to avoid John during break times and stop all conversations when he walks into the room. Why has John's popularity status changed


He made other members jealous about him

Dr. Miller is studying the effect of physiological stress on cognitive performance. To do this, he can either ask his subjects to endure mild temperature changes or painful electric shocks to evaluate how it affects their scores on brain teasers. If he is to be in compliance with the principle of protection from harm, Dr. Miller must:



Select temperature changes as the method of producing physiological stress.


Protection from Harm

In research, all psychologists are held bound by ethical obligation to ensure that their participants or volunteers to research work are safe from psychological and physiological harm.

Protection from Harm is handled by researcher through the Anticipation of harm and stopping the study.

Psychologists defend their research ethically by saying and proving that any harm caused to their participants was unexpected.

In research, it means that a researcher cannot expose individual volunteers to physical or emotional risks. Also unintentional distress is possible.

The three ethical principle stated by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research are: respect for person, beneficence, and justice.

3. This disease is caused by a virus.
typhoid b. malaria a. C. meningitis d. chickenpox​



Chickenpox is caused by virus.

Hope it helps you

Identify which ideas are more strongly associated with evolutionary psychology, and which are more strongly associated with cultural constructionism. Evolutionary Psychology Genetic drives work instinctively to ensure the reproduction of the species. Press Space to open Even in the womb, human biology is shaped by sounds, emotions, and other environmental factors. Press Space to open Human feelings that are rooted in evolution are heavily shaped by experiences and culture. Press Space to open Feelings of love are built into our biological system to support reproduction. Press Space to open Cultural Constructionism



Cultural Constructionism. Human feelings that are rooted in evolution are heavily shaped by experiences and culture. Even in the womb, human biology is shaped by sounds, emotions, and other environmental factors.

Evolutionary Psychology Genetic drives work instinctively to ensure the reproduction of the species. Feelings of love are built into our biological system to support reproduction.


Evolutionary psychology refers to the study of human behavior taking into account how this behavior is affected by evolutionary perspectives, which, in this case, present factors of human evolution. In this case, we can consider the study of the influence of genetic drives and human feelings on reproductive factors, they are an example of evolutionary psychology.

Cultural constructionism, on the other hand, aims to study how the culture in which individuals live has the capacity to influence the thoughts, feelings, experiences and ways of acting of these individuals. For this reason, we can say when we say that human feelings are shaped by cultural experiences and when we say that environmental factors can shape human biology even in the womb, we are showing examples of cultural constructionism.

Northerners wanted a law that would _____.

A. force the return of runaway slaves

B. admit California as a slave state

C. abolish the slave trade in Washington, D.C.

D. allow slavery in the new territories



Northerners wanted to abolish the slave trade in Washington DC so its C.

Northerners did not like slavery at all

which is the capital of kushans?​


[tex] \\ \\ [/tex]

The Kushan dynasty was administered from two capitals - Purushapura (Peshawar), and Mathura in northern India.

What problems are to be faced in absence of transport facilities ​



if it's a written response it would be that they would arrive late or would be harder to get to a certain place

These include: Short road-life expectation due to erosion and wear. Lack of drainage and watercourse crossings. Damage to health and detriment to farming productivity from dust. Damage to road users and equipment from rough roads.

Marietta is visiting her company's manufacturing subcontractor in Pakistan. She notices children working on the machinery with no air conditioning and little access to water. But she also knows these children are probably supporting their families. Marietta can't decide if children working in the factory is appropriate or inappropriate. This is an example of a(n) ______.



ethical dilemma


Ethical dilemma arises most of the time when the issues about moral principles. This style Emma arises when a person has to make a choice between two different courses of action. Two choices are involved here and no matter what you'll be a compromised principle.

Marietta is faced with this, first of all she knows that apart from the work conditions it is wrong ethically for children to be used as labourers. Then she's also faced with the reality of the children who are probably there to help support their families.

This puts her in a dilemma which is known as ethical dilemma.

write a letter to the drinking water cooperation requesting them to cheak the water suppy line since there is no water suppy in the taps


Dear drinking water company,
Please check the water supply line. As of late there has been no water in the taps. This has been detrimental to my hygiene and has made it harder for me to do things like shower, cook, and even just drink water. I pay a lot of money for your water and i feel it is necessary to check the water supply line for many reasons.
A concerned customer.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

how did the great flood affect mississippi society



ExplanatioThe Great Mississippi River Flood disproportionately impacted African Americans, like many other floods in U.S. history. It is estimated that of those who lost their homes, more than half a million were black . Hundreds of thousands of African Americans were displaced from their communities and workplaces.


