What is a variegated leaf​


Answer 1


The term, "variegated" is applied to a flower or, more often, a leaf that has more than one color. Most often, it will be two-toned (that is, bi-colored). Often this will mean the foliage is blotched, striped, or bordered with a lighter color than that on the rest of it (or vice versa). The term is also applied more broadly to a whole plant that bears such leaves or blossoms. The corresponding noun for this definition is "variegation."

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__________ commonly cause increased energy and alertness, increased heart rate and respiration, and loss of appetite.



Stimulants commonly cause increased energy and alertness, increased heart rate and respiration, and loss of appetite.

Stimulates commonly cause increased energy

Which animal population do scientists frequently study in order to identify specific ways to evaluate the impacts of contaminants on biological communities?

a. bottlenose dolphins

b. giant tortoises

c. mallard ducks

d. swan geese



mallard ducks I think so




Galapagos tortoises have been and continue to be threatened by predation and habitat destruction from invasive species, and increasing human

how are proteins and nucleic acids related


Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) encodes the information the cell needs to make proteins. A related type of nucleic acid, called ribonucleic acid (RNA), comes in different molecular forms that participate in protein synthesis


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Decomposers are the organisms that obtain energy from dead organic matter and help in nutrient cycling. The example of such type of organisms are bacteria and fungi. These organisms feed on the dead bodies of plant and animals. It perform two function i.e. clean the environment by removing the dead body through feeding on it and add nutrients in the soil which helps the plants to grow more efficiently.

Help label




1=deltoid tuberosity

2=head of humerus

3=medial epicondyl


4=latral epicondyl

Consider the phylogenetic tree of Old World primates.
According to the tree, which primates share the most recent common ancestor with humans?
A. gorillas
B. chimpanzees
C. bonobos and chimpanzees
D. bonobos and gorillas


Bonobos and chimpanzees.

Answer:  c)  bonobos and chimpanzees

What is the key purpose of conservation biology?



Conservation biology as a discipline aims to provide answers to specific questions that can be applied to management decisions. The main goal is to establish workable methods for preserving species and their biological communities.

Felicity draws this diagram on the board to explain one
of Mendel's experiments for her classmates. She says
that it shows the cross between two first-generation
offspring. What is the error in her diagram?
peas should be green.
All peas should be yellow-green.
One pea should be green and three peas should be
O One pea should be yellow and three peas should
be green.



The right answer is C



The right answer is C

Explanation: Just got it right on edge 2022

The fibrous protein that gives skin its flexibility and helps skin regain its shape after being expanded is:





The elastin is defined as an extracellular matrix protein which lends to the elasticity and also resilience to the tissues such as the lungs, skin, arteries,  tendons, and the ligaments.

Elastin synthesized from precursor molecule named tropoelastin.

Elastin is the fibrous protein which gives the skin its flexibility and also helps the skin regain its shape.

What are the methods of waste disposal ? Write in briefly.​



Methods of waste disposal are :-

Biogas plant: - Biodegradable material is used to produce biogas and manure.

Sewage treatment plant: The drain water is treated at plants before adding it to river.

Land filings: - The waste are buried in low-lying areas and compacted with bulldozers.

Composting: - Organic waste are filled in compost pit to make compost for plants.

Recycle: - This means that you collect plastic, paper, glass and metal items and recycle these materials to make required things instead of synthesizing or extracting fresh plastic, paper, glass or metal. In order to recycle, we first need to segregate our wastes so that the material that can be recycled is not dumped along with other wastes.

Reuse: - This is actually even better than recycling because the process of recycling uses some energy. In the ‘reuse’ strategy, you simply use things again and again. Instead of throwing away used envelopes, you can reverse it and use it again. The plastic bottles in which you buy various food-items like jam or pickle can be used for storing things in the kitchen.

Refuse: -This means to say No to things people offer you that you do not need. Refuse to buy products that can harm you and the environment, say No to single-use plastic carry bags.

Repurpose - This means when a product can no more be used for the original purpose, think carefully and use it for some other useful purpose. For example, cracked crockery, or cups with broken handles can be used to grow small plants and as feeding vessels for birds.

