What is a macromolecule? Question 6 options: a) a molecule that contains carbon b) a very large molecule c) a molecule that has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom d) a molecule you can see with the naked eye


Answer 1


b)a very large molecule


A macromolecule is a very large molecule, such as a protein. They are composed of thousands of covalently bonded atoms. Many macromolecules are polymers of smaller molecules called monomers. The most common macromolecules in biochemistry are biopolymers and large non-polymeric molecules such as lipids and macrocycles. 

Related Questions

What renal actions does angiotensin II have that are not related to its ability to produce vasoconstriction



Angiotensin II is a main effector of RAS and is produced due to the release of the renin that forms in the kidney, angiotensin in turn stimulates the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex.

Angiotensin II serves various roles other than vasoconstriction to maintain blood pressure that are:

1. Autoregulation of GFR

2. Reduction of salt excretion through direct and indirect actions on renal tubular cells,

3. Growth modulation of renal cells - these express AT1 receptors.

Are there any combinations that give rise to both black and white-fur offspring?



Two samezygous black(FF)

Plz answer my question i asked before this (plz, i will give brainliest to u if answered correctly)



is that the one i answered already...


The transfer of heat by the movement of matter, such as the flow between the warm and cool parts of a
liquid, is an example of:
O A. Radiation
B. Conduction
OC. Induction
D. Convection


the answer would be B

Allosteric effectors: Question 1 options: can lead to a decrease in the availability of a protien alter enzyme activity by binding to the active site of an enzyme can cause large changes in enzymatic activity decrease the sensitivity of the enzyme at nearly all concentrations of substrate do not alter the sensitivity of a metabolic pathway



can cause large changes in enzymatic activity


An enzyme refers to a biological catalyst that is typically used to speed up (accelerate) the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy of its reactants.

An allosteric effector can be defined as an agent, organ or molecule that is being binded to an enzyme at a site, thereby causing a reduction (negative effect) or an increase (positive effect) in an enzyme activity.

When the activation energy of a reaction is low, the rate of the reaction would be faster. Therefore, an enzyme speeds or catalyzes the rate of a reaction by lowering its activation energy.

Additionally, if the conditions are not optimal for an enzyme, it limits the ability of an enzyme to bind or be joined with its substrates.

Furthermore, an increase in temperature increases or speeds up the rate of a reaction while low temperature limits or reduces the rate of a reaction.

In the human body, the optimal temperature for enzymes is around 37 degrees celsius (°C).

In conclusion, an allosteric effector can cause large changes in enzymatic activity because it acts as an intermediary and mediates specific effect in a metabolic pathway.

A heterozygous tall (Tt) plant is crossed at with a short plant (tt). The probability that offspring plants will be tall is
a. 25%

b. 50%

c. 75%

d. 100%


The answer is 50%, or B.

si tienes caspa y te cortas el cabello asta hacerte pelado, se te va la caspa ?


No. Tiene que ver con el cuero cabelludo, no el cabello. Puede que ayude pero tendra que hacer tratamiento.

Which of the following is a type of heat transfer?
O A. Coriolis
B. Conduction
OC. Transference
OD. Induction



option B
















the answer would be B

which pair of atom an ionic bond


between a cation, which is usually a metal, and an anion, which is usually a nonmetal. A covalent bond involves a pair of electrons being shared between atoms.

the author of the story the yellow wallpaper


Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Hope it helps yu

What happens to the body when motor neurons are injured?



Lesions are areas of damage to motor neurons. Damage to upper motor neurons stops the signals your muscles need to move. When your muscles don't move for a long time, they become weak and stiff. Over time, it can become harder to walk and control your movement.


I hope it will help you

Describe the production of an Action Potential in a post-synaptic neuron and its production of an AP in a neuron. Compare the propagation of these AP's (from the trigger zone to the axon terminal) in myelinated and unmyelinated axon.


Answer and Explanation:

The function of neurons is to transmit nerve impulses. The transmission depends on the unequal distribution of ions in the interior and the exterior of the cell.

The cell interior has many negative ions –anions- and k+ ions that cannot get out of the cell, while the extracellular space has many Na+ and Cl- ions.  

The charge difference between the interior and the cell exterior is named resting potential difference, representing a non-exited state.  

When the neuron is stimulated, many changes in channel proteins occur that let the ions move through the membrane altering the resting-potential difference.

The central nervous system generates an action potential that travels to the target activating the calcium channels. Calcium triggers vesicles fusion to the presynaptic membrane releasing a neurotransmitter into the synaptic space. Once there, the molecule binds to its receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, causing ion channels to open. The activation of different receptors will cause a change in the postsynaptic membrane modifying the cell activity.  

