What is a “war of attrition” and how does this phrase apply to WWI?


Answer 1
War of attrition is a style of warfare fought where one side tries to “wear down” the other side, be that mentally, physically or casualty wise.

This is often associated with World War 1 because it was the most common style of fighting that occurred, mainly in the form of trench warfare, where one side would launch attack after attack to try and wear the other side down.

Hope this helps!

Related Questions

Who was the youngest president of the US?



John F. Kennedy


The election of John F. Kennedy, who was 43 years, 236 days, at his inauguration.




The youngest person to assume the presidency was Theodore Roosevelt, who, at the age of 42 years, 322 days, succeeded to the office after the assassination of William McKinley. The youngest to become president by election was John F. Kennedy, who was 43 years, 236 days, at his inauguration.

What did the Petition of Right aim to prevent the monarch from doing? Check all that apply. restricting freedom of religion negotiating with foreign powers establishing martial law in peacetime imprisoning people without just cause raising taxes without Parliament approval



Establishing martial law in peacetime.

Imprisoning people without just cause.

Raising taxes without Parliament approval.


The June 1628 Petition of Rights was a document in relation to the constitutional affairs during the rule of Charles I. This document would later become an official 'declaration' of rights for the common people with regards to some of the 'outrageous' demands of the monarch.

This petition aims to stop the king/ monarch from making any taxation on the people without providing proper representation for them in Parliament. It also demanded a rule that prevents him from capturing and imprisoning people without a just cause. Moreover, it also states that the king cannot establish martial law, be it of any form, during peacetime.  





"I can see no reason to doubt but the imposition of taxes, whether on trade, or on land, or houses, or ships, on real or personal, fixed ort floating property, in the colonies is absolutely irreconcilable with the rights of the colonists as British subjects and as men. I say men, for in a state of nature no man can take my property from me without my consent: if he does, he deprives me of my liberty and makes me a slave."
—James Otis, 1763

Who is the main audience Otis is writing to in this excerpt?



Colonists who were still loyal to the crown, I think.


Otis is talking about what the British had done towards the Colonists, which means he's probably speaking about loyalists.


To describe


Which of the following do scientists claim is evidence of climate change?

A) Decreasing air pollution
B) Falling Global Temperatures
C) Rising Global Temperatures
D) Falling sea levels


C. Rising Global Temperatures


Rising Global Temperatures


Which two of the following statements about Oklahoma's economy during the 1960s and 1970s are true?
□ The state's wheat farmers suffered because of US foreign policy decisions.
□ OPEC caused the price of natural has in Oklahoma to fall drastically.
□ Cattle and oil were no longer major sectors in Oklahoma's economy.
□ Oklahoma resisted funding efforts that would attract tourism to the state.
□ Deep drilling in the Anadarko Basin helped develop the natural gas industry. ​



d and a



The state's wheat farmers suffered because of US foreign policy decisions and Oklahoma resisted funding efforts that would attract tourism to the state statements about Oklahoma's economy during the 1960s and 1970s are true. Thus, option A and D are correct.

What is an economy?

An economy is a collection of interconnected consume and producing processes that ultimately decide how resources are distributed within a community. The demands of persons who live there and conduct business there are met by the output and use of goods as well as service providers as a whole.

Statements regarding Oklahoma's industry during in the 1960s are accurate; the state's wheat growers suffered as a result of US national policy choices, and Oklahoma rejected funding initiatives that might attract tourists to the state. Therefore, option A and D is the correct option.

Learn more about economy, here:



The Amazon is considered the __________________
Group of answer choices

The least diverse rainforest

The lungs of the planet

The smallest rainforest on the planet

Best rainforest on the planet



the lungs of the planet


Native Americans moved from lands where they had lived for a long time. Which of the following statements best explains the reason for this change?

Native Americans hunted differently once they had access to guns.

Native Americans could travel further once they had access to horses.

Native Americans sold their lands to settlers and moved to open territory.

Native Americans were forced out by competition for resources and hunger.



Native Americans sold their lands to settlers and moved to open territory. *Native Americans were forced out by competition for resources and hunger

you can use C or D  





In 800, Charlemagne aided Pope Leo III by putting down a rebellion in Rome. In return, the Pope


The pope anointed Charlemage the first holy Roman king

"The very idea of a Frenchman attempting to bribe officials of our young nation is insulting!" To what event is the above hypothetical quotation referring?