More than half a million black people are believed to have lost their houses. Hundreds of thousands of African Americans were forced to leave their homes and jobs.


what is an ecological issue?
How is this issue an ecological issue?
How does it relate to conservation?
What can citizens do to help?



an ecological issue is harmful effects of humans


for example, climate change, it's an ecological k issue because humans help speed up the natural warming cycle of the planet by emitting more carbon dioxide than the earth can handle with all of it's trees being cut down. it relates to conservation because humans are using the resource of wood like it will just keep coming back, but that takes time. they aren't conserving the resource. citizens can help by using less gas and energy to slow the output of carbon emissions

Who gets to define deviance? What gives certain people the authority and/or power to define deviance? How do definitions of deviance differ from culture to culture, group to group, and time period to time period?


Answer: Who gets to define deviance: Labeling Theory: States that deviance is the consequence of the application of rules and sanctions to an offender; a “deviant” is individual who has been successfully labeled as such. One benefit of having power ability to resist label

What gives certain people the authority and/or power to define deviance: they have a higher power and authorityover people.

How do definitions of deviance differ from culture to culture, group to group, and time period to time period: Deviance is culturally determined, and cultures differ both from each other, and within the same culture over time. In the same way, definitions of crime change over time. Deviance then refers to those activities that do not conform to the norms and expectations of a particular group or society


Hope it helps you if not sorry

States that a “deviant” is a person who has been successfully designated as such; deviation is the result of applying rules and consequences of an offender. Having the ability to reject labeling is a benefit.

What definitions of deviance differ from culture to culture?

A behavior that is deemed abnormal in one community could be considered entirely normal in another.

Groups that create rules and values that are deemed to be outside the majority population's culture; examples include some musical groups, youth gangs, alternative ways of living, and unorthodox religious communities.

Culture has an impact on deviance, and over time, cultures evolve both in terms of how they differ from one another and from one another within the same culture. The way that crime is defined changes over time as well.

Therefore, They have more control and influence over individuals, which allows some people the right to define deviance.

Learn more about deviance here:



A woman, who was a long-time resident of State A, decided to go on vacation. Unable to fly nonstop to her destination, she changed planes at an airport located in State B. While in the waiting area for her next flight, the woman was served with process in connection with a lawsuit filed against her by her former business partner. The former partner, who had recently become a citizen of State B, had brought suit in federal district court in State B under diversity jurisdiction, asserting that the woman had defrauded him out of his rightful share of the profits of the partnership. According to the complaint, the fraud took place entirely in State A. Can the federal district court in State B properly exercise personal jurisdiction over the woman?
A. No, because the alleged fraud took place entirely in State A.
B. No, because the woman is a citizen of State A.
C. Yes, because the former partner is a citizen of State B.
D. Yes, because the woman was served in State B.



D). Yes, because the woman was served in State B.


According to the details provided, Yes, state B possesses the authority to operate the personal jurisdiction congruously as she was in the service of State B. As per the laws, the court has the authority of personal jurisdiction over the accused in case he/she is willfully present there and set out in that state despite the fact that he/she doesn't have anyone known in that state. Thus, option D is the correct answer due to the liberty of 'diverse jurisdiction' and the law stating that in case the defendant is voluntarily available and summoned by the law officer there.

write any five reasons how development activities are affected by peace​



The eight factors behind positive peace―also known as the Eight Pillars of Positive Peace―are:

Well-functioning government

Sound business environment

Equitable distribution of resources

Acceptance of the rights of others

Good relations with neighbors

Free flow of information

High levels of human capital

Low levels of corruption

Which of the following choices is an example of mass media?
-a small-town newspaper
-None of these choices are correct.
-a television
-a social network account
-a printed flyer


A is the correct answer
A would be the correct answer

Un país experimenta hiperinflación cuando:



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Hyperinflation is defined as high or excessive inflation in which price rises are fast and uncontrollable. Most central banks, including the United States Federal Reserve, aim for a government's annual inflation rate to be between 2% and 3%. During hyperinflationary eras, a country's monthly inflation rate is 50% or more.

what is human made resources and human resources?​


Human made resources are things like plastic, paper, rubber. Human Resources is the person at a workplace who manages the people getting hired. They also help you when other coworkers are not being friendly.