During the process of genetic recombination, crossing over occurs between two nonsister chromatids. DNA segments are exchanged between two nonsister chromatids during meiosis I. None of the above. maternal and paternal chromosomes pair and physically exchange DNA segments. All of the above.



DNA segments are exchanged between two non-sister chromatids during meiosis I.


An exchange of chromosome segments or parts between non-sister homologous chromatids occurs which is also called crossing over. This crossing over occurs in the meiosis I that is responsible for the variation in the offspring produced. The formation of hybrid species occurs due to this exchanged of DNA segments between two non-sister chromatids.

Blackheads differ from whiteheads because whiteheads are covered by skin, whereas blackheads are open to the air. What causes the dark coloration



Lipids within the sebum react with air, resulting in chemical oxidation and the formation of the black color.


This is the answer. I hope it helps you out.

Which of the following is NOT a type of biological weathering?
A. Carbon dioxide dissolving into clouds and forming acid rain.
B. Animals digging burrows.
C. Lichen absorbing minerals from stone.
D. Plants growing roots into concrete.


the answer is A. Carbon dioxide dissolving into clouds and forming acid rain

The data of this lab


hypothesis because there was a difference in bird

beak distribution



The answer is "supported and when fruit was removed"


It dated the idea from this laboratory because the distribution of avian beaks differed. If any kind of food available keeps shifting, the frequency of the beak types changes as beaks with beaks is far more suitable for food available. The data in this laboratory confirmed the theory, so because the fruit was removed by birds. These results of this laboratory confirm this idea because the dispersion of pigeons when food was taken was varied.

Answer:        1. supported      2. when fruit was removed

Explanation: :)

Mengapakah penggunaan mikroskop
elektron penting dalam mengkaji sel?​



Mikroskop elektron mampu membesarkan saiz sel dengan kuasa gandaan yang tinggi

punto de vista sobre la ley de mendel



Las leyes de Mendel son leyes que describen la herencia de rasgos hereditarios. Las leyes forman la base de la genética clásica. Asumen que cada individuo posee dos alelos para el mismo rasgo y los recibe al azar de los cuatro alelos diferentes de los padres. El fenotipo (apariencia física) del individuo depende de cuál de los dos alelos es dominante y cuál es recesivo. Dado que los individuos pueden transmitir ambos alelos a su descendencia, la descendencia incluye tanto individuos con fenotipo dominante como recesivo.

Which diagram correctly shows how heterozygous alleles are found on homologous chromosomes?

A chromosome is labeled Upper A a.

A chromosome is labeled a a.

2 chromosomes are labeled Upper A and a.

2 chromosomes are labeled a and a.



the chromosome are found in the nucleus of a body cell in pair

The use of another orga....​



C biological control.


Biological control because a natural organism is controling pest. Unlike using pesticides. That would be chemical control. lol


C. Biological Control


The use of biological beings such as organisms to control pest andm uch more is considered to be Biological Control

Amy, a high-strung teenager, was suddenly startled by a loud bang that sounded like a gunshot. Her heartbeat accelerated rapidly. When she realized that the noise was only a car backfiring, she felt greatly relieved but her heart kept beating heavily for several minutes more. What hormone was released into her bloodstream that is causing this response



Catecholamines, endothelins, glucocorticosteroids and thyroid hormones.


Catecholamines, endothelins, glucocorticosteroids and thyroid hormones are the type of hormones that is released into the bloodstream that causes increase of heart rate. Stress and anxiety is responsible for the raising of your heart rate. It may also increases when you're very happy or upset. People who have severe obesity can have a slightly faster pulse as compared to normal people.

The doubling time of a bacterium was measured at two different temperatures. Which results would be expected of a thermophile



Increase in high temperature.


The population of the thermophile bacteria increase at high temperature as compared to other bacteria at high temperature because thermophile bacteria needs high temperature for growth and survival. Thermophile bacteria that flourish at relatively high temperatures ranging from 41 to 122 °C (106 and 252 °F) so we can conclude that the thermophile bacteria increase in population in the high temperature conditions.

An amoeba moves out a large particles by what process?