Two types of receptors can be found the in te postsynaptic membrane:

Ion channel receptors -or ionotropic- that produce a fast change in the membrane potential when opening. But when the neurotransmitter disappears, the response does it too.   Metabotropic receptors that trigger a slow change in the membrane potential. They produce a slower response, but it lasts longer.  

Depending on the ion flow through the membrane channel receptors, the postsynaptic potential may be depolarizing - excitatory postsynaptic potential, EPP-, or hyperpolarizing - inhibitory postsynaptic potential, IPP-. For instance, the entrance of Na+ ion depolarizes de cell. But if K+ gets out of the cell, it produces hyperpolarization.  

Depolarizations or hyperpolarizations can be taken to other regions of the cell. The depolarizing or hyperpolarizing effect will gradually fade as it increases the distance from the potential change origin.  

Under physiological conditions, when the axon is stimulated occurs a depolarization. If the stimulus exceeds a threshold level, many sodium gates open simultaneously, and the action potential occurs, responsible for the nerve impulse transmission. Once Na+ channels get closed, K+ channels open. Ions traffic consists of the pass of sodium to the interior of the cell and potassium to the exterior. K+ follows a concentration gradient, while Na+ follows an electrochemical gradient.  

When the electrical stimulus is applied to the membrane of the axon it produces depolarization by activating the sodium voltage-dependent channels all along the axon. Depolarization propagates to inactivated regions adjacent to the membrane opening more sodium channels.  

There is a directly proportional relationship between the fiber diameter and the conduction velocity. The greater the diameter is, the faster the conduction is. Most axons contain a myelin sheath formed by the envelopment of the axon by glial cells. Myelin is fatty and isolates the axon, so in myelinic regions, there is no ion exchange. So to conduct the impulse, there must be regions without myelin. These regions are the Ranvier nodes, which have channels for ion interchange.  

The conduction speed increases in myelinated fibers because of the high concentrations of sodium channels in the Ranvier nodes. Mielinized fibers are thick, and their conduction velocities are very fast.

The haploid cells join during sexual reproduction are called _______?
a) stamens
b) spindles
c) pistils
d) gametes





Gametes are an organism's reproductive cells. They are also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm. Gametes are haploid cells, and each cell carries only one copy of each chromosome.

What is a gene? Can someone tell me what is Euchromatin? Is Euchromatin also called a Gene? What's the difference between these two?



In biology, a gene is a basic unit of heredity and a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein. During gene expression, the DNA is first copied into RNA.

Euchromatin is a lightly packed form of chromatin that is enriched in genes, and is often under active transcription. Euchromatin comprises the most active portion of the genome within the cell nucleus. 92% of the human genome is euchromatic.

The genes present in heterochromatin are usually inactive. The genes present in euchromatin are either already active or will be active during growth. Heterochromatin is transcriptionally-inactive. Euchromatin is transcriptionally. (This one here is the difference)

based on the map shown above which statement is most accurate

a. Solar energy is most available in the southeastern part of the united states

b. solar energy is most available in the northwestern part of the united states

c. solar energy is most available in the southwestern part of thw united states

d. solar energy is evenly available all over the united states.​


Answer: C. solar energy is most available in the southwestern part of thw united states

Explanation: Please mark brainliest if correct - I need one more to get to the next level thanks

A patient is being treated with carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor. Which of the ions will be affected and what will be the effects on urine/plasma pH and urine volume?



bicarbonate ions; urine alkalinization; carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increase urine volume (diuretics drugs)


Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are diuretic drugs that have been primarily used to treat glaucoma, a condition where the optic nerve is progressively damaged due to an increased pressure in the eye. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors reduce the production of aqueous humor in the eyes by decreasing bicarbonate (HCO3-) production, thereby also reducing the intraocular pressure, which is useful to treat glaucoma. Diuretics are drugs that are able to increase the volume of urine by stimulating the excretion of salts and water from the kidneys. In the kidneys, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors inhibit HCO3- uptake by the proximal tubule, leading to urine alkalinization.

Cells in the leaves of plants contain specialized structures called
chloroplasts. How are chloroplasts related to the function of the leaf cells?
A. Chloroplasts absorb substances from the soil.
B. Chloroplasts transport water and nutrients through the plant.
C. Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts.
D. Plant reproduction occurs in chloroplasts.





Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts

Answer: The answer is  C

Explanation: Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts

because in the chloroplast the chlorophyll presents allow the energy in sunlight to drive chemical reactions. Chloroplasts act as energy transducers converting light energy into chemical energy.


The production of mutations



Matution include changes as small as the substitution of a single DNA building block, nucleotide base, with another nucleotide base.... Other matutions result in abnormal protein product.

please answer this too:)) :((​



Northern Hemisphere

The Northern Hemisphere receives the direct sun rays while the angle of sunlight decreases in the Southern Hemisphere.