XYZ Affair


XYZ affair was a conflict that arose between France and the United States because the French people were not happy with the fact that the U.S reached an agreement (Jay Treaty) with Britain. This event happened from 1798 to 1800. To restore peace between the nations, President John Adams sent three representatives to France.

To their dismay, they were told by French middlemen, namely, Nicholas Hubbard, Jean Hottinguer (X), Pierre Bellamy (Y), and Lucien Hauteval (Z)  that before they could see the Foreign affairs minister, they had to pay a loan and bribe. John Adams made the statement above when presenting the matter to congress. He termed those middlemen XYZ.

Which phrase best completes the diagram?

A. Ended slavery in Egypt

B. Ruled Egypt during its weakest period

C. Destroyed the Nubian civilization

D. Signed the first known peace treaty


The answer would be D. Signed the first known peace treaty.

Pls help!!

This HIGHLY unpopular tax affected businessmen and lawyers most as it taxed all
official documents.

Intolerable Acts

Sugar Act

Townshend Act

Stamp Act


Stamp act cause it goes on paper letter and other important documents


Stamp Act


It's the Stamp Act

Which of the following involves the direct exchange of goods and services
without the use of money as a medium of exchange?
OA. A free-market system
OB. A fractional reserve banking system
C. A government-planned system
D. A barter system


I believe it is D.

Because barter system. Like it kinda explains its self.

How did the greeks influence Roman writers.?


Greek influence. Roman literature owes a debt to the Greeks, more specifically Athens. This indebtedness to Greece was even recognized by the writers themselves. Horace, one of the poets of the Golden Age of Roman literature wrote that Greece introduced the arts "into a backward Latium."


What other influences about writing did the Romans take from the Greeks? They both carved important messages into bronze or stone plaques. They were then displayed in public squares. The Romans also carved inscriptions into columns.

We love when my teacher makes our semester exam her self and i look up all the answers and there all on here lol


amazingggggg, but fr it’s annoying

Did the President nominated and the Congress approves the appointment of federal judges?



Yes, the president will nominate candidates for federal court judges, and they are confirmed by the senate.


Explanation:The president nominates all federal judges in the judicial branch, In 1820 Congress passed the Four Years Act, which limited the terms of federal.

who were generally the victims of the guillotine



Literally anyone who like kinda disagreed with the French Revolution, Robespierre was absolutely insane, but if your looking for a different answer then it would be I guess peasants or monarchists?


causes of world war 2



The Failure of Peace Efforts. ...

The Rise of Fascism. ...

Formation of the Axis Coalition. ...

German Aggression in Europe. ...

The Worldwide Great Depression. ...

Mukden Incident and the Invasion of Manchuria (1931) ...

Japan invades China (1937) ...

Pearl Harbor and Simultaneous Invasions (early December 1941)


Hitler had long planned an invasion of Poland, a nation to which Great Britain and France had guaranteed military support if it were attacked by Germany. ... On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland from the west; two days later, France and Britain declared war on Germany, beginning World War II.


Hitler and the Nazis


mark brainliest plz

Please Help me!???????​


What do u need help with????
I’m confused about what ur asking

How has disease increased the rise of civilization?



The reasons for their emergence include the decline of major epidemic diseases and associated social troubles and various consequences of economic development.

Both groups of factors are increasingly relevant to the situation in many developing countries, where the expectation of life has been increasing spectacularly for many years and where changes in the biological, physical and social environment are in progress.


I majored in History.

Conflicto internacional que involucro a varias potencias europeas y que concluyo con el tratado de la Paz de Utrecht, en este tratado se reconoció a Felipe V como monarca legitimo del imperio español. Con ello termino la era de los Habsburgo en España e inauguro la etapa de los Borbones en aquella monarquía. *


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Conflicto internacional que involucro a varias potencias europeas y que concluyo con el tratado de la Paz de Utrecht, en este tratado se reconoció a Felipe V como monarca legitimo del imperio español. Con ello termino la era de los Habsburgo en España e inauguro la etapa de los Borbones en aquella monarquía.