Human made resources are things like plastic, paper, rubber. Human Resources is the person at a workplace who manages the people getting hired. They also help you when other coworkers are not being friendly


Edge 2022 100%

A researcher distributes a personality inventory to 20 study participants. She then divides the participants into two separate groups based on their ostensible performance on the personality inventory: pulligans and nulligans. However, there truly is no difference between the participants in each group. She then finds that participants tend to define themselves based on traits that pulligans and nulligans apparently tend to possess. This example best illustrates:



social identity theory.


The social identity theory of the suggestion that an organisation can decide to change the behaviour of individuals if it can bring modifications to their self identity.

It gives specifications and predictions to the situations where people might see themselves as one person or as members of a group.

From this question, we can see that the participants to find themselves based on the group traits to which they belonged. Those that were shared into pulligand defined themselves based on those traits. And nulligans defined themselves based on the nulligan traits.

Dan is 5 years old, and progressing through Freud's phallic stage of development. When he uses proper manners, such as saying please and thank you, he notices that his parents are happy, so he uses proper manners more often. When he leaves his toys out after playing with them, he notices that his parents are not happy, so he avoids doing this in order to avoid loss of love. What did Freud call this process





Psychological Defense Mechanisms This are simply put up by individuals to help the one's ego adapt with anxiety, frustration, and unacceptable impulses.It help an individual to relieve tension and the demands of the external world. It includes denial, projection. Sublimation , undoing, introjection etc.

Introjection as a Developmental Function

This involves an individual taking in objects usually psychologically and physically. It is an immature Defense Mechanism.

Introjection as a Defensive Function

1. introjection of loved ones

This is simply known as an individual internalizing the qualities of objects with goal of establishing closeness to and constant presence of the object. anxiety due to separation or the tension from ambivalence is reduced, internalize parents, friends, etc.

2. introjection of feared objects

This is simply known as when an individual tries in every possible way to avoid anxiety by internalizing aggressive characteristics of an object and thereby putting aggression under one's control. It is an immature defense mechanism

Q1. With reference to the picture of Tipu's toy tiger.. TEREO DLL a. What happened when its handle was turned?​


Answer:bcddfg op


If Zzyxx Corporation sells a 30 year bond at a 5% interest rate with a purchase price of $10,000, approximately how much will you have when the bond matures?


SI=$ 15000 AND AMOUNT= $2500


SI= P*R*T/100


SO, SI=$15000


SO, 10000+15000=$25000

Samantha is a 10-year-old girl who has recently come home very upset from school. She did not do well on a math test, and at lunch she felt that others did not want to sit with her. Her father spends the next hour discussing her feelings with her and giving her some strategies to help think about her problems in constructive ways. Samantha's father is engaging in what behavior?





Emotion coaching is a strategy used in communication that helps young people deal with their stress and other emotional problems. This communication strategy is used to help them navigate and manage their stress and how they respond to their emotional problems.

Samantha felt after knowing that she's scored low in her Math test and feeling ignored by her friends during lunch is a case of stress in the young girl. So, when her father helped her deal with it by communicating with her and "giving her strategies to help think of her problems in a constructive way" this is an example of emotion coaching.

why school is regarded as a secondary means of socialization​



here's ur answer


school is regarded as secondary means of socialization because our home is the first socialization for us, we learn from our home and school is the place where we learn new things but our home is the first place!!!!!

hope it helps

suggest any four techniques of promoting peoples. participation in your country​



Create Urgency. People are far more likely to participate if they feel a sense of urgency. ...

Be Hyper-Relevant. ...

Solicit Earned Media. ...

Leverage Social Media Strategically. ...

Use Your Existing Contact List. ...

Try Different Calls-to-Action. ...

Offer Incentives.

I hope this will help you

While some have argued that giving an external reward for a particular action will cause intrinsic motivation to repeat that action to decrease. In other words, if you reward someone for doing something that they want to do, they will experience a reduction in the desire to repeat that action. Others have suggested that intrinsic motivation does not actually decrease but that their reluctance to repeat the activity is better explained by the contrast effect. This points out to us the importance of the critical thinking concept of



Not correlation.


The intrinsic motivation is a desire to complete the tasks for oneself and where no outside factors influence or motivates the person and  activity is itself a reward. It strengthened and reinforced by positive feelings.

short note on bribery custom



Bribery means offering somethings (such as money)or other things to the men/women in return for some side/favour which is bad on some in way. The money that offered is called bribe, and the verb is to bribe. ...Bribery can be a crime in serious cases, such as when a person offers money to hide their own bad work/wrongdoing..


bribery system is the process of exchanging things in the absence of money.

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