Olive oil, butter, and margarine all contain:
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. nucleic acids
d. proteins


Lipids is the correct answer

what is vertebrate??​



Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone inside their body



Vertebrates are organisms that have a backbone.


I hope this helps.

Describe how to find the hardness of an unknown mineral.


Mohs scale of mineral hardness


The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is a qualitative ordinal scale, from 1 to 10, characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of harder material to scratch softer material.

TLDR: harder minerals will scratch softer minerals

Match each earth and space science discipline to its description



The order is astronomy, geology, and the last one is environmental science.


Astronomy is the study of space, Geology is the study of Earth's surface and environmental science is the study of interactions between living organisms and nonliving things.

What are astronomy, geology, and environmental science?

Geology is also called geoscience. The study of the structure and evolution of the earth and all its resources including natural resources and mineral resources is called geology. All the processes that are happening on earth's surface and those that have shaped it into the current form are studied under geology.

The study of the objects and processes in space outside of the earth's atmosphere is called astronomy. It includes the study of stars, galaxies, black holes, etc.

The interdisciplinary field of biology including the subjects like physics, chemistry, ecology, and geology to study interactions between living organisms and nonliving things is called environmental science.

Therefore, astronomy is the study of space, Geology is the study of Earth's surface and environmental science is the study of environmental processes.

Read more about environmental science, here



what is mitosis? help pls !!



Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same kind of chromosomes as the parent cell..it mostly occurs in eukaryotic cells.

I hope this helps


Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.


Now this is a lot of bio to cover, but, there are 5 stages of mitosis.

1) Interphase:

The DNA in the cell is copied in preparation for cell division, this results in two identical full sets of chromosomes?

Outside of the nucleus? are two centrosomes, each containing a pair of centrioles, these structures are critical for the process of cell division.

During interphase, microtubules extend from these centrosomes.

2. Prophase:  

The chromosomes condense into X-shaped structures that can be easily seen under a microscope.

Each chromosome is composed of two sister chromatids, containing identical genetic information. This is very important.  

The chromosomes pair up so that both copies of chromosome 1 are together, both copies of chromosome 2 are together, and so on.

At the end of prophase the membrane around the nucleus in the cell dissolves away releasing the chromosomes.

The mitotic spindle, consisting of the microtubules and other proteins, extends across the cell between the centrioles as they move to opposite poles of the cell.

3. Metaphase:

The chromosomes line up neatly end-to-end along the Centre (equator) of the cell.

The centrioles are now at opposite poles of the cell with the mitotic spindle fibers extending from them.

The mitotic spindle fibers attach to each of the sister chromatids.

4. Anaphase:

The sister chromatids are then pulled apart by the mitotic spindle which pulls one chromatid to one pole and the other chromatid to the opposite pole.

5. Telophase:

At each pole of the cell a full set of chromosomes gather together.

A membrane forms around each set of chromosomes to create two new nuclei.

The single cell then pinches in the middle to form two separate daughter cells each containing a full set of chromosomes within a nucleus. This process is known as cytokinesis.

Why does species outside the quadrat doesn't matter?


A quadrat is a simple device for marking out a small area. For young children at primary school the quadrat is often a convenient way of focusing a pupil's attention on a particular small area. At secondary level, pupils should understand how quadrats can be used to sample a larger area. By recording information from a number of quadrats placed within a larger study area, they can obtain a representative sample of the whole area, which may be too big to describe in full.

The half life of uranium-235 is 4.5 billion years. If 0.5 half-lives have elapsed, how many years have gone by?
A. 4.5 billion
B. 9 billion
C. 2.25 billion
D. 4 billion ​


C. 2.25 billion years

If one half life has elapsed, 4.5 billion years will have gone by. Half of a half life has elapsed, so half of 4.5 billion years will have gone by. 4.5 billion years divided by 2 is 2.25 billion years.


2.25 billion


option C is correct

Identify three organisms that belong in the same phylum as the paracium aurelia and where they can be found.


Answer:The three organisms that belong in the same phylum as your Protist are:1. Algae: Algae are plant-like Protist and are all photosynthetic Protists. 2. Protozoa: Protozoa are animal-like

3:heterotrophes are like fungi protists



how nucleic acids and proteins work together to provide instructions for the structures and functions of an organism.


Nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), carry genetic information which is read in cells to make the RNA and proteins by which living things function. The well-known structure of the DNA double helix allows this information to be copied and passed on to the next generation.

3 Effects of high and low temperature on a live chick( 1 week old) each​


hi temperature above 40 will kill the chick and low one will also result to death

temperatures (high or low) often end up in the chick having a higher death rate, but even mild chilling or overheating can affect the performance of young chicks without causing death.

example: how big the chick will grow

Cold stressed chicks will have higher incidence of ascites, a metabolic disorder that results in lower performance

Does this look correct?

(second image is the word bank)


It looks correct to me. Good job
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