Exocytosis is the process by which a large number of molecules are released

While preparing for her examination, Jenny has been reading late into the night. What is one precaution that she can take to prevent damage to her eyes?​



Taking breaks outside every half hour to reduce eye stress.



she should have proper lighting in the room.keep the book at a proper distance from the eyes. Not too close and not too far. Take breaks in between and splash water on the eyes. This is important especially if she is reading from a screen.

Please mark me as brainliest.

biology b unit 10 workbook



i also needed help w this


This diagram summarizes a method to group land plants.

A diagram summarizes a method to group land plants. Plants are divided into 1 and 2. 2 is divided into 3 and 4. 4 is divided into 5 and 6.
Which row in the table best represents the evolution of plants that match the diagram?

Labels for Plant Classifications

Seed plants
Seedless plants
Seed plants
Seedless plants
Seed plants
Seedless plants
Seedless plants
Seed plants



The correct answer is D.


The plants are grouped formally into 12 phyla (phylum plural) and are collected in four groupings. These four groupings are based on the history of the evolution of important plant characteristics:

Nonvascular plants evolved earliest. They are distinct from the algae because they preserve the embryo inside of the reproductive structure after fertilization. There is no vascular tissue, xylem, and phloem for these plants to convey nutrients, water, and food. For example, moose, liverwort, and hornworts. These plants do not grow very high without vascular tissue.Vascular seedless plants have evolved into non-vascular tissue but no seeds. The fern, fern, club moss, and horsetails are examples. These plants could grow larger with vascular tissue.Gymnosperms have evolved into seeds but have no blooms. For example, redwood, fir, and cypress trees. Gymnosperms. Gymnos in Greek means "naked"; the gymnosperm seeds are bare, not floral.Flowers or angiosperms have developed into vascular tissue, seeds, and flowers. Angiosperm for example includes magnolia, roses, tulips, and tomatoes.


The correct answer is D.


The original pair of individuals involved in a cross is called
the _____?



p generation


Is it a, b, c or d? Please help



a. The hog farmer does not notice the barn smell from the working boots when he  wears them on the porch of the house.


The hog farmer does not notice the barn smell from the working boots when he  wears them on the porch of the house is the example of sensory adaptations. Sensory adaptation is a decrease in sensitivity to a stimulus after regular exposure to it. So the farmer can't smell his own boots due to regular exposure to the smell so we can say that it is an example of sensory adaptations..

There are 2 types of endoplasmic reticulums.

Plz explain, i will give brainliest

What are the 2 types?

How are they different from one another?

Explain how their structures are different.
Explain how their functions (jobs) or what they make are different.


The two types of endoplasmic reticulum are rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The main differences are the rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane is bound by ribosomes but the smooth endoplasmic reticulum isn’t, the rough endoplasmic reticulum creates protein molecules, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum creates lipids, phospholipids and steroids.


Write a supported hypothesis of how the body would react if the peripheral nervous system was shut down while the central nervous system continues to function.



The real magnitude of this challenge can perhaps be best judged by considering the structural and functional complexity of the human brain and the bewildering complexity of human behavior. The human brain is thought to be composed of about a hundred billion (1011) nerve cells and about 10 to 50 times that number of supporting elements or glial cells. Some nerve cells have relatively few connections with other neurons or with such effector organs as muscles or glands, but the great majority receive connections from thousands of other cells and may themselves connect with several hundred other neurons. This means that at a fairly conservative estimate the total number of functional connections (known as synapses) within the human brain is on the order of a hundred trillion (1014). But what is most important is that these connections are not random or indiscriminate:

They constitute the essential "wiring" of the nervous system on which the extraordinarily precise functioning of the brain depends. We owe to the great neuroanatomists of the last century, and especially to Ramón y Cajal, the brilliant insight that cells with basically similar properties are able to produce very different actions because they are connected to each other and to the sensory receptors and effector organs of the body in different ways. One major objective of modern neuroscience is therefore to unravel the patterns of connections within the nervous system—in a word, to map the brain.

In the image below, what molecule is being released by cellular respiration
and used in photosynthesis?
A. 02
B. CO2
C. H20
D. C6H1206


I believe the answer is b.

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What is this?????????????????????????

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