Estamos hablando de la Guerra de Sucesión Española.

Este conflicto que involucró a varios países Europeos inicio en 1701 y terminó en 1713, precisamente cuando se firmó e tratado de Paz de Utrecht, en los Países Bajos.

Todo comenzó con el fallecimiento del rey Carlos II de España, quien al no tener un heredero, no pudo dejarle el reino. En teoría, la coronoa correspondía a la Casa de Habsburgo. Sin embargo, terminó siendo para la Casa de los Borbones, y ahí es donde se desató el conflicto.





public libraries, surgical tools, algebra, Optics, ink coffee

Plz hurry
What was the process of making the constitution? ​



First, it had to go back to the Confederation Congress. Officials there asked each state to hold a convention to vote on the proposal. Nine out of the thirteen state conventions had to ratify, or approve, the Constitution in order for it to become legal.


hope all is well :)

Who vetoes bills? Choose oner

a The President
b The Vice President
c The Senate
d The House of Representatives


the president may veto bill Congress passes, but congress may also override a veto by a two-thirds vote in both the senate and the house of representatives
The president vetos bills

How/why do you think the ideas of the Enlightenment became the seeds of the American Revolution?



The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason and science.

The British colonist Benjamin Franklin gained fame on both sides of the Atlantic as a printer, publisher, and scientist. He embodied Enlightenment ideals in the British Atlantic with his scientific experiments and philanthropic endeavors.

Enlightenment principles guided the founding of the colony of Georgia, but those principles failed to stand up to the realities of colonial life.

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith. Using the power of the press, Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Isaac Newton, and Voltaire questioned accepted knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, investigation, and religious tolerance throughout Europe and the Americas. Many consider the Enlightenment a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness.

Explanation: although plagiarism is bad here´s my apology m´lady

The United States backed the Chinese Nationalists over the Communists in the late 1940s.




Answer:n October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The announcement ended the costly full-scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), which broke out immediately following World War II and had been preceded by on and off conflict between the two sides since the 1920’s. The creation of the PRC also completed the long process of governmental upheaval in China begun by the Chinese Revolution of 1911. The “fall” of mainland China to communism in 1949 led the United States to suspend diplomatic ties with the PRC for decades.


What are the possible effects of a trade embargo (ban on foreign trade)?


A trade embargo works by taking the ability to trade goods and services away from that country. When the ability to trade in a needed good or service is taken away from a country, it can have negative effects on its economy. For instance, it can create shortages and economic downturns.


What rights do you think of when it says "But when a government continually violates the rights of the people, and with the purpose of exercising absolute power over them, the people have a right and duty to throw off that government"?​



I think of the Declaration of Independance

How might the development of a vaccine against malaria affect the life expectancy in Africa?

All my teacher needs is a prediction, please help I’m failing really bad.



Life cycle of the malaria parasite illustrating the various stages that are ... Parasitologists trying to develop vaccines can hardly ever safely grow and ... vaccines for one stage of the life cycle (figure 1) are unlikely to impact on another stage.disappointment as successive, independent field efficacy trials in Africa and Asia .



All of the following are TRUE about European settlement in North America during the 1600s EXCEPT:
England and France were fighting to colonize New Spain.
Spain was no longer the only European presence in the area.
England was colonizing along the Atlantic coast.
France had control of the Mississippi River.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




in 1699 the French established a settlement in mississippi. Technically that's the 1600s. A is certainly true, B is true, and C is true. So it must be D

All of the following are TRUE about European settlement in North America during the 1600s EXCEPT France had control of the Mississippi River. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a settlement?

A settlement's location is the area in which it is constructed. It explains the geographical features of the area in which a settlement is found with the people.

The transmission of illness was possibly the single most significant effect of European colonization on the ecosystem in North America. Wherever the Europeans established, diseases and deaths were caused by microbes against which the native population lacked antibodies.

One of the main drivers behind the colonization of the New World has been the chance to generate money. Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about settlement, here:



This African American won a federal court case that allowed him admission at the University of Mississippi, only to have the governor refuse to allow him to enroll in classes.​



James Meredith


James Meredith won a federal court case that allowed him admission at the University of Mississippi, only to have the governor refuse to allow him to enroll in classes.​

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