What is a way to prevent eutrophication?


Answer 1


Agricultural fertilizers are one of the main human causes of eutrophication. Fertilizers, used in farming to make soil more fertile, contain nitrogen and phosphorus. The use, or overuse, of fertilizers can cause these nutrients to runoff of the farmer's field and enter waterways. Eutrophication can have serious effects, like algal blooms that block light from getting into the water and harm the plants and animals that need it. If there's enough overgrowth of algae, it can prevent oxygen from getting into the water, making it hypoxic and creating a dead zone where no organisms can survive.

The following is a list of methods that can be used to control eutrophication:

planting vegetation along streambeds to slow erosion and absorb nutrients.

controlling application amount and timing of fertilizer.

controlling runoff from feedlots.

The best, easiest, and most efficient way to prevent eutrophication is by preventing excess nutrients from reaching water bodies. This can be done in a number of ways, the simplest of which is just being aware of the chemicals and fertilizers that we are using.

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Which of the following is defined as a community interacting with its environment



• ecosystem. A community interacting with its physical environment through the transfer of energy and materials


brainliest pls

Help me guys!!!!!



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Help!!! This question is nowhere in the internet!



chargaff's rule: a=t g=c

(a+t)+(c+g)= 100

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the answer is 27%

Why is quality control important for forensic DNA labs?
Question 2 options:


Establishes methods for maintaining the quality of its product


It means that the lab cannot produce bad results


Avoids presenting errors in court


Keeps bad or unskilled DNA analysts from testifying



3). avoid presentation errors in court


hope it helps thanks ❤

Here can you help me on this?



Selective breeding

Selective breeding is when u choose 2 organisms with certain desirable characteristics and bread then together

Animals are selectively bread 4 many reasons

- To have a higher yield (meat, milk, eggs)

- Be able to run faster

Suppose that you are able to sequence a portion of Dr. Ogden's genome. The DNA sequence below is a stretch of one of the genes.

Given the DNA sequence above type the mRNA processed transcript (assume that TCT CTT CGA GAA GAC ATA is an intron).





fam what is that


What is transcription?

In genomics, transcription is the method of generating an RNA copy of a gene's DNA sequence. This copy, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), transports the protein information encoded in the gene's DNA.

This RNA copy, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), contains the genetic information required for a cell to produce proteins.

It transports information from the cell's nucleus to the cytoplasm, where proteins are produced.

The entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns, during transcription. Introns are removed and exons are joined to form a contiguous coding sequence during the RNA splicing process.

Thus, as the introns are getting removed completely, the mRNA sequence for the given DNA sequence will be: AUG GCA UAU UUU UUA AUU GAA UCU GCA CGA GAA AAU GAA GCA ACU UAG.

For more details regarding transcription, visit:



37.16) A
is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up in the reaction.





only one make sense

Brainliest pls pls pls

how was the state of the ecosystem before the wolves were introduced?


hi !


when wolves were reintroduced , the research has shown that in many places they have helped revitalize and restore ecosystems. They improved the habitat and increase populations of countless species from birds of prey to pronghorn, and even trout.

Compared to the offspring of sexual reproduction in animals, the
þffspring of asexual reproduction will
A) show greater variety
B) be more resistant to disease
C) be genetically identical to the parent
D) grow larger



C: Genetically identical.


Offspring are usually going to look like it's parents. Asexuals produce offspring that's supposed to look like them. I hope this helps :) and if it's wrong please know that I am very sorry for the mistake :(




1. a

2. b

3. b

4. c


What happens to the equilibrium when sodium hydroxide is added to ammonia


Answer: you add Sodium Hydroxide you will cause Equilibrium to shift to the left. The effect will be to force NH3 out of the solution and back to gas form

Why must living organisms reproduce?



reproduction it's important for the survival of all living organisms


Reproduction is necessary for the continuation of the generation of particular species rather than the species extinct from the earth. It is also a source of recombination.


Which of the following is an example of non Mendelian pattern of inheritance



Genomic imprinting represents yet another example of non-Mendelian inheritance. Just as in conventional inheritance, genes for a given trait are passed down to progeny from both parents. However, these genes are epigenetically marked before transmission, altering their levels of expression.


Just as in conventional inheritance, genes for a given trait are passed down to progeny from both parents.

Hope it help  

using appropriate example,discuss two advantages of motility in bacteria​



- avoidance of toxic substances.

- increased efficiency of nutrient acquisition.

How do you determine whether a nutritional claim or product is too good to be true?


Nutrition gov is a USDA-sponsored website that offers credible information to help you make healthful eating choices. It serves as a gateway to reliable information on nutrition, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety for consumers.

Complete each sentence regarding the bones of the lower extremity. Then place the sentences in order, based on the bones, from proximal to distal .
i. There are 2 bones in the lower leg. The________ is more medial, and the________ is more lateral
ii. There are________ small bones of the toes that are called the__________
iii. There are ________irregular shaped bones in the foot known as the _________
iv. The ________is also known knee cap
v. There are __________small, long bones found in the top of the foot called _________
vi. The __________is found in the thigh .


i. There are 2 bones in the lower leg. The fibula is more lateral and the tibia is more medial.

ii. There are 5 small, long bones present in the top of the foot that are metatarsals.

iii. There are 7 irregular-shaped bones in the foot known as the tarsals.

iv. The patella is also called a knee cap.

v. There are 14 small bones of the toes that are called the phalanges.

vi. The femur is present in the thigh.

A population age structure in which the birthrate is high A population age structure in which the birth rate is high and the population is mainly young would be best
represented by a graph with a/an -shaped curve.
O bell
O urn
O pyramid





which of the following makes its gravitational pull increase ?


Answer: The mass decreases


What does the fossil record refer to. Please don’t say random things please this is important. Options
A recording of fossil names.
An encyclopedia of fossil photos.
The fossils in a layer being studied.
All fossils in the rock layers on Earth.



All fossils in the rock layers on Earth

it is important


please make me brain list answer

pls help!!
What should be the parents genotype if the frequencies of the alleles in F1 are: BB = 25%; Bb= 50%; bb= 25%?Immersive Reader
(2 Points)

A. Mother: BB - Father: BB

B. Mother: Bb - Father: Bb

C. Mother: bb - Father: BB

D. Mother: BB - Father: bb





hope the picture helps you understand it better:)

Please answer both ASAP Will Mark brainliest



Mitosis Has Single Nuclear Division results in 2 Nuclei

2 Daughter Cells Are Produced 2 diploid cells.

Meiosis Has 2 Rounds of Nuclear Division resulting in 4 Nuclei

4 Daughter Cells Are Produced. 4 haploid cells

Both Have Cells divide and Reproduce


Why is the temperature at the extremities, such as the fingers,
sometimes colder than the core body temperature?
O A. So that less energy is lost in cold environments.
OB. The fingers need to be colder to protect the durability of the nails.
C. The fingers do not have thermoregulation mechanisms.
D. So that more energy is lost in cold environments.



A. so that less energy is lost in cold environments.


When it’s cold outside, your body makes sure to keep the blood flowing to your core and vital organs to keep them warm. This can change the amount of blood flow to your hands and feet, making them feel cold. This is normal. The blood vessels in your hands and feet constrict (spasm) when it’s cold, to prevent heat loss from your core

21. What determines the kind of genes an organism



The kind of genes an organism possesses is determined by the order of the nucleotide bases in the organism's DNA.


The kind of genes an organism possesses is determined by the order of the nucleotide bases in the organism's DNA. ... The order of bases as you go down the rungs of the ladder determine what genes an organism will have, and therefore, what traits it will have.


Fun facts:

Genes carry the information that determines your traits which are features or characteristics that are passed on to you — or inherited — from your parents. Each cell in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes. ... And chromosomes are found inside cells. Your body is made of billions of cells.

What is stimulated by high extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) and works to increase GFR and urine output?


Stretching of the atrial muscle cells releases a hormone called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). ANF relaxes the juxtaglomerular (JG) cells of the afferent arteriole and thereby increases GFR and urine output.

Some experts attribute the increase in ADHD diagnoses to an increased awareness of the disorder, while others attribute the increase to ______ diagnoses.





Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children. ADHD is characterized by different behaviors that include one or more of the following symptoms: inattention (poor concentration), impulsivity (interrupting behavior) and hyperactivity (state abnormally active). It has been reported that DHD diagnoses in children between 4 and 17 years of age dramatically increased from 6 percent (6%) during the period 1997-1998 to 10 percent (10%) during the period 2015-2016. Although the causes of this increase have not been established, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) indicates that the increase might be due to the increased access of communities historically relegated to receive care and decreased stigma to be diagnosed with ADHD. Other possible causes range from chemical factors to unhealthy habits during pregnancy (e.g., smoking, substance abuse, poor nutrition). On the other hand, it has also been proposed that this increase may be as a result that ​ADHD is often misdiagnosed and confused with other conditions (e.g., bipolar disorder, autism, kids being kids, etc).

La polidactilia en la especie humana se debe a un alelo dominante. Entre Francisco y Martha, ambos abuelos de Santiago, uno de ellos tenía polidactilia, sin embargo Juan su hijo (papá de Santiago) nació normal. A pesar de ello Santiago es polidactílico. La explicación a esta situación es que

A)Como Juan nació normal (aa) la única posibilidad para que Santiago su hijo naciera con polidactilia era que su madre lo fuera también.

B) Como uno de los abuelos era aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal) y el otro Aa (heterocigoto-polidactílico), Juan nació probablemente aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal) y por ello no hay manera que Santiago naciera polidactílico.

C) Como uno de los abuelos era aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal), Juan nació probablemente aa (homocigoto recesivo- normal) y por ello Santiago es polidactílico.

D) Como Francisco y Martha eran Aa (ambos heterocigotos-polidactílicos), Juan nació probablemente AA (homocigoto dominante- polidactílico) y por ello Santiago es polidactílico.



A)Como Juan nació normal (aa) la única posibilidad para que Santiago su hijo naciera con polidactilia era que su madre lo fuera también.


La polidactilia es una malformación causada por un alelo dominante asociada con al aparición de más de 5 dedos en cada pie o más de 5 dedos cada mano. Un alelo dominante es una variante génica capaz de enmascarar la expresión de un alelo recesivo en individuos heterocigotos, es decir, en individuos portadores de una copia del alelo dominante y una copia del alelo recesivo para un gen en particular. De este modo, un alelo dominante es por definición aquel que será expresado en el fenotipo, con lo cual el único modo en el cual Santiago sea portador del alelo dominante causante del rasgo "polidactilia" es que él lo haya heredado, ya sea del padre o de la madre (es importante aclarar que también el alelo dominante puede haber surgido por mutación en la línea germinal). En este caso sabemos de acuerdo al enunciado que el padre de Santiago no tiene polidactilia y por lo tanto no es portador del alelo dominante, con lo cual se espera que Santiago haya heredado esta condición de su madre.

please help very easy 5th grade work giving brainliest



The answer is A because it erodes rocks away over time



Name one way the male and female endocrine systems are different.


Hormones represent what makes females different from males. Generally, females and males have the same hormones (i.e., estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone), but their production sites, their blood concentrations, and their interactions with different organs, systems, and apparatus are different


Men produce more testoterone and women produce more estrogen.


While both men and women produce testoterone and estrogen, men have higher concentrations of testoterone and women have higher concentrations of estrogen.

Blood and water flows a weupe
ians do not rely on their lungs alone for breathing in air. They need the skin a
adequate intake of oxygen. Which of the statements below explains the reason
mphibians have only one lung to breathe in air
nly a small amount of air enters the lungs as they breathe.
surface area of the lungs are small compared to other terrestrial vertebrat
surface area of the lungs do not have folds compared to other terrestrial v​



These lungs are primitive and are not as evolved as mammalian lungs. Adult amphibians are lacking or have a reduced diaphragm, so breathing through the lungs is forced. The other means of breathing for amphibians is diffusion across the skin. To aid this diffusion, amphibian skin must remain moist.

Two common respiratory organs of invertebrates are trachea and gills. Diffusion lungs, as contrasted with ventilation lungs of vertebrates, are confined to small animals, such as pulmonate snails and scorpions.


Amphibians utilize gills for breathing early in life, and develop primitive lungs in their adult life; additionally, they are able to breathe through their skin.

Which of these provides the best evidence for the plate tectonic theory?

The rise of magma by the convergence of earths plates

The destruction of earths magnetic field by the rotation of earths core

The variations in the age of rocks at different distances from the mid ocean ridges

The difference in the shapes of the Atlantic ridge and the coastlines of continents


Answer: C

Hope this helps